

Business & Economics Podcasts

Philanthropisms is the podcast that puts philanthropy in context. Through conversations with expert guests and deep dives into topics, host Rhodri Davies explores giving throughout history, the key trends shaping generosity around the world today and what the future might hold for philanthropy. Contact:


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Philanthropisms is the podcast that puts philanthropy in context. Through conversations with expert guests and deep dives into topics, host Rhodri Davies explores giving throughout history, the key trends shaping generosity around the world today and what the future might hold for philanthropy. Contact:



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Pamala Wiepking: Understanding Global Generosity

In this episode, we sat down to talk about how we understand and measure global generosity with Pamala Wiepking, Stead Family Chair in International Philanthropy and Associate Professor of Philanthropy at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI in Indianapolis (and also Professor of Societal Significance of Charitable Lotteries at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Including: Related links Pamala's personal websiteThe call for contributors to the forthcoming volume on “Philanthropy: Key debates and contending perspectives”Voluntas The Global Study of Philanthropic BehaviorHistPhilAn inclusive study of global philanthropy: how can we overcome definitional, cultural and geographical boundaries?Philanthropy in a Different Perspective: Voices from Ethiopia, Nigeria and SerbiaIs the way that we talk about philanthropy and civil society holding us back?Why Are We So Bad at Measuring Giving and Why Does It Matter?


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ERNOP: Connecting Philanthropy Academia & Practice #6

In the fifth edition of our partnership with the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP), we hear from more academics whose work is featured in the latest batch of short, practitioner-focused ERNOP Research Notes. In this episode we hear from: René Bekkers (Tara Bryan & Vladimír HyánekJulia Litofcenko If you would like to contribute to making academic work accessible and more relevant for people working in, with or for philanthropy, then why not consider becoming an ERNOP practitioner expert and help translate academic work on philanthropy into research notes in close collaboration with the authors of the original work. Or, if you or your organisation might be interested in supportiong ERNOP's wider mission to advance philanthropy research and make it accessible to those working in, with, and for philanthropy, then why not consider joining as a member: Related Links: The ERNOP Research Note for René's paperThe ERNOP Research Note for Tara and Vladimír's paperThe ERNOP Research Note for Julia's paperConsensus Formation in Nonprofit and Philanthropic Studies: Networks, Reputation, and GendeResilience, Ambiguous Governance, and the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis: Perspectives from NGO Leaders in the Czech RepublicCharitable Giving in Times of Covid-19: Do Crises Forward the Better or the Worse in Individuals?Edition 1edition 2edition 3edition 4edition 5


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Mandy van Deven & Chiara Cattaneo: Building and resourcing narrative power

In this episode we talk to philanthropy and social change experts Mandy van Deven and Chiara Cattaneo about their work on building and resourcing narrative power within civil society. Including: aboutthe nature and role of philanthropy itself?Related Links Chiara's piece for Alliance magazine about a session on narrative she and Mandy ran at the 2024 Philea conference.Mandy's article for Nonprofit Quarterly (with Jody Myrum) on funding narrative ecosystemsMandy's blog for Philea about the Confluence event in Colombia in 2023Social impact storytelling in Southeast AsiaPhilanthropy’s Role in Fortifying the Infrastructure for Narrative PowerMandy's websiteThe Elemental projectFozia IrfanSara LomelinJoshua AmponsemMartha AwojobiWPM article on Radical PhilanthropyWPM article on language, philanthropy and civil society


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Kate Symondson: Family Foundations, Grantmaking & Next Gen Philanthropy

In this episode we talk to Kate Symondson, Head of Philanthropy at the Symondson Foundation, about family foundations, grantmaking & next gen philanthropy. Including Related Links: The Symondson FoundationWhy Funders Need to Champion Small CharitiesAllianceHow a UK Funder is Responding to the Cost of Living CrisisWhy Taking a Considered Approach Towards Philanthropy MattersPhilanthropisms podcast with Mary Rose GunnPhilanthropisms podcast with Dr Ewan KirkPhilanthropisms episode on gratitude and recognitionPhilanthropisms podcast episode on the cost of living crisis (with Angela Kail from NPC)measuring impactcore cost funding


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Ian MacQuillin: Disintermediation & Fundraising Ethics

In this episode we talk to Ian MacQuillin, Founder and Director of the fundraising think tank Rogare about the promise and perils of disintermediation in the charity sector, what a theory of fundraising ethics looks like, and why knowing more about the history of fundraising is important. Including: Disintermediation Tainted Donations Community-Centric & Donor-Centric Fundraising Related Links A Typology of Disintermediated Giving & Asking in the Nonprofit SectorRogare paper on Normative Fundraising EthicsRogare History of Fundraising projectRogare paper on CCF & DCFPhilanthropisms podcast with Martha AwojobiPhilanthropisms podcast on tainted donations


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Fozia Irfan: Transformative Philanthropy

