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Montel Weekly

Business & Economics Podcasts

Montel Weekly - market insights from people in the know. Montel Weekly is a podcast dedicated to energy news from markets in Europe and beyond. Every week we invite key industry experts to share insights and to discuss latest developments. Hosted by Richard Sverrisson. Produced by Bled Maliqi. Music by Laurence Walker and Ben Bower.




Montel Weekly - market insights from people in the know. Montel Weekly is a podcast dedicated to energy news from markets in Europe and beyond. Every week we invite key industry experts to share insights and to discuss latest developments. Hosted by Richard Sverrisson. Produced by Bled Maliqi. Music by Laurence Walker and Ben Bower.





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Has Keir’s time come?

As voters across the UK go to the polls, we take the pulse of the ways a potential Labour government could change the energy landscape. Kier Starmer is committed to a clean power system by 2030, rather than maxing out gas and oil output. Whilst the right-wing Reform looks set to opt for a “burn baby, burn” policy, what are Labours other plans. Listen to a discussion with Regen CEO Merlin Hyman and Montel’s Phil Hewitt on the possible future energy trading arrangements between the UK and the EU. Host: Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guests: Merlin Hyman, CEO, Regen; Phil Hewitt, Director, Montel Analytics


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Is it apple pie time today?

As Europe’s power system becomes ever more decentralised, electricity consumption patterns will need to change, and change fast. Huge daily and within-day price differences will mean ever bigger prices differences for when we choose to do our laundry, charge the car or put on the oven to make apple pie. Listen to a discussion with Michiel Lensink and Jean-Paul Harreman on the challenges of negative prices, network congestion and bringing smaller firms to the market. Host: Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guests: Michiel Lensink, CEO of ETPA; Jean-Paul Harreman, Director, Montel Analytics


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Picking winners

Even for the best power projects, gaining electricity access from grid operators is far from straightforward. Amid an every lengthening queue of applications, how do TSOs decide what projects to approve and which to reject? Is it a choice between electricity hungry data centres generating Tik-Tok videos or AI servers? Listen to a discussion with Marius Holm Rennesund of Thema on the potential for demand growth in Norway and the wider Nordic region. And as the discussion about Norwegian nuclear power resurfaces, we talk about the viability of atomic energy in the country.


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EU elections: Fragmentation and paralysis?

As 373m Europeans head to the polls – we ask one simple question. Will the rise of the far right across the EU endanger the energy transition? Pollsters are warning a swing right – and left – will fragment the European Parliament and could paralyse decision making. So, will the hard-fought parliamentary consensus for the green shift become fragile over the next five years? Host: Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guests: Raphael Hanoteaux, Policy Advisor, E3G; Siobhan Hall, Brussels correspondent, Montel.


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Decarbonising heavy industry

The green transition will not succeed unless industrial sectors also manage to decarbonise production processes. Sweden has experienced problems with long-term power purchase deals, with many companies facing a very tough financial environment amid price volatility and oversupply. Listen to a discussion on the lessons learnt for Europe and one company’s ambitious plans to massively reduce its carbon footprint. Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guest: Mia Bodin, Partner, Bodecker Partners; Arne Österlind, Energy Portfolio Director, H2 Green Steel.


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Geopolitical tension rises on creeping escalation

Global geopolitical tensions are growing amid a creeping escalation of the conflicts in the Middle-East and in Ukraine. Listen to a discussion on the dangers to global security and energy supply as very few countries seek to de-escalate conflict zones. This week’s pod also touches on the upcoming EU elections and positive signs in Germany as power demand seems to have bottomed out and turned a corner. Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guest: Henning Gloystein, Director for Energy, Climate and Resources, Eurasia Group


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Flexing French nuclear

What a difference a couple of years makes. As France returns to a position of net power exporter, it appears to have moved on from the supply woes of 2022. But booming solar generation, a plethora of negative prices in France and its neighbours have weighed on wholesale electricity prices and raised doubts about the financing of new nuclear plants and renewables. Listen to a discussion on the flexible operation of nuclear plants in combination with solar and wind generation. Could France be heading for a glut of power production? Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guests: Yves Le Thieis, Vice President, Compass Lexecon Paolo Coghe, CEO, Acousmatics


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Europe leads renewables boom

Europe is the frontrunner in the global renewables boom, as wind and solar have become the fastest growing electricity sources in history. Listen to a discussion on why the massive growth in capacity is set to continue this year, while coal and gas generation set to fall further. However, there are headwinds. Curtailments and public acceptance are obstacles that the industry and policy makers need to address, while negative prices may be a concern to some they should provide incentives for innovation in storage and flexibility. Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guest: Dave Jones, Global Insights Director at Ember.


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Choppy carbon prices

European carbon prices have rebounded from two-year lows in February to trade around EUR 70/t. One of the main drivers for the CO2 market has so far been gas. Listen to a discussion with Ingvild Sorhus from Veytabout the other drivers influencing prices and why a return to EUR 100/t is possible as a shortage looms from 2026. Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guest: Ingvild Sørhus, Lead Carbon Analyst, Veyt


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The Trump hand grenade

The global gas market faces turmoil and increased price volatility should Donald Trump return to the white house. Listen to a discussion why a Trump victory in November will be “like dropping a hand grenade on the energy markets”, the implications of Russia’s attacks on Ukrainian gas infrastructure and Putin’s shadow fleet of LNG vessels. And will Iran close the Strait of Hormuz? Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guests: Tobias Federico, Director, Montel Analytics; Wayne Bryan, Director European Gas Research, LSEG.


