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The Empowered CEO Show

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to The Empowered CEO Show. I’m your host, Elley Mae & I am a business coach & host of this podcast, specialising in helping coaches & online service providers to work less, earn MORE & scale their businesses to 6-figures and beyond by saying f*k the rules & doing it YOUR WAY. After making $130k in my first year of business, I went on to help entrepreneurs worldwide to make the income they *know* they’re capable of making, enjoy their businesses waaaay more & ultimately have more financial and time freedom to actually LIVE. THEIR. LIVES. Wana work less, earn more, attract your dream clients, create better content and fall in LOVE with your business all over again, (whilst making more money & having more freedom AND FUN than ever!)… THIS IS WHERE WE DO IT.




Welcome to The Empowered CEO Show. I’m your host, Elley Mae & I am a business coach & host of this podcast, specialising in helping coaches & online service providers to work less, earn MORE & scale their businesses to 6-figures and beyond by saying f*k the rules & doing it YOUR WAY. After making $130k in my first year of business, I went on to help entrepreneurs worldwide to make the income they *know* they’re capable of making, enjoy their businesses waaaay more & ultimately have more financial and time freedom to actually LIVE. THEIR. LIVES. Wana work less, earn more, attract your dream clients, create better content and fall in LOVE with your business all over again, (whilst making more money & having more freedom AND FUN than ever!)… THIS IS WHERE WE DO IT.



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195. How to Upgrade Your Client Experience for More Long-Term Client Relationships

Want the kinda clients that fall head-over-heels in love with you, get the BEST results & never want stop working with you?! Like... the kinda clients who join your low-ticket masterclass, then your coaching program or membership, sign for 6 months in your mastermind and then upgrade to private 1:1 coaching? 😍 Today's topic on the pod: CLIENT EXPERIENCE. In this episode I'm breaking down four of the most important (yet completely underrated) ways to upgrade your client experience so that your clients love working with you, get the best results, refer you to a bajillion other people 🤤 and have that long-term kinda relationship with you. Ready for that kinda client love? Listen in now 🫶 Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 💘 INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 😇 WEBSITE: 💅🏼 PRIVATE 1:1 COACHING 💋 MASTERCLASSES & PROGRAMS


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194. What To Do If You're Still Getting Money Objections

Ready for more "SEND ME THE LINK" messages in your DM's? 👀💬 rather than "maybe next time" or "I dunno if I can afford it..." messages? If you're a seasoned coach, you're really good at what you do (like HELLO epic client results?!) & you're a well-known coach and expert but... you're still getting money objections, this episode is for you. Today we're tackling the topic of what to do when your Instagram DM's are full of money objections & how to avoid this happening in the future. Breaking down the nitty gritty of handling money objections as a coach, we're focusing on your messaging, your content (ie Instagram posts, Instagram stories etc) & most importantly, your messaging (cause that's how you'll sign coaching clients who are actual DREAM clients – the ones that find you, pay you & will in-a-non-stalker-ish-way wanna follow you until the ends of the earth 🤣💅🏼). Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 💘 INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 😇 WEBSITE: 💅🏼 PRIVATE 1:1 COACHING 💋 MASTERCLASSES & PROGRAMS


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193. How I Run My 6-Figure Business With a 7 Month Old Baby

Running a business with a 7 month old is not for the faint hearted 😆 LOL. But seriously... In today's episode I'm taking you behind-the-scenes and being totally raw & real with you guys about how I'm running my business with a baby. Posting on Instagram 5 days a week, replying to client WhatsApp messages, restructuring my coaching containers & more. This episode is where I'm sharing it all ✌️ Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 💘 INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 😇 WEBSITE: 💅🏼 PRIVATE 1:1 COACHING 💋 MASTERCLASSES & PROGRAMS


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192. 4 Ways to Instantly Upgrade Your Messaging For More Sales

More sales. More clients. More money in the bank. Want it? 😎 Listen to this episode. Today I'm breaking down 4 ways you can INSTANTLY upgrade your messaging in your content to start making more sales. Whether you're a coach or online service provider, if you're ready to sign more clients, make more money online & do it all by creating simple, powerful Instagram content, podcast episodes & content all round... This episode is where we dive into both the strategy AND energy you need to make it happen TODAY. Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 💘 INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 😇 WEBSITE: 💅🏼 PRIVATE 1:1 COACHING 💋 MASTERCLASSES & PROGRAMS


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Six months ago I had a baby & became a mum, and oh my gosh!! This episode is finally here... MY BIRTH STORY! 🥹💘 In this episode I'm breaking down a few of things I did leading up to my birth, in preparation for me having the birth that I wanted, Plus of course... my birth story! 😍 This feels super exciting but also vulnerable AF to put out there on the internet. And yes, there's absolutely some TMI (so if you're not keen for that, don't listen lol). Message me on Instagram if you end up listening!! It'd mean the world to me. Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS


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190. THE PODCAST IS BACK! I had a baby, life updates etc.