In this episode we talk to Fozia Irfan OBE, Director of Impact & Influence at BBC Children in Need and recent Churchill Fellow, about her report Transformative Philanthropy: A Manual for Social Change, and about how philanthropy in the UK needs to change if it is to become a better tool for delivering social justice. Including: Related Links Transformative Philanthropy (report and workbook)Video of Transformative Philanthropy launch eventWPM article on The History of Social Justice Philanthropy in the UKWPM article on radical philanthropyEdgar VillanuevaMaribel MoreyDerek BardowellMartha Awojobi


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Anelise Hanson Shrout: The Great Irish Famine and the origins of transnational philanthropy

In this episode we talk to historian Anelise Hanson Shrout about her fascinating new book Aiding Ireland: The Great Famine and the rise of transnational philanthropy. Including: Related links Anelise’s BookAnelise’s websiteA "Voice of Benevolence from the Western Wilderness": The Politics of Native Philanthropy in the Trans-Mississippi WestBates College article about Anelise and her bookCold as Charity: philanthropy and the notion of the “undeserving poor”tainted donationsdisaster response philanthropyTyrone McKinley WalkerMaribel MoreyBen Soskis


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Amy Schiller: Reimagining the role of philanthropy

In this episode we hear from author Amy Schiller about her fascinating and thought provoking new book The Price of Humanity: How philanthropy went wrong and how to fix it. Including: Related Links Amy's bookAmy's websiteInterview with Amy in Public SeminarReview of Amy's book by Hilary Pearson in The Philanthropist Journaln an ideal world, would there be no philanthropy?Why am I not an Effective Altruist?MacKenzie Scott & the History of Challenging Philanthropy’s Status QuoPhilanthropisms podcast with Patricia IllingworthPhilanthropisms podcast with Emma Saunders-HastingsPhilanthropisms podcast with Ben Soskis


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ERNOP: Connecting Philanthropy Academia & Practice #5

In the fifth edition of our partnership with the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP), we hear from more academics whose work is featured in the latest batch of short, practitioner-focused ERNOP Research Notes. In this episode we hear from: Arthur Gautier Isabel de Bruin Janis PetzingerRelated Links: ERNOP research note based on Arthur's workMaking Sense of Hybrid Practices: The role of individual adherence to institutional logics in impact investing ERNOP research note based on Isabel's workHow Moral Goodness Drives Unethical Behavior: Empirical Evidence for the NGO Halo EffectERNOP research note based on Janis's workPragmatism, partnerships, and persuasion: theorizing philanthropic foundations in the global policy agoraEdition 1edition 2edition 3edition 4


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Krystian Seibert: Developing philanthropy in Australia

In this episode we talk to Australian philanthropy expert Krystian Seibert about his work with the Productivity Commission's Public Inquiry on philanthropy, including their recent draft report "Future Foundations for Giving" which sets out findings and recommendations on developing philanthropy in Australia. Including: Related Links: Productivity Commission inquiry on philanthropyFuture Foundations for GivingPhilanthropy Australia's response to the PC draft reportKrystian's Alliance article about the draft reportWalk with us, not over us: how to build philanthropy’s social licenseCultivating Legitimacy in Philanthrop


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UnCharitable Special (feat. Stephen Gyllenhaal)

On this episode we take an in-depth look at the 2023 documentary film "UnCharitable", based on the book and TED talk by Dan Pallotta, which argues that the current funding model for the nonprofit sector is broken. Including -An interview with the Director of the film, Stephen Gyllenhaal, in which he talks about how the film came about, what he learned through making it, and what the plans are next for taking the film's aims forward. -A critical assessment of the film -Some short perspectives from a few of the attendees at a recent screening of the film held in London (organised by Why Philanthropy Matters and kindly hosted and made possible by Vitol Foundation): Natasha Friend from Camden giving, Amy Braier from Pears Foundation, Angela Kail from NPC and Ruo Wu and Alison Talbot from Winckworth Sherwood. Related links UnCharitable movie websiteThird Sector column about the film by Ian MacQuillinWPM guest article by Tom Le Fanu on the overhead mythWPM short guide on core cost fundingWPM short guide on impact measurementPhilanthropisms podcast with Mary Rose GunnPhilanthropisms podcast with Dr Ewan KirkPhilanthropisms podcast on Philanthropy & Business


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David Clarke: Wealth Shared

In this episode we discuss the 'Wealth Shared' project that took place in 2023 in Liverpool, UK - in which 12 randomly-selected citizens of the L8 postcode were given the chance to decide how £100K was given away. We talk to project founder David Clarke, who provided the money and designed the approach, and also hear briefly from Anne-Marie Gilleece, one of the 12 participants who got to make the decision. Including: howRelated Links Wealth Shared websiteThe final report and evaluation of the projectArticle about the project in the Big IssueAustrian heiress Marlene EnglehornIn an ideal world, would there be no philanthropy?WPM article on radical philanthropy


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Mary Rose Gunn: Supporting Small Charities to Thrive

