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The Zemar Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

Talking to small to mid-sized businesses and discussing insurance and business related topics. For more information about Butch Zemar and Elite Benefits of America, please visit


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Talking to small to mid-sized businesses and discussing insurance and business related topics. For more information about Butch Zemar and Elite Benefits of America, please visit





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Data Decisions: Navigating Complexity in Business

In this episode, Butch Zemar delves into the crucial role of data in decision-making processes across various industries, drawing from his diverse experiences in the military and the tech industry. He underscores the importance of leveraging data to inform strategic decisions while acknowledging the potential pitfalls of relying solely on data, such as encountering inaccurate information or basing decisions on false assumptions. Challenges are associated with making decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate data, offering insights into troubleshooting methodologies in the technology and medical fields. Drawing parallels between these domains and business operations, he emphasizes the significance of creativity, intuition, and data manipulation in problem-solving endeavors. Furthermore, the discussion extends to the realm of financial data accuracy and its implications for decision-making within the workplace. Butch highlights the repercussions of CFOs relying on inaccurate data for decision-making, leading to uncertainty in predicting outcomes and negotiating health plan renewals. Advocating for transparency in pricing and data sharing, he underscores the importance of equipping decision-makers with accurate and comprehensive data to enhance negotiation outcomes. New data requirements for employer-sponsored health insurance plans that elucidates the challenges faced by employers in budgeting for employee benefits without access to relevant data and suggests strategies for leveraging expense reports to gain negotiation leverage. With impending regulations mandating employers to document their analysis and actions taken based on new data, Butch emphasizes the importance of compliance to avoid penalties. In light of these regulatory changes, there is a paradigm shift among small employers reevaluating their group health insurance plans. While acknowledging the adaptability of insurance companies to these changes, he anticipates a future landscape characterized by increased transparency and improved outcomes for stakeholders. In essence, this episode serves as a clarion call for businesses to prioritize data-driven decision-making processes, emphasizing the transformative potential of accurate and transparent data in navigating complex operational landscapes. By leveraging data effectively, organizations can enhance their strategic agility, mitigate risks, and drive sustainable growth in an increasingly data-centric business environment. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Navigating Employee Benefits: A Dive into Risk Management

Butch Zemar and special guest Alex Toler take listeners on a deep dive into the often-overlooked realm of risk management within the employee benefits industry. Drawing from Alex's extensive property and casualty insurance background, the conversation illuminates the critical need for effective risk management practices in safeguarding employees' health and financial well-being. One of the key highlights of the episode is the exploration of the transition from fully insured to self-funded health plans. Butch and Alex dissect the challenges and opportunities inherent in this shift, underscoring the importance of cost-control measures and employee engagement strategies. They also delve into alternative approaches to employee benefits, such as direct contracting with healthcare providers, shedding light on innovative solutions to address longstanding issues in traditional benefit programs. Throughout the episode, practical action items emerge, including the continuation of local event aimed at educating local employers on benefits solutions. The discussion also touches upon expanding the event to accommodate more attendees, indicating a growing demand for knowledge in this space. As Butch and Alex emphasize the importance of providing affordable healthcare solutions for local employers, the conversation transcends mere theory, offering tangible insights and real-world examples. From empowering employees with greater control over their benefits to fostering loyalty through quality healthcare offerings, the episode serves as a beacon of guidance for employers navigating the ever-evolving landscape of employee benefits. In essence, this episode encapsulates the essence of proactive risk management in the employee benefits industry, illuminating pathways to enhanced employee well-being and organizational success. Through engaging dialogue and actionable insights, Butch Zemar and Alex Toler pave the way for a future where risk is not just managed but leveraged for transformative impact. Alex Toler can be reached on LinkedIn. Or by calling 314-440-5951. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Unlocking Healthcare: Navigating Challenges and Solutions in the American System

In this episode, the discussion revolves around the challenges inherent in the American healthcare system, as Butch Zemar critiques its structure and operations. The conversation touches upon various issues, including rising costs, affordability, and fraudulent billing practices, shedding light on the systemic flaws perpetuating these problems. The impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is attributed to increased costs and reduced commissions for health insurance providers due to its implementation. He argues that while consumer demand plays a role, systemic issues such as abuse and neglect within the healthcare system significantly contribute to the unaffordable costs that consumers and providers bear. A key theme throughout the health insurance is the lack of transparency and accountability in healthcare billing practices. Butch discusses how providers often maximize charges, leading to unexpectedly high bills for patients, while also highlighting instances of billing mistakes and hidden fees encountered in personal experiences and interactions with clients. The discussion extends to strategies for small businesses to mitigate healthcare costs and increase revenue. It is important to learn the healthcare process, asking questions, and negotiating with providers to achieve cost savings. This podcast includes actionable advice tailored to businesses of varying sizes, urging employers to evaluate loyalty to insurers and brokers to ensure they are providing leverage to control costs effectively. In essence, the episode serves as a call to action for stakeholders within the healthcare system to prioritize transparency, accountability, and fair practices. By challenging assumptions, advocating for fair fees, and exploring alternative cost-saving strategies, Butch Zemar offers a roadmap for navigating the complex seas of healthcare in America, ultimately aiming to empower employers to take control of their healthcare expenses and improve the financial well-being of their businesses. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Navigating the New Horizons of HR: Challenges and Opportunities for Small and Mid-sized Companies

