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Plan. Grow. Prosper

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to Plan. Grow. Prosper. the podcast that empowers you to make informed financial decisions and navigate the complex world of wealth management. Whether you're just starting your journey to financial success or looking to enhance your existing wealth, our show is designed to provide you with the knowledge, strategies, and insights you need to build and protect your wealth. Hosted by experts in finance, investing, and wealth management, Plan. Grow. Prosper brings you a diverse range of topics and interviews. We believe that wealth management is not just about making money; it's about making the most of the money you have. Join us on this journey toward financial freedom, and together, we'll navigate the path to a more secure and prosperous future. Subscribe to Plan. Grow. Prosper today and take control of your financial destiny.


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Welcome to Plan. Grow. Prosper. the podcast that empowers you to make informed financial decisions and navigate the complex world of wealth management. Whether you're just starting your journey to financial success or looking to enhance your existing wealth, our show is designed to provide you with the knowledge, strategies, and insights you need to build and protect your wealth. Hosted by experts in finance, investing, and wealth management, Plan. Grow. Prosper brings you a diverse range of topics and interviews. We believe that wealth management is not just about making money; it's about making the most of the money you have. Join us on this journey toward financial freedom, and together, we'll navigate the path to a more secure and prosperous future. Subscribe to Plan. Grow. Prosper today and take control of your financial destiny.





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37. Welcome: Todd Rishel!

This is your chance to get to know Todd Rishell! A new advisor that joined us in 2023. Get to know and learn a little bit about Todd in this podcast. If you have questions or concerns, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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36. 2024 Outlook: A Deep Dive Discussion

Finally Normal 2024! Are we finally normal in 2024? Andy Harris and Derek Varner of Investment Research Partners sit down and have a discussion about 2024 and the implications around the new year! If you have questions or concerns, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions. Click the link below to read the whitepaper 2024 Outlook: Finally "Normal"


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35. Not-For-Profit Governance

Have you ever wondered what it takes to start and establish a non-profit? Davie Jane Gilmour, President Emeritus at Pennsylvania College of Technology, discusses with Ed her new business venture, DJG Opportunities. DJG helps non-profits with governance, which includes strategy, leadership, and developing and defining a mission. Focusing on the fundamentals first is a crucial step to lead the way for success. If you have questions regarding not-for-profit governance, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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34. The Impact of Philanthropy

Did you know that philanthrophy can have just as much of an impact for the donor as it does the beneficiary? Listen as Andy Harris & Jason McCahan, Director of Philanthropy at First Community Foundation Partnership, discuss how giving affects our local and regional communities and how your giving objectives can fit into your financial plan.


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33. Buy/Sell Agreements

Not unlike a budding marriage, it is important to set expectations out clearly when beginning a business partnership, or when buying or selling that business. Noel Anderson, Vice President of Executive Benefits at Madison Brokerage, is our guest for this topic. If you have questions about a business buy/sell agreement, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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32. Assessing Performance

It is vital to look at your investment portfolio on a regular basis to determine if the current investment classes are appropriate for the market and economic conditions going forward, and appropriate for your goals and risk tolerance. Michael Kolb, CFP®, a founding member of Evergreen Wealth Solutions, is our guest for this topic. If you have questions about assessing the performance of your investments, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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31. The Concept of Asset Allocation

An important part of establishing investments within a portfolio involves setting up the appropriate allocation of funds amongst those various investment classes to achieve the client's goals. Michael Kolb, CFP®, a founding member of Evergreen Wealth Solutions, is our guest for this topic. If you have questions about the allocation of your investments, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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30. What are Stocks and Bonds?

How should various asset classes - stocks, bonds, ETFs, and mutual funds - fit into your overall portfolio and goals? Part of our job here at Evergreen Wealth Solutions to is help educate our clients on these and other investment forms. Michael Kolb, CFP®, a founding member of Evergreen Wealth Solutions, is our guest for this topic. If you have questions about your investments, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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29. Commercial Real Estate in a Rising Interest Rate Environment

Whether it be leased space, warehousing, convenience stores, brownfields, retail, or other types of commercial property, the central Pennsylvania market has it all. John Brindger, who has specialized in commercial real estate for close to 25 years, is our guest for this topic. If you have questions about commercial real estate, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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28. Are You Mentally Ready to Exit the Business?

