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Raw Data By P3 Adaptive

Business & Economics Podcasts

Raw Data by P3 Adaptive is a people-centric data podcast hosted by Rob Collie, Founder/CEO of P3 Adaptive, a Premier Microsoft Power Platform Partner. Rob and his guests share entertaining stories as well as insights, expertise, and anecdotal stories about Business Intelligence, the Power platform, and the world of data . . . with the human element. More of a casual conversation, this podcast exemplifies P3 Adaptive/s “mullet” approach: business in the front, party in the back!


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Raw Data by P3 Adaptive is a people-centric data podcast hosted by Rob Collie, Founder/CEO of P3 Adaptive, a Premier Microsoft Power Platform Partner. Rob and his guests share entertaining stories as well as insights, expertise, and anecdotal stories about Business Intelligence, the Power platform, and the world of data . . . with the human element. More of a casual conversation, this podcast exemplifies P3 Adaptive/s “mullet” approach: business in the front, party in the back!







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The Manufacturing Industry is a Sweet Spot for Power BI and Power Apps, w/Madison Brooks

Dive into the world of manufacturing where data meets decision-making with Madison Brooks, an expert from P3 Adaptive who brings her chemical engineering and industry experience to the forefront. This episode zeroes in on why the manufacturing sector is the ideal ground for leveraging Power BI and Power Apps, tools that transform raw data into actionable insights and streamlined processes. Madison discusses the integration challenges and triumphs, illustrating how these technologies drive efficiency and innovation in manufacturing operations. Throughout the discussion, Madison provides practical examples from her extensive background, demonstrating how Power BI and Power Apps optimize everything from production lines to inventory management. She highlights specific case studies where these tools have enabled manufacturers to pivot quickly, reduce waste, and better understand their operational dynamics through enhanced data visualization and application development. For professionals in the manufacturing industry or those exploring how to enhance operational efficiencies with technology, this episode offers invaluable insights. Madison breaks down complex tech solutions into understandable and implementable strategies that can profoundly impact business outcomes in Manufacturing Data Analytics. Listen now and discover how you can transform your manufacturing operations. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast for ongoing episodes where we simplify the complex, through down-to-earth conversations about data, tech, and the real business impact.


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CrowdStrike as the Exception which Proves the Rule

Today we are coming at you a day early for a timely bonus episode with Rob Collie diving deep into the digital disruption that shook the world: The Great CrowdStrike Hiccup of 2024. Picture this: a day when the antivirus behemoth stumbled, and the digital realm felt the shockwaves, akin to a #VALUE! error in your perfectly tuned DAX formula—but on a colossal, global scale. Before you start placing the blame on IT, let’s take a step back to see the broader view. This incident with CrowdStrike, while jarring, underscores the exceptional resilience typically woven into our digital fabric. Consider it the outlier in your data set that highlights how well everything else aligns. Every day, countless professionals from coders to IT support keep our digital infrastructure running as smoothly as a finely tuned Power Query. The key lesson from this event? Our digital networks are sturdier than they appear, much like a robust pivot table equipped with slicers. Despite the hiccup, the swift response from tech teams worldwide to rectify the issue was nothing short of remarkable. It's a nod to the everyday heroes in tech who ensure that our systems run without a hitch. So, the next time you see that meme mocking "the other side," remember, we’re all part of the same intricate data model of life. And, don’t worry, we are still on track for a full-length release tomorrow. Be sure to tune in then when we welcome special guest Madison Brooks to share some behind-the-scenes insight on Power BI, Power Apps, and the manufacturing industry!


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My New Clarity and Confidence About AI

It's time to dive back into the wild world of AI with Rob Collie. Get ready to cut through the hype and uncover the real deal on artificial intelligence. In today’s episode, Rob examines the varied faces of AI, from its potential to revolutionize industries with breakthrough innovations to its ability to streamline our daily activities and make routine tasks more efficient. Have you ever wondered how AI might be influencing your life without you even noticing? Rob brings these abstract concepts down to earth. He provides a fresh perspective on how AI operates silently yet significantly in the background of our daily interactions and decision-making processes. You'll leave this episode with a clearer understanding of how to interact with AI effectively, recognizing its benefits while being mindful of its limitations. Rob's insights will help you navigate the AI landscape with confidence, armed with the knowledge to identify genuine opportunities and avoid common traps. Don't miss out on your weekly dose of tech reality! Subscribe to Raw Data on your favorite podcast platform. Stay ahead of the curve and discover how technology is reshaping our world!


