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What your bank doesn't tell you

Business & Economics Podcasts

Ever wondered what things and secrets your bank doesn’t tell you? The financial world is due for a change. In their Podcast, two Swiss ex-banking executives Luba Schoenig and Tonia Zimmermann uncover the secret of the bank taboos and empower you on your financial journey. Each one of us is a source of knowledge and expertise, to see the desired change in the world we have to take the incentive and use our resources. By asking difficult questions, Luba and Tonia will go beyond money and seek the true meaning of value.


United States


Ever wondered what things and secrets your bank doesn’t tell you? The financial world is due for a change. In their Podcast, two Swiss ex-banking executives Luba Schoenig and Tonia Zimmermann uncover the secret of the bank taboos and empower you on your financial journey. Each one of us is a source of knowledge and expertise, to see the desired change in the world we have to take the incentive and use our resources. By asking difficult questions, Luba and Tonia will go beyond money and seek the true meaning of value.



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50 Shades of Green: Nachhaltiges Investieren mit Robeco

Nachhaltige Investitionen und die Energiewende sind zunehmend relevante und wichtige Themen. Wir hatten das Vergnügen, Berit Gehring von Robeco als Gast zu begrüßen, eine Client Portfolio Managerin, die sich auf nachhaltige Investitionen spezialisiert hat. Wir diskutierten Dekarbonisierung, die Elektrifizierung der Energie-Wertschöpfungskette und die entscheidende Rolle von Regierung und makroökonomischen Faktoren. Erfahre alles über die Herausforderungen und Chancen im Zusammenhang mit der Umstellung auf erneuerbare Energien und alles, was du über nachhaltige Investitionen wissen musst! English: Sustainable investments and the energy transition are increasingly relevant and important topics. We had the pleasure to welcome Berit Gehring from Robeco, a Client Portfolio Manager who specialises in Sustainable investments. We discussed decarbonisation, the electrification of the energy value chain, the crucial role of government and macroeconomic factors and more! Find out about the challenges and opportunities associated with the shift to renewable energy and everything you need to know about sustainable investing! Read more about the episode here: https://umushroom.com/en/article/the-truth-about-sustainable-investments-a-conversation-with-robeco


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Impact Investing: From Awareness to Action

Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast! In this insightful discussion, we delve into the intersection of financial empowerment and humanitarian work. Join us as we chat with representatives from the 'Circle of Young Humanitarians about their mission to bridge the gap between young people and humanitarian organizations. From personal experiences to the importance of financial literacy, we explore how investing with awareness can lead to positive change. Tune in to discover how your money can make a difference and learn about our exciting 'Switzerland for Financial Literacy 2024' contest. Don't miss out on this empowering conversation!


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Investieren, Inflation & ETF’s mit Reto Rauschenberger

In dieser Episode begrüssen wir Reto Rauschenberger auch bekannt als @mrcashinvest, einen erfahrenen Finanzexperten! Von der Bedeutung des Investierens bis hin zum Umgang mit der Inflation bietet Reto unschätzbare Einblicke. Erfahre, wie er an unserem Investment Contest teilnimmt und warum es wichtig ist, jetzt mit dem Investieren zu beginnen. Hol dir praktische Ratschläge und nimm deine finanzielle Zukunft noch heute in die Hand.


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From Africa to Switzerland: The True Value of $1 with ViCafe

We are excited to share our insightful conversation with Pascal Herzog from ViCafe! Pascal, a seasoned professional overseeing production sites, factories, bakeries, and roasters globally, provides invaluable insights into the economic landscapes of Switzerland and rural Africa. The conversation delves deep into the disparities in purchasing power, investment potential, and sustainable practices between these two regions. Pascal’s first-hand experiences in East African countries shed light on the hurdles faced by rural communities, from high capital costs to limited banking access, while emphasising the vital role of community. We will explore the distribution of value along the coffee production chain and the concept of sustainable business practices. Additionally, find out more about entry barriers for starting businesses in Switzerland compared to rural Africa! ViCafe is generously sponsoring one of the main prizes in our contest, "Switzerland for Financial Literacy." Don't miss out on this insightful and thought-provoking episode!


