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The Janelle Show

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome To The Janelle Show Podcast! On this show, we talk to change-makers about their purposeful steps to make tremendous waves in their careers and businesses. We discuss how they delegate and manage tasks, enabling them to gain freedom without being saddled with enormous responsibilities. Our guests share the stories behind the uniqueness of their brands and the different steps they take to achieve their goals. Join us on this podcast and gain great insights into how our guests accomplished their goals, managed their brands, and created their dream lives. This podcast is where you learn some essential tips, tricks, and techniques that trigger the growth of a business or brand. You will discover why you need a powerful marketing strategy to increase your income and how to travel anywhere in the world with kids on a budget. And get me time! Learn to grow a brand intentionally. One of our guests 'Jillian Micheals, shared why she has numerous coaches to accelerate every aspect of her life. The Janelle Show podcast will also enlighten you on why you need a coach to navigate your decisions, especially in creating a work-life balance, because we can have it all! As a business Coach and a Digital Marketing Strategist, Janelle helps her clients live their dreams with her life-changing ideas, the daring moves she takes, her zeal, and her passion for growing brands. She coaches entrepreneurs who desire to become digital nomads while homeschooling their little ones since she has been to 14 countries in two years with her children. She started her online career as a virtual assistant and has grown to become the CEO of an international corporation. Your story distinguishes you from others, so it is imperative to build an exceptional brand by showing up, standing up, and speaking up like never before, so the big question should be; Am I living the bold, authentic life of freedom I desire? After listening to this show, you will know the answer to this question. I am Janelle Jones, the host of the Janelle Show Podcast. I am a brand consultant, a digital marketing strategist, an entrepreneur, and a dedicated business coach. I have multiple roles, so I understand that life is demanding, but you can find a healthy balance with the tips my guest and I share on this show. I aim to ensure that all the pieces of your business fit your desired lifestyle seamlessly. Every dream is achievable if worked on. So if you are ready to make a unique name for yourself, grab a seat, prepare your writing materials, and pay close attention to re-strategize, grow, and blow up your businesses and brands.


United States


Welcome To The Janelle Show Podcast! On this show, we talk to change-makers about their purposeful steps to make tremendous waves in their careers and businesses. We discuss how they delegate and manage tasks, enabling them to gain freedom without being saddled with enormous responsibilities. Our guests share the stories behind the uniqueness of their brands and the different steps they take to achieve their goals. Join us on this podcast and gain great insights into how our guests accomplished their goals, managed their brands, and created their dream lives. This podcast is where you learn some essential tips, tricks, and techniques that trigger the growth of a business or brand. You will discover why you need a powerful marketing strategy to increase your income and how to travel anywhere in the world with kids on a budget. And get me time! Learn to grow a brand intentionally. One of our guests 'Jillian Micheals, shared why she has numerous coaches to accelerate every aspect of her life. The Janelle Show podcast will also enlighten you on why you need a coach to navigate your decisions, especially in creating a work-life balance, because we can have it all! As a business Coach and a Digital Marketing Strategist, Janelle helps her clients live their dreams with her life-changing ideas, the daring moves she takes, her zeal, and her passion for growing brands. She coaches entrepreneurs who desire to become digital nomads while homeschooling their little ones since she has been to 14 countries in two years with her children. She started her online career as a virtual assistant and has grown to become the CEO of an international corporation. Your story distinguishes you from others, so it is imperative to build an exceptional brand by showing up, standing up, and speaking up like never before, so the big question should be; Am I living the bold, authentic life of freedom I desire? After listening to this show, you will know the answer to this question. I am Janelle Jones, the host of the Janelle Show Podcast. I am a brand consultant, a digital marketing strategist, an entrepreneur, and a dedicated business coach. I have multiple roles, so I understand that life is demanding, but you can find a healthy balance with the tips my guest and I share on this show. I aim to ensure that all the pieces of your business fit your desired lifestyle seamlessly. Every dream is achievable if worked on. So if you are ready to make a unique name for yourself, grab a seat, prepare your writing materials, and pay close attention to re-strategize, grow, and blow up your businesses and brands.







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You don't have to give your life to your business; you need your life back; find it!

