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The Truth About Taxes and Retirement

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to The Truth About Taxes & Retirement Podcast with J. Barry Watts from In this podcast, Barry puts four decades of experience as a Tax Strategist and Retirement Designer to work in helping business owners find ways to reduce income taxes immediately and helping people approaching retirement reduce or eliminate the taxes they will pay on their retirement income—sometimes achieving the zero percent tax bracket


United States


Welcome to The Truth About Taxes & Retirement Podcast with J. Barry Watts from In this podcast, Barry puts four decades of experience as a Tax Strategist and Retirement Designer to work in helping business owners find ways to reduce income taxes immediately and helping people approaching retirement reduce or eliminate the taxes they will pay on their retirement income—sometimes achieving the zero percent tax bracket





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What People Don’t Know About Taxes (Ep. 69)

Does the word “taxes” make you feel intimidated and overwhelmed right away? If yes, you’re not alone! It’s completely understandable. After all, the US tax code is 70,000+ pages long. As someone who deals with taxes daily, J. Barry Watts is here to enlighten you about some tips and strategies you might not know regarding taxes (so it feels less scary to you). Barry discusses: Connect With Barry Watts: The post What People Don’t Know About Taxes (Ep. 69) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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Why the Wealthy Are Perceived to Not Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes (and you don’t have to, either.) (Ep. 68)

Do you ever feel that taxation is skewed against the average citizen? Or that wealthy people don’t pay their fair share? It’s because they know how to use the tax code to their advantage! In this episode, J. Barry Watts peels back the layers of the tax system and explains how to apply the tax code’s provisions to your benefit — just like the wealthy. Barry discusses: Connect With Barry Watts: The post Why the Wealthy Are Perceived to Not Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes (and you don’t have to, either.) (Ep. 68) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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Planning Your Retirement Income (Ep. 67)

What do you need to feel confident in retirement? Is it $1 million? $2 million? Actually, it’s not about how much money you accumulate, but rather having a retirement income plan. Join J. Barry Watts for an insightful conversation about converting your lifetime savings into a consistent income source that lasts until the end of your life. Barry discusses: Resources: Connect With Barry Watts: The post Planning Your Retirement Income (Ep. 67) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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The Difference Between Death Insurance vs Life Insurance (Ep. 66)

Do you have insurance to secure your family’s financial future? If yes, when was the last time you reviewed your policy? It’s Life Insurance Awareness Month! Let’s look at how insurance plays a crucial role in your overall retirement plan. In this episode, J. Barry Watts delves into the intricacies of life insurance and the difference between death insurance and life insurance. Barry discusses: Connect With Barry Watts: The post The Difference Between Death Insurance vs Life Insurance (Ep. 66) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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Don’t Miss this Opportunity to Pay Less in Taxes (Ep. 65)

The U.S. national debt has reached $32 trillion! There is only one way to pay off this massive debt — by raising taxes. In fact, tax rates will likely see a sharp rise on January 1st, 2026. In this episode, J. Barry Watts explains how you can tackle the rising tax problem with an effective strategy that many people overlook. Barry discusses: Resources: Connect With Barry Watts: The post Don’t Miss this Opportunity to Pay Less in Taxes (Ep. 65) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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Paying Less Taxes Now & In Retirement (Ep. 64)

What do you think is your number one expense in retirement? (Hint: It’s not healthcare.) If you said taxes, you guessed it right! Healthcare costs pale in comparison to what you pay in taxes during retirement. In this episode, J. Barry Watts helps you understand strategic tax planning, how it differs from tax compliance, and how the right team of experts can make it incredibly simple for you — so you can pay less taxes now and in retirement. Barry discusses: Connect With Barry Watts: The post Paying Less Taxes Now & In Retirement (Ep. 64) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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Untangling the Retirement Rat’s Nest (Ep. 63)

Have you ever seen a rat’s nest? It is tangled, messy, and unorganized. Your retirement can end up looking just like a rat’s nest if you don’t plan properly! Your Social Security, pension, taxes, Medicare…everything entangled into a chaotic mess. In this episode, J. Barry Watts shares a six-step process to untangle the retirement rat’s nest, so you can retire with clarity and confidence. Barry discusses: Connect With Barry Watts: The post Untangling the Retirement Rat’s Nest (Ep. 63) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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Demystifying Medicare (Ep. 62)

