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The TRUST Show

Business & Economics Podcasts

Trust is not what you think it is. It is not absolute or universal. Trust is relative. The same behavior that would cause one person to trust you could cause another person to distrust you. The level of trust someone has in you is the product of their trustfulness (their willingness to trust other people) and your trustworthiness. There is almost (I said ALMOST) nothing you can do about the former, and everything you can do about the latter. Because of that, you must evaluate your own trustworthiness one relationship at a time, separately. Odds are, though, that the same behaviors that are holding you back from being more trusted in one relationship are holding you back from being more trusted in other relationships. Welcome to The Trust Show. I’m your host, Yoram Solomon, a top 10 trust expert and researcher, the author of the book of trust, and the creator of the Trust Habits® workshop that helps people and organizations form new habits that change old behaviors, build trust, and transform organizations. In this educational podcast, I will challenge you to think differently about trust, through the 8 laws of trust and the 6 components of trustworthiness. I will share my own stories, experiences of others, trust research, and sometimes, reflect on a news item. And through those, I will show you how to build trust, be trusted, and know who to trust. Because the answer to this question will have the biggest impact on your personal and professional, success or failure: can you be trusted?


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Trust is not what you think it is. It is not absolute or universal. Trust is relative. The same behavior that would cause one person to trust you could cause another person to distrust you. The level of trust someone has in you is the product of their trustfulness (their willingness to trust other people) and your trustworthiness. There is almost (I said ALMOST) nothing you can do about the former, and everything you can do about the latter. Because of that, you must evaluate your own trustworthiness one relationship at a time, separately. Odds are, though, that the same behaviors that are holding you back from being more trusted in one relationship are holding you back from being more trusted in other relationships. Welcome to The Trust Show. I’m your host, Yoram Solomon, a top 10 trust expert and researcher, the author of the book of trust, and the creator of the Trust Habits® workshop that helps people and organizations form new habits that change old behaviors, build trust, and transform organizations. In this educational podcast, I will challenge you to think differently about trust, through the 8 laws of trust and the 6 components of trustworthiness. I will share my own stories, experiences of others, trust research, and sometimes, reflect on a news item. And through those, I will show you how to build trust, be trusted, and know who to trust. Because the answer to this question will have the biggest impact on your personal and professional, success or failure: can you be trusted?




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S14E4: Expanding the Trust Premium: Insights for Lawyers and Accountants

As I continued my Trust Premium research, I recently added more professions, such as lawyers and accountants. But I also extended the Trust Premium model, and in this episode, I will share the findings for lawyers and accountants and the extended Trust Premium model.


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S14E3: Finding and Maximizing Your Trust Premium: The Process

In this episode, we move from theory to practice. Learn how to identify the highest trust premium in your industry and discover the behaviors you need to change to attract high-trust customers. We'll also explore strategies to retain existing customers, even against competitors offering discounts. Using W. Edward Deming's wisdom, "If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing," we'll outline a step-by-step process and introduce the Trust Habits method to build trustworthiness and maximize your trust premium. Tune in for practical steps to elevate your business's trust level and increase your Trust Premium.


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S14E2: The Importance of Post-Purchase TRUST

The Trust Premium framework focuses on the value customers see in trusting the salesperson or professional, making them even willing to pay a higher price or fee. So, being trusted by the customer before purchasing is essential. Not only do customers buy from people they trust, but they are willing to pay that premium. But what happens after the purchase is done? It is imperative to maintain and grow trust after the purchase, whether you want them to make repeat purchases, even if this is a single purchase. In this episode, you will learn why.


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S14E1: Make vs. Buy: Should you do things yourself or hire someone to do them?

Often, when you run your own business, you face the decision of doing something yourself or hiring someone to do it. It is not an easy decision. As a professional speaker, I face that decision on a weekly basis in different functions of my business. Over the years, I developed a three-step process to make those decisions: separate different functions, identify the alternatives for each one, and use criteria to make the decisions. In this episode, I will show you how.


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S13E12: "Trust but Verify?" Try "Trust but Specify!"