On today's episode of the Janelle show, we have Kasey Compton as our guest. Kasey is on a mission to help entrepreneurs achieve entrepreneurial confidence. Kasey got pregnant and went to check the sex of her baby, only to be told that she was in labor and was also placed on bed rest. She lost her job, and after a while, she realized the need to start something that would generate income for herself and her family, which is how she began her entrepreneurial journey. She couldn't find a healthy balance between her business and her family, and this made her figure out scalable systems she could use to run her business, even in her absence, like automation. She mentioned the necessity of self-evaluating how well you spend your time in a day. Connect with her on➡️ Instagram: @hikaseycompton


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When you have a good marketing strategy, you get to have more clients!

We have Jamila Payne as our guest on the Janelle show today. Jamella is known as an authority for entrepreneurs looking to systemize their businesses to help them increase their income and serve more clients while working less. She is the CEO of Daily Success Routine and built her career as a marketing executive before she transitioned. She mentioned that the first strategy she started with that helped her build her potential audience was hosting weekly workshops, webinars, online training, etc. She also shared the need to have people around us that expose us to new opportunities because exposure creates new opportunities. She suggested some books that can be helpful for entrepreneurs and newbies to run their businesses successfully. Connect with her on ➡️ Instagram: @jamilapayne


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Protecting Your Online Business with Nicole Oden

On the Janelle show today, we have Nicole Oden as our guest. She has a virtual law firm and works as a legal consultant. She helps online freelancers and service providers protect their businesses and brands legally. She has an online template shop containing basic contracts to help a business grow and expand. She transitioned from the type of practice she was doing due to the birth of her daughter. To find a healthy balance, she gathered knowledge from other female entrepreneurs about how they transitioned when they had kids and got helpful answers. She mentioned that she sticks to her calendar schedules to enable her to juggle the responsibility of being a mother and an entrepreneur. She also mentioned the essence of having a coach/mentor to guide you in making the right decisions, as this has accelerated her entrepreneurial life. Connect with Nicole @ ➡️ Instagram: @legaltemplatesandmore + @nicolecheriodenlaw


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If you need to recover from burnout, start smaller than you think you need to!

On the Janelle Show today, we have Eliza Collins as our guest. She is a burnout expert and a functional health coach professionally known as the burnout witch. She helps her clients get out of survival mode, optimize their health and live a life of ease. She mentioned that trauma can set people up for a pattern of men-pleasing or becoming highly sensitive people because we have to manage our emotions to keep others comfortable in our environment. She shared some signs of burnout which include resentment, brain fog, short temperament, losing strength during exercise rather than regaining, etc. She also mentioned that in order not to go through burnout again, you should create some boundaries by doing a value exercise and cutting off those things that are not valuable to you. She recommended some books that can help people heal and recover from burnout. Connect with her on ➡️ Instagram: @theburnoutwitch


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Try different things and figure out what's best for you. The ultimate aim is to make more money! On the Janelle Show today, we have Yaron Been as our guest. Yaron is an e-commerce entrepreneur, a growth coach, and an industrial engineer, and he served in the army for four years before he went into entrepreneurship. He has a passion to help businesses succeed. Yaron saw the result his childhood friend made online which motivated him to give it a shot, and it turned out amazing because he made at least a million dollars in a year. He draws his inspiration from a famous US brand which has kept him pushing to become better. He does his business alongside his wife, and he mentioned the need to have a balanced life and integrate other areas of your life. Connect with Yaron on LinkedIn @


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Social media is your baby, and your managers are the guardians! On today's episode of the Janelle Show, we have Mokshita Paswani; She is a social media manager. Mokshita shared that having a social media manager does not mean replacing your responsibilities of going live, responding to clients, etc. She shared that every entrepreneur is known for their uniqueness and not by their managers, so she urged entrepreneurs to work with their managers to get sales, not leave the work for them. She also mentioned that certain things must be in place to start a social media agency, like setting up a system, having a contract template, and a questionnaire to onboard clients. Connect with her on ➡️ Instagram:- Fb:- Email:- here are the book links mentioned on this interview:- The Secret:- Ikagai:- Bhagwat Gita:-


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Setbacks provide an opportunity for major comebacks