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Data from the Outside In, w/ MVP Kristyna Ferris

This week we're talking with Power BI MVP Kristyna Ferris about flipping the script on how we look at business data. She has some cool ideas about viewing things from the outside that might change how you think about your company's data. Kristyna walks us through her approach, showing how she used Power BI to get a bird's eye view of an organization It's eye-opening - like she's put her company under a giant microscope, revealing all sorts of connections and patterns hiding in plain sight. She catches all sorts of interesting things, from what customers are really up to, to where things are getting gummed up in operations. But here's the kicker - Kristyna doesn't just sit there admiring the view. She takes what she sees and makes real changes. She'll run through some examples of how this outside-in perspective led to actual improvements. We're talking streamlined processes, new market opportunities - the whole nine yards. The best part? Kristyna's figured out how to get everyone else on board with this way of thinking. She's got some great tips for creating a culture where people are itching to step back and look at the big picture. It's about building a team that's always on the lookout for the next big "aha!" moment. If you're tired of staring at the same old dashboards and want to see your business in a whole new light, you'll want to tune in. And be sure to hit subscribe for new weekly content. And remember, sometimes, you've gotta step outside to really see what's going on inside.


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Is Power BI a Gateway to AI, or Vice Versa? w/ BARC US CEO Shawn Rogers

Dive into an intriguing exploration with Shawn Rogers, CEO of BARC US, as we delve into whether Power BI is a stepping stone to mastering Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), or if it’s the other way around. This episode isn’t just about technology—it’s a deep dive into the symbiotic relationship between business intelligence tools and the latest advancements in AI. With his extensive background in analytics and business intelligence, Shawn unravels how Power BI can serve as both a platform leveraging AI capabilities and a beneficiary of AI-driven enhancements. He discusses the dynamic interplay where AI not only complements but also extends the functionalities of Power BI, transforming how businesses interpret and act on data. Listeners will gain a nuanced understanding of how to strategically prepare their Power BI setups to both utilize and enhance AI technologies. Tune in and see firsthand how Power BI and AI are reshaping the analytics landscape together. Whether you're deep into data or just starting to see its potential impact on your business, Shawn Rogers brings a wealth of expertise that bridges the technical with the practical. Are you looking for a podcast that cuts through the noise? Raw Data by P3 Adaptive breaks down complex data topics into business value you can use. From business intelligence and dashboards to AI and digital transformation, we make it simple and relatable. Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review on your favorite platform!


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Finding The Sweet Spot: When Is Your Power BI Model Ready for AI and ML?

Step into the future of data analytics with Rob Collie and Justin Mannhardt in this week's episode. Together, they unravel the critical intersection of Power BI modeling with the advanced capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Machine Learning (ML). Explore what it takes to elevate your data from robust to revolutionary. Rob and Justin zero in on the crucial factors that signal your Power BI model's readiness for AI and ML enhancements. They cover everything from the importance of data quality to the need for scalable systems, offering a detailed roadmap for those looking to make the leap. With their combined expertise, they provide real-life examples and practical tips to help you assess and enhance your analytics frameworks. Plus, the episode dives into the broader implications of AI and ML in the analytics space, revealing how these technologies are reshaping our approach to data and decision-making. Join Rob and Justin for a compelling discussion that not only demystifies advanced analytics but also shows how accessible and impactful they can be. And, as always, if you enjoy the episode, leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to help new listeners find our show!