Is it good to “Trust but verify?” When you verify, aren’t you showing that you don’t trust? In this episode, I will analyze this management approach. Does it really work? I found a 2004 research article that claimed that the more you verify, even in a high-trust self-managed team, the better the performance is. But I will also discuss what’s missing from that study, and will finally suggest that instead of “Trust but verify,” you should practice “Trust but specify.”


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S13E11: The 3 Principles of Trustworthiness: Relativity, NoBS, and Empathy

There are many benefits to being trusted. One condition to be trusted is to be trustworthy. It’s still not a guarantee that you will be trusted, but it’s a prerequisite. So, what makes you trustworthy? Over the years, I observed 8 laws of trust, and developed my 6-component relative trust model. Instead of talking about those, today, in this episode, I will talk about the 3 principles of trustworthiness, that are the basis for the relative trust model.


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S13E10: Do you TRUST God? With Guest Reverend Mike Bronsky

Who do you trust? In The Book of TRUST, I claimed that there are three entities you trust. You trust yourself, you trust God, and you trust other people. Trusting yourself is the one thing that determines your risk-tolerance level without having to trust anyone else. Trusting other people is what most of my work focuses on. But how about trusting God? Do we all trust God? Do we trust God to the same extent? To answer this question, I brought a guest to this episode. Mike Bronsky is a reverend. You will hear only a fraction of what I know about his life, and what made him a man of God. Mike is one of the only people in the world I know who has completely pure intentions. There are no games with him. He means what he says, and he says what he means. He takes a lot to heart. He helps other people as much as he can. He believes in God and helps others believe in God. So, I decided to ask him this question: do you trust God?


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S13E9: What is TRUST? Why do we Need it?

This episode will give answers to both questions. It starts with describing the connection between reward, risk, fear, and trust, explaining why we even need trust and how it plays a role in our willingness to take risks to get rewards. Later in the episode, I will provide my own definition of trust, breaking it down into its components. This episode incorporates findings from my recent study of our attitudes toward trust and risk-taking and identifies gender and age differences in those attitudes.


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S13E8: You Get what you Paid for…

The foundation for the Trust Premium™ concept is that we pay first and get value later, and we must trust the salesperson or professional that they will provide value. The value is no less important than the price because of a few deeply ingrained beliefs such as "You get what you paid for," "There is no such thing as a free lunch," and "If something is too good to be true, it probably is," as they influence consumer behavior. I took those beliefs to the test through a study I conducted, and in this episode, I will provide the findings from that study and gender and age differences in these beliefs. Learn about the foundation and implications of the trust premium in today's market.


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S13E7: TRUST without Respect? Respect without Trust?

In this thought-provoking episode, we dive deep into the nuanced relationship between trust and respect. Exploring real-life scenarios and expert insights, we challenge conventional wisdom to uncover the intricate dynamics that govern our personal and professional relationships. Discover how trust and respect interact in complex ways, shaping how we connect with others, and reconsider the foundations of interpersonal relationships. This engaging discussion provides a fresh perspective on the critical elements that influence our interactions. Find out the answers to the questions: can you trust someone without respecting them, and can you respect someone and yet not trust them?


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S13E6: 3 Ways to Think Differently About TRUST

I am often asked, “What is unique and different about your approach to trust?” In this episode, I cover that unique approach to understanding trust, emphasizing its relative, reciprocal, and two-sided nature. I challenge the traditional view of trust as a universal and static attribute, illustrating instead how trust is a dynamic interplay that depends not only on the trustee's actions but also on the trustor's willingness to trust. This discussion sheds light on how personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and individual perceptions influence establishing and maintaining trust across various relationships and situations.


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S13E5: Start Procrastinating Today! (Oh, right, and how does it relate to TRUST...)

Often viewed negatively, procrastination is typically associated with last-minute stress and missed deadlines. However, could there be positive aspects to this common habit? Join us as we explore both the potential downsides and the unexpected benefits of procrastination, and consider its impact on creativity, decision-making, and trust dynamics across our personal and professional lives. Tune in to challenge your perspectives on productivity and discover the complex role procrastination plays in how we trust.


