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The Way We Source

Business & Economics Podcasts

A podcast hosted by Kodiak Hub SRM Software, where we interview professionals, tech vendors, researchers and people we find inspiring in Procurement, Sourcing, Supply Chain and Sustainability. The way we source and procure impacts they way we live and has an effect on every person on the planet in some way. We want to dig a bit deeper into the lives and the profession of the people behind this scene.


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A podcast hosted by Kodiak Hub SRM Software, where we interview professionals, tech vendors, researchers and people we find inspiring in Procurement, Sourcing, Supply Chain and Sustainability. The way we source and procure impacts they way we live and has an effect on every person on the planet in some way. We want to dig a bit deeper into the lives and the profession of the people behind this scene.



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34. Artificial vs. Human Intelligence w/ Anam Rahman, Founder & CEO at Kavida

We’re joined by Anam Rahman - “Agent PO” and the Founder & CEO at Kavida, the AI solution that empowers manufacturing teams with post-PO management for on-time deliveries. As a former procurement practitioner turned ProcureTech founder, Anam shares his wide range of Procurement insights with Sam Jenks in this great discussion, covering Kavida’s mission, AI adoption, PLG, Anam’s learnings as a founder, and more! (00:38) - Introducing Anam (01:38) - What does Kavida do and why do teams need its solutions? (04:11) - What lead Anam to found Kavida? (06:08) - Where does Kavida make the biggest impact for organizations today? (08:06) - How will we find the balance between AI and human intelligence in Procurement? (11:48) - Is AI only for digital native companies or can any company adopt it? And what is needed to prepare a company to adopt AI solutions? (14:48) - What is PLG and what comes to mind for Adam about PLG? (18:15) - Will PLG ever work within the enterprise? (21:57) - What was a learning in Anam’s journey and how did he move forward? (24:44) - What’s something Anam knows today that he wishes he’d known at the beginning of his career? (27:21) - What tips does Anam have for anyone on a founder’s journey? (30:08) - Anam answers our Kodiak Moment quick fire round of questions


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33. Supplier Development Programs w/ Vera Rozanova, Procurement thought leader & CIPS lecturer

On this episode, we’re joined by Vera Rozanova - a Procurement thought leader, award-winning speaker, CIPS lecturer, and former CPO at Royal Canin, British American Tobacco, Rusagro, and Procter & Gamble. Vera joins Sam for a great discussion about the future of Procurement, how to build new plans and frameworks, building strong Supplier Development Programs, the necessary skills for Procurement teams, new technology adoption, and more! (00:39) - Introducing Vera (01:32) - How did Vera get started in Procurement? (02:58) - What does Vera think Procurement is today and where is it going? (03:58) - How will Procurement teams look different under Procurement 4.0? (05:29) - What are Vera’s concrete tips to impact culture and building processes and frameworks quickly? (06:39) - What are Vera’s guidelines for building a plan and executing on it in a new organization? (08:17) - How does Vera source the best talent for Procurement when she’s hiring? (11:02) - What skills does Vera look for in a new hire besides soft skills & hard skills? (12:31) - Are there specialist Procurement roles that have emerged today which will stick around for the future? (15:01) - What is Vera’s approach to supplier development within a global multi-national? (17:25) - Does Vera use a specific segmentation model for suppliers or develop one based on the business? (19:04) - What type of team and skills are needed for a strong supplier development plan? (21:50) - When is it the right time to work with supplier learning and development? (22:24) - When is the wrong time to work with supplier development? What are the signs that it’s too early or late? (24:11) - Are supplier development programs only necessary for strategic suppliers or a certain level of maturity? (25:22) - Which Procurement tactics are not going anywhere and here to stay? (27:36) - Where are Procurement teams wasting time on manual tasks? (28:25) - Is there a reluctancy to adopt new technologies in Procurement? (29:18) - Vera answers our Kodiak Moment round of quick-fire questions


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32. Driving Innovation w/ Denin Gigovic, Global Head of Procurement at Elektrobit

