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The Mompreneur's Diary

Business & Economics Podcasts

The podcast for entrepreneurial women of all backgrounds to get the support they need when growing their businesses. We all have things we mentally take note of or write about but don’t feel like we have a safe space to talk about. Well, today, we’re gonna talk about it. Connect with Briana at


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The podcast for entrepreneurial women of all backgrounds to get the support they need when growing their businesses. We all have things we mentally take note of or write about but don’t feel like we have a safe space to talk about. Well, today, we’re gonna talk about it. Connect with Briana at



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15 | Looking Back on Season 1

Honestly, I can't believe this is the final episode of Season 1. This time has flown by, and the experience has been everything I could’ve dreamed it would be. Starting a podcast has been on my list of goals since the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey. However, seeing it finally happen was an amazing feeling that I can't even fully describe. I'm beyond grateful for all the support I've gotten throughout the season, the amazing women who have joined me and shared their experiences, and the reviews and feedback. It's just been an all-around great experience! I've learned so much throughout this season, and in today’s episode, I want to share with you some of the things I've learned and what to expect as we take a quick break and prepare for Season 2 of The Mompreneur’s Diary Podcast. So, grab a pen, hit that play button, and get ready to say goodbye to Season 1. ​​For any links mentioned in today’s episode, be sure to check out the show notes over at This episode of The Mompreneur’s Diary podcast is sponsored by HelloBriana Consulting. HelloBriana Consulting is a business consulting firm created to help female entrepreneurs build the brands they dream of while creating a life they don’t need a vacation from. To learn more about how to build the brand that you dream of, head over to


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14 | How to Get Back on Track as a Mompreneur

How many times throughout your week (or day) do you feel overwhelmed and find yourself drowning in both business and life tasks? You are not alone! (And there’s no judgment here in whatever number you answered.) This is so common for entrepreneurs, especially mompreneurs, that it becomes all too easy to forget the beauty and freedom of having your own business. In this episode, we're going to talk about how you can get more organized in life and business, feel more aligned, and ultimately crush more of your business goals. For years, I thought finding harmony among my many roles was impossible. I’d have days when things would be great, days when things would just feel like they were falling apart, and many days when I was just unsure if things would work out. However, once I implemented some small tweaks, both at home and in my business, I felt aligned and good about moving forward in life. And I know that these tweaks can help you too. So, grab a pen, hit that play button, and get ready to find harmony and balance so you can once again enjoy your mompreneur journey! ​​For any links mentioned in today’s episode, be sure to check out the show notes over at This episode of The Mompreneur’s Diary podcast is sponsored by HelloBriana Consulting. HelloBriana Consulting is a business consulting firm created to help female entrepreneurs build the brands they dream of while creating a life they don’t need a vacation from. To learn more about how to build the brand that you dream of, head over to


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13 | Mompreneurship and Finding Harmony with Shenelle Porter

If you’ve ever felt lonely as an entrepreneur, you’re definitely not alone. This is why it’s so important to surround yourself with the right people who can support you in those pivotal business moments and celebrate your wins. In that spirit, today, I am super excited to be joined by my business bestie Shenelle Porter, who’s been an answer to my prayers. Shenelle is the owner and founder of Curate Socially Co., a business consulting company based in Virginia. As a wife and mom of two and a coach for over ten years in a corporate and entrepreneurial capacity, Shenelle understands the impact and importance of alignment and how doing business on your own terms can change your life. In this episode, we’re diving into the importance of having a supportive community as an entrepreneur (especially a mompreneur), how comparing ourselves with others is stealing our joy, and how to balance our family life with being a CEO. So, grab a pen, hit that play button, and get ready to learn how you can create a business that aligns with you and your values. For more info about Shenelle and any links mentioned in today’s episode, be sure to check out the show notes over at This episode of The Mompreneur’s Diary podcast is sponsored by HelloBriana Consulting. HelloBriana Consulting is a business consulting firm created to help female entrepreneurs build the brands they dream of while creating a life they don’t need a vacation from. To learn more about how to build the brand that you dream of, head over to