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The Human Side of Data: Using Analytics for Personal Well-being

This week’s Raw Data Podcast features a thoughtful discourse with host Rob Collie, who shares how his expertise in data analytics plays a crucial role far beyond the confines of office walls. Rob discusses the sophisticated data model he has developed to manage the health of a family member, detailing the careful balance of medication, symptoms, and environmental influences that the model helps orchestrate. As Rob walks us through the system, he reflects on the transformative impact that this data model has had on their lives. It’s a practical example of “analytics nirvana,” where data handling becomes second nature, fully integrated into the rhythm of everyday life. Rob’s story illustrates the seamless intersection of data management and personal care, providing a powerful testimony to the versatility of data analytics. Join Rob as he delves into how data can not only guide business decisions but also anchor critical personal health strategies. It’s an exploration of how data models can deeply embed themselves into our personal lives, making the management of complex health conditions more navigable. And, as always, if you enjoyed the show, be sure to leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to help new users find the show.


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Making Sense of Spark When You "Only" Have a Power BI Background, w/ Microsoft's Chris Finlan

In this week's episode of The Raw Data Podcast, we’re excited to reconnect with Chris Finlan, a pivotal figure at Microsoft in the evolution of SQL Server Reporting Services and now a leading advocate for Power BI. Chris invites us on a journey from his early career breakthroughs to his current pioneering work in data analytics. Joined by host Rob Collie, Chris revisits an extraordinary story: a data model he crafted over a decade ago that still powers significant operations at a major organization. This isn’t merely a conversation about the durability of technology—it underscores the lasting impact of thoughtfully designed data solutions that continue to perform year after year. If you're curious about how innovations in technology continue to shape business today, or if you love hearing the personal stories behind the tech, this episode is definitely for you. Tune in for a perfect blend of nostalgia and insightful reflections, delivered in Chris’s unique style from his experiences at Microsoft. Be sure to subscribe to The Raw Data Podcast on your favorite platform for more down-to-earth conversations about data, tech, and biz impact, and join us in exploring the fascinating intersection of technology and practical business solutions. Also in this episode: The Persistent Power of Pagination, w/Microsoft’s Chris Finlan


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Good Tech Things and the Limits of AI, w/Forrest Brazeal

Dive into this week's episode where we explore the fascinating intersection of technology and creativity with Forrest Brazeal. Forrest, a former software engineer turned tech educator, uses his unique talents in art and music to break down the barriers of traditional tech communication. This episode features Forrest sharing his journey from coding complex software to crafting educational and engaging content that lights up the tech community. He discusses how artificial intelligence is woven into the fabric of our daily tools, making it essential yet invisible, and gives practical examples that bring this technology to life for listeners of all backgrounds. Forrest also takes us behind the scenes of his creative process. Whether it’s sketching out a cartoon that simplifies cloud computing or composing a catchy tune about network security, his methods are as effective as they are enjoyable. It’s a fresh take on tech education that proves learning about technology doesn’t have to be daunting—it can actually be a lot of fun. Intrigued by the blend of tech and creativity? Subscribe to The Raw Data Podcast on your favorite podcast platform for new content on data, tech, and their business impacts delivered to your inbox every week. Good Tech Things The AI Cartoon - Pile of Complexity


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The Future of Power BI’s Visual Experience, w/ Miguel Myers

On this episode Rob and Justin sit down with Miguel Myers, Product Manager for Power BI at Microsoft, who plays a pivotal role in overseeing core visuals and the report experience in Power BI. Together, they explore how Miguel is steering Power BI to cater to both new users and data experts alike. Miguel shares his intricate strategies for balancing the dual objectives of simplicity and robust functionality within Power BI. He details the collaborative efforts that bring these visions to life, highlighting how his team engages with various departments across Microsoft to ensure that every update to Power BI is deeply informed by user feedback. This integration of real-world insights is critical in maintaining Power BI’s position as a leading tool in data visualization, making complex data analysis more accessible and impactful for all users. This episode provides a deep dive into the innovative strategies Miguel employs to make Power BI more intuitive and efficient, underscoring his dedication to enhancing the user experience. And, if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to help new listeners find us!