Are you struggling to navigate Medicare? You’re not alone. The complex web of rules, acronyms, and jargon involved in this enigmatic government program leaves many scratching their heads! In this episode, J. Barry Watts demystifies Medicare and helps you make informed decisions for choosing the right plan and meeting your healthcare needs cost-effectively. Barry discusses: Connect With Barry Watts: The post Demystifying Medicare (Ep. 62) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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The Three Don’ts: Don’t Run Out of Money (Ep. 61)

You can’t afford to run out of money in retirement! When you’ve quit your job and stopped receiving a paycheck, you must protect your nest egg for the rest of your life. In this part three of a three-part series called The Three Don’ts of Retirement, J. Barry Watts shares how to build a retirement income plan and avoid running out of money. Barry discusses: Resources: Connect With Barry Watts: The post The Three Don’ts: Don’t Run Out of Money (Ep. 61) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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The Three Don’ts: Overpay Your Taxes (Ep. 60)

Do you think taxes are going up or down over the course of your retirement? After surveying thousands of people, we found that overpaying in taxes is one of the greatest concerns among those preparing for retirement. In this part two of a three-part series called The Three Don’ts Of Retirement, J. Barry Watts explores ways to reduce your total tax bill throughout your retirement, especially with the current income tax rates expected to rise in the future. Barry discusses: Resources: Connect With Barry Watts: The post The Three Don’ts: Overpay Your Taxes (Ep. 60) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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The Three Don’ts: Burden Your Family (Ep. 59)

Many people think about a nursing home when we talk about long-term care. But long-term care could also be care in your home. It could also include adult day care, or assisted living. While it may not be a pleasant topic to think about, it is essential to ensure you receive the care you need while reducing the financial and emotional burden on your loved ones! In this episode, J. Barry Watts explains how to plan for your long-term care in an effective and timely manner — and one that is affordable for you. Barry discusses: Connect With Barry Watts: The post The Three Don’ts: Burden Your Family (Ep. 59) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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The Two Checks You Need in Retirement (Ep. 58)

Having a guaranteed lifetime income (your paychecks) during retirement can help you cover your basic living expenses, so you can focus on what’s left — the playchecks. In this episode, J. Barry Watts speaks with retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Tom Hegna, who is now a retirement expert, best-selling author, public TV host and international speaker. Together, they share ways to build reliable sources of retirement income and minimize risk. Colonel Hegna discusses: Resources: Connect With Tom Hegna: Connect With Barry Watts: About Our Guest: Tom Hegna is an economist, author, and retirement expert. As a former First Vice President at New York Life, retired Lieutenant Colonel, and economist, Tom has delivered over 5,000 seminars on his signature “Paychecks and Playchecks” retirement approach, helping baby boomers and seniors retire the “optimal” way. Tom specializes in creating simple and powerful retirement solutions. He has the unique ability to pump up a crowd, make people laugh and solve complex financial problems using easy-to-understand words, ideas and stories. He’s been featured in Business, Forbes, Money Rates, and many other leading publications. He is available to speak with businesses, government organizations, professional associations, financial professionals and their clients across the globe. The post The Two Checks You Need in Retirement (Ep. 58) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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Who Needs Insurance? Who WANTS Insurance? (Ep. 57)

Insurance can be a tricky thing to navigate. Some people who need it don’t always want it, while others who want it may not necessarily need it. Plus, a lack of understanding of insurance and how it works could lead to poor decisions and increased reluctance. In this episode, J. Barry Watts discusses the common types of insurance plans, their tax benefits, and when one plan might be preferred over another. Barry discusses: Connect With Barry Watts: The post Who Needs Insurance? Who WANTS Insurance? (Ep. 57) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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Inherited IRA Rules (Ep. 56)

