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Tea with the Queen

Business & Economics Podcasts

Emma McQueen has been supporting women from all backgrounds to achieve their full potential for more than 20 years. She's passionately committed to ensuring women have what they need to feel fulfilled and excited by their working lives. We all have it in us to achieve our full potential- sometimes we just need a bit of understanding, some practical and logical actions and a gentle nudge to get that momentum which leads to progress and progress which leads to fulfilment. Emma McQueen chats with a range of women in leadership and in business to explore the practicalities of how they feel energised by their work and their personal definitions of success. Join Emma for a tea as she and her guests chat success, failure and optimism, sharing the actionable, results-focused tips and strategies that got them to where they are today.


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Emma McQueen has been supporting women from all backgrounds to achieve their full potential for more than 20 years. She's passionately committed to ensuring women have what they need to feel fulfilled and excited by their working lives. We all have it in us to achieve our full potential- sometimes we just need a bit of understanding, some practical and logical actions and a gentle nudge to get that momentum which leads to progress and progress which leads to fulfilment. Emma McQueen chats with a range of women in leadership and in business to explore the practicalities of how they feel energised by their work and their personal definitions of success. Join Emma for a tea as she and her guests chat success, failure and optimism, sharing the actionable, results-focused tips and strategies that got them to where they are today.



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What to do when you feel stuck in business

I’ve had many conversations with exhausted entrepreneurs feeling totally stuck in business. They’ve hit a wall. They’re sick of making decisions and they’re just in a giant rut. If you’ve been there too (or you’re currently navigating this) you're not alone. Every entrepreneur hits this rut at some point, myself included. The good news is, there’s a way out of the mess. In this article, I'm going to share some practical tips that helped me break free from feeling stuck in business and get back on track. Ask Yourself These Questions: Where am I?Where do I want to go?What's the gap?Am I aligned? Taking Action to Break Free: Update Your Strategy:Focus on Clarity:Collaboration is Key:Seek Support: Remember, feeling stuck is only temporary, but it takes action on your part to break free. By taking these steps, and most importantly, by believing in yourself, you can get your business unstuck and feel better about where you’re headed. LINKS: Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Setting Boundaries with a To-Don’t List

If you’re drowning in a busy schedule, it's time to hit pause and start setting boundaries with the mighty to-don't list. The to-don’t list identifies activities that waste your time, create distractions, or don't align with your priorities so you can consciously avoid them. This frees up time and brain power so you can focus on what really matters to you. In today’s episode, I’m going to share tips about how you can create your own to-don't list: 1. Identifying Timewasters: Take a look at your daily schedule and identify activities that are wasting time. This could be excessive social media browsing, unnecessary meetings, or ineffective multitasking. 2. Setting Boundaries: For your to-don’t list to be effective, you need to establish clear parameters for yourself 3. Communicating Your Boundaries: It’s essential to communicate your boundaries with others to ensure they understand and respect your choices. 4. Hacking Yourself: Reinforce your to-don't list by establishing consequences or rewards for yourself. This will help you stay motivated and committed. 5. Review and Adjust: Your to-don't list should not be static. Regularly review and adjust it to ensure it remains relevant to your goals If this episode has inspired you to make your own to-don’t list remember to be kind to yourself, celebrate your victories, and stay committed to the habits that serve you best. LINKS: YouTube Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Four questions I ask when making big decisions

Did you know that the average adult makes 35000 decisions every day? It’s an overwhelming number and it blew my mind when I first heard it. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to sleep, our brain makes decisions that shape our actions and define our paths in life. If we aren’t making good decisions how will that impact us, and if we could improve our decision-making what effect would that have on our lives and our businesses? Today I want to share the four questions I ask myself when making big decisions. They help me look past conflicting desires and responsibilities to see what choice is best for me. Question One: Do I want to do it? This might seem simple, but I think it’s a crucial step as you can often fool yourself into thinking you want something you actually don’t. I find journalling is incredibly helpful for working through this. Question Two: Is it good for me? Decisions can have consequences that aren’t immediately apparent. Take time to think through a course of action and what positive/negative effects it will have. Question Three: Is it good for my family? Even if a decision is great for you, it can affect the people around you negatively. I need to consider how things will affect my three children and my husband. Is it a good choice for us? Is it even feasible for us? Question Four: What does my gut say? Too often in business, I’ve made choices based on logic that go against how my gut feels. These seem like great decisions at the time but sometimes they cause a lot of trouble I could have avoided if I’d listened to my gut. I’ll also share a difficult choice I was faced with at the end of last year and walk you through how each of the questions helped me prioritise my health, energy, and family despite the incredibly tempting opportunity. In the end, decision-making is not just about making choices; it's about understanding yourself, aligning with your values, and nurturing your well-being. So, the next time you're faced with a tough decision, make sure you take the time to understand how you feel, and don’t forget to listen to your gut. LINKS: Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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What to do when you're feeling scattered in business