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Impact Forward vs Infrastructure Forward: The Faucets First Philosophy

In this episode, we unpack the 'Faucets First' philosophy, a cornerstone of how we approach data projects at P3 Adaptive. Imagine bypassing complex infrastructures and instead, using a straightforward method that brings immediate results and clarity. It's about being agile, practical, and impactful right from the start. Join us as we explore how modern tools, especially from Microsoft, enable this transformative approach, moving away from the traditional, cumbersome methods. We'll dive into real-life applications and discuss the dramatic improvements in speed and efficiency it brings to data projects. With exciting guests like Miguel Myers and Chris Finlan from Microsoft, viral comic creator Forrest Brazeal, and industry veteran Shawn Rogers lined up, you won’t want to miss an episode! Subscribe now on your favorite podcast platform for new content delivered weekly!


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Growth Eras, Mea Culpas, and Non-Competes

In this episode, join Rob as he navigates two significant topics that are shaping the landscape of modern business. In this solo episode, Rob reflects on the dynamic journey of P3 Adaptive, discussing our recent transition into a new growth era propelled by evolving market conditions and internal strategies. He delves into the intricacies of sustaining and fostering this growth, sharing the challenges and strategic decisions that define our path forward. Additionally, Rob has a bit of a Mea Culpa to share about his previous understanding of the Parquet file format and the comparison between Direct Lake and Import Mode in Power BI. The conversation then shifts to a critical development in employment law. Rob unpacks the recent FTC ruling that renders non-compete agreements illegal, exploring its broad implications across various industries, from tech to professional services. He sheds light on how P3 Adaptive uses non-solicitation agreements to safeguard client relationships, emphasizing the balance between competitive edge and ethical practices. Love what you’re hearing? Make sure you don’t miss an episode by subscribing to The Raw Data Podcast on your favorite podcast platform! Also in this episode: Direct Lake VS Import Mode in PBI


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Power BI Models are the Center of the Fabric Universe - But What Has ACTUALLY Changed?

Dive into this episode where we're unraveling the threads of data analytics like never before. This week, we're zeroing in on the seismic shifts in technology that are reshaping our understanding and use of data. Imagine stepping into a world where data isn't just numbers, but the lifeblood that pushes businesses forward. We’re going to take a deep dive into semantic models. Once confined to back-end operations and report generation, these models are stepping into the limelight, becoming powerhouse tools for strategic decision-making. We’re not just talking about the mechanics—we’re exploring how these developments touch everything in the business world and open up a world of possibilities you might never have considered. Plus, here’s your chance to steer the ship: join our LinkedIn steering committee. It’s your chance to propose topics, suggest guests, and help us chart the course toward the most pressing issues and innovative ideas in data analytics. Your voice can help direct our journey, bringing fresh perspectives to the table. And, as always, be sure to leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to help new listeners find us! P3 NCAA March Madness


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What We Learned at the Fabric Conference

This week we're diving into the heart of Microsoft Fabric, armed with fresh insights from our team of experts -- Will Gillingham, Mark Beedle, and Chris Haas who've just returned from the conference. These veterans in SQL and Power BI share their firsthand experiences and dissect the potential of Microsoft’s evolving data architecture. Together, they'll explore crucial questions around Microsoft Fabric's capabilities and implications: What exactly is it? How does it shift our traditional approaches to data management? Our experts will simplify these complex topics, offering clear, actionable insights for both technical professionals and strategic decision-makers. And if you enjoyed this episode, don’t stop here! Explore more with our detailed Fabric webinar and browse our comprehensive Microsoft Fabric FAQ for additional insights. Remember to subscribe and join the fun—get fresh, exciting episodes loaded with insights delivered straight to your feed every week!


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A Framework for Spotting Legitimate AI Use Cases

Navigating the world of AI can sometimes feel like you're trying to solve a puzzle with half the pieces missing. That's where, in this episode, Rob and Justin come in, offering a helping hand with their down-to-earth framework designed to uncover the real-world benefits of AI for businesses. They’ll guide you through the practical journey of assessing roles, tasks, and workflows to spotlight where AI can genuinely lend a hand. Their approach is all about making the concept of AI more approachable, helping you differentiate the practical uses from the buzzword-filled fantasies. In this enlightening episode, they cover essential ground, from understanding the implications of decisions made without full information to distinguishing tasks that could really benefit from AI's touch, like optimizing gas delivery routes. Plus, they introduce the "AI sniff test" to help identify processes that are ripe for an AI upgrade. This detailed exploration is aimed at giving you the clarity to spot AI opportunities that are custom-fit for your business's unique needs, whether you're just dipping your toes into AI waters or looking to dive deeper. Rob and Justin are essentially extending an invitation to stop wondering "What if?" about AI and start exploring "What can be?" Their friendly guidance demystifies the process, making AI seem less like a distant dream and more like a tangible tool within your reach. For anyone curious about integrating AI into their business but unsure where to start, this episode promises to be an eye-opener, turning curiosity into actionable insight. And, as always, if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to help other users find us and hit subscribe for new content delivered weekly. Framework for Spotting Legitimate AI Use Cases PDF