In this episode we speak to Mary Rose Gunn, Founder and CEO of The Fore, about why small charitable organisations are so valuable and how to support them to thrive. Including: Related Links: The ForeMary Rose's essay for the Law Family Commission on Civil SocietyMary Rose being interviewed by Pioneers PostThe Inefficiency Myth – debunking a damaging small charity stereotypeWhy we (still) need to move beyond “overheads” as a way of judging charitiesIf You Were a Philanthropist, What Would You Do?Philanthropisms podcast with Dr Ewan KirkPhilanthropisms podcast with Emma Beeston & Beth BreezePhilanthropisms podcast with Tris Lumley


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ERNOP: Connecting Philanthropy Academia & Practice #4

In the fourth edition of our partnership with the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP), we hear from more academics whose work is featured in the latest batch of short, practitioner-focused ERNOP Research Notes. In this episode we hear from: Pamala WiepkingArjen De WitAli BodyRita Kottasz Related links: Unrestricted funding and nonprofit capacities: Developing a conceptual modelResearch Note Teaching student philanthropy—Possibilities for practice within the UK higher education sectorResearch Note versionWho Gives to Food Banks? A Study of Influences Affecting Donations to Food Banks by IndividualsA typology of disintermediated giving and asking in the non-profit sectorResearch Note versionNumber 1number 2number 3


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J. Bob Alotta: AI, Philanthropy & Civil Society

In this episode we talk to J. Bob Alotta - SVP, Global Progammes at Mozilla - about what is happening at the intersection of artificial intelligence, philanthropy and civil society. Including: Related Links: Mozilla FoundationMozilla FellowshipsTrustworthy AI Funding Principles: Learnings and Opportunities from Mozilla Foundation’s 4+ Years of AI GrantmakingPhilanthropisms podcast 2024 tech predictionsPhilanthropy, Civil Society & AIWhat will 2024 bring for philanthropy and civil societyOpenAI and the challenges of combining profit with purposeAllianceArtificial intelligence is coming for philanthropy


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2024 Predictions for Philanthropy & Civil Society - Part 1

As is now tradition, in our final episode of the year we take a look at some of the key themes and trends in philanthropy and civil society right now and offer some thoughts on what 2024 might bring. In this first of two parts, we explore developments in the wider political and economic landscape, as well as taking a deep dive into what to expect in philanthropy, everyday giving, grantmaking and the nonprofit sector. Including: Related Links: WPM article series on the nature and role of foundationsWPM guest article from Natasha Friend on embracing emotion in philanthropyWhat is Philanthropy ForReflections on the Gates Foundation 2023 Greater Giving SummitJoshua AmponsemSara LomelinElizabeth Barajas-Román


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2024 Predictions for Philanthropy & Civil Society - Part 2

As is now tradition, in our final episode of the year we take a look at some of the key themes and trends in philanthropy and civil society right now and offer some thoughts on what the coming year might bring. In this second of two parts, we focus on the opportunities and challenges that technology will bring. Including: RELATED LINKS: philanthropy, civil society & AIcryptophilanthropy: boom or bust?WPM article on the chaos at OpenAIWPM article on MrBeast and PhilanthropyThe Bunker podcast discussing MrBeastWPM article on philanthropy, population debates and eugenicsAllianceArtificial Intelligence is coming for philanthropyWPM article on philanthropy and the metaverse


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Farahnaz Karim: Catalytic philanthropy, impact investing & the UN SDGs

In this episode we talk to Dr Farahnaz Karim, Founder & CEO of Insaan Group, about catalytic philanthropy, impact investing and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Including: Related links: Insaan GroupAllianceRethinking governance in philanthropy: where is the forgotten stakeholder?Towards the next paradigm shift in philanthropyAlliance Village to global village: Making sense of impact, ESG, and other ‘good’ ideasAlliance The nature of capital and other threats to impactFrank Sadaf ShallwaniCassie RobinsonAaron HorvathWPM short guide to measuring impact


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Elizabeth Barajas-Román: Feminist funding and gender equity

In this episode we speak to Elizabeth Barajas-Román, President & CEO of the Women's Funding Network, about taking a feminist approach to funding and what more philanthropy should be doing to drive gender equity. Including: Related links Women's Funding NetworkWFN's "Time is Now" pledgeChronicle of Philanthropy Saida Agostini-BosticThe Onslaught of Anti-Trans Legislation Demands a Crisis Response From PhilanthropyHow gender justice funders are taking historic action on policyAllianceThe equitable way forward: giving circlesThis Black history month, give where it countsWomen’s Funds After the PandemicPhilanthropisms podcast with Sara Lomelin, Philanthropy TogetherPhilanthropisms podcast with Lorena Gonzalez & Jes Olvera


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Sara Lomelin: Community, Identity & Collective Philanthropy

In this episode we speak to Sara Lomelin, founding CEO of Philanthropy Together, about the rise of giving circles and the intersection between philanthropy, community and identity. Including: Related Links: Philanthropy TogetherCultures of Generosity and Philanthropy Within Communities of ColoYour invitation to disrupt philanthropySara's 2021 article with Asha Curran in Ms magazineAllianceThe future of collective giving and what’s next for Philanthropy TogetherPhilanthropisms podcast with Mihaela GiurgiuWPM article on the 2023 Gates Foundation Greater Giving SummitWPM article on the language we use to talk about philanthropy