After accumulating wealth for years, you want it to be inherited by the right beneficiaries when the time comes. (Instead of your ex-spouse from 10 years ago!) If you are the one inheriting the IRA, you want to minimize the tax liability on your inheritance. In this episode, J. Barry Watts explains the most tax-efficient way to handle inherited IRAs and setting up your IRA for optimal distribution to your loved ones. Barry discusses: Resources: Connect With Barry Watts: The post Inherited IRA Rules (Ep. 56) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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New IRA & 401K Rules for 2023 (Ep. 55)

When it comes to taxes, some legislations can feel incredibly complex to the average American, such as the recently passed SECURE Act 2.0 — which was 4,000 pages long! But don’t worry. In this episode, J. Barry Watts highlights the key changes in this new legislation and breaks down how they affect people who have IRA accounts, 401(k)s, or other types of qualified retirement plans. Barry discusses: Connect With Barry Watts: The post New IRA & 401K Rules for 2023 (Ep. 55) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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Growing Up Watts (Ep. 54)

“The things I teach in classes, seminars, and the podcast are the things we practice in our own lives…financially and personally.” — J. Barry Watts. In a previous episode, Barry spoke with his wife about money and marriage. Today, Barry invites his beloved daughters to the hot seat! In this episode, J. Barry Watts joins his daughters Madison and Sydnie Watts, who share their experience of growing up in the Watts household and how it shaped their lives — personally, professionally, and financially. Madison and Sydnie discuss: Resources: Connect With Barry Watts: The post Growing Up Watts (Ep. 54) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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Money & Marriage: Keeping Romance Alive when Finances are on Life Support (Ep. 53)

Are you curious about how to instill the importance of budgeting and money management into your marriage? In this episode, J. Barry Watts brings on his wife Kelly Watts to dive into the magic of budgeting and managing money. She shares her experiences with organizing the family’s finances, how she keeps track of their spending, determining categories by analyzing past spending patterns and her advice for seniors and kids. Barry and Kelly discuss: Connect With Barry Watts: The post Money & Marriage: Keeping Romance Alive when Finances are on Life Support (Ep. 53) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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What the Recent Election Means for Your Pocketbook with Congressman-Elect Eric Burlison (Ep. 52)

Elections have consequences. The electoral decision in November has significant consequences for business owners, retirees, and tax payers. In this episode, J. Barry Watts is joined by Congressman–Elect Eric Burlison from Missouri to discuss how the election has and will continue to impact the money in your pocket. They share their thoughts about the consequences of a divided government on our country’s future. Eric and Barry discuss: Resources: Connect With Eric Burlison: Connect With Barry Watts: The post What the Recent Election Means for Your Pocketbook with Congressman-Elect Eric Burlison (Ep. 52) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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How Much Money Do You Need to Retire? (Ep. 51)

How are we supposed to know how much money we need to live our retirement years comfortably? Is it a million dollars? Can you get by on less? How do we even go about determining this? In this episode, J. Barry Watts explains what you need to figure out when looking to retire regarding that number in your bank account. We want to help you retire with confidence, dignity, and create a legacy for generations to follow, allowing you to live out your retirement years with ease. Barry discusses: Connect With Barry Watts: The post How Much Money Do You Need to Retire? (Ep. 51) appeared first on Wealthcare.


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The 4 Stages of Retirement (Ep. 50)

Retirement is a process with a number of stages. In this episode, J Barry Watts discusses the four key stages of retirement: Anticipation, Liberation, Reinvention and Reflection. He breaks down every stage of retirement in detail to help you identify what stage you are currently in, and gives you navigational tips for that stage and prepares you to transition to the next stage. Barry explains: The details of every stage of retirement How to identify the stage you are currently in Guidance for items to update in your retirement and estate plan for each stage. Navigational tips through each stage Implementing tax strategies to help you transition into retirement with ease And more Resources: Contact us for information about online classes Storyworth Connect With Barry Watts: Schedule an Introductory Call 800-278-1755 LinkedIn: J Barry Watts LinkedIn: WealthCareCorporation Twitter:@jbarrywatts The post The 4 Stages of Retirement (Ep. 50) appeared first on Wealthcare.