Leadership coaching can provide vital input when planning a business exit or transition. Keith Kuzio, founder and principle of Intentional AdVennTures, LLC, is our guest for this topic. If you would like more information about business transition planning, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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27. EOS and Getting Your Business Ready for Your Exit

EOS - the Entrepreneurial Operating System - is a simple, proven business operating system that can help your entrepreneurial organization clarify, simplify, and achieve its vision. Bill Stratton, a Certified EOS Implementer, is our guest for this topic. If you would like more information about how to apply EOS to your business, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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26. Current State of Cybersecurity, Liability, and Compliance

Many regulated industries, including banking, insurance, investment firms, and many others, have strict requirements for digital security and compliance. Client data and personal information must be kept secure, and data storage and retrieval methods must be comply with state and federal laws. Fred Reck, founder, CEO, and President of InnoTek Computer Consulting, Inc., is our guest for this topic. If you have questions regarding cybersecurity for your business, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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25. Management Buyout

Among the most challenging business transitions is the management buyout. Seller financing, leadership skills of the new ownership team, and legal implications can make this a high-risk business transfer, requiring careful planning. Vance Antonacci, head of Estate Planning with McNees Wallace & Nurick, LLC, is our guest for this topic. If you have questions regarding a management buyout of your business, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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24. Family Business Transfer

The process of transfering a family business can be very hard from an emotional perspective. There's a lot invested in the business and there can be several challenges. What's the best way to work through this process? In this episode, Ed Barone, EGW's Business Transition Advisor discusses options, challenges and offers best practices in working through the family business transfer with guest Vance Antonacci, head of Estate Planning with McNees Wallace & Nurick, LLC. If you have questions about establishing an ESOP for your business, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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23. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)

There are several facets to consider when establishing an ESOP - Employee Stock Ownership Plan - for your business. Ownership stakes, tax implications, and ongoing compliance with regulations are just a few of the angles to consider. Richard Glassman, Partner of ESOP Plus®, is our guest as we discuss options for and implications of ESOPs. If you have questions about establishing an ESOP for your business, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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22. Selling Your Business

When it comes to selling a small or family-owned business, many questions come into play. Is the owner prepared? Is the family prepared? Are there plans in place? When is the right time to exit the business? Robert McCormack, founder of Murphy McCormack Capital Advisors, is our guest as we discuss options for and ramifications of selling your own business. If you have questions about selling your business, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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21. Structure in the Sale of a Privately-Owned Business

With the pending sale of a private business, the deal structure of the sale itself must be considered. The sale of business assets and stock also has its own tax and legal ramifications. Listen as Ed Barone, EGW's Business Transition Advisor discusses the sale of a private business with Kevin McGarry, CPA at Urish Popeck & Co., LLC, and Vance Antonacci, head of Estate Planning with McNees Wallace & Nurick, LLC. If you have questions about selling your business, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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20. Exiting a Business Is a Process, not an Event

In this episode we are joined by John Leonetti, CEO of the International Exit Planning Association, recognized leader and educator in Exit Planning and the author of, Exiting Your Business, Protecting Your Wealth: A Strategic Guide For Owner's and Their Advisors. This episode is part of our podcast series focused on the process we built to help small business owners develop a business exit strategy. Are you ready for your exit? Tune in to learn the vital steps in our 6 Step Process for exit strategy and succession planning. Plan Grow Prosper. If you have questions about how we can help you plan, grow, or prosper as an individual or organization, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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19. Three Little Words. One Big Message.

When Evergreen Wealth Solutions was founded in 2015, the practice looked a lot different than it does today. A primary focus on helping individuals and families has always been the core of who we are. As our firm has grown, we are also now assisting businesses, institutions, and not-for-profit organizations manage and grow their portfolios and investment objectives. At Evergreen Wealth Solutions, we have always been, and will continue to be, a planning-cenric firm. But we also strongly believe that our clients and partners should grow, and have a prosperous mindset along the way. Plan. Grow. Prosper. If you have questions about how we can help you plan, grow, or prosper as an individual or organization, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.


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18. How Current Events Affect the Market

2022 is already off to a busy start - the pandemic is still with us, inflation is on the rise, and geopolitical strife is hitting eastern Europe. How should we evaluate the investment opportunities and mitigate risk when these and other factors fluctuate throughout the world economy? Michael and Kate discuss data-driven strategies we bring to bear in our economic analysis, from our active management philosophy to absorbing the macroeconomic environment. If you have questions, we'd love to hear from you! Email with your questions.