In this special episode, we’re joined by one of Kodiak Hub’s beloved partners - Denin Gigovic, Elektrobit’s Global Head of Procurement. Denin joins Sam for a great discussion about how Procurement can help power innovation together with suppliers, how to balance cost with innovation, building strong relationships between internal stakeholders and external suppliers, the future of Procurement, and more! (00:39) - Introducing Denin (01:10) - What does Sourcing & Procurement mean to Denin? (03:48) - What are some of the keys to career development in Procurement? (09:32) - Denin talks about his Procurement role at Elektrobit (11:11) - How does the competitiveness of different industries affect the way Procurement teams act and react? (12:50) - How does Denin and Elektrobit balance cost with innovation? (13:52) - What supplier relationship tactics does Denin use to drive innovation and get the most value? (15:15) - How does Procurement mesh their relationships with internal stakeholders and external suppliers? (18:46) - How does Denin make sure to stay operational in the business and what tips does he have? (21:13) - Is there any way that Elektrobit is experimenting with AI? (25:04) - How does legislation and export control affect the way that Denin and Elektrobit source? (28:25) - Does Denin have any suggestions for how to be compliant with the recent legislative tsunami? (32:33) - What is a mistake or learning that Denin has had in his career? (34:12) - What are some Procurement tactics that Denin thinks are a thing of the past? (35:34) - Are there things that have changed with Denin’s supplier relationship strategies? (37:51) - Denin answers our Kodiak Moment quick fire round of questions


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31. Sourcing for the State w/ Magnus Josephson, public Procurement consultant

In this episode, we’re joined by Magnus Josephson, an accomplished Procurement expert and consultant with experience in both the private and public sectors. In his impressive career, Magnus has worked with over 600 companies and public entities in 12 countries and is one of Sweden’s top consultants in public Procurement. Magnus joins Sam to discuss the differences between public and private Procurement, the politics of public Procurement, how to build sustainable supplier relationships in the public sector, and more! (00:38) - Introducing Magnus (01:08) - What made Magnus choose Procurement and what does it mean to Magnus? (02:36) - What’s something that Magnus knows now that he wishes he knew at the beginning of his career? (04:54) - What was an experience in Magnus’ career that was pivotal? (08:58) - What are the biggest differences between public and private Procurement? (10:25) - How political does public Procurement get? (13:23) - How does public Procurement maintain long-term relationships with suppliers than also have flexibility? (18:39) - Are there any Procurement tactics that Magnus thinks aren’t going anywhere and are here to stay? (22:14) - How does public Procurement have external pressure to spend taxpayer money responsibly? (27:29) - Magnus answers our Kodiak Moment quick fire round of questions


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30. Elevating Procurement w/ Alex Evans, Supply Chain Manager at Elbit Systems UK

This episode, we’re joined by Alex Evans, a procurement practitioner with a wide range of experience in the aerospace and defense sector – having previous sourced for Boeing, Leonardo, Vertical Aerospace, and Heart Aerospace before joining Elbit Systems UK as their Supply Chain Manager. Alex discusses his experiences of working at both multinationals and startups, the differences and similarities between Procurement in aerospace vs. other industries, whether Procurement has won the trust of stakeholders, how to build a supplier base from scratch, which SRM tactics are dead or here to stay, and more! (00:39) - Introducing Alex (01:03) - How did Alex start working in Procurement & Sourcing? (01:50) - What makes Alex stay in Procurement and what does it means to him? (02:48) - How is Procurement in the aerospace and defense industry different from Procurement in other industries? (03:43) - What’s the biggest difference between working in Procurement for multinationals vs. startups? (05:44) - Is it hard for Procurement teams in startups to get things right? (07:24) - Do multinationals have something to learn from startups? (09:00) - Where do you start with building a Procurement team in a startup? (12:00) - Does Procurement have playbooks and who should be responsible for creating them? (13:47) - Has Procurement won the trust of stakeholders? (15:37) - What is some advice that Alex can give for building trust with stakeholders? (17:11) - Where does one start to build up a new supplier base? (19:15) - How many suppliers should a Procurement professional have in their back pocket? (21:09) - How do you develop a supplier who isn’t delivering up to expectations? (25:18) - What are some of the traditional Supplier Relationship Management tactics that are dead now? (26:24) - What are some SRM tactics that are here to stay? (28:05) - Alex answers our Kodiak Moment round of quick-fire questions


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29. Engineering Sustainable Sourcing w/ Francesco Bassoli, VP of Global Procurement at Amcor