In the latest podcast, Butch Zemar tackles the ever-evolving landscape of Human Resources (HR) in small and mid-sized companies, shedding light on the intricacies of adapting to external factors like the Affordable Care Act while navigating shifting client demands and ethical considerations. The episode begins with Butch delving into the transformation of HR strategies, driven by legislative changes such as the Affordable Care Act and market trends. While advocating for equality in the workplace, Butch acknowledges the hurdles in achieving this vision, particularly in the realm of HR. A focal point of the discussion revolves around the outsourcing of business tasks to consultants. Butch explores the benefits and challenges of hiring external expertise for various needs, ranging from legal counsel to CFO services. Amidst the shifting tides of the health insurance industry over the past two decades, Butch emphasizes the crucial role of brokers in providing value-added services beyond insurance sales. Throughout the episode, actionable insights emerge, urging brokers to embrace transparency in disclosing costs associated with providing services and advocating for clearer communication and responsibility delineation between brokers and employers. Butch highlights the ethical considerations surrounding the collection of high commissions by payroll companies for benefit administration services, underscoring the importance of brokers equipping themselves with knowledge of alternative options. In essence, this episode serves as a compass for brokers and employers alike, navigating the complexities of HR in the modern business landscape. Through candid dialogue and practical recommendations, Butch Zemar paves the way for a future where clarity, transparency, and ethical responsibility reign supreme in broker-employer relationships. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Streamlining Benefits Enrollment Process and Containing Healthcare Costs

In this episode, Butch Zemar explores the importance of leveraging technology and implementing cost-containment strategies in the healthcare industry, particularly for middle-market companies. He emphasizes the need to embrace automation in benefits enrollment, ensure accuracy, and prioritize HR and benefits compliance. Here's a breakdown of the discussion: Introduction: Embracing Technology in Enrollment: Employer-Sponsored Healthcare: Auditing Insurance Invoices: Streamlining HR and Benefits Compliance: Action Items: In conclusion, this episode underscores the importance of embracing technology, ensuring accuracy in benefits enrollment, containing healthcare costs, and prioritizing HR and benefits compliance for organizational success. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Military Support Roles and Structured Workplace

In this episode, Butch Zemar reflects on the significance of support roles in the military and the challenges military veterans encounter during their transition to the civilian workforce. He emphasizes the importance of discipline, teamwork, and support in both military and civilian contexts. Here are the key points discussed: Introduction: Military Roles and Discipline: Challenges Faced by Veterans: Action Items: Conclusion: In conclusion, this podcast highlights the importance of honoring military support roles, supporting veterans in their transition to civilian life, and taking concrete steps to improve health insurance practices. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Navigating the Broker-Employer Relationship in Employee Benefits Management

In this episode, Butch Zemar delves into the intricate dynamics of the broker-employer relationship in managing employee benefits. He addresses common misconceptions among employers regarding the role of brokers and emphasizes the significance of clear communication and understanding of responsibilities throughout the year. Here are the key insights: Introduction: Employer Responsibilities: Broker-Employer Dynamics: Financial Management and Expectations: Action Items: Conclusion: For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Managing Healthcare Costs and Benefits for Midsize Companies

In this episode, Butch Zemar dives into the pressing challenges faced by midsize companies in managing healthcare costs and benefits. He sheds light on crucial strategies and proactive approaches that can help mitigate these challenges and drive cost-effective solutions. Here are the key takeaways: Introduction: Insights: CFO's Role: Action Items: Legal Implications: Conclusion: For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Muting The Megaphone with Kate Dileo | The Brand Trifecta

Kate Dileo is no stranger to us on the podcast and marketing of your company's brand. Success is achieved by adopting methodologies that are the least resistant to revenue. Listen in to Kate as she shares more on the Brand Trifecta, your playbook, and how you can gain access to her program at your own pace. For more information about the Brand Trifecta program, please visit You can also reach Kate Dileo on LinkedIn. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Managing Healthcare Costs for Employers: Strategies for Savings

In this episode of the Zemar Podcast, Butch Zemar discusses strategies for saving employers money on health insurance. Ken Wosczyna joins him, and they delve into various topics related to healthcare costs, renewals, self-funding, and employee incentives. Connect with Ken Wosczyna on LinkedIn. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Executive Disability Insurance: Bridging the Coverage Gap

