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RedRock Leadership Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

This podcast is hosted by Jeff Ruby, Founder & CEO of RedRock Leadership. It's uniquely designed for business owners and leaders who want to transform their company culture and unleash the potential for exponential growth. Each episode is packed full of best practices, experts interviews and inspiration.Jeff believes and teaches that the vision of a leader is to “create a legacy” and that the mission of a leader is “to take care of others.” He doesn't teach leaders how to become great, instead he teaches them to create greatness. The skills, techniques and methods that you hear about on this podcast have helped countless others learn to trust and persevere to become collaborative leaders. It's work for hundreds of leaders Jeff has personally coached, and it can work for you too. Jeff's vision is that business owners and leaders all over the world, who want to increase sales, improve their leadership skills and grow their companies will be advised by their peers that the only way they’ll achieve the highest level of success is to embrace RedRock Leadership. If you like what you hear, please tell others!


United States


This podcast is hosted by Jeff Ruby, Founder & CEO of RedRock Leadership. It's uniquely designed for business owners and leaders who want to transform their company culture and unleash the potential for exponential growth. Each episode is packed full of best practices, experts interviews and inspiration.Jeff believes and teaches that the vision of a leader is to “create a legacy” and that the mission of a leader is “to take care of others.” He doesn't teach leaders how to become great, instead he teaches them to create greatness. The skills, techniques and methods that you hear about on this podcast have helped countless others learn to trust and persevere to become collaborative leaders. It's work for hundreds of leaders Jeff has personally coached, and it can work for you too. Jeff's vision is that business owners and leaders all over the world, who want to increase sales, improve their leadership skills and grow their companies will be advised by their peers that the only way they’ll achieve the highest level of success is to embrace RedRock Leadership. If you like what you hear, please tell others!





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The Power of Exercising Emotions in Leadership

Recently, I was interview on Cathleen Merkels's Legendary Podcast. Do you believe that emotions influence your business decisions? Do you need to show people your vulnerability so they can show you theirs? I spent most of my younger years being selfish but had an eye-opening conversation with my wife that changed my life completely. I believe that you have to be emotionally connected with people for them to feel free to open up and collaborate with you. Listen in to learn the impact you...


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The Science Behind Why Before What

Are you ready to have more meaningful and differentiated conversations with your prospects, customers and teams? Join me on this episode of the RedRock Leadership Podcast as I interview Jeff Bloomfield, CEO of Braintrust and the author of NeuroSelling. Jeff has taken the latest in neuroscience to the next level, and turned it into a communication system that enables leaders, salespeople, marketers and coaches to do just that. It’s no secret that trust and credibility are two traits...


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How to Develop a Winning Sales Organization

John Polumbo, President and Founder of Winning Edge Selling, Inc., has over 20 years experience in the development of winning sales organizations at all levels. Taking a 3 pronged approach of defining sales strategy, implementing effective sales management and integrating long term sales training his track record for client growth and success is unmatched in the New England marketplace. Winning Edge Selling is one of New England’s largest and most recognized Sales Training companies serving...


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Increase Your Bottom Line by Dealing with Demotivated Employees!

The 2017 Gallup State of the Global Workplace Report found that eighty-five percent of employees are not engaged or actively disengaged at work. The economic consequences of this global "norm" are approximately $7 trillion in lost productivity. When your employees are demotivated, they are disengaged. Not only are they less productive than they should be, but their motivational funk has a negative impact on their co-workers as well as the customers, which can result in loss of future...


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Leadership Lockdown - Waging the War Against Mediocrity

I had a great time being interviewed by Aaron Bolton. He hosts the Leadership Lockdown Podcast. With his permission, I am posting this in my podcast feed. Aaron is the owner of UpSkill Learning Solutions and he is waging a war against learning and development mediocrity. He believes if L&D professionals and educators are going to create, develop, or deliver anything, they should improve upon what’s existing, or surpass the status quo. He applies this mindset to accomplish his primary...


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How Great Leaders are Transformed by Learning

You’re going to love this interview with Nicole De Falco, Co-Founder and CEO of Upsurge Advisors. She is high-energy, fast paced, engaging and incredibly talented. For the last 29 years, Nicole has transformed leaders’ lives through learning. Nicole has a knack for combining brain science, purposeful practice, and gameful engagement to ignite a change in behavior. By aligning development strategies with company objectives, the solutions she designs, and often facilitates, improves...


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Becoming a Great Salesperson is a Process and it Requires a Process

This is a short 4-minute podcast! What separates good salespeople from great salespeople? It’s their ability to show up as a solution provider and leave as a trusted advisor. For over the past 20+ years of building sales teams and growing salespeople I’ve concluded that prospects see salespeople three different ways. They see them as: Becoming a great salesperson is a process and it requires a process. It is a process of learning how to trust and persevere. Great salespeople are trusted...


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Unleash Your Potential! - A Tribute to the Launch of my Book

Red Rock leadership -Transform Your Company Culture and Unleash the Potential for Exponential Growth was released this week. Thank you to my listeners! It's the number one selling leadership book on Amazon. That's why I am dedicating this episode of the RedRock Leadership Podcast to its launch. Here is what I focus on in this podcast... It's possible to occupy a position in leadership and not be a leader. Conversely, it's possible to be a leader and not be considered part of leadership....