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12 | Taking the First Step with Perfumer Helida Dodd

Have you ever given up on an idea because it seemed too complicated? Or maybe you’re considering doing so right now? Well, today’s episode is for you! As entrepreneurs, we know how important it is not to give up. Creating a successful business takes hard work, time, and dedication. But sometimes, we let our fears stop us before we even start. In today’s episode, I am super excited to be joined by my new friend Helida Dodd. Helida is a former Industrial Engineer who decided to use her engineering and chemistry background to start her own business of creating intricate perfumes. She is here today to share the incredible lessons she’s learned along the way and how she didn’t let her fears stop her from creating an amazing business and following her dream, all while being a mom and a wife. So, grab a pen, hit that play button, and get ready to learn how to go after your dreams despite your fears (because we all have them) and achieve harmony in your life! Link for full show notes:


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11 | Creating Content Doesn't Have to Be Hard

Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed when it comes to content creation? Many of us start our online businesses simply because we love what we do. But we don't consider the avenues we'll need to take to actually grow our businesses. Because of this, we jump into the online space with no clear strategy, causing us to feel overwhelmed. When I first started my business, I had no idea what it meant to build a business online. I just knew I wanted to help people. So, when it came to content creation, the part where I needed to create posts, find the right hashtags and figure out what my audience needed from me, I struggled. After months of going back and forth with my content creation, I finally figured out how to create content that spoke directly to my audience. In this episode, we're going to simplify content creation. I’m sharing four ways you can create content confidently and consistently so that you can show up authentically and build your community. So, grab a pen, hit that play button, and get ready to learn how to create amazing content that will allow you to connect with your audience and grow your business. Link for full show notes:


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10 | Making Authentic Connections as an Intropreneur with Jen Jones

When you think about growing your business, do you think about ways to make more money? If so, you're not alone. But we can't forget about the connections required to make that money. Entrepreneurship is something that we usually associate with extroverts. And it makes sense: entrepreneurs need to be able to manage their team, engage with different people daily and create relationships with their clients. If you’re an intropreneur, this can be quite challenging. In today’s episode, I have an amazing conversation with Jen Jones, author, speaker, and successful introverted entrepreneur. Jen has built both a thriving real estate agency and a coaching practice for others just like her - the intropreneur! Jen focuses on building deep, meaningful relationships with her clients that inspire repeat business and those oh so important referrals. Join us as we dive into Jen's journey as an intropreneur, how to be more strategic when networking, and embracing your introvert gifts. (And yes, this episode is still for you if you don't identify as an introvert! I used to think I was an extrovert, and I've learned so much about myself because of Jen.) So, whether you're an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert, get comfy, hit play, and learn how to make and build authentic relationships that will take your business to the next level. Link for full show notes:


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9 | Aligning Your Business with the Life You Desire

Are you finally making enough money in your business, but the headache, stress, and long hours are just not worth it? Then it’s time for you to align your business with the life you desire. When I first started my business five years ago, my goal was to spend more time with my family and have peace of mind. But as my business grew, I found myself doing the exact opposite. I was making good money, but I was sacrificing time with my family. I was working long hours, and I was exhausted. In today's episode, not only am I sharing my journey of how I rebuilt my business to reclaim my time, but the four areas that I want you to focus on so you too can align your business with the life you desire. So, grab a notepad, hit that play button, and get ready to learn how to restructure and build your business in a way that feels good to you. Link for full show notes:


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8 | Prioritizing and Investing in Yourself with Health Coach Tonya Iverson

Do you struggle with prioritizing your health? If you’re nodding your head, you’re definitely not alone. From gym memberships to meal kit delivery services, it’s easy to start viewing your health as just another expense. In today’s episode, I’m talking with health coach Tonya Iverson about why it’s so important to start viewing your health as an investment. We’re also diving into Tonya’s fitness journey, building a business while raising little ones, and the importance of planning to set yourself up for success. So grab (or make) yourself a smoothie, hit that play button, and get ready to learn how you can start to prioritize your health today. Link for full show notes:


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7 | Your Mindset Sets the Foundation for Your Business's Growth

Have fear and doubt ever held you back from business growth? In today's episode, I’m talking about your mindset, how it’s holding you back, and four ways you can improve it to take your business to the next level. It’s time to pour into you so that you can show up as your best self to the people around you. Starting now. Link for full show notes:


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6 | Building Your Brand In A Way That Feels Good to You with Anita S.