And just like that... WE'RE BACK!! 😍 Listen in to today's episode (and the first episode of 2024!) for the tea on where I've been, why I took an [unplanned] break from the podcast and more! Plus there's a cheeky giveaway for one lucky winner 🤸🏼‍♀️ so open your earholes and enjoy your favourite podcast being back babbbyyyy!!!! Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS


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189. BTS of My Social Media Boundaries (so I don't feel drained or consumed by it!)

Feeling kinda drained or consumed by social media right now? Find yourself constantly checking your DM's, scrolling Instagram or TikTok & then wondering where your day went? 👀 In today's podcast episode I'm taking you behind-the-scenes in my business to show you the EXACT boundaries that I have with social media including: Why I have all notifications on my phone turned OFF My thoughts on replying to every DM (+ why I don't do it) How I respond to people wanting free coaching in the DM's The number one rule I have for creating content Why I only follow like 50-60 people on Instagram at a time My honest (+ SPICY 🌶) thoughts on daily engagement, follow for follow & other "growth strategies" that make me wanna vom LOL & so much more! Tune in now for the above & to hear me get sassy on all things social media 😇💅🏼 Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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188. How to Set Loving, Yet Firm Boundaries With Your Clients

If know you need to upgrade your client boundaries - whether that's to create a better client experience 🫶, help your clients get better results 🔥, take care of YOURSELF & your health and wellbeing 💓, reduce your workload 😌 OR all of the above... This podcast episode is where we do it!! Today I'm breaking down for you the 4 main types of boundaries you'll want to have a coach or mentor (honestly even a service provider!) & how to set them in a firm, yet loving kinda way 😇 Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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187. My Clients Who Get The BEST Results All Have THIS In Common

There's a common theme in all of my clients who get the BEST results (& have the best experience working with me as their coach) like... A who, whilst pregnant, filled 3 spots in her mastermind within 24hrs-ish & had her best month yet at $8,475! 💸 H who filled 5 x 1:1 spots in a WEEK when it used to take her MONTHS 😮 N who hit $100k by the middle of the year (not end, middle!) 🎉 C who got more done in 2 weeks than she did previously in 6 MONTHS (and so did another client, L who said she got more done in 3 months than she did in a YEAR) 🦄 A who dropped her workload down from 40 hours of straight HUSTLING to just 3 days per week, working maaaybe like 3-4hrs each day, MAX 🙏 L who went from $0 to 6-figures in 12 months & had a $39,000 sales month during that time (plus her first ever $5k, $10k, $22k cash months!!!) 🥵 Dare I go on? hehehe Find out what each of these women had in common by tuning into this week's podcast episode NOW 😍👀 Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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186. I'm On Maternity Leave! Life, Business & Podcast Updates!

Well folks... I'm officially on maternity leave & I could not be MORE FREAKIN' EXCITEDD if I tried!!!! 🥹 In this episode I'm giving you a full behind-the-scenes look at how I've prepared for maternity leave, what I'm doing whilst I'm ON maternity leave, when I'll be back etc.. Plus I'm giving you the low down on what's happening with my clients, Instagram, THE PODCAST & more!! 😍🧸💓 Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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185. If You Think (or KNOW 👀) You're Undercharging... Listen To This

Be honest with me here... Do you kindaaaa feel like you're undercharging right now? 😬 Like maybe you should've charged a higher rate but now you're IN IT with your clients & there's nothing you can do about it?! 😅 Look.. I get it. I've been there. I've had plenty of clients be there. And I'm here today, in this episode, to help you shift your perspective around your pricing, raise your rates (if you need to!) and to help you STRATEGICALLY move out of this place. Cause whilst undercharging is something we all aim to avoid, it's still one of the most common mistakes I see coaches, mentors & service providers making... Let's talk about it. Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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184. 4 Things You Can Share on Instagram Stories Every. Single. Day

Wanna know my secret to having ENDLESS content to share on Instagram Stories without hustling or burning out? This podcast episode is where I'm spilling alllll my secrets & sharing with you the 4 easiest things you can share on Instagram stories today (like literally, right now 😍) – Plus how to make showing up on stories way more FUN and enjoyable, so that it's actually something you actually look forward to.. whilst knowing that it's growing your audience, nurturing them & helping to make you more sales in the long run!!!! 🎉🚀 Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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183. What To Do If Your Offer ISN'T Selling - Part 2 (Strategy)