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S13E4: Why do we Trust Brand Names? The Trust Premium of Brands

Explore the intricate role of trust in consumer behavior in this podcast episode. Delve into why consumers often pay a "trust premium" for familiar brands, how trust influences purchasing decisions, and the psychological underpinnings of brand loyalty. Learn about the impact of trust on business success through expert analysis and case studies. Discover strategies businesses can use to build and maintain this crucial asset, enhancing their market presence and customer relationships.


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S13E3: Why People Lie: The Science, Psychology and Consequences

Last Sunday on McCuistion TV, the second part of a series on lying aired on PBS/KERA Channel 13. Hosted by Jim Cathcart, the episode featured Prof. Christian Hart from Texas Woman's University and me. We discussed topics like cultural differences in lying, salespeople's honesty, the relationship between confidence and trust, and the consequences and detection of lying. The insightful episode is now available on my podcast, and on McCuistion TV: I encourage you to watch more McCuistion TV episodes at


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S13E2: Building TRUST in Teams

The first episode I recorded for The Trust Show podcast was done almost three years ago and was titled “Does (Team) Size Matter (for TRUST)?”. In this episode, I revisited the topic of trust in teams because I get asked about it a lot. In this episode, I’ll talk about the importance of trust in a team. I’ll talk about team size. I’ll talk about building trust in a team and what to do when you have team members who cannot be trusted, at least not by the other members of the team.


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S13E1: Borrowed TRUST and the Power of Referrals

In this episode, we dissect why cold calls fail—trust starts at zero. With scams rampant, we’re wary of unknown callers. Trust is key; it’s what drives purchases, even at a premium. But how do we gain trust from the start? Research helps, but it’s out of our hands. The answer? Referrals and transferable trust. Joining us is Bill Cates, referral expert, and author, to discuss his system used by thousands to secure quality clients. Tune in for insights on building trust and leveraging referrals for business success in a conversation about the power of trust.


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S12E12: How to Choose a TRUSTED Coach

Are you considering hiring a coach? The struggle is real! On one hand, a skilled and trustworthy coach can transform your life. But beware—the coaching landscape is teeming with imposters. Tune in as we dissect the chaos, revealing tools to spot genuine coaches who truly have your back. In this episode, I’ll guide you through identifying and screening a coach you can trust. Drawing from my 8 Laws of Trust and the 6-Component Relative Trust Model, we’ll separate the wheat from the chaff.


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S12E11: If you TRUST me, does that mean I have to TRUST you?

Today’s podcast episode delves into the intriguing world of bi-directional trust. Dispelling the myth of symmetrical and reciprocal trust, it reveals that trust is, in fact, asymmetrical. The 4th Law of trust highlights this fascinating phenomenon. Throughout the episode, I will explore why trust doesn’t always follow a straightforward give-and-take pattern. Furthermore, this episode sheds light on the implications of this asymmetry, especially when fostering trust within a team.


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S12E10: Do You Want to be TRUSTED by EVERYONE?

Join me in this episode as I explore the intricacies of trust, particularly its personal and relative nature. I challenge the myth of being trusted by everyone and pose the question: Can you truly be trusted by everyone? Spoiler alert: No. But fear not! I share practical insights on how to broaden your trustworthiness by showcasing different facets of yourself authentically. Discover how small behavioral adjustments can widen your circle of trust, empowering you to connect with a diverse range of individuals while staying true to who you are. Get ready to unlock the keys to expanding trust in your personal and professional life.


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S12E9: Breach of Trust: "Bestselling Authors" and the Death of Professional Integrity

There is a “shortcut” that some people use to become “Amazon bestselling authors.” This practice is problematic and, in my opinion—unethical. I don’t believe those who do it are intentionally trying to mislead. I think they are caught by the “everybody is doing it” or misguided by someone who doesn’t care about the unethical consequences. There is a lot of sarcasm in my tone of voice in this episode, and I come across as preachy. If you are someone who claims to be a bestselling author based on the process described in this episode, you may want to skip this episode altogether. Either way, I didn’t record this episode to hurt anyone’s feelings.
