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Better Money Decisions

Business & Economics Podcasts

You’ve probably started with great intentions, telling yourself you’ll stash away more for retirement and buy fewer lattes (because some writer said buying lattes is a bad thing). But life happens. It’s not as neat and tidy as the financial experts on TV seem to think. You’ve got a lot going on in your life, and you need more than simplistic, cookie-cutter instructions to keep you on the right financial path. Kate Stalter escorts you to the right path for your money. She talks to experts and "normal" people who have taken the right steps to make better money decisions.


United States


You’ve probably started with great intentions, telling yourself you’ll stash away more for retirement and buy fewer lattes (because some writer said buying lattes is a bad thing). But life happens. It’s not as neat and tidy as the financial experts on TV seem to think. You’ve got a lot going on in your life, and you need more than simplistic, cookie-cutter instructions to keep you on the right financial path. Kate Stalter escorts you to the right path for your money. She talks to experts and "normal" people who have taken the right steps to make better money decisions.





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61: Biggest ESG Investing Mistakes

There are multitudes of mistakes that people make when it comes to investing, and incorporating Environmental Social and Governance funds can make it that much more complicated. Today Kate Stalter gives her top tips to help avoid the most common mistakes people make when it comes to socially responsible investing. To give yourself the best chance to achieve the financial outcome you want, tune into this episode of Better Money Decisions. Show Highlights: Links: Got investing questions...


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60: Expensive Stuff Can Wreck Your Retirement

We all want to invest our money in funds and companies that align with our values, but that isn’t always the best metric. Often times, Stockbrokers and other financial planners who don’t have your best interest in mind will encourage you to buy “sustainable” and “ethical” funds, which sound good, but that isn’t always the case. Today Kate Stalter shares how you can evaluate these funds and determine what is and isn’t worth investing your time and money in. To learn how you can become a...


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59: How Do Sustainable Investments Fit into Your Retirement Plan

Most of us want to invest in companies that we believe in and morally support, but feeling good isn’t going to put money in your pocket. In this episode, Kate Stalter shares how you can incorporate those sustainable funds into your asset allocation without jeopardizing your portfolio. If you’re interested in maintaining an ethical portfolio and making it fit your current retirement plan, tune into this episode of Better Money Decisions. Show Highlights: Links: Got investing questions...


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58: What Socially Responsible Really Means

Saying you’re “socially responsible” sounds like a good thing to say, but what does that really mean? Putting your own values into perspective, that could mean something different for everyone. In this episode, Kate Stalter explains the metrics used to measure progress and what distinctions are made between sustainable and socially responsible investing. If you want to know more about what fund families really mean or simply how to avoid picking a good feeling over a good investment, tune...


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57: Are Your Investments Aligned with Your Values?

You want to have confidence in where your investment dollars are going. It doesn’t feel good at all to find out that your money is being invested in ways that don’t align with your values. This episode continues our focus on Sustainable Investing, which began in Episode 56. In today’s show, we dive deeper into sustainable investing, what it is, and how you can be sure your investments align with your values. Show Highlights: Resources: Got investing questions you’d like me to answer on...


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56: What is Socially Responsible Investing

We’d all like to know the money we’re investing is being used in a way that aligns with our own goals and motives, but how can you ensure that? Today Kate Stalter talks about sustainable and socially responsible investing and how to practice morally aligning investments. This episode covers how to invest in companies you support, how to measure a companies’ goals, and much more. To learn how to get your money to work by spreading positive values tune into this episode of Better Money...


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55: Should You Sell in May and Go Away?

If you’ve been investing for a long time, chances are you’ve heard the saying “Sell in May and Go Away”. But is that sound advice you should take? Today Kate Stalter dissects the trivialities of global investments and explains why going off monthly data may not be your best strategy. Tune into this episode of Better Money Decisions to better your understanding on relevant data and to help you know what you might expect in the market. Show Highlights: Links: Stock Trader’s Almanac iShares...


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54: A Glimpse Into Your Financial Future

Have you ever wondered what your future finances will look like? Many of us have! Today Kate Stalter talks about how you can get a glimpse into your financial future with proper financial planning and execution. If you’re interested in your financial projection, this episode explains how you can get a glimpse of your future, along with managing expenses, and setting goals. To get your financial plan in order today tune into this episode of Better Money Decisions. Show...


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53: How Earnings Make Stock Prices Go Up or Down

Many companies quarterly release their sales, revenue, expenses, and other financial data, but what does that mean for you? Well, in some cases it may not be applicable to your particular case, but these earnings reports do predict market fluctuation and can impact your personal portfolio. Today Kate Stalter explains how earning reports impact individual stocks and the many factors that can contribute to stock movement. To learn more about these quarterly reports and how they affect your...