Are you currently feeling scattered in your business? When you sit down at your desk to start your work day, is the list of tasks insurmountable? You’re feeling so overwhelmed by all the things you need to do, you have a million tasks on your plate and no clear direction on how to tackle them. If you’re currently feeling scattered in your business, here are a few practical tips that I often share with my clients: 1. Step Away and Refresh: Sometimes, the best way to gain clarity is to step away from the keyboard! Take a break, go for a walk, or simply have a cup of tea to clear your mind. Even a few minutes away from your desk can give you the mental headspace that you need. 2. Prioritise Tasks: Instead of tackling your entire to-do list at once, identify the tasks that will truly move the needle in your business and prioritise them. I like to plan my week on a Sunday afternoon, and then pull from that list just three tasks to focus on per day. 3. Eliminate Distractions: Distractions can worsen the scattered feeling. Turn off notifications, leave your phone in another room if you have to and set specific work periods using techniques like the Pomodoro method. 4. Focus on One Thing: Identify the one key task that will propel you forward and dedicate your efforts to it. Stick to it until you see results. If you have too many things to focus on at once (especially if they’re all decent-sized projects), your ability to finish any of them will be diminished. 5. Script Feedback: When giving feedback or addressing issues, use a structured approach like the SBI model (Situation, Behaviour, Impact) to keep emotions at bay and ensure clarity in communication. Navigating through moments where you feel scattered in your business is a common challenge. But with the right strategies, you can regain your clarity and focus. Remember, it's often about stripping away the noise, identifying the core tasks that matter, and committing to them with intention and purpose. LINKS: Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Managing your client's energy without taking it on

Sometimes it can be difficult to separate your feelings from those of your clients. They’re going through something hard in their business, their energy is depleted and they are coming to you for guidance. How do you ensure you can hold space for their feelings and work through their issues, without taking on their energy? Today, I want to share with you a personal experience with a client that taught me valuable lessons in managing not just my energy, but also that of my clients. I have three go-to strategies that I hope will help you to maintain your energy levels. 1. Preparing for Challenging Conversations Anticipating the emotional intensity of client discussions and mentally preparing myself helps me approach each interaction with clarity and empathy. Setting boundaries and being in the right mindset before a session is crucial. 2. The Role of Physical Activity to Move Energy Taking a solitary walk or engaging in a calming activity like journaling or meditation allows me to decompress and process the emotions that arise during intense client conversations. Physical movement and quiet reflection work wonders in restoring balance. 3. Listening to Your Gut Recognising the signals your body sends in response to stress or discomfort is essential. Trusting your instincts and acting on them can prevent emotional overload and help you work through challenging situations. As you come across clients burdened with heavy emotions or challenging situations, remember to prioritise self-care, set clear boundaries, and trust your intuition. By managing your energy effectively, you not only safeguard your well-being but also enhance your capacity to support and empower those you work with. LINKS: Gallup Strengths Assessment Marco Polo App Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Focusing on energy management vs time management

There is no shortage of resources for time management optimisation in business. We have software tools up the wazoo to help us operate more efficiently, block out every hour with the help of AI robots, and schedule in our breaks to get ourselves all organised. But even with all these productivity and optimisation tools, we still get to the end of the day ready to fall in a big heap and doom-scroll social media to zone out. Maybe we just haven’t figured out the most effective time management tool for our needs yet. Surely there are others we can try. Well, I think we may be focusing on the wrong thing. So often, we're told to focus on time management, but what if I told you that energy is where the real magic happens? Prior to focusing on my energy levels, my family was probably receiving the “dregs” of my personality. I was always exhausted, had a lot of things on my mind and was never really as present as I should have been. So, if you’re feeling like you’ve got your time management down pat and you’re still a bit of a mess, prioritise your energy instead and see how you feel! LINKS: Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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3 tips to steal back time in your work day