In this episode, we’re joined by Francesco Bassoli, an accomplished Procurement leader and practitioner with over 20 years of experience, having previously served as the CPO of Alcoa and the VP of Global Procurement at Amcor. Francesco discusses how his background in engineering has influenced his career in Procurement, how he’s transitioned to different industries during his Procurement career, his thoughts on how Procurement can drive Sustainability within their organizations, and more! (00:38) - Introducing Francesco (01:36) - What does Sourcing and Procurement mean to Francesco? (03:32) - Why has Procurement typically been seen as a secondary function within organizations even though it’s so vital? (06:10) - Has Francesco’s background as an engineer influenced his work in Procurement? (08:44) - How has Francesco taken lessons from each of the different industries that he’s worked in during his Procurement career? (14:08) - Is it challenging to change industries as a Procurement practitioner? And does Francesco have any advice for doing so? (17:57) - What does Francesco think that the mega-trend of “Sustainability” means for Procurement and its practitioners? (22:56) - How can businesses practically lay the groundwork for sustainable development throughout their supply chains? (27:38) - How can Procurement convince their businesses that Sustainability brings a competitive edge? (31:28) - Francesco answers our quick-fire round of questions


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28. Truly Purposeful Procurement w/ Peter Smith, author of "Bad Buying" and "Procurement with Purpose"

In this episode, we’re joined by a household name and thought leader in Procurement – Peter Smith. With over 40 years (or make that 30 years) of experience, Peter has worked with Procurement as a practitioner, professor, Managing Editor of Spend Matters Europe, and author of the books “Bad Buying” and “Procurement with Purpose.” He joins us to discuss how he’s seen Procurement evolve during his career and where it’s going in the future, where Procurement is succeeding and “F’ing up,” how to avoid “Bad Buying,” and more! (00:40) - Introducing Peter (02:25) - What does Procurement & Sourcing mean to Peter? (04:40) - How has the role of Procurement evolved over Peter’s career and why has it changed? (08:36) - What topics does Peter see are most pressing for the next generation of Procurement in university? (11:45) - How well is the theory of Sustainable Procurement aligning with the actual practice? (12:52) - How do Procurement leaders go beyond just “ticking the boxes” and drive truly Sustainable Procurement? (16:10) - Where does Peter see businesses succeeding and where are they F’ing up? (18:52) - How does Peter think that targets are actually influencing Procurement practitioners? (22:26) - How does Peter think that businesses are F’ing up? (26:13) - What are some steps that Procurement can take to avoid Bad Buying? (30:48) - Peter talks about the importance of investing in Contract Management (34:20) - Peter answers our quick-fire round of questions


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27. Source to Impact w/ Lukas Wawrla, Co-Founder & Managing Director at Archlet

In this episode, we’re joined by Lukas Wawrla, Co-Founder & Managing Director of Archlet. Lukas tells us about how he stumbled into sourcing & procurement with no prior experience while co-founding his sourcing platform in university, how Archlet broke into the sourcing space and found the success it has today, Lukas’s experience as an unexpected procure tech founder, and his thoughts on what the next trends in procurement and sourcing will be. (00:44) - Introducing Lukas (01:30) - What does sourcing & procurement mean to Lukas? (02:25) - How did Lukas get started in procurement? (04:05) - What is the mission of Archlet? (05:48) - What is Archlet doing differently from other sourcing solutions so they could break into the space? (08:17) - How does Lukas think GenAI will change sourcing? (10:55) - Are today’s procurement teams digitally mature enough to adopt and utilize GenAI? (13:45) - How does Archlet ensure that it delights its customers at every step? (16:55) - How does Archlet get over hurdles within user adoption? (19:27) - How does Lukas find the right balance between standardization and configuration? (21:17) - How will procurement get over the hurdles of adopting standardized new solutions? (23:00) - Why did Lukas decide to make Archlet with a more consumerized design? (25:40) - Why does Lukas think that founders have difficulty talking about losses? (30:23) - What tips does Lukas have for other ProcureTech founders or entrepreneurs? (32:44) - Lukas answers Sam’s quick-fire round of questions


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26. Pioneering Risk Management w/ Heiko Schwarz, Founder & CEO of riskmethods

This episode, we’re joined by a ProcureTech pioneer - Heiko Schwarz, founder & CEO of riskmethods. Heiko discusses his journey as a ProcureTech founder, how risk management has evolved over the last decade, the next big trends he sees coming in procurement, and more! (00:39) - Introducing Heiko (01:11) - What does Sourcing & Procurement mean to Heiko? (02:20) - How’s life for Heiko as a ProcureTech pioneer? (03:47) - What does Heiko think will be the next big talent trends in Procurement? (05:58) - What products and solutions did Heiko develop with riskmethods? (10:44) - How has Heiko seen Supplier Risk Management grow in his career? (14:39) - Where is Supplier Risk Management headed next? (17:10) - Did Heiko ever feel lonely as a founder? (19:40) - What were the biggest changes that Heiko saw in his business throughout different stages of growth? (24:11) - What was one of Heiko’s biggest learnings as an entrepreneur? (27:35) - What was the journey to break into the US market like? (31:08) - How did riskmethods get their first early-adopter clients in the US? (33:55) - Heiko answers our quick-fire round of questions