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"Hallucination" is Just a Fancy Word for Being Wrong

Dive into the depths of AI with Rob and Justin in our latest episode where we peel back the layers of AI's current facade. In this compelling discussion, we take a critical look at the hyped-up narratives surrounding artificial intelligence, focusing on a crucial issue at its core: the "hallucination problem." Rob and Justin navigate through the intriguing landscape of AI advancements, debunking myths and uncovering the reality behind AI's ability to produce outputs that, while often impressive, can lead to misleading and incorrect conclusions. This episode promises to enlighten you with a fresh perspective on AI, challenging the status quo and urging listeners to question what lies beyond the surface of this technology's glittering promise. But it's not all critique and caution; our hosts also delve into the implications of AI's limitations for businesses and technologists alike, fostering a dialogue on how we can navigate this evolving landscape with both optimism and pragmatism. "Hallucination" is a Fancy Word for Being Wrong is more than just a critique; it's a journey to understanding the nuances of AI, encouraging listeners to embrace the complexity of this revolutionary technology. And as always, if you enjoyed this episode be sure to leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to help new listeners find us. Also, click subscribe for new content delivered weekly! Also in this episode: The Manhattan Project Midjourney


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Adjacent and Between: Demystifying Digital Transformation with Power Apps and Power Automate

Everyone talks about digital transformation, but it seems like no one really explains what it means... until now. In today's episode, Rob and Justin dive deep to cut through the buzzwords and lay out the reality. They're tackling why digital transformation isn't about making huge, instant changes but rather about the smart, subtle tweaks in areas that usually get ignored but badly need a digital lift. They dive into how leveraging tools like the Power Platform can spark significant improvements, showing that it's the small changes that can really boost efficiency and smooth out your workflow. Ever found yourself wondering how to translate all the chatter about digital evolution into actionable steps? That's exactly what Rob and Justin are unpacking. They're guiding you through how minor, yet clever adjustments can transform your processes. It's all about enhancing the routine, one step at a time. And, as always, if you enjoyed the episode, be sure to leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform to help new listeners find us. EPISODE TRANSCRIPT: Rob Collie (00:00): Hello, friends. In today's episode, Justin and I demystify what is meant by the phrase digital transformation. Phrases like that are one of my least favorite things. Why do I say that? Well, these are phrases that get used a lot. They cast a big shadow. You encounter them almost anywhere you go. That's fine by itself. But in the case of digital transformation, that massive shadow is multiplied by no one understanding what it actually means. (00:30): Now earlier in my career, I used to be really intimidated by things like this. Everyone seems to know what this means because they're using it all the time. I don't know what it means, so should I just pretend and play along like everyone else? But at some point, many years ago, I had this moment where I realized that the Emperor has no clothes. It almost never has clothes. Now when I encounter phrases like this, instead of being like paralyzed or intimidated, I instead start working in my own definition and this process takes time. I've been picking apart and stewing on the definition of digital transformation now for probably the better part of a year plus. Somewhere along the way in that process, I realized that we at P3 are doing quite a bit of digital transformation work, I just hadn't realized it yet because I didn't have a good enough definition. (01:18): Lately, I've been noticing that my definition for digital transformation has reached a steady state. It's not changing over time anymore, which tends to be my signal that I've arrived at a definition that works. Now seemed like a good time to sit down and compare notes with Justin, who's been following his own parallel process of arriving at a definition. I'm very pleased with where we landed. A practical and specific definition that can be reduced to practice with an almost paint-by-numbers type of approach. (01:47): If you asked someone for a definition of something like digital transformation, and by the time they're done giving you their definition, you can't practically boil that down to what it means for you, that's not a problem with you, that's a problem with the definition. A lot of times, people's definitions for terms like this are almost like deliberately vague, as a means of projecting power, as a means of actually controlling you. You'll get a lot of definitions that are engineered to sound smart, engineered to sound authoritative, but not engineered to provide anything resembling clarity. Because if you sound smart, and you sound authoritative but you leave your audience hungry, you create a feeling of dependency. Folks, I just think that's yucky. That's just gross. (02:35): To show you what I mean, I just ran the Google search, "What does digital transformation mean?" The very top hit, enterprisersproject.com, defines digital transformation as "the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business resulting in...