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FinLit Contest: Anlagestrategien mit der Zürcher Kantonalbank

In der neuesten Folge von “What your Bank doesn’t tell you” für unsere Miniserie «FinLit Contest» tauchen wir mit einem besonderen Gast, Florence Schnydrig Moser von der Zürcher Kantonalbank, in die Welt der finanziellen Bildung ein. Sei dabei, wenn wir unseren laufenden Investitions-Wettbewerb “Switzerland for Financial Literacy” erkunden, und macht dich bereit, deine Investitionen unter Florence’ fachkundiger Anleitung zu verbessern. Von der Festlegung klarer Anlageziele bis hin zum Verständnis der Risiken des spekulativen Handels diskutieren Florence und unsere Co-Founderin Tonia über wichtige Strategien für den finanziellen Erfolg. Erfahre mehr über die massgeschneiderten Finanzdienstleistungen der Zürcher Kantonalbank, einschliesslich Anlageprodukte und Private Banking, für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen. Gewinne Einblicke in Portfoliodiversifikation, langfristige Anlageansätze und die Bedeutung von praktischer Finanzbildung. Die Zürcher Kantonalbank sponsert grosszügig einer unserer Hauptgewinne; Ein Fondsportfolio im Wert von CHF 10'000 bei der Zürcher Kantonalbank inklusive Beratung. Wenn du wissen willst, wie du das Fondsportfolio gewinnen kannst, dann hör dir nun die Podcastepisode an! Du bist noch kein*e Teilnehmer*in? Kein Problem, der Contest läuft vom 1. Februar bis zum 24. April und du kannst dich jederzeit anmelden. Es ist nie zu spät, um mit dem Investieren anzufangen! Melde dich hier an und sei dabei! In the latest episode of "What Your Bank Doesn't Tell You," we delve into the world of financial literacy with a special guest, Florence Schnydrig Moser, from The Zürcher Kantonalbank. Join us as we explore the ongoing investment contest Switzerland for Financial Literacy and get ready to elevate your investment under Florence's expert guidance. From setting clear investment goals to understanding the risks of speculative trading, Florence and our Tonia Zimmermann discuss essential strategies for financial success. Learn about the tailored financial services provided by Zürcher Kantonalbank, including investment products and private banking, to both individuals and businesses. Gain insights into portfolio diversification, long-term investment approaches, and the importance of practical financial education. The Zürcher Kantonalbank is the generous sponsor of one of our main prizes: A fund portfolio worth CHF 10,000 at the Zürcher Kantonalbank including consultation, if you are interested in how to win it, tune in now!


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Vom Stock-picking zum Investieren mit Swissquote