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25. High Performance Intelligence w/ Omer Abdullah, co-founder of The Smart Cube

We’re thrilled to be joined by a household name in the Procurement space, Omer Abdullah - former Principal at A.T. Kearney, co-founder of The Smart Cube, and author of “Risk and Your Supply Chain: Preparing for the Next Global Crisis.” Sam talks to Omer about the changes he’s seen in Procurement in his 30-year career, the adoption of ProcureTech solutions and how it will transform teams in the future, whether the hype around GenAI is justified, and more! Timestamps: (00:40) - Introducing Omer (01:25) - What does Sourcing & Procurement mean to Omer? (02:50) - What made Omer decide to work in Procurement? (04:16) - What is “high performance intelligence” for Procurement in 2023? (06:50) - Where does Omer think that Procurement teams are lacking intelligence? (09:20) - What does Omer think about the hype around GenAI in Procurement? (12:31) - What Procurement roles will be most affected by GenAI? (16:11) - What does the effects of technology on Procurement teams mean for ProcureTech vendors? (19:17) - Is the future of ProcureTech adoption bottom-up? (23:00) - Is the average Procurement team ready for the adoption of cutting-edge ProcureTech or is it still only for the digital natives? (24:00) - Why is Procurement talking about GenAI so much if most teams aren’t ready to adopt it? (25:55) - How do we avoid leaving people behind with the adoption of ProcureTech? (27:55) - What’s one think Omer knows now that he wishes he knew at the beginning of his career? (30:53) - Omer answers our quick-fire round of questions


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24. The 360-Degree Procurement Mindset w/ Fredrik Taube, Head of Procurement at Söderberg & Partners

This week, we’re joined by Fredrik Taube, Head of Procurement at Söderberg & Partners and former Head of Sourcing for Ericsson. Fredrik discusses how he began his career in Sales at Ericsson before transitioning to Procurement and leading Ericsson’s global Sourcing team. He shares some lessons that he’s learned from having sat on both sides of the table to develop a 360-Degree Procurement Mindset and his experience with building a Procurement organization from scratch. Timestamps: (01:24) - What does Sourcing & Procurement mean for Fredrik? (02:08) - How did Fredrik end up working in Procurement? (02:54) - Fredrik talks about his current procurement role at Söderberg & Partners (03:50) - What lessons from Fredrik’s career has he taken into his work today? (05:31) - What are the most important tools for a Procurement professional to successfully transition into a new organization? (06:41) - What can Procurement learn from Sales, and vice-versa? (07:55) - How can Procurement & Sales improve their understanding of each other’s perspectives and needs? (09:18) - How has Fredrik seen an evolution in Buyer-Supplier relationships during his career? (12:47) - What was the most challenging aspect of transitioning to Fredrik’s current position? (16:45) - What advice does Fredrik have for someone with the opportunity to build up a new Procurement org? (20:00) - How does talent recruitment differ between different types of Procurement teams? (21:26) - How does Fredrik assure that he stays current and up-to-date throughout his career? (23:59) - What does Fredrik see his Procurement peers doing right and wrong? (26:10) - What tips does Fredrik have for staying close to the pulse of a business operationally? (27:10) - What else are Procurement teams getting right today? (28:40) - What is something that Fredrik knows today that he wishes he knew at the beginning of his career? (30:59) - Fredrik answers our round of quick-fire questions


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23. Winning the Game of Procurement w/ Christian Paul, Managing Director at nnamu

Christian Paul is an expert in game theory and Geschäftsführer (or “Managing Director”) of nnamu, the German ProcureTech solution that utilises game theory algorithms to improve sourcing strategies and negotiations. He joins us to discuss his journey from Procurement consultant to startup founder, how nnamu helps its clients, and what Procurement teams can learn from game theory in their strategies and negotiations. Timestamps: (01:30) — What does Sourcing & Procurement mean to Christian? (03:18) — What are Christian and nnamu trying to achieve in Procurement? (05:01) — How is nnamu different from Procurement solutions of the past? (06:46) — What is game theory and how does nnamu use it within Procurement? (09:56) — What does winning look like within Procurement? (12:31) — Does the current level of maturity in Procurement match nnamu’s offerings and the use of game theory? (14:45) — What type of businesses are mature enough to use game theory in Procurement? (16:04) — What’s the reason behind the name “nnamu”? (18:40) — What made Christian leave consulting to launch his own venture? (21:06) — How did Christian end up working in Procurement? (24:01) — Does Christian ever get lonely as a founder? (29:08) — What are Christian’s tips for other ProcureTech founders? (33:05) — What does Christian wish that he knew at the beginning of his career? (36:00) — Kodiak Moment: Christian answers our quick-fire round of questions


