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The True Potential Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

The True Potential podcast helps women over 40 build self confidence so they can tap into their truest, fullest potential. Self confidence is something you can actively cultivate and in this podcast you'll find lots of practical tips on how to do that. Learn about the Self Confidence Formula and how you can apply it to your life. Use you new found confidence to start or grow a business, move ahead in your career, reinvent yourself in some way, build better relationships or just feel better in your day-to-day life. Learn from Sylvia Vandelogt who grew from a rather insecure young woman with low self esteem into a confident and successful business woman who has reached millions of women online.




The True Potential podcast helps women over 40 build self confidence so they can tap into their truest, fullest potential. Self confidence is something you can actively cultivate and in this podcast you'll find lots of practical tips on how to do that. Learn about the Self Confidence Formula and how you can apply it to your life. Use you new found confidence to start or grow a business, move ahead in your career, reinvent yourself in some way, build better relationships or just feel better in your day-to-day life. Learn from Sylvia Vandelogt who grew from a rather insecure young woman with low self esteem into a confident and successful business woman who has reached millions of women online.



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Gratitude for what you did and will do

Do you ever feel gratitude for what you did in the past so you can enjoy the benefits now? I certainly do. I just bought a house with a sea view which was made possible because I decided to create a business. It was not easy to start this new business as I needed to step outside of my comfort zone and step into a newer version of me. Today I'm grateful to myself from 10 years ago for doing that. I'm also collecting the courage to do the same thing today. I don't always feel this optimistic. In this podcast discover how you can make sure to feel gratitude for yourself and your life now as well as in the future.


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Why you'll want to take lots of ACTION this year

If there's one tip that I can give you that will ensure you make the upcoming year a success, it is to take action. In this podcast I will give you 6 very good reasons for this. Taking action will allow you to grow as a person in every possible way and it will help you reach your goals. Want my support in helping you take LOTS of action this year? Join the True Potential Academy:


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How to stick to your resolutions this year

In this podcast let’s examine why resolutions so often fail and why you can't rely on will power alone to reach your goals and get things done. 2020 was a strange year for sure. Still I got a lot done and experienced some drastic life changes. You probably had every intention to have a productive year and hit your goals. It that didn't happen, let's discover how you can definitely make it happen this year! Want my help? Join my new workshop: How to get things done without the stress and the overwhelm


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From overwhelm to productivity

Do you find yourself overwhelmed a lot of the time and can't get anything done? Me too. But I have found a way to quickly turn it around or avoid overwhelm altogether. Discover some of the key steps to take and turn overwhelming into productivity. Want to learn more, sign up for my workshop at


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Embracing the practice

You may have thought about your purpose, both inner and outer. Perhaps you’ve set yourself a goal about something that you want. But how can you actually EXPERIENCE your best year ever? It’s through becoming the person person you want to be. It’s by enjoying the actions you take on a daily basis. It’s by living each moment with intention. It's through establishing a clear routine and enjoying it. One of my favorite authors Seth Godin refers to it as ‘the practice’. It’s the title of his new book that contains lots of wisdom of how the practice can change the trajectory of your life. That’s where the magic happens. That’s where you find fulfillment, contentment and happiness. Discover how this works in today's episode. Want to apply a practice to your life and discover what's possible for you? Join me in the True Potential Academy


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Why you'll want to create your personal bucketlist

2020 has been quite the year. Most probably it went a whole lot different than you expected. I know I've had to pivot in some areas but I've also used this year to double down on some of my goals. A new year is coming soon with lots of new opportunities for growth. Are you ready for it? Why not get very intentional on what you'd like to accomplish? What would you like to see happen next year? If you're not sure, let's get more clarity on it. I invite you to create your own personal bucket list. In this podcast, learn why this is a good idea and how you can get started with your own personal bucket list. Start today with the bucket list challenge at


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Who will you become?

Last week I introduced the concept of an impossible goal to you. Did you give it some thought? Today I’d like to dive in a little deeper and talk about the person you’d need to become to actually start pursuing that impossible goal. Who would you need to become? What would you need to think? How would the person who’s actively pursuing the goal feel? In short, who will you become? Want to get ideas? Download the bucket list


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What's possible for you?