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Now is the Time for You to Bring Value!

If you were 30 or 50 feet down in a mine that was collapsed, what would you do? Would you just sit and hope that somebody knew you were underground, or would you do all you could do to fight your way out? To say what's going on out there is nothing short of crazy is not an exaggeration. And I'm not saying that this is crazy good or it's crazy bad. It just is what it is. And as much as I hate that statement, it is what it is. If you are someone who is working from home now, running a...


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A CEO's Perspective on Leadership

In this podcast, I interview Doug Bishop, Chief Executive Officer of MMA-Bouchard Region. Doug is a level-5 leader with an intentional approach to developing people, raising up leaders and building a culture. No matter what your company does, if you’re going to get people to buy in and identify with what you provide, your team must learn to communicate from the inside out. This will prove that your intentions match your actions, and it’s how your clients and potential customers will...


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Motivate & Be Motivated

In this podcast I discuss the emotional intelligence skill of internal motivation. I also, discuss how every skill of emotional intelligence is connected to another. A high-level of personal awareness allows us to recognize the impact we have on others in any given situation. The more aware we are, the less likely we are to have a breach of integrity. In order to maintain that integrity during difficult to manage situations, we must have strong internal motivation. This is also known as...


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It's 2020 & I'm Fired Up ...Are You?

I want to encourage you to get out of the gate quick this year! 2019 is behind us, it's done, finished, gone! Whether you knocked the ball out of the park, or it was one of those "throw away" years, we have a fresh and clean slate in front of us. New year's resolutions get a bad rap, but personally I love them! I love the idea of starting new. Every year at this time, we have the opportunity to clear our mental filters and commit to a new set of 12 months. How is this year going to be...


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Can You Improve Your EQ & IQ?

If you know anything about me, then you know that I’m always talking about EQ (emotional quotient) it’s importance for leaders. Well, I thought it’s about time I say a little something about IQ and the significance it has in leadership. To many, I am sure the term IQ conjures up images of super-genius child prodigies, or heroic movie stars who save the planet with the power of their brain, but what exactly is it really? And is it something we should even care about? Your intelligence...


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Get on The RedRock Strategic Sales Path -Part 2

In this podcast I work through the second stage of The RedRock Strategic Sales Path: Discovery. I discuss how to integrate age-old knowledge with modern sales techniques that will help your prospects make quick, non-analytical decisions using their own built-in short cuts. As a salesperson it's important to understand that not every prospect is qualified to be a client. For this reason, it's important that they discover this before you make a proposal. It is important to uncover problems....


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Get on The RedRock Strategic Sales Path -Part 1

Up until now, most of my podcasts have been focused on leadership. Starting with this one, I will return to my roots and highlight the traits and skills of effective sales people. I trust that this series will be helpful to you and your organization as you look to grow and expand your business. The mark of a RedRock trained sales professional is their skillful ability to persuade, negotiate, collaborate and quickly build trust along the RedRock Strategic Sales Path.™ While many believe...


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What You Need to Know About Teen Leaders

Whether you have kids or not, you're going to want to tune into this interview with Amber Johansen, Executive Director of First Priority Tampa Bay. Our discussion is centered around our experience working with tomorrow's leaders, today's teens. There is something unique about those who make up this culture, Generation Z. Generally speaking, Gen Z is composed of those born between 1996 and 2010 and are true digital natives. They have been exposed to the internet, to social networks, and to...


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How Important is Video in Your Sales Process?

Did you know that 80% of all online content is now video? It is no secret that videos are everywhere. They’re on your phone, your computer, your TV, and on and on. The question today is, “why produce them?” The first reason is: videos increase traffic to your website, both from SEO value and social media. YouTube and Google are owned by the same people, which is extremely powerful because Google incorporates YouTube videos in searches. When organizations put videos on their social media...


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Leverage Your Time!

Time is every human being’s single greatest non-replenishable resource. Even though it’s often stated otherwise, it’s not possible to save it, invest it or borrow it. However, it is possible for you to leverage it. During this podcast, I will address questions that my audience has about time. I am a firm believer that you can be efficient or effective if you manage time. However, if you learn to leverage it, you will be both efficient and effective. This will happen when you learn how to...


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The Secrets to Effective Negotiation

During RedRock Leadership sales training we outline a four-step sales process which consists of Introduction, Discovery, Presentation of Possibilities and Alignment. The first three steps are considered the selling steps, while the fourth and final step is focused on negotiation. Being a skilled negotiator means you know how to effectively handle objections and come out a winner, both financially and relationally. While selling and negotiating are related, they involve two completely...


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Develop a Leader's State of Mind

What do leaders have that sets them apart from everyone else? I would argue that it’s their mindset. A real leader has an approach state of mind. What do I mean by that? Well, think about it. There are two states of mind, the Approach State and Avoid State. Take a look at how you react or respond to what’s going on around you when you are in either state. When in the Approach State, you are inspired by the success of others, you are an encourager, you see the big picture and seek solutions...
