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A podcast that ran from 2008-2021





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Attending hybrid conferences: a joint episode with Smart Habits for Translators

Surprise, we’re back! Speaking of Translation comes out of retirement only for very special occasions; when our friends and colleagues Madalena and Veronika at Smart Habits for Translators asked us to record a joint episode about hybrid conferences, we couldn’t … Continue reading →


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Pressing pause

After 13 (!!) years of regular podcasting, Speaking of Translation is going on hiatus while we pursue some new directions in our professional and personal lives. We’re planning to be back for some special episodes from time to time, and … Continue reading →
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What we’re reading

In this episode, Eve and Corinne discuss a favorite topic among translators: books, and what we’re reading: what genres we enjoy, how we make time for reading, how we choose new books, what formats we enjoy and don’t enjoy reading … Continue reading →


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Self-care and mental health in the pandemic

As the coronavirus pandemic drags on, self-care and mental health are increasingly important to us as freelancers, moms, partners, and friends. In this episode, Eve and Corinne discuss: -what self-care means, and why it’s not selfish-tools and strategies we’ve used … Continue reading →
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Boundaries and sticky situations: a joint episode with Smart Habits for Translators

Thanks to our friends Veronika Demichelis and Madalena Sanchez Zampaulo at Smart Habits for Translators, for asking us to record another joint episode! Our topic this time around is boundaries and sticky situations: How to handle non-paying clients, especially if … Continue reading →


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Wrapping up 2020, and looking ahead to 2021

In this episode, Eve and Corinne wrap up 2020 (a truly unforgettable year by any measure!), and look ahead to 2021. We discuss topics such as: Highlight accomplishments of 2020, and what helped us get there Disappointments this year, and … Continue reading →
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Handling the holidays as a freelancer: a joint episode of Smart Habits for Translators and Speaking of Translation

Thanks to our awesome friends and colleagues Veronika Demichelis and Madalena Sanchez Zampaulo over at Smart Habits for Translators for this very fun joint episode on handling the holidays as a freelancer! We discuss topics such as:-How we all handle … Continue reading →


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Making the most of LinkedIn

Eve and Corinne discuss how to make the most of LinkedIn as a freelance translator or interpreter, including: Tips for optimizing your profile (specifically for our industry) How we use LinkedIn in our own businesses Eve’s ongoing use of LinkedIn … Continue reading →
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Panel discussion: freelancing during the COVID pandemic

Eve, Corinne, freelance translator Karen Tkaczyk, and freelance conference interpreter Alex Gansmeier discuss life as a freelancer during the COVID pandemic, including: -How the pandemic initially affected their businesses in March through May of 2020 -How things are looking now … Continue reading →
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Online networking in the age of COVID

Love it or hate it, online networking is the only networking we’ve got (in the US at least) for the foreseeable future. To help you embrace the opportunities that online networking offers, Eve and Corinne discuss topics such as: -Online … Continue reading →
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Tools that keep us productive and happy

In this episode, Eve and Corinne address the topic of tools; not necessarily CAT tools, but tools of all kinds that help us work more productively and keep us happy. We talk about tool categories such as editing and proofreading, … Continue reading →
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Speaking of translation technique

In this episode, Eve and Corinne address the topic of translation technique, and how to actually do a translation. Thanks very much to our listener Mireille for suggesting the topic for this episode! She e-mailed us and asked, “My question … Continue reading →
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Diversifying your freelance business beyond translation

Eve, Corinne, and special guest Madalena Sanchez Zampaulo discuss how and why (or why not!) to diversify your freelance business beyond translation. We discuss: -Non-translation lines of work that the three of us have pursued throughout our careers -The pluses … Continue reading →
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Client-side conferences as a marketing tool: guest interview with Michele Hansen

In this episode, Eve and Corinne interview French to English translator Michèle Hansen about her experiences using client-side conferences as a marketing tool. A self-professed “introvert who hates selling,” Michèle has increased her freelance income by more than $40,000 over … Continue reading →
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Volunteering for professional associations and groups

In this episode, Eve and Corinne discuss volunteering for professional associations and groups, at the local, national, and even international level, including: -The benefits (to you and to the association) of professional volunteering -How to set limits on your professional … Continue reading →
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Contracts and service agreements for translators

In this episode, Eve and Corinne discuss contracts and service agreements for freelance translators. Thanks to listener Erin Riddle for suggesting this show topic! If you have a topic you’d like us to discuss, drop us an e-mail at speakingoftranslation@gmail.com. … Continue reading →
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Preparing for the state court interpreter certification exam

In this episode, Eve interviews Corinne about her recent milestone–passing the Colorado court interpreter certification exam for French. Eve and Corinne discuss how Corinne prepared for the exam, what resources she used, what the exam consists of, and how she … Continue reading →
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Translating books, with Kate Deimling and Mercedes Guhl

In this episode, Eve and Corinne interview English to Spanish translator Mercedes Guhl and French to English translator Kate Deimling about translating books: a topic our listeners often ask about. Kate and Mercedes give us their thoughts on: Where to … Continue reading →
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Staying healthy when you work at a desk all day

In this episode, Eve and Corinne interview German<>English translator and certified yoga and Pilates instructor Eva Stabenow. After developing repetitive strain issues from her translation and interpreting work, Eva found relief in Pilates, which led her to pursue a 500-hour … Continue reading →
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How to learn from colleagues

In this episode, Eve and Corinne discuss how to learn from and share information with colleagues, in a way that is both helpful and appropriate. How can newbies learn from colleagues without being invasive? What is (and is not) appropriate … Continue reading →