Combining a strong inner purpose with a strong outer purpose allows you to grow as person. It opens you up to all kinds of possibilities. Do you know what's possible for you? Have you explored how you can make the impossible, possible? That's what we'll explore in today's podcast. Want to get inspiration for you impossible goal? Download the bucket list at


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Living your life with purpose

Do you ever get the feeling that your life is not purposeful enough? Are you still looking for that elusive purpose that will make your life more meaningful? In today's podcast discover how you can discover both your inner and outer purpose and how you can live your life with intention. Like to get more ideas? Download the bucket list guide


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What to eat during your weight loss journey - with Karen Kjaerulff, RDN

Are you confused about what you can or cannot eat during your weight loss journey? And should you count calories or not? Join Sylvia Vandelogt and dietician Karen Kjaerulff, RDN as we discuss what should and definitely should not be included in your diet. Want to lose 10 pounds? Join the program at


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3 myths about losing weight

Losing weight is never easy. And that’s especially true when you’re going about it the wrong way. You need to overcome your biology, your environment, your emotion and your evolution. If you want to know about all the factors causing you to overeat and what to do about it, be sure to check out my free class on How to stop overeating. Today I want to dispel some myths about losing weight so you can approach your weight loss journey the right way.


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How to stop overeating

Do you gain weight from eating too much? Let's discover what causes the overeating and how you stop it. Overeating not only leads you to gain weight but it stops you from focusing on the things that are really important to you. If you want to know more attend my free masterclass: How to stop overeating and get the body you love.


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Loving Your Body, Dressing It Well AND Losing The Weight

Can you love your body and use dressing guidelines to dress it more flattering way? Absolutely. Can you love your body AND still want to lose weight? Of course. In fact I think you will be a lot more successful losing the weight if you do that. Discover how in today's episode. If you like to sign up for the free class mentioned in the episode, register here.


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The problem with clutter

Is there too much clutter in your life? And not just in your home, but also your brain? When there’s a lot of clutter in your brain you can’t think clearly. If the clutter is in your house, you literally can’t move. Clutter externally is very much linked to clutter internally. It's important to clean it up. I'll show you how in this episode of the True Potential Podcast. Join me in my free masterclass: How to unclutter like a pro and get really organized at


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Are you failing ahead of time?

What's stopping you from tapping into your true potential? For many of my customers it's fear of failure. And this fear often stops them from even starting to work on their dreams. But what if 'failure' is not as bad as it seems? What if you already know how to cope with this failure? In this short podcast of the True Potential Podcast, learn how to avoid failing ahead of time.


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Emotional balance

Do you manage your feelings or do they manage you? Feelings are powerful. They can make or break your day. Feelings are the first clue about what’s going on with us. When we have happy feelings, we’re content. When we have feelings we don’t like so much we try to fight them, or numb them or avoid them. That in turn makes us suffer. So how do we manage our feelings to create the life we want for ourselves? Find out in today's episode of the True Potential Podcast. Want to go deeper and learn how to allow feelings go to


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Uncovering the truth

We often have negative opinions about ourselves or our capabilities. We believe that these opinions are fact. But what if they weren't? What if the brain likes to think that thought because it's a very effective way for you not to do something new and keep you very comfortable? In this episode learn why the thoughts we have about ourselves is often a lie and what we can do about it. Want to get weekly coaching and become truly confident? Join the Self Confidence Formula:


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Dealing with overwhelm

Feeling overwhelmed can keep us stuck. When we feel overwhelmed we are not very productive and don't do the important work that we need to do. The solution is actually quite simple since overwhelm is created through our thoughts. Discover what you can do to beat to overwhelm and become really organized and productive instead. Join our free class at


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Making decisions

So many of us find it hard to make decisions. However, not making decisions keeps us stuck. 1. You end up doing nothing by not making a decision at all. 2. You get overwhelmed by all the ideas in your head that you're not deciding on and a never ending to-do list. 3. You get overwhelmed from not deciding on one thing and instead start doing too many things at the same time. So how can you make sure that you're taking a decision and make the right one? Find out in today's episode of the True Potential Podcast. If you're interested in our training go to


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Getting clarity

If you lack clarity on what you want to do or you find yourself saying I don't know a few too many times, you stay stuck. You may start to react to life rather than actively plan your unique path. In this episode I will show you a way to get more clarity so you can become really intentional about your goals and create the life you want.
