Business & Economics Podcasts

This podcast is for all C-Level executives, leaders and business owners, who want to start their AI journey and basically do not know where to start. Goldblum Consulting, your outsourced director AI, will help you from the start, with interesting guests, articles on our medium channel ( or you can find us every Tuesday on our AI Luncheon on zoom where we discuss with MIT alumni newest trends of AI. Just contact to get a seat at our virtual lunch table or to discuss how we can help you.




This podcast is for all C-Level executives, leaders and business owners, who want to start their AI journey and basically do not know where to start. Goldblum Consulting, your outsourced director AI, will help you from the start, with interesting guests, articles on our medium channel ( or you can find us every Tuesday on our AI Luncheon on zoom where we discuss with MIT alumni newest trends of AI. Just contact to get a seat at our virtual lunch table or to discuss how we can help you.



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God and AI

In our special Christmas episode, Ansgar Bittermann, CEO of Goldblum Consulting, is talking to Brother Ken Tsay from the Local Church in Berlin. Ken is originally from Taiwan and after a few years in Switzerland calls Berlin now his home. Artificial intelligence is developing in a rapid speed and AI applications become more and more human-like in their behavior. As AI is moving closer and closer to show human-like behavior, many people ask themselves if this will have a substantial impac...


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Process Mining - the hipster child of the process industry - with Roland Woldt & J-M Erlendson

Today we talk with Roland Woldt, Washington DC, and J-M Erlendson, Toronto. Both are working at Software AG as Business Process and Transformation Architect and are also running their own website (and podcast), where they demystify and explain enterprise architechture. Our topic today is process mining. As Roland puts it: like footprints in the snow executing processes leave process traces in application systems. And with process mining we can analyse these process ...


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How do data projects differ from IT projects - a theoretical approach with Anna Melbinger

Today we are talking to Dr. Anna Melbinger, theoretical physicist and managing consultant at Xenium in Munich. She had been conducting research in Munich, Paris and San Diego and is now supporting and accompanying both IT and Data projects for several years. Anna will try to paint a vivid picture for the listener on how IT and data projects differ while challenging her ideas with Rainer Raupach, Founder of Novedas, Satya Dharnapuram, Consultant at IBM, Dr. Johannes Nehrkorn, Chief product own...


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Data Mining in the highly regulated Pharma industry

Our guest speaker is David Meinka, CEO of Ayna Analytics . David has studied pharmacology, speaks four languages (German, English, Portuguese and Spanisch) and for over five years has been writing on his PhD thesis at the university of Greifswald while working in the field of pharma and specialty pharma.This February he became founder and CEO of Ayna Analytics which is based on his doctoral work and Ayna Analytics is situated close to Berlin. The opening of Ayna Analytics was a big event...


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Big Data Analysis Innovations: 10x higher throughput, 100x lower latency - with Zaid Al-Ars

Riding the Data Wave - The amount of data is exploding and thus only those who manage high throughput and low latency will be able to stay successful in business. In this podcast Ansgar, Satya and Isao will talk with Zaid Al-Ars, Associate Professor at Delft University of Technology. He is one of the founders of Teratide (, a technology start up, which delivers technology solutions to enhance your big data analysis with impressive numbers: 10x higher throughput, 100x lower latency...


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Scalable Artificial Intelligence - with Mark Kerzner, Official Member of Forbes Technology Council and CEO of SCAIA

Today we have the chance to talk to Mark Kerzner, Official Member of the Forbes Technology Council and CEO of SCAIA from Houston Texas. SCAIA stands for Scalable Artificial Intelligence and at SCAIA they are building AI-based products and are applying them to document processing, such as eDiscovery for lawyers. We will dive with Mark into the possibilities and challenges of NLP and eDiscovery in the legal industry, discuss the uniqueness of governmental clients and he gives us an outlook into...


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What is unique about AI consultancy to small and medium companies?

The vast majority of companies in a country are small and medium size companies. The EU defines SMEs as companies with up to 250 employees and 50 millions annual revenue. According to the European Union 99% of the companies in the EU are SMEs. It is one thing, if VW or Google try to use AI, but what about SMEs? SMEs have barely research money or money "to waste", every wrong decision can literally break the company. They have up to no resources to spare and very seldom the money o...


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Marketing AI - Why aren't you getting more from it? - With Nicole Weidner

In our newest podcast recording, Nicole Weidner, Associate Partner at Xenium is going to give an impulse talk about the topic "Why arent't you getting more from your Marketing AI?" Nicole has been a managing consultant at Xenium for over 10 years and since January 2021 she is an Associate Partner at Xenium. She has a deep knowledge in project management and IT consulting. Her talk will be loosely based on the recent Harvard Business Review Spotlight Series "AI-powered Marketing". For interest...


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Digital Transformation 2000 - 2021 - A retrospective

We want to start the new panel discussion cycle with an open panel to give our experts more room and space to exchange their ideas and experience on the last 20 years of digital transformation. What phases did our experts encounter over the past 20 years. Which were the trigger points, the drivers, the pace makers. Which phases went successful, where could we have won more or even missed opportunities?


