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RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness North America

Business & Economics Podcasts

Rabobank's RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness team has 85 analysts working in local teams across the worldwide Rabobank network. They generate knowledge, and develop views and insights on businesses, topics and developments in the food & agribusiness sectors across the globe. All analysts have their own sector specialisations—ranging from meat and fish to dairy, vegetables, fruit and floriculture, coffee and cocoa.


United States


Rabobank's RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness team has 85 analysts working in local teams across the worldwide Rabobank network. They generate knowledge, and develop views and insights on businesses, topics and developments in the food & agribusiness sectors across the globe. All analysts have their own sector specialisations—ranging from meat and fish to dairy, vegetables, fruit and floriculture, coffee and cocoa.



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LibDib And Innovation In The Three Tier System

Cheryl Murphy Durzy is the founder and CEO Liberation Distribution (LibDib) and she joins the Raboresearch beverage team to discuss the future of the three tier system. Cheryl started LibDib after years of frustration finding distributors for her family’s wine label. LibDib is a web-based distribution portal that ensures every “maker” in the US has access to distribution and brings suppliers and retailers closer together. In addition to discussing LibDib’s impact on the beverage alcohol...


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What Is Meat, Anyways?

Whether you call it lab-based meat, Tofurkey, or the Impossible Burger, there is no denying that alternative proteins have taken a huge leap forward. Silicon Valley is clamouring to invest in this developing segment, but are consumers willing to accept these new products? On this episode of the RaboResearch Podcast, Senior Analyst Christine McCracken returns to talk about three forms of alternative proteins and what their widespread adoption could mean for the animal protein industry.


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What’s RaboResearch Thinking? Grains & Oilseeds

Tariffs, planted acres, weather... and what now? Grains & Oilseeds analysts Steve Nicholson and Sam Funk discuss the trends they’re tracking this summer, along with what producers might want to think about as they wait for what’s next.


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Wage Hikes Won't Solve Your Labor Problem

Retaining workers in the grueling world of meat and poultry processing has never been easy, but has it ever been this hard? Between low unemployment rates, new facilities coming online, and a shrinking pool of immigrant labor, some processing facilities are struggling to survive. On this week's show, Senior Analyst, Christine McCracken, offers ideas that can help solve the problem. As with most good advice, many of her lessons are applicable for any business looking to retain agricultural...


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U.S.-China Trade Threats Make South American Soybeans More Expensive

Senior Grain & Oilseed Analyst Sam Funk talks with Bill Nickrent about the effect of the US-China trade dispute on global soybean trade.


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Spirited Away

Craft spirits are an explosive trend across the world. The craft spirits movement is just starting to emerge, but in virtually every developed economy, there are more distilleries and more craft brands than ever before. Can craft spirits follow the path of craft beer and seize a huge share of the market from mainstream distillers? On this week's episode of Liquid Assets, the team explains why craft spirits will continue to grow, but won’t to be as disruptive to large distillers as craft beer...


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Imminent California Legislation Increases Land Valuation Complexity

Since peaking in 2015, some California agricultural land prices have since softened. Lower tree nut prices, low capitalization rates for investors, and rising production costs all play a part, but the impending implementation of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act will continue to put additional downward pressure on specific types of property in specific California growing regions, particularly in the San Joaquin Valley. Roland Fumasi, a Senior Agricultural Analyst at...


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What’s RaboResearch Thinking: Grains & Oilseeds

In this new monthly recurring feature, Rabobank Senior Grains & Oilseeds Analysts Steve Nicholson and Sam Funk talk about the topics they’re tracking in grains and oilseeds. This month, it’s eight quick hits and one in-depth topic: ag policy.


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Global Beer Markets: Growing Without Growth

Rabobank’s resident beer guru Francois Sonneville and the rest of the team sit down to discuss the future of beer and how breweries can deliver for stakeholders and consumers in the face of stagnating volumes. This episode features: Stephen Rannekleiv, Global Strategist for Beverages; Francois Sonneville, Senior Beverage Analyst; Jim Watson, Senior Beverage Analyst; and Bourcard Nesin, Beverage Analyst.


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Mexican Tariffs Threaten U.S. Dairy and Cheese

In response to the Trump administration’s tariffs on steel and aluminum, the Mexican government has imposed 10% to 15% tariffs of its own, targeting the U.S. cheese industry, among other sectors. Tom Bailey, Senior Analyst and Executive Director of Dairy at Rabobank, tells us what this means for producers and consumers on both sides of the border.


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Wheat Does Feel the Heat

The potential for an explosive upside move for U.S. wheat prices is high due to record-low hard red winter wheat acres, combined with U.S. Great Plains drought and late spring HRS planting. Senior Grains & Oilseeds Analyst Steve Nicholson talks with Bill Nickrent about the outlook for wheat.


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Beverages Special: The Next Generation of Coffee

Where do you see the coffee industry in ten years? On this week’s Liquid Assets, the team tackles some difficult questions. Could bean-to-cup machines overtake pods and capsules in the next decade? Where does unbranded coffee belong in a world of branded beverages? NEWS UPDATE: Nestle and Starbucks reach a USD 7bn deal. What does this mean for the industry? This episode features: Stephen Rannekleiv, Global Strategist for Beverages; Jim Watson, Senior Beverage Analyst; and Bourcard Nesin,...


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Beef Month

Senior Protein Analyst Don Close talks to Bill Nickrent about what he saw on a recent trip to catch up on the beef industry in Australia and how drought conditions and low milk prices are causing stress in the U.S.


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How to Deal with Dairy Alternatives

They’ve been around for nearly 3,000 years, but dairy alternatives like soy milk and oat milk have only recently been taking market share from conventional dairy. Our senior analyst Tom Bailey tells us how the dairy industry is reacting to its new competition.


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What’s Happening in the World of Almonds: US and Australian Perspectives

Roland Fumasi, Senior Fruit, Vegetables and Tree Nuts Analyst in the US, and Hayden Higgins, Senior Horticulture Analyst in Australia, discuss the Australian and US Almond sectors: What’s been happening over 2017 and 2018 for Almond crop volumes and exports, the impact of the big freeze in California on Almond supply, changing land use in California and expansion of Almond plantings in both Australia and California, the US and China Trade Dispute and what all this means for the industry.


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Trade, Productivity and Cow Career Changes

Rabobank’s Global Dairy Strategist, Mary Ledman, looks back at dairy production in 2017, and explores the implications of price support in the European Union and the impact of NAFTA negotiations on US dairy’s market share in Mexico.


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Don’t Fall Asleep Behind The Risk Management Wheel

Sterling Liddell and Bill Nickrent discuss the risks for the corn market related to declining stocks and remarkably low planted acres planned for 2018.


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Stand-up Pouches Won't Lie Down

RaboResearch Analyst Xinnan Li discusses her recent research on food packaging and why she believes that stand-up pouches (think Capri-sun) are poised to gain market share over traditional rigid packaging.


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Food Fight! Online and Brick & Mortar Battle for Business

In the battle between online and brick & mortar food retailers, how can beef ensure a seat at the table? In this podcast episode, senior Animal Protein analyst Don Close discusses his latest report "Food Fight!" on what the trend toward online grocery will mean for the beef industry.


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Animal Protein Outlook 2018: Production Growth Continues

Senior Animal Protein Analyst Don Close talks with Bill Nickrent about production increases, North American export targets and causes for concern in the animal protein outlook for 2018.