Do not be afraid to take a step back to make fifty steps forward! On today's episode of the Janelle Show, we have Brittany and Samantha. They own a franchise and they have over twenty years of franchise experience in sales operation, training recruitment, and general management; and they have helped hundreds of people achieve their dreams. Brittany was raised by two entrepreneurs and her mom co-founded a franchise brand which made it easy for her to scale through. On the other hand, Samantha was not from an entrepreneurial background but franchising gave her the support, idea, and structure to go into business. They advised that we should have a positive mental attitude because we have to go somewhere in our mind before we go there with our bodies, and they also talked about the need to be unapologetic about who we are. The first time you did it was when you first had the thought, and the best next time is now! Take audacious steps to achieve your dreams. Connect with them on ➡️ Website: Linkedin: Instagram:


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Don't Allow Burnout to Deter you from Turning your Dreams into Reality

Leap, don't be in the corners! On the Janelle show today, we have Jennifer Vera as our guest. Jennifer is a business coach who became a mom at age 18, struggling for many years with a minimum-wage job. She suffered depression and burnout for two years until a passion for entrepreneurship germinated in her, and she embraced it. Jennifer is a business coach who coaches moms to grow their businesses, make enough income, and add meaning to their lives. She mentioned that the significant thing that helped her overcome her struggling seasons was hypnosis. She advised every lady who may be going through a difficult time or challenge to seek help however they can. She recommended a book titled "The Audacity To Be Queen". Connect with Jennifer on ➡️


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Revolutionizing Motherhood

It's time for a discussion about how to shake up motherhood during our Women's History Month series. Check out the latest episode of the Janelle Show. If you loved this episode, let me know or reach out to me via my social media platform, take a screenshot of the episode, and share it to your stories tagging me. You can connect with me at Want to find out more about my coaching programs? Go to Arielle Martone: Dee Tomashoff: Patricia Grenseman: Linda Lederman Marnie Madras Mel Mutterspaugh


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Women in Entrepreneurship

It's the femme season! Please do not sit on the fence and watch other women live their dreams. Join the community of these changemakers☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ We have four influential female entrepreneurs as our guests on the Janelle show today. We have the likes of Staci Wright - an Inventor Entrepreneur, Hunter Myers - a Brand Strategist, Giselle Galper - a Career Application Creator; and Sheri Richardson - a Business Development & Leadership Expert. They shared great insights that can help female entrepreneurs thrive. Staci Wright encouraged female entrepreneurs to bring their visions alive because it's the Feminine Season, and women are slowly dominating the entrepreneurial world. Hunter Myers shared that women should pursue their dreams with tenacity and confidence no matter the storms they go through, and she also advised that they should find allies that can vouch for what they can do. Sheri Richardson shared that a better way a female entrepreneur can find a work-life balance is by delegating duties. She advised female entrepreneurs to find someone to handle some of their tasks and not drown themselves. Giselle advised female entrepreneurs to be resilient because challenges will always come. They advised that as much as you should not put out your friends, you should put them in their proper category. They mentioned that we should connect with people we can contact during our downtimes like coaches and mentors. They also advised that as a female entrepreneur, you should connect with like-minded people, practice healthy habits, and invest heavily in your mindset because it reflects what will show on the outside. Trust your guts, ignore the naysayers, and set out to live the life of your dreams! Connect with them on: Staci Wright➡️ (1) Staci Renee Wright | Facebook Staci Renee Wright ( • Instagram photos and videos Hunter Myers ➡️ IG: LinkedIn: Facebook: website: Giselle Galper ➡️ IG: LinkedIn Me: LinkedIn Chea: Website: App Download: Sheri Richardson➡️


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Black Women and the Feminist Movement Today

Reclaiming our power: a black woman's call for intersectional feminism. Today's episode will discuss black women's relationship with feminism. Joining us today, Dr. Giovanni Washington and Stacey Y. Clark, M.Ed., are here to clarify that black women have an equally important role in this world. In healing our lineage, great change can be made in the world. It isn't just about us. This is inclusive to our families as well. In creating change for us we can also create change for our sons and daughters. Guests: Dr. Giavanni Washington- -IG and Tik Tok- @BlackGoddessWithin Stacey Y. Clark, M.Ed.-


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Join us today while we are joined by Neesha Blajberg, a DEI Consultant, and Giselle Galberg, a Career App Founder, while they get down to the nitty-gritty of modern feminism. How mainstream feminism defines exclusivity and the differences in modern feminism. Is modern feminism on the rise? Join the conversation while Janelle, Neesha, and Giselle have a modern conversation about viewpoints, classifications, expectations, men's and women outlooks on modern feminism and so much more! Giselle Galberg: Personal Website: Instagram & Facebook handle: @cheaseedapp Neesha Blajberg: Personal Website: Book a complimentary consult here:


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Take life as it comes and keep pushing forward! In this episode of The Janelle Show, we will be sitting down with AnnMaria De Mars! By age 19 she had her bachelors degree, an MBA at 21. She is the first American to win the World Judo Championship and the owner of 7 Generation Games. She has inspired plenty, including her daughter Rhonda Rousy, at being the best that you can be. In this episode we will discuss her life as a mother and entrepreneur. We will discuss how and why she continued to knock out her goals one by one with such a busy schedule.You can connect with her on Facebook at


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In this episode of the Janelle Show, Janelle sits down and answers your most asked questions! Stay connected with Janelle on: Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Youtube:


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On the Janelle show today, we have Beth Auguste. Beth is a registered dietitian and nutritionist who specializes in juggling everything that gives you a healthy lifestyle; she is also a wellness advocate. Beth mentioned that we should give ourselves a mini-challenge, be it a minute of lateness or drinking water. She said that there are small things that we need to practice to have our self-care. She also talked about the need for having a reawakening; and that everyone has different spokes that turn in different directions, discover yours, and work towards it. Remember - always consider the top of your priority list


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Money makes the world go round! On today's episode of the Janelle show, we have Dawnette Palmore. Dawnette is the founder of "your money on purpose coaching". She helps empower women to gain control of their finances without sacrificing their lifestyles. Her goal is to help women thrive rather than survive. She shared that it is necessary to figure out what is important to you and what you want to accomplish and work in that direction. Dawnette and Janelle shared the need to reflect on our accomplishments and improve in areas we lack behind.


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How you cope during a traumatizing moment sharpens your greatest gift - your strengths! We have Judith Juhnke as our guest in today's episode of the Janelle show. She is a transformational coach and business mentor. Judith shared that it is essential to understand our weaknesses and strengths better because it leads us to fulfill our purpose. She mentioned that the purpose/reason we came to earth is always connected or hidden in the most significant adversity we've experienced. She also shared the five processes that can train the brain muscles. Connect with her on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin at @JudithJuhnke or her website at !


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We cannot do everything, but we can do everything that matters to us! On the Janelle show today, we have Aashika Abraham as our guest. Aashika is the founder of MAMMA-MIYA; She is committed to helping busy moms thrive rather than survive- every day. Her dream was borne out of a universal personal need: the problem of time management and energy. She also mentioned that entrepreneurship is a very challenging journey that can be very fulfilling if you do something you are passionate about. She also talked about the importance of being deliberate in what we do.


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The 'Janelle Show' Is Back

Janelle started by appreciating all her supporters, well-wishers, and listeners of the Janelle Show Podcast for their love and support thus far. She shared that this season's podcast will take a different shape as it will incorporate segments like travel tips, invites, ways to relax our minds while we get more things done, how to create a healthy life balance, how to become a tribe, and lots more. Janelle shared that listeners can suggest what they would love to listen to and who they would love to have on the show by leaving a comment or sending her an email via She also talked about the importance of being consistent in what we do. She mentioned that if the listeners need a podcast on 'consistency,' they can indicate it in the comment section, which will be attended to. She also used her favorite phrase - The essence of giving yourself grace; Don't work out yourself; sometimes, you need a break!


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Vulnerable Episode: Death It's A Powerful Eye Opener For Janelle.

Practice self-care! Don't wait until your health hits you down! Janelle started by appreciating all her supporters and the listeners of the Janelle Show Podcast. She went further to share a terrible experience that nearly took her life, which has given her the realization that she hasn't been practicing self-care. She advised that as much as you love your hobby, you should not get stressed about it. She also advised women to practice their self-care as much as they could. She shared that the Janelle Show Podcast will be on hold for the time being, but it will certainly come back next year and take a different shape. She apologized for the inconvenience this may cause anyone. Click Subscribe or Follow to get notified when a new episode is released 🎧 If you loved this episode, reach out to me on Instagram, take a screenshot of the episode and share it to your stories tagging me. You can connect with me at Want to find out more about my coaching programs? Go to