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22. Authenticity, ESG, & Innovation in Procurement w/ Alex Gosney, CEO of Nutral

Timestamps: (01:22) — What does Procurement & Sourcing mean to Alex? Alex talks about how Procurement has changed in recent years. (03:20) — What made Alex decide to work in Procurement? (04:43) — What made Alex found his company Nutral? (05:47) — What is the gap in the market that Alex and Nutral are trying to fill? (08:32) — Why did Alex decide to become a founder? (10:28) — What lessons did Alex take from his career as a Procurement practitioner into his career as a founder? (13:19) — Why do founders have a tough time talking about losses and failures? (15:52) — Can Procurement function with complete authenticity and openness within a Buyer-Supplier relationship? (19:23) — How does Alex believe that Procurement teams can become a force and a friend to the wider business? (22:29) — What are companies currently getting right (or wrong) about ESG? (24:38) — How can multinationals be convinced to make the sustainable choice when it’s also the more expensive choice? (27:38) — What’s one thing that Alex wishes he would have known at the beginning of his career? (29:40) — Kodiak Moment: Alex answers our quick-fire round of questions


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21. Lessons from the Defense Industry w/ Petra Sjögren, VP of Procurement at Saab Aeronautics

(01:32) - What does sourcing & procurement mean to Petra and what makes it so central to a business? (03:25) - How Petra decided to start working in Procurement (05:42) - Petra describes her role at Saab and its business areas (07:31) - Petra talks about the importance of Procurement in the Defense industry and its unique challenges (10:04) - Does Saab reflect on the social and geopolitical ramifications of the Defense solutions that it produces? (11:27) - What are the similarities and differences of Procurement within the Defense and Telecom industries? (14:45) - How does Saab segment their suppliers? (16:18) - How has Saab grown closer to their strategic partners and suppliers? (17:42) - How has the role of Procurement within the Defense industry shifted over the years? (19:13) - What is Petra’s advice for Procurement teams to get ahead of risk? (20:27) - What is one thing that needs to change within Procurement? (21:37) - What does Petra know now that she wished she knew at the start of her career? (22:38) - Petra’s quick fire round of questions Links: Petra Sjögren Linkedin Saab Aeronautics


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20. The Evolution of ProcureTech w/ Stephen Day, CPO at Kantar.

This episode, we’re joined by Stephen Day, CPO of Kantar and an accomplished international executive with expertise in operations management, supply chain purchasing, and multi-country transformation and change. Stephen shares with us the lessons that he’s learned in his 30-year career in Procurement at organisations such as Rolls Royce, Phillips, T-Mobile, and Vodafone, and how he’s witnessed the evolution of ProcureTech and its impact on creating end-to-end value for businesses. (01:59) - What exactly does Sourcing & Procurement mean to you? (02:35) - Is Procurement & Sourcing always valued in the business as a value-adder? (03:17) - Any tips for someone starting out in a leadership position in Procurement? (05:35) - What made you decide to work in Procurement? (08:20) - How does your role at Kantar differ from your previous roles in Procurement? (12:08) - Have you seen Procurement technology shift during your career? (14:00) - What’s something you know about ProcureTech today that you wish you knew earlier in your career? (15:53) - How can a Procurement leader best encourage an org to adopt new technology? (20:00) - What’s the process of going from a new business without any ProcureTech in place to where you are today? (22:26) - What was it like to implement Procurement transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic? (23:30) - Steve on diversity in Procurement and the Growth Mindset (24:35) - Steve on the lessons he’s learned as a Procurement leader (27:14) - How did your team face the challenges of maverick spend and redundant suppliers? (29:20) - Have you seen a shift in diversity & inclusivity within Procurement? And has this resulted in more inclusive spend? (32:28) - Steve’s Kodiak Moment quick-fire round


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19. Bridging the Gap Between Tech & Procurement w/ Joël Collin-Demers