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52: Your Opinion Doesn't Matter

As a consumer, you’ve probably been solicited at least a time or two for your opinion on a product or service that you’ve purchased. Businesses like to hear the opinion of actual customers because those opinions can inform the decisions the business will make and how they can appeal to a larger audience. When it comes to investing, it’s pretty common knowledge that you don’t want to invest based on emotions. If you were asked whether men or women investors tend to be guided more by emotion,...


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51: It's Different This Time

It’s easy to trick ourselves into thinking “it’s different this time”, but more often than not, that isn’t the case. When it comes to the stock market, cycles tend to repeat themselves and the research that’s been proven over the years is still relevant to todays market. In this episode, Kate Stalter talks why “it’s different” is a misleading mindset that will result in negative repercussions. To learn more about how to avoid this trend and to stop making decisions out of emotional biases...


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50: What The Heck Is An Index Fund Anyway

It’s common to hear words like “stocks”, “assets”, or “index funds” thrown around when it comes to finances, but what do those words really mean? When it comes to your investments, it’s important to know what the importance of every decision truly has. While you may have heard that index funds are a good investment, do you know why? Today Kate Stalter dissects these buzzwords to help you better understand the impact and purpose they have. To learn more about broad market returns in the form...


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49: Your Stock Market Forecast

When it comes to stocks, chances are that no matter how credible the source is, they still don’t have the answer. It’s easy to become fixated on the idea of certainty and security, but the truth is that no one person can really predict the outcome. In todays’ episode, Kate Stalter talks about putting aside desire for certainty, the common misconceptions people have about stocks and how to shift that mindset. To learn more about avoiding bad market prediction and how to determine what works...


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48: The Truth About the Uber IPO

We’ve all heard of, and probably occasionally use Uber for quick and easy transportation. But have you ever heard of Lyft? Lyft is a ride sharing company, like Uber, but smaller and less known. Recently, Lyft’s stocks became available to the general public for investments and trading, but just because you can, does that mean you should? Today Kate Stalter explains why trend investments aren’t always a good idea, along with why smaller companies are sometimes more promising. Tune into this...


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47: Why Financial Education is Worthless

Education is a great and powerful thing, but some things require more than reading a few articles. Naturally we turn to professionals when we’re in legal and medical crises, so why don’t we do the same with our finances? Today Kate Stalter talks why seeking professional guidance is the best thing to do for your personal and complex financial situation. Tune into this episode of Better Money Decisions to learn how you can take action and execute a program that works for you. Show...


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46: Is It Harder Than Ever to Retire?

Many Americans are unaware of the steps they need to take to be well-prepared for their retirement. Not only are they neglecting planning, but the average American doesn’t even start saving until after 55. Today Kate Stalter talks about the predicted retirement crisis that this upcoming generation is going to face and the factors to consider that people may not have had to worry about in the past. To learn how you can avoid these major roadblocks, leave the legacy you want with your money,...


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45: Why Should You Invest?

What’s best for you long-term doesn’t always feel good in the present, but those who put in the time and hard work will thank themselves in the future. Today Kate Stalter shares why you should look at the long-term horizon and how to build the endurance necessary to deal with the inevitable ups and downs in the market. Tune into this episode of Better Money Decisions with Kate Stalter to learn more on why you should invest in yourself, your family, and your future. Show...


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44: The Risk of Owning Boeing Stock

Many people go all in on companies that seem to have promising growth, but what happens when they make a mistake? Believe it or not, this is more common than you’d think. Today, Kate Stalter talks the risks of investing in single stocks and why you should be cautious of only investing in specific companies. For more on how to avoid risky investments and secure smooth returns, tune into this episode of Better Money Decisions. Show Highlights: Links: Our proprietary Financial...


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43: The #1 Reason You Can't Retire

No matter how much you have in the bank, you can’t afford to not save for retirement. There are many factors to consider when planning for retirement and it’s important to make sure you’re prepared before it’s too late. Today Kate Stalter shares the most widespread reason people can’t afford to retire and how to avoid it. If you want to live your best life in retirement, live comfortably and securely, and give your finances a fighting chance tune into this episode of Better Money...


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42: Day 11: How to Become a Better Investor

No one can consistently pick stocks that’ll result in the highest returns, but you can learn how to make the market work for you. Most people tend to think their finances are completely out of their control, although there are many techniques you can implement to mitigate risk and generate more income. Today, Kate Stalter shares insight on how you can take control of your finances and what strategies to use in order to drive higher returns. To hear more on how you can reach your financial...