In this episode, host Butch Zemar is joined by Grayson Owen to delve into executive disability insurance (DI) topics. Grayson, a specialist in individual disability insurance, shares insights on bridging the gap in coverage for executives and business owners. With extensive experience in the insurance industry, Grayson emphasizes the importance of addressing gaps in coverage to protect individuals' income and business interests. Key Points: Grayson Owen's Background: Grayson shares his journey into the disability insurance space, highlighting his transition from advanced life insurance planning to focusing on employee benefits and eventually becoming a disability insurance specialist. Executive DI Topics: The discussion focuses on the three main areas of DI planning: income protection, executive disability programs, and business succession planning risk management. Disability Buyout Planning: Grayson explains the significance of disability buyout planning for business owners, emphasizing the need for insurance coverage to facilitate buyouts in case of disability. Scatter Graph Analysis: Grayson introduces the scatter graph as a tool to visualize coverage gaps for executives and key employees, emphasizing the importance of identifying and addressing these gaps in disability insurance planning. Executive Disability Broker Toolkit: Grayson discusses the development of a toolkit aimed at assisting benefits consultants in selling executive DI programs, providing resources to streamline the planning process, and educating clients effectively. Industry Designations: Grayson highlights the value of industry certifications like the Disability Income Associate (DIA) and Disability Income Fellow (DIF) designations, which offer comprehensive training in disability insurance. Closing Remarks: Grayson Owen's expertise sheds light on the critical aspects of executive disability insurance planning, underscoring the importance of proactive measures to address coverage gaps and protect individuals' income and business interests. Stay tuned for future episodes diving deeper into DI topics. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Uncovering Healthcare Rip-offs: Saving Money and Seeking Transparency

Key Points: For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Do Not Be Lazy, Just Do Your Job | Hospital Revenue By Source

Nobody cares... Just do your job. The world we work in has become mediocre at best. We become lazy and complacent in our craft. We need to do better. Ignorance is bliss. But don't use it as an excuse. The odds are not in our favor in this fight. Even the insurance companies and providers are gaming the system. Start taking responsibility for things and do the work. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Be the Outlier For Your Company

Be the outlier. Most outliers in history only stepped up when they felt they had to take action. They would have said no if you asked them before that situation happened. Leaders are stepping up every day to make positive changes. This occurs in war, sports, and business. We took a trip down history when outliers in the health insurance world stepped up to make things better for all. Industry outliers today are trying to create a movement because they see the future as better outcomes while saving your company money. You should be the outlier for your company and make the changes now. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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You Shoot With Your Bad Eye | Employer Responsibilities Coming | Tips for 2024

Most employers and CFOs are shooting with a bad eye. They keep missing their targets. Change your tools to work with your good eye. Healthcare customer service is rated the worst. Big names don't change anything. Why? Check this out. There is no return on their investment, but they will still make money—a lot of it. No accountability up and down the chain. It's explained here in this podcast. Listen until the end with some ideas for 2024 if you are under 50 employees. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Profit First with Rachel Siegel | Building with Purpose and Profit

Running a business can be challenging, especially to turn a profit. Think for a moment that you pay back all your debt, have cash in the bank, and can take profits and do whatever you want with the money. Rachel Siegel from Go Figure Accounting joins us with ideas about building higher profits than you imagined possible. Listen in as Rachel shares some of the frameworks needed to achieve higher profits. Rachel recently released her new book "Profit First for Optometrists" which is available on Rachel Siegel and Go Figure Accounting can be found at For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Get Paid For Time Invested Your Benefits Renewal

Most owners, CFOs, and HROs don’t want to invest the time in a benefits renewal to save money. They demand it; they think they control it, but they have no leverage. What if you were paid $16,000 per hour to invest time in your benefits renewal? That’s more than anyone is paid, especially those responsible for the company benefits program and the company's financial well-being. If the ROI on the time invested exceeded 5 to 1, maybe 10 to 1, would you give it the time it needs to start reversing the trend of the benefit spending of the company? Go invest the time! For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Hospitals Depend On Employer Sponsored Health Plans | Cost Analysis

Hospitals do not depend on government-funded health plans. Employers are the driving force due to health plans overpaying for healthcare. Nearly double! At the same time, employees pay 20% more for healthcare out of the paycheck, meaning they take less home. Listen in as we dive into cost analysis, which shows that only 26% of CFOs look for new ways to control costs. Three-quarters of CFOs should be fired for looking at costs the status quo way... Hopefully, they will listen to this podcast before they realize they have a fiduciary responsibility; otherwise, they will be penalized. For more information, please contact us at or call 708-535-3006.


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Where Is Advertising Today? | The Mistakes Businesses Make Today with Advertising

Businesses make mistakes when it comes to advertising. They miss the opportunity to connect with their potential buyers. Join Butch with an interview with Donny Byrant Jr., Financial Copywriter and Copy Consultant, where we talk about taking your business to the next level in gaining attention from potential prospects. You can find Donnie Bryant Jr. on LinkedIn, or visit For more information, please contact us at 708-535-3006


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The Transparency Movement: Interview with Lester J. Morales

Are you willing to go through the much-needed work to have better outcomes? Lester J. Morales from Next Impact joined us to discuss the Transparency Movement. Employers all over the country have been viewing the benefits the same since the beginning of time. It is time advisors need to do a better job. The current model doesn't allow for transparency. Now is the time to start asking the harder questions. You don't want to miss this podcast. To learn more, reach out to Lester J. Morales on LinkedIn, or visit For more information, please contact us at 708-535-3006