It’s always great to talk with your friends, but recording the conversation is a whole other level. In today’s episode, I’m super excited to bring you along on this chat with my good friend and branding expert, Anita Scruggs. From burnout and branding to building your business in a way that feels good to you, I know you’ll walk away with at least a thing or two to think about. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and considering a pivot in your business, this episode is for you. Link for full show notes:


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5 | Honoring the Process with Emotional Balance Coach Tiffany J. Trott

Have you ever felt flustered or uncomfortable by your emotions? If you answered yes, then this episode is for you. In today’s episode, I have a beautiful conversation with Tiffany J. Trott about her work as an emotional balance coach, the unexpected nature of grief, and honoring the healing process. Tune in to hear her empowering and emotional journey of how she came to share her gifts with the world through emotional balance. You might need a few tissues for this one. Link for full show notes:


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4 | Planning for 2022 & Staying Grounded In These Internet Streets

Happy New Year! Whether or not you can believe it, 2022 is here. And now is the perfect time to sit down and plan out how to set your business up for success. It’s easy to lose focus in our busy lives, but with a solid plan in place, you can have your very own roadmap to staying grounded in these internet streets. Tune in to this episode to learn how you can start planning for 2022! For complete show notes, head over to


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3 | Connecting With Yourself to Connect With the World With LaTrease Nwosu, M.A.

Are you ready to take notes? Good, because I have an incredible value-packed episode for you today with LaTrease Nwosu, M. A. about the importance of being your own best friend and really connecting with yourself to improve the other relationships in your life (including your business). LaTrease is a licensed therapist and international relationship specialist helping women discover the healthy relationships they deserve through self-love and self-awareness. Tune in to find out how connecting with yourself will allow you to connect with the rest of the world. You don’t want to miss this one! For complete show notes, head over to


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2 | Failure Is the Greatest Teacher With Melissa D. Hall

I am so excited to share today’s episode with Melissa D. Hall, also known as “The Voice of The Female Agent.” I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Melissa over the years and I look up to her for all she’s accomplished. Melissa is the founder of the Hall Insurance Group and the owner of Arrive Financial Group. Join us today as we talk all about her journey and how failure can be the greatest teacher. For complete show notes, head over to


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1 | Appreciating Where You Are in Life & Business

Hey hey hey! Welcome to the very first episode of The Mompreneur’s Diary podcast. This is such a surreal moment for me, and I’m so excited to finally share my long overdue podcast with you. Tune in to join me on a journey of self-discovery, building impactful brands, and making connections. In this episode, we’re starting with appreciating where you are in life and business. Let’s get to it! For complete show notes, head over to


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Welcome to The Mompreneur's Diary Podcast!

Welcome to The Mompreneur’s Diary podcast, the podcast for entrepreneurial women of all backgrounds to get the support they need when growing their businesses. I’m Briana, a business coach and marketing expert, and I teach female experts how to scale their businesses online and obtain the financial and time freedom they dream of. I launched my business, HelloBriana Consulting, at the end of 2016, and, let me tell you, it has been quite the journey. I’ve often felt overwhelmed, lonely, and stressed out throughout this journey and I wish I had a safe space to share and talk about the things I was going through. That is why I created this podcast. In each episode, I’ll be sharing some of my own personal thoughts and stories, as well as featuring other incredible women doing amazing things so that you don't feel as lonely on your journey. I want to create a space for you to talk about things that no one else gets to hear. It’s been a long time in the making, and I’m excited to share this podcast with you, something that I've been dreaming about for the past few years. So, send me a message on Instagram @themompreneursdiary and let me know your thoughts and what you’d like to hear in future episodes. Bye for now!