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How to hire the correct person - Science hacks with Dipl. Psych Ansgar Bittermann, CEO Goldblum

Employees are the backbone of each successful company. But the common hiring process produces 85% disengaged and wrongly hired employees. This results in a high quitting and firing rate or low performances and frustration in the job (for both employer and employee).Thus the common hiring process is flawed. If you think about it: The whole hiring process is solely designed for the sole purpose of testing, if a person will fit into your company. If the fit is good, the person will feel engaged....


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Doubling Sales Conversations with the help of AI

In our next AI Luncheon and Podcast episode, we are going to talk to Darek Kociecki. Darek has an MBA from the Kozminski University and a Master from the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. He has been working in Business Development for over 10 years and is now Chief Growth Officer at Neoteric. Neoteric itself is developing AI solutions for their global clients, so whom better to talk to than to the CGO of an AI company, in order to learn how to use AI to increase your sales conversions!


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Interpretable AI - With Isao Kobayashi, CEO enFaith, Japan

Our topic today is INTERPRETABLE AI and its correlation with Accurate AI. We will learn about Data Driven Architecture, the three algorithms for business analytics (Descriptive algorithms, predictive algorithms and prescriptive algorithms) and Isao will also talk about the new MIT Sloan course "Business Analytics". In the end he will talk about how the most important AI models fit into the 2-dimensional graph "Accuracy vs Interpretability" and we will discuss which impact or risk highly...


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Social Robots: Opportunities and Challenges with Auxane Boch (IEAI)

Auxane Boch is associate researcher at the Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence (IEAI) at the TU Munich. She describes herself as a cyber psychologist and explores the opportunities, challenges and ethical considerations of social robots. The IEAI writes in their April Brief: "Robotics technologies are now increasingly used in a multitude of ways related to social interaction with humans. Considering their expanding employment in many areas of everyday life, it is now crucial to un...


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How to patent artificial intelligence? - With Thomas L. Lederer, European Patent and Trademark Attorney

Have you ever wondered, if AI solutions can be patented? Do you have an AI solution and look for legal protection? Did you know that you actually cannot patent algorithms, but need to construct methods around to make it patentable. And did you know that AI diagnostics applications are exempt from patenting? All these questions will be discussed in this episode.Our guest speaker, Thomas L. Lederer, is one of the few German attorneys, who specialises in patenting artificial intelligence. Thomas...


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What is natural language processing (NLP) - With Prof. Valia Kordoni, Humboldt University Berlin

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the hot topics in artificial intelligence. Spam filtering, language identification, sentiment analysis, generating new article headlines, speech recognition or machine translation are all part of NLP.Prof. Valia Kordoni from Humboldt University in Berlin, who also spent 12 years at the German Institute for Artificial Intelligence and who holds a Ph.D. in computer linguistics, will introduce you to the world of NLP and answer the question: "What...


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Industrial AI - With Dr. Johannis Nehrkorn, AI Architect at Siemens Digital Industries

Today Dr. Johannis Nehrkorn, AI Architect at Siemens Digital Industries, gives us an introduction into the world of Industrial AI. He will show us real life AI examples and tell us about the challenges an industrial company like Siemens faces when deploying AI projects in dynamic environments and into mission-critical components.


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What is (Artificial) Intelligence? - Dipl. Psych. Ansgar Bittermann

Today we are discussing the term artificial intelligence? What is intelligence? What has a brain area called Broca Area to do with intelligence research? Come with us on a journey through hundred years of intelligence research. We will discuss old and new theories and will end up with a good understanding of the term intelligence and thus artificial intelligence.


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How to start your first AI project? - With Ansgar Bittermann, CEO Goldblum Consulting

You read all about AI and are convinced that AI is the future. You feel pressured to finally make the "first step", but what first project should you choose? How should you start? What are common mistakes you should circumvent? Our global AI experts Ghenva Adra, Ansgar Bittermann (Host), Isao Kabaya, Satya Dharmapuram, Dr. Johannes Nehrkorn und Markus Patas will give you hands-on advise and discuss the five rules of AI-first-timers.


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Dynamic AI56 - automating business communication with AI

Today we hear about Dynamic AI56. This company offers a true AI solution, based on genetic coding, to automate business communication - in all relevant customer-facing areas like customer care, sales and finance. They are in business for three years now in the US, India and the DACH region. With their solution they could win customers like Volkswagen, Citibank or South West Airlines. And we hear how they won also Google and AWS as their customers. Our guest speaker is Florian ...


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Enterprise Architecture 4.0

Today Sadya Dharmapuram, Enterprise Architect at the Canadian company Spinmaster, which is making the toys for Batman and Superman, is talking about developments in Enterprise Architecture. As traditional IT centric EA practices fail to meet the demand, the scope of EA needs to change from a pure technological to a more business architectural approach. Learn from Satya how TOGAF and the new Gartner Framework can help you to prepare for the future with Enterprise Architecture 4.0