Not signing as many clients, filling as many spaces or making as many sales as you'd like to be? Fear no more, this episode is going to CHANGE. THE. GAMEEEEE baby!!! Simply put - If you're ready to increase your sales and start signing MORE clients so you can make MORE money & change MORE lives... plus if you loved part 1 (aka episode 182!) then you're going to LOVE part 2 (aka this episode)!! 😍 Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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182. What To Do If Your Offer ISN'T Selling - Part 1 (Energetics)

Are you not making as many sales as you'd like to be right now & starting to lose confidence that you can turn things around? In today's podcast episode I'm breaking down the simple energetic & mindset shifts you can make RIGHT NOW to build your confidence, shift your perspective and start feeling more in control of your income – regardless of how many sales you're making 😍 (plus I also share some of my fave, juicy tips to help increase sales hehe) Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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181. Scaling Your Virtual Assistant Business Without Hustling with Sarabeth Holweg

Are you a Virtual Assistant or online service provider, stuck in a constant cycle of working on your client work, undervaluing your offers, charging by the hour & never having enough time to work on YOUR OWN BUSINESS because you're always "on" for your clients (+ responding to messages at all hours of the day and night?!) 👀 In this episode, I'm chatting with one of my incredible clients, Sarabeth Holweg, about how to scale your virtual assistant business WITHOUT hustling. SB is a multi-passionate business mentor helping Virtual Assistants & Service Providers find direction and own their uniqueness so they can build a sustainable business THEIR way. And this episode is going to show you how to do just that 😍 Loved this episode? Make sure to share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS Follow Sarabeth at @rebelliouswithsb on Instagram


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180. Having a CEO Mindset VS Employee Mindset

Ahhhh mindset. One of the hottest topics to talk about in the coaching & personal development world and honestly, one of my favourite things to talk about full stop. Today I'm breaking down the key differences between those who have an "employee mindset" & those who think (and run their businesses) like a CEO 🥵 Wanna up-level your mindset & start thinking more like the badass entrepreneur that you are? This episode is where it's at. Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Episode 169: My Advice For Hiring Aligned Team Members (click here to listen!) Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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179. Navigating Business When Your Life is Busy AF

Life kinda hectic (actually... busy AF) right now and you're not sure how to navigate it all whilst ALSO running your business? I get it. My life for the last few years has been pretttttyyy full on. Buying a house, getting married, renovating, growing a BABY – you name it, we did it (or are still doing it lol). In this episode I'm breaking down how I'm able to continue running my 6-figure business whilst going through & navigating a lot in my personal life. Hope you enjoy 🫶 Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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178. Making More Money From "Leaned Back" Energy (aka chilling out & still making sales!)

Wanna know how to chill out more & be in that "leaned back energy" whilst you make more money as a coach and see your sales go UP (instead of down, like they normally do)? THIS EPISODE IS WHERE IT'S AT 🥵 Today's topic was requested by one of YOU (you know who you are 😉) & to say I'm excited to be talking about making money, signing clients and chilling out is an understatement lol. In this episode I'm delivering you a dose of tough love, mixed with some energetic and strategic shifts you can make in your business to start working less, chilling more & STILL see those sales roll in the door 😍💸💸 Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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177. How I'm Prepping My 6-Figure Coaching Business as a First Time Mum

With my baby due to enter the world in just a couple of months, I wanted to take you guys behind-the-scenes in my six figure business to show you just how I'm preparing everything as a first time mum! 🧸 In this episode I'm breaking down: My plan for taking time off & "maternity leave" The steps I've already begun to take to prepare my business How I'm feeling about becoming a first time mum Boundaries I'll be implementing with clients, team members etc & as always, my unfiltered, totally vulnerable thoughts on business, babies, life & all the things! Loved this episode? Make sure share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ ASK ME ANYTHING (request an upcoming podcast episode!!) >> 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS & PRODUCTS 💸 SIX-FIGURE FLOW MASTERMIND


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176. Workflows & Systems to Work Less and Earn More with Krystal Clark

Breaking news: Systems & workflows don't have to be complicated 👀 and in this episode, you'll find out just how SIMPLE they can be & how you can save literally 3-4+ hours per week just by implementing a few really simple, key workflows 😍 In this episode I'm speaking with Krystal Clark who is a Workflow Strategist helping service providers streamline their business with organised systems so they can stress less and work with more ease. She’s all about transforming the way you work so you can enjoy the freedom that entrepreneurship has to offer while you effortlessly run your business and wow clients. Loved this episode? Make sure to share a screenshot on Instagram Stories & tag me @elleymae! Download my FREE GUIDE with 15 ideas for your next Instagram post to get more engagement & more SALES here 💰➡️ 🧚‍♂️ INSTAGRAM: @elleymae 💓 WEBSITE: 👑 1:1 COACHING 💋 PROGRAMS Follow Krystal at: 👉🏼 WEBSITE: 👉🏼 INSTAGRAM: @krystalclarkcreative
