Snowbirds US Expats Radio Podcast
Business & Economics Podcasts
Whether you're a Canadian snowbird spending winters in the USA, or an American looking to move to Canada, the Snowbirds Expats Radio Podcast is loaded with useful information to guide you. Gerry Scott is the host of this podcast, Monday to Friday, Gerry works with Canadian and US clients as a cross border advisor with one of Canada’s largest and most respected wealth management firms.. The Snowbirds Expats Radio Podcast is brought to you by the Snowbirds US Day Tracker and the Canada Physical Presence Tracker apps. The Snowbirds US Day Tracker app helps you track the number of days you’re spending in the USA, which is essential to avoid being classified by the IRS as a US resident for tax purposes. The Canada Physical Presence Tracker is the easiest and most reliable way to track your physical permanent days for the purpose of renewing your permanent residence card (maple card). Simply enter the days into the calculator and track the progress as you get closer and closer to becoming a full time resident of Canada. Both apps offer a wide variety of services that include, USD exchange, tax and legal services, Real Estate, Medical Tourism, and more. Download them today on your iPhone or Android.
Whether you're a Canadian snowbird spending winters in the USA, or an American looking to move to Canada, the Snowbirds Expats Radio Podcast is loaded with useful information to guide you. Gerry Scott is the host of this podcast, Monday to Friday, Gerry works with Canadian and US clients as a cross border advisor with one of Canada’s largest and most respected wealth management firms.. The Snowbirds Expats Radio Podcast is brought to you by the Snowbirds US Day Tracker and the Canada Physical Presence Tracker apps. The Snowbirds US Day Tracker app helps you track the number of days you’re spending in the USA, which is essential to avoid being classified by the IRS as a US resident for tax purposes. The Canada Physical Presence Tracker is the easiest and most reliable way to track your physical permanent days for the purpose of renewing your permanent residence card (maple card). Simply enter the days into the calculator and track the progress as you get closer and closer to becoming a full time resident of Canada. Both apps offer a wide variety of services that include, USD exchange, tax and legal services, Real Estate, Medical Tourism, and more. Download them today on your iPhone or Android.
What You Need to When a Canadian Sells Their American Property
More Canadians Than Ever Are Moving to the United States - Why?
What You Need to Know About Streamlined Filing Compliance / Relief Procedures
The Tax Consequences of Leaving Canada Permanently
Welcome to Canada – US Snowbirds “What If” Checklist: Problems and Planning Solutions.
Frequently Asked FBAR Questions
Fitness Tips for Active Snowbirds
What Snowbirds Need to Know About Their Skin and the Sun
So, You Want to be a Canadian?
US and Canadian Tax Issues Impacting Canadians Buying US Real Estate Property
Canadians Doing Business in the US
Cross Border Employees
Canadians Doing Business in the USA: What you need to know, regarding Immigration and Tax Aspects
Discussing the Canada US Tax Treaty
Should Canadians Returning Home from the US, consider the Roth Conversion
What is an Expatriate?
US Taxation of Canadian Tax Deferred Plans for Residents or Citizens of the US
Should You Transfer Your U.S. Qualified Plan to an RRSP?
Renunciation of US Citizenship
Renunciation of US Citizenship