Willkommen zurück zu den exklusiven Podcast-Episoden unseres Investment-Contests: Switzerland for Financial Literacy, bei dem wir dich auf deiner Investitionsreise begleiten. In dieser Folge tauchen wir tief in den Kern des Contests ein und obwohl wir schon in der 4. Woche sind, kannst du immer noch jederzeit teilnehmen und die Chance erhalten fantastische Preise zu gewinnen. Wir freuen uns, in dieser Folge wieder einen ganz besonderen Gast begrüssen zu dürfen, Enzo Piccolo. Der Experte der Swissquote Bank Ltd, bringt über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Finanzbranche mit sich und ermöglicht uns heute wertvolle Einblicke in die Welt der Investitionen und erklärt uns, wie man sich am besten in der sich ständig wandelnde Finanzbranche zurechtfindet. Erfahre mit uns, warum Bildung bei der Entwicklung solider Anlagegewohnheiten so wichtig ist, welche Rolle Swissquote bei der Bereitstellung innovativer Finanzdienstleistungen spielt und welche Bedeutung langfristige Anlagestrategien haben. Ausserdem besprechen wir die Herausforderungen und Chancen auf dem Markt und geben praktische Tipps, die für Anfänger*innen genauso nützlich sind wie für erfahrene Anleger*innen. Von der Kraft des Zinseszinses bis zur Bedeutung der Diversifikation besprechen wir all die Themen, die dir helfen informierte Entscheidungen über deine finanzielle Zukunft zu treffen. Ausserdem erfährst du mehr über den Hauptpreis von Swissquote und die anderen Preise, die im Wettbewerb angeboten werden. Du bist noch kein*e Teilnehmer*in? Kein Problem, der Contest läuft vom 1. Februar bis zum 24. April und du kannst dich jederzeit anmelden. Es ist nie zu spät, um mit dem Investieren anzufangen! :) Melde dich hier an und sei dabei! _________________ Welcome back to our exclusive podcast episodes for the Investment Contest: Switzerland for Financial Literacy, where we accompany participants on their investment journey. In this episode, we delve into the essence of the contest, now four weeks in, you can still join for a chance to win fantastic prizes. Our special guest, Enzo Piccolo a seasoned professional at Swissquote Bank Ltd, with over 30 years of experience in the finance industry, shares valuable insights into investing and navigating the ever-evolving landscape of financial markets. Join us as we discuss the importance of education in building solid investment habits, the role of Swissquote in providing innovative financial services, and the significance of long-term investing strategies. Our conversation explores the challenges and opportunities in the market, offering practical tips for beginners and seasoned investors alike. From the power of compounding interest to the importance of diversification, we cover essential topics to help listeners make informed decisions about their financial future. Plus, learn about the prizes offered in the contest, including one of the main prizes sponsored by Swissquote. Don't forget, you can still join the contest anytime from the 1st of February till the 24th of April 2024! It's never too late to start investing! :) Sign up here if you haven't already!


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Unlocking the Secrets of Investing with Invesco & Neon

Episode Summary: Welcome to "What Your Bank Doesn't Tell You," where we dive into the world of investing with our esteemed guests Nima Pouyan the Head of ETFs for Switzerland & Liechtenstein at Invesco; and Timo Hegnauer the Head of Trading at Neon. Nima and Timo, joined us to discuss ETF distribution, trading, and how to start investing with minimal funds. We explore the power of compounding and the benefits of starting early. Learn about different investor profiles and the importance of understanding your risk tolerance. Plus, discover two investment portfolios designed for beginners and experienced investors alike. Join us as we unravel the secrets of investing and provide insights to help you on your financial journey. Don't miss out on our quiz to discover your investor profile. Take the quiz.


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FinLit Contest: Förderung von Finanzwissen mit Professor Thorsten Hens

In unserer heutigen Podcast-Episode lädt UMushroom zum ersten Switzerland For Financial Literacy Investment Contest ein. Unser Ziel ist es, Finanzwissen zu verbreiten und unseren Zuhörer*innen dabei zu helfen, ihre finanzielle Kompetenz zu verbessern. Als besonderen Gast begrüssen wir Professor Thorsten Hens von der Universität Zürich, der als Jury-Mitglied an diesem spannenden Contest teilnehmen wird. Er teilt seine umfangreichen Erfahrungen im Anlagebereich und erklärt uns, dass es sage und schreibe 1000 Möglichkeiten gibt, an der Börse den falschen Weg einzuschlagen. Doch zum Glück gibt es auch eine Handvoll, vielleicht 6 oder 7 Strategien, die wirklich gut funktionieren. Als Professor gibt er uns spannende Einblicke und teilt uns wertvolle Tipps für den Wettbewerb mit. Diese Folge solltest du auf keinen Fall verpassen, wenn du dir einen Vorteil im Contest sichern möchtest! In today's podcast episode, UMushroom invites you to the first Switzerland For Financial Literacy Investment Contest. Our goal is to spread financial knowledge and help our listeners improve their financial literacy. As a special guest, we welcome Professor Thorