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We're All in This Together

Business & Economics Podcasts

On We're All In This Together, leadership, teamwork, and company culture expert Mike Robbins shares his wisdom and insight, and also interviews interesting and influential business leaders, thought leaders, and change makers. Over the past 20 years, Mike has partnered with people, leaders, and teams within top organizations like Google, Wells Fargo, Microsoft, Schwab, the NBA, Genentech, eBay, the Oakland A's, and many others. He gets real about his own experience and with his guests, so that you can learn the truth behind his and their stories, how they've overcome challenges, and specifics tips about leadership, teamwork, culture, and life. These conversations are designed to give you practical ideas, insights, and techniques to enhance your success, impact, and the performance of your team. For more information on Mike Robbins and his work, visit www.Mike-Robbins.com


Novato, CA


On We're All In This Together, leadership, teamwork, and company culture expert Mike Robbins shares his wisdom and insight, and also interviews interesting and influential business leaders, thought leaders, and change makers. Over the past 20 years, Mike has partnered with people, leaders, and teams within top organizations like Google, Wells Fargo, Microsoft, Schwab, the NBA, Genentech, eBay, the Oakland A's, and many others. He gets real about his own experience and with his guests, so that you can learn the truth behind his and their stories, how they've overcome challenges, and specifics tips about leadership, teamwork, culture, and life. These conversations are designed to give you practical ideas, insights, and techniques to enhance your success, impact, and the performance of your team. For more information on Mike Robbins and his work, visit www.Mike-Robbins.com




(415) 234-6251

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How to Embrace Change

As the saying goes, “the only constant in life is change.” While this is true, change can be tricky to navigate since most of us seek and fear change at the same time. On this episode, I talk about some of the reasons why navigating change, especially these days, can be challenging. I then share six specific things we can do to embrace change effectively. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on LinkedIn Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on X Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins on TikTok Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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Staying Calm in the Midst of a Storm

At work and in life, it's inevitable that we'll face various storms - change, uncertainty, challenge, disappointment, and even chaos. Our ability to stay calm and grounded in the face of these things is both difficult and essential. On this episode, I talk about some specific things we can do to stay centered in the midst of the storms we face. Doing this can allow us to navigate these storms as effectively as possible ourselves, and support those around us in a healthy and authentic way at the same time. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins on TikTok Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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How to Resolve Conflict

Conflict can be difficult to address and resolve effectively, but doing so is essential to the success of our relationships, families, teams, companies, communities, and more. On this episode, I talk about some of the main reasons dealing with conflict can be hard. I then share the two specific ways we can resolve conflict successfully, and offer tips for how to do so. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins on TikTok Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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Be Easy to Impress and Hard to Offend

A mentor of mine said to me years ago, “There are two things you could do that would dramatically improve the quality of your life…be easy to impress and hard to offend.” On this episode, I discuss why this is such sage, albeit challenging, advice. I talk about some of what makes both of these things hard, and offer specific suggestions for how we can live, work, parent, lead, and operate from the perspective of being easily impressed and difficult to offend. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins on TikTok Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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Embracing the Art of Allowing

Many of us, myself included, can be obsessed with action. And while taking action is essential to so many aspects of success for ourselves and others, we sometimes overlook the importance of allowing. Being able to pause, step back, and allow things to happen is often fundamental to the manifestation of our biggest goals and dreams, individually and collectively. On this episode, I talk about why it can be challenging to embrace the art of allowing, especially in today’s culture. I then share four specific things we can do to enhance our capacity to let things happen in an effective and elegant way. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins on TikTok Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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Go For It

In order for us to accomplish or experience what we truly want, personally or professionally, we have to be willing to go for it. This, however, can be scary and challenging for a whole host of reasons. On this episode, I talk about some of what gets in our way of going after what we want. I then share some specific things we can do to access courage and boldness…and to go for it effectively. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins on TikTok Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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Embracing Uncertainty

Uncertainty is a fundamental part of work and life, especially these days, yet it can often be scary and upsetting. The more willing we are to truly embrace uncertainty, the more successful, peaceful, and impactful we can be in all areas of life. On this episode, I talk about some of what makes uncertainty so challenging. I then share some specific things we can do to effectively embrace it in an empowering way. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins on TikTok Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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Nothing Changes Until You Do

We all deal with challenging people, situations, and circumstances, and sometimes this can be quite difficult. While it’s easy and understandable for these challenges to impact us, we often forget that we’re the common denominator in everything we experience. On this episode, I talk about how we can authentically take ownership and make the necessary changes needed to navigate anything we face. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel Nothing Changes Until You Do (Book), by Mike Robbins


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Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries is essential for our wellbeing, our relationships, our teams, our families, and more. However, it can be difficult to do this effectively. On this episode, I talk about the important distinction between boundaries and requests, address some of the biggest challenges we face in setting healthy boundaries, and share some specific tips to allow us to be more successful in doing so. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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How to Support Others

Supporting those around us is one of the most important, yet challenging, things for us to do as leaders, parents, co-workers, friends, family members, and human beings. On this episode, I talk about some of the things that make providing support difficult. I then share some specific ideas for how we can support those we work with and live with in an authentic and effective way. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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The Foundation of Inspiration: Being Up to Something That Matters

For us to be inspired, it’s essential that we’re up to something that truly matters to us. This can be much easier said than done at times, especially these days. On this episode, I talk about some of the things that make it challenging for us to be engaged in important things that matter. I then share what we can do, specifically, to inspire ourselves and others…and make sure we’re up to what truly matters most to us in meaningful and healthy ways. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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The Foundation for Growth, Change, and Success: Telling the Truth

For us to be able to grow, change, and truly succeed, we must have the courage to tell the truth - first to ourselves and then to those around us. This is much easier said than done. On this episode, I talk about some of the things that make it hard for us to face and share the truth. I then talk about why this is essential for us, our relationships, our teams, and any important change or goal we have. Finally, I share some specific things we can do to expand our courage and our ability to operate with liberating and inspiring authenticity. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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Into the Arena: Facing the Fear and Finding the Courage

It takes real courage to step into the “arena” in life. We understandably get scared of failure, judgment, and rejection. However, to achieve or experience anything that truly matters to us - personally or professionally - we’re required to take some risks and vulnerably put ourselves out there. On this episode, I talk about some of what makes this challenging and scary, and I share some specific things we can do to tap into the courage we need to authentically step into the arena and go for what we truly want. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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Staying Present and Going Station to Station

Back in my baseball days when we’d get down early in a game, we would often talk about just going “station to station.” This meant we needed to keep things simple and just try to get runners on base…so that we could methodically get back into the game. When things get stressful, overwhelming, or difficult, it’s often an important practice for us to stay present and focus on going station to station. On this episode, I share some specific ways we can do this, which allow us to be more peaceful, grounded, and effective, as we navigate change and challenge. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel Just Do the Next Right Things (podcast)


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The Importance of Trusting Ourselves

Trusting ourselves is essential to so many aspects of life, work, leadership, relationships, parenting, and more. However, self-trust can be challenging for a number of understandable reasons. On this episode, I explore some of the key things that get in the way of us trusting ourselves. I also share four specific things we can do to expand our capacity for self-trust and enhance our confidence. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel The Importance of Self-Trust (blog post) Trust Your Instincts (podcast episode)


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Living an Enchanted Life with Christopher Andersonn

I’m honored and excited about the conversation on this episode, with my friend, mentor, and longtime counselor, Christopher Andersonn, who just released a powerful new book called Living an Enchanted Life. Chris is a sought-after teacher who works with people of all kinds who are seeking meaningful change. I met him almost 30 years ago and he has had a profound impact on my life and my work. In this interview, we discuss the important connection between our health and our emotions, how to more fully feel our feelings and live authentically, and specific techniques we can utilize to create more joy, peace, and freedom. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel Living an Enchanted Life (book), by Christopher Andersonn Christopher Andersonn Website Will You Still Love Me if I Don’t Win (book), by Christopher Andersonn


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The Importance of Owning Our Story

When we own our story, we allow ourselves tell the truth about who we are, what has happened, and how we truly feel. If we choose to share our story with others, we can both liberate ourselves from debilitating fear and shame, as well as connect with them in an authentic and vulnerable way. On this episode, I talk about why it takes courage to own our story and why doing so is essential for our freedom and fulfillment. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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Setting a Positive Tone

I had the incredible opportunity to see Taylor Swift in concert in Singapore. It was such a joyful and positive experience. On this episode, I share some reflections from the show, and specifically talk about the importance of setting a positive tone for ourselves, our teams, and those around us. This can be tricky to do in an authentic way for a number of reasons these days. However, when we’re able to genuinely set a positive tone, the benefits can be remarkable. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel


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If You’re Trying to Prove It, You May Not Believe It

Proving ourselves is something most of us do in certain aspects of work and life. However, usually the harder we’re trying to prove something, the less we actually believe it to be true, although this can sometimes be hard for us to see and own. On this episode, I talk about some of the understandable reasons we feel compelled to prove ourselves, our ideas, or specific qualities. I then share five specific things we can do to make the powerful shift from proving to believing. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel Interview with Jamie Kern Lima on the Mel Robbins podcast


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It May Not Be Your Fault, But it is Your Responsibility

So many things happen to us and around us throughout our lives and it’s easy to fall into the never-ending trap of fault-finding. We live in a blame-obsessed society and we often waste a lot of time blaming all kinds of situations, circumstances, and people (including ourselves). On this episode I talk about the pervasive and dangerous nature of focusing on who or what is at fault. And I share some specific things we can do shift from this into the healthy and empowering mode of true ownership and responsibility. Doing this allows us to be more effective leaders, parents, friends, partners, and humans. Resources: We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins Mike Robbins Website Mike Robbins Blog Mike Robbins Podcast Mike Robbins on Facebook Mike Robbins on Twitter Mike Robbins on Instagram Mike Robbins YouTube Channel Shifting from Blame to Responsibility (podcast episode) Armchair Expert Podcast