Do you feel like you never have enough time in your workday to get everything done? Even if you set yourself a task list for the day which looks like it should be achievable, you’re still struggling to get through it. At the end of the day you feel unproductive, overwhelmed and you’re struggling to see where the hours went. It’s an extremely common feeling, and I have three tips to help you steal back your precious time that I know will help you achieve more. 1.Batching Your Tasks Grouping similar tasks prevents time lost in task-switching and boosts efficiency. Did you know for example that every time you switch tasks, you lose 25 minutes! If you are batching your similar tasks, you lose less time overall. 2.Focus on Three Tasks Per Day I find it extremely important to focus on just three main tasks per day to keep the momentum going. If I have too many items on my to-do list for the day, I actually get way less done and I feel overwhelmed when I don’t cross them all off. 3.Stop Scrolling Socials and Checking Emails Constantly Setting designated times to check social media and limiting email access to a few specific slots a day can prevent unnecessary time drainage. Outsourcing tasks you dislike and prioritising tasks you enjoy are also key practices in reclaiming your time. Stealing back time in your workday requires a conscious effort to optimise how you use the hours available to you. By implementing strategies like task batching, time auditing, and prioritisation, you can take control of your time and increase your productivity. Remember, it's not about finding more time; it's about making the most of the time you have. LINKS: Toggl Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Why I nap every single day

When was the last time you took a nap in the middle of the day on a weekday? Most people might not be able to remember a time when they did, or perhaps it was only because they were unwell. Well, you might be surprised to learn that I take a nap every single day. Between the hours of 12pm - 2pm, I have a dedicated rest period where I give my body and my mind a rest. Yes, just like a toddler. But I wasn’t always this way. Having three kids, a business to run and a household to keep together, I used to struggle with the idea of setting aside time to rest throughout the day. It felt like there were already too few hours in the day to get all the things done, how could I take more time out to nap? I can almost bet that if I hadn’t been forced to stop, I probably would have never started taking my daily naps, but now that I’m here I can’t imagine ever going back. LINKS: Rest by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Does your community deliver results?

How do you know if your community is getting you results? I guess the first question to ask yourself would be, what does “results” actually mean to you. Are you looking for more revenue, connections, advice, sales or maybe you’re just in the community to keep you stay accountable. Results don’t have to be driven by money, but I bet if you sat down and thought about it, you could name what aspects of your community are working for you. And sometimes when we look deeper into the communities we’re in, we realise they’re not serving much of a purpose at all. If that’s you, it’s probably time for a change and you might need to think more deeply about what you need. LINKS: Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Three ways to build your network as an introvert

I am a raging introvert. Yes, I love getting out running business events, meeting new people and being around other humans, but I also need a lot of downtime afterwards. As an introvert, I need a lot of space on my own so that I can recharge. When you run your own business, networking and building relationships is one of the key activities that you need to give attention to. But if you’re an introvert, that’s often not something you feel particularly enthusiastic about doing. So how do you reach out to other business people as an introvert? I have a few key strategies that have helped me build valuable relationships as an introvert, and my hope is that they help you too. LINKS: Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Online vs In-Person Offerings: The Great Debate

If you had to choose between an in-person or a virtual offering, what would be your preference? You might be sitting there thinking, well hang on there are pros and cons to both of them. I want to show up in my pj bottoms and a top knot which is great for virtual, but in-person that may be frowned upon. In-person is a lot more effort. But maybe in-person is better because we feel more connected to the other humans in the room, and we can achieve more results. You’re probably now more confused and for that, I’m not apologising. It’s a long-standing debate and one I’m eager to tackle for you. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of each approach for your business, and see where it leads. LINKS: Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Have you outgrown your business community?

Are you currently involved in a business community that you absolutely love being apart of? I’d invite you to reflect on this for a minute, and establish what it is about your community that you feel makes it so special. To me, the ability for a group of like-minded individuals to come together, share experiences, offer support, and ignite inspiration is truly remarkable. The impact of community goes beyond mere proximity; it allows you to share struggles, benefit from collective wisdom and unwavering encouragement. Recently, I had the privilege of hosting the first Thriving Women Retreat for 2024 and in the words of one of our attendees, it was "amazeballs." When I was reflecting on the experience after the retreat was over, it wasn't just the content or the location; it was the undeniable power of community that we were all surrounded by. LINKS: Website For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Entrepreneur or Employee - How I made the choice

It was October 2017, and my life was about to take a major turn. I was faced with the prospect of starting a new job that I didn't really want. As I approached my 40th birthday, I also had a child who was about to start school and I couldn't shake the sinking feeling in my stomach. My partner was a school teacher, and I knew that taking this job wouldn’t be entirely flexible. I was struggling to see how we were going to be able to ensure our child would have the stability that we wanted. How were we going to manage the inevitable sick child phone calls from the school, volunteering requests and all that other good stuff. I desperately wanted to be available for the needs of the family, and it was hard to imagine how my new role would accommodate this. I also wanted to be able to wear whatever I wanted every day, like my favourite pair of jeans! It was at that moment that I knew I had to make a change. I needed to create my own reality, one that would bring me joy and financial freedom. LINKS: Emma McQueen For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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What is a business coach exactly?