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Acer steps up

EU regulatory agency Acer is taking on new tasks and challenges. Listen to a discussion on the complexities of supervising increasingly automated and interconnected markets, the expansion of the Remit framework, the regulatory body’s new investigatory powers and how it handles huge amounts of data. In addition, what plans does Acer have to improve its brand recognition in parts of Europe where its role has been misunderstood? Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guest: Christian Zinglersen, Director, Acer


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Carbon border tax: Europe's own goal?

The EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) is intended to address the issue of carbon leakage - preventing companies moving to jurisdictions with less stringent emissions rules - and to keep industrial sectors in the EU competitive by charging a carbon levy at its borders. But the inclusion of electricity could trigger several unintended consequences. Listen to a discussion on how the law could significantly affect electricity flows between non-EU and EU countries and impact investment in renewable energy. Could the border tax actually hinder moves to decarbonise Europe? Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guests: Phil Hewitt, Director Montel Analytics; Jean-Paul Harreman, Director Montel Analytics.


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France’s ample supply

After record low nuclear output in 2022, France has again become a powerhouse of atomic generation. So much so, that it is again Europe’s largest electricity exporter. Wholesale market prices in the country have tumbled amid ample supply, weak demand and high renewables, primarily solar, generation. Listen to a discussion on the outlook ahead of the summer, and the potential for surprises amid probes into possible corrosion at some reactors. Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guests: Chris Eales, Editor France, Montel News; Tasmin Chowdhary, Market Analyst, Volue.


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Italy’s gas outlook

Europe may have weathered the worst of the storms of the covid pandemic and the energy crisis, but the continent’s gas market remains fragile. In this episode, we talk to the CEO of gas transit operator Snam and one of Italy’s most respected energy experts about the role gas will play for the country as it looks to wean itself off Russian gas. Italy looks set to become more dependent on the vagaries of global markets as it commits to an LNG future. And what is the outlook for gas demand among Italy’s industry? Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guests: Stefano Venier, CEO of Snam, Massimo Nicolazzi, University of Turin.


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Picasso turbulence

The pan-EU balancing mechanism Picasso has caused price turbulence after its introduction in some markets, notably Italy. The country has since exited the platform and other countries have delayed implementation to the mandatory system. Listen to a discussion on the problems experienced by Italy and proposals put forward to change the platform and to increase data transparency. Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guests: Simon Remppis, Engineer at TransnetBW; Alina Trabattoni, Italy Correspondent, Montel News.


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Virtual hubs and deep markets

EU regulatory body Acer has proposed several changes to the framework of forward markets and cross-border trading, aimed at boosting power market liquidity. Listen to a discussion on virtual hubs, financial transmission rights or “spread futures” and why the Nordic model may not be the best example to follow. And, would dividing the German power zone attract more investment into green energy and increase liquidity? Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guest: Lion Hirth, Professor at Hertie School and Director at Neon Energy.


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The “ketchup effect”

Norway installed the least amount of renewables in the Nordic region last year. Ahead of the country’s first ever offshore wind auction, we talk to former energy minister Åslaug Haga about the outlook for new green energy in terms of meeting growing demand. Listen to a discussion on the ways in which country should speed up capacity build and why it is important to avoid the “ketchup effect”. Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guest: Åslaug Haga, Director, Renewables Norway.


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Another bumper year for PPAs

European power purchase agreements (PPAs) look set for another bumper year with potential volume of 20 GW. However, there is some market hesitancy amid economic headwinds and flagging wholesale electricity prices. There is also a good chance for Germany to knock Spain off the top spot for PPA growth. Listen in! Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guest: Luca Pedretti, Pexapark


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Epic problems, epic solutions

Over the past decade, Germany has experienced serious energy shocks – many of which were of its own making. For instance, the over-reliance on Russian gas and exiting coal and nuclear power at the same time. However, it has also provided solutions on a remarkable scale. Listen to a discussion - recorded live at the E-World trade fair in Germany - on how the country dealt with its energy crisis, and the positive progress made since 2022. But how can it speed up investments into the grid as well as into renewables? Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guests: Tobias Federico, Managing Director, Energy Brainpool, a Montel Group company; Hanns Koenig, Managing Director, Central Europe, Aurora Energy Research; Henning Gloystein, Director for Energy, Climate and Resources, Eurasia Group


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Why GO prices are crashing

European Guarantee of Origin prices have slumped to near 15-month lows amid oversupply and faltering auctions. Listen to a discussion on the measures policy makers need to adopt to boost both transparency and liquidity in this opaque market. Will prices ever reach the highs of 2022 again? Host: Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson, Editor-in-Chief, Montel Guest: Daniel Arnesson, Manager, Renewable Power Analysis