Timestamps: (04:34) How do we bridge the gap between IT & Procurement? (06:59) Do's & Don'ts in Digitalisation projects of Procurement (09:59) Why do Many Tech Implementations Fail? (13:38) Process or Tech First? (17:40) Does he see a difference in clients from North America vs EMEA when adopting & buying Procurement Tech? (20:24) Unexplored areas of Procurement & Sourcing that new tech can make an impact on (23:23) The mark for when Technology has been successfully implemented Links: Joël Collin-Demers Linkedin Pure Procurement


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18. How Procurement can Make an Impact on Sustainability w/ Daniela Osio at Kloopify

Life of a Founder “Businesses can’t afford to react to what their customers want; they need to anticipate their needs.” ~ Parker Harris, co-founder – Salesforce; as Founder, you have a continuous responsibility to ensure Kloopify’s product is delighting your customers. How do you make sure this is the case? As they often say - the job of being a founder is typically a lonely one, even with co-founders. Do you ever feel this loneliness? If so, why? If not, how do you avoid those feelings? What’s one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you founded Kloopify? Do you have 2-3 concrete tips for any ProcureTech founders out there listening - starting their own journeys? Sustainability - How can Procurement Make an impact With the fact that Kloopify’s solution is so laser focused on sustainable procurement, why is it that you position yourself as a ProcureTech solution rather than a SustTech solution? How do you believe the Procurement Function can best aid a business to reach it’s sustainability goals? What are Procurement Teams getting wrong when it comes to sustainable procurement? What are they getting right? Do you have 2-3 concrete tips for procurement teams that is looking to evolve in their sustainable impact? Daniel Osio Linkedin⁠ ⁠Kloopify Website⁠


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17. How SRM can Impact ESG & How to build a Procurement Excellence function w/Stephane Morel at Fresenius Medical Care (ex. Novartis)

Timestamps: (03:10) Is Procurement becoming a more Strategic Function?` (06:37) What is VUCA world? And what are some of key topics Procurement needs to address in this new VUCA world? (09:19) Is Procurement struggling with Change Management? (11:12) How Stephane believes Procurement can deliver on ESG in a VUCA world. (16:38) His views on how SRM can Impact ESG. (21:29) What are some of the reasons to have a Procurement Excellence role at your organization? (26:11) When is the right time to invest in a center of excellence or enablement in a procurement organisation? (27:41) Concrete tips on how to develop a procurement excellence function. (30:00) What Stephane wishes he knew before he started his career in Procurement. Links: Stephane Morel LinkedIn Fresenius Medical Care


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16. How Pactum helped Walmart save millions with their AI & What the life of a ProcureTech Founder looks like w/ Kaspar Korjus, Co-Founder of Pactum

For our listeners out there who don’t know what you’re doing at Pactum, could you please give an intro to the business? What made you co-found Pactum? Life of a Founder “Businesses can’t afford to react to what their customers want; they need to anticipate their needs.” ~ Parker Harris, co-founder – Salesforce; as co-Founder, but also CPO, you have a continuous responsibility to ensure Pactum’s product is delighting your customers. How do you make sure this is the case? As they often say - the job of being a founder is typically a lonely one, even with co-founders. Do you ever feel this loneliness? If so, why? If not, how do you avoid those feelings? What’s one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you founded Pactum? Do you have 2-3 concrete tips for any ProcureTech founders out there listening - starting their own journeys? Building Best of Class Procurement Teams In Layman terms; how does Pactum’s Autonomous Negotiation solution work in practice? What are the primary benefits of leveraging Pactum’s solution? The majority of Pactum’s customers are rather mature, or visionary in their ProcureTech stack - daring to adopt new technologies like AI - do you believe this will become more common? How can a less mature business adopt AI? Do teams need certain competencies to leverage this kind of tech? What is the barrier for more to adopt? There’s this age old idea that AI will take jobs, what’s your view on that?


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15. How to Align Procurement Theory with Practice & What it Takes to Keep Procurement Teams happy w/ Jonathan Sims, CPO at Equans

(05:18) Concrete tips from how Equans are working towards decarbonising their activities while having 130 000 suppliers. (06:51) Is there an alignment between Procurement Theory & Practice? (08:37) How Equans brought in academics into the business to address real practical challenges and what the outcome was. (10:12) If he sees any discrepancies between curriculum and practice? (11:36) How he believes Procurement Professionals can ensure that they continue to learn and stay relevant. (14:31) What are some of the biggest challenges to attract new talent as a Procurement Leader and an organization? (19:29) Trends in how Procurement Teams are being built, based upon the talent that you need to attract today? (24:18) How do you keep Procurement Teams happy as a leader? Jonathan Sims Linkedin Equans