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I Want YOU for the Raw Data Steering Committee

We would love to have you, yes you, in the Raw Data Steering Committee. Join us there and help chart the path of future Raw Data By P3 Adaptive podcast episodes!


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There is no SUM Function, w/ Matt Allington

On this special episode, we welcome the legendary Matt Allington back to the podcast. As one of the original giants in the Power BI community, Matt is gearing up for retirement and has chosen to share his invaluable insights and experiences with us once more. From his groundbreaking work at Coca-Cola to becoming a trailblazer in the Power Platform space, Matt's journey is filled with lessons, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped the world of business intelligence. Today, Matt delves into the complexities of the Semantic Model, sharing stories from the trenches of solving data dilemmas that seemed insurmountable. He offers a peek into his transition from corporate life to a highly sought-after consultant, revealing the strategic thinking behind his success. But it's not just about the challenges; it's about the future too. Matt discusses the evolving landscape of the Power Platform and the exciting possibilities brought on by Microsoft's new Fabric rollout, providing listeners with a rare glimpse into the future of data analytics through the eyes of a seasoned expert. This isn't just another podcast episode; it's an opportunity to learn from a true pioneer in the field. Matt's reflections on his career, the evolution of Power BI, and his predictions for the future are more than just insights—they're a roadmap for anyone looking to make their mark in the world of business intelligence. As Matt prepares to bid farewell to his professional career, we invite you to join us in celebrating his incredible journey on "Raw Data by P3 Adaptive." It's a conversation filled with wisdom, inspiration, and a bit of nostalgia that you won't want to miss. Also in this episode: This aggression will not stand: The Big Lebowski The DAX Draft One of the world’s most Amazing Humans, w/Matt Allington


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Reevaluating the Role of Industry Expertise: Tradeoffs Between Specialization and Adaptation

In this week's episode of Raw Data, Rob takes the mic solo to dive into a riveting topic, sparked by Zach from our LinkedIn Steering Committee. The question at hand is a pivotal one in the rapidly evolving realms of analytics and AI: How essential is deep industry or domain knowledge in this tech-forward era? As we race through technological advancements, is there a shift in focus from the deep-rooted sector-specific expertise to a broader emphasis on adaptability and mastering new tech tools on the fly? Rob delves into this debate, weighing the traditional value of domain expertise against the rising tide of tech fluency and the concept of Just-In-Time (JIT) training. He suggests we may be on the cusp of a significant transformation in professional expectations, where the agility to learn and implement new technologies swiftly could eclipse the longstanding reliance on industry-specific knowledge. Further, Rob illuminates how platforms like Power BI are leveling the playing field, allowing professionals to transcend their industry silos and innovate in ways previously unimaginable. It's a discussion that not only broadens our understanding of the current tech landscape but also challenges our perceptions of what it means to be an expert in today's fast-paced world. But this is just the beginning. Dive into the full discussion in this week's episode, and then join us over at the Raw Data by P3 Adaptive LinkedIn Steering Committee to share your own insights. Are you experiencing this shift towards tech adaptability over industry knowledge in your career? Let's continue the conversation, pooling our experiences and insights as we face these exciting changes together. And if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe for new content delivered weekly! Also in this episode: I drink your milkshake – There Will Be Blood Environmental Engineering Meets the Data Gene w/ MS MVP Alice Drummond Timely Supply Chains and Double Data Genes, w/ Jon Perl