There are many misconceptions about business coaches. What do they do exactly, what qualifications do they have, and how do you use one to get the best out of yourself and your business? Emma McQueen gets those questions all the time, and today she sets out to answer them. She emphasizes her results-oriented style and the importance of alignment between coach and client. A business coach can serve as a sounding board, cheerleader, and accountability partner, but ultimately the client is responsible for their own success through their willingness to implement strategies and take action. Emma McQueen – https://emmamcqueen.com.au For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/


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Take time-out for self-care

A lot of people are trapped into believing that they will only be successful if they burn the candle at both ends. Yes, it’s important to work hard, but it’s equally crucial to know when to take some time out during the day. If you never stop to recharge your batteries, you’re not going to get very far. Emma McQueen is joined this episode by lawyer and good friend Tracey Mylecharane, and they discuss what they do to ensure they’re not overworked and overtired. Emma McQueen – https://emmamcqueen.com.au For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.


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Untapping the power of LinkedIn – Karen Tisdell

Ever wondered how to get the most out of LinkedIn and how to build a snappy, attention-grabbing LinkedIn profile? Karen Tisdell is the go-to LinkedIn guru and she guides Emma McQueen through some of her favourite LinkedIn hacks. If you’re looking to grow your business and pipeline – and who isn’t? – then having engaging content and creating prospects on LinkedIn is crucial. Karen Tisdell – https://karentisdell.com/ Karen’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/karentisdell/ Emma McQueen – https://emmamcqueen.com.au For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.


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Keep calm & carry on

At the beginning of the year, it's hard not to feel an overwhelmed. Emma McQueen offers her top tips to overcome the daunting long year ahead. She emphasises the importance of ditching irrelevant tasks, delegating or outsourcing tasks that can be done by others, and focusing on what only you can do. She also introduces the concept of the master list, where you plan your tasks for the upcoming weeks, and the daily list, where you prioritise three important tasks each day. Emma McQueen – https://emmamcqueen.com.au For a copy of Emma's book, 'Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive' – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.


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Summer Series: Remarkable success of The Smoothie Bombs

Single mum Cinzia Cozzolino came up with a brilliant idea. She packed her daughter’s lunch with a healthy smoothie – it was quick, simple and nutritious. It was also the genesis to her business The Smoothie Bombs, which has exploded in popularity both in Australia around the world. The product found itself on the shelves of Macy’s, one the of the biggest department store chains in the USA. Cinzia and her daughter Lana have worked closely together to build their empire. They share with Emma McQueen both their successes and the challenges they’ve been up against. The Smoothie Bombs https://www.thesmoothiebombs.com/ Join Emma’s Go-Getter Day Ready to connect with other like-minded, purposeful women and spend a day dedicated to working ON your business? Join Emma McQueen for an exclusive LIVE event https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/work-with-emma/events-and-speaking/go-getter/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.


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Summer Series: Covid nearly ruined my business – now I’m thriving!

Belinda Eden almost had a break down. She and her husband had just refinanced their home to help Belinda pursue her dream of running her brand-new hospitality business. And then the pandemic hit. She was doing all she could to support her family, and waiting for things to subside. It wasn’t easy. In fact, it was horrible. Things did eventually open up, and almost overnight the light down the dark tunnel became super bright. Belinda’s business, Troop Events, provides on-demand hospitality and event staff across Ballarat and regional Victoria. Since the lifting of restrictions, the business has taken off. It’s helped staff the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix as well as other events big and small. It’s got huge potential and Belinda has big plans for the future. Be ready to be inspired and learn what it takes to run a business! Troop Events https://www.troop-events.com.au/ Join Emma McQueen for an exclusive LIVE event https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/work-with-emma/events-and-speaking/go-getter/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.


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Learning to run a business: trial by fire – Emily Riglar

Emily Riglar readily admits that she fell into owning her own business. As a dedicated physiotherapist, she was presented with an opportunity to run her own practice. But, with no previous business training, she soon came to realise how much she needed to learn. Not only to ensure there is enough money each month for salaries, super and other myriad of things, but she needs to think long-term for business growth. All while still seeing clients. Fortunately, she has the support of other Thriving Women! Carlton Physiotherapy Centre https://carltonphysio.com.au/ Emma McQueen https://emmamcqueen.com.au/ Join Emma’s Go-Getter Day Ready to connect with other like-minded, purposeful women and spend a day dedicated to working ON your business? Join Emma McQueen for an exclusive LIVE event https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/work-with-emma/events-and-speaking/go-getter/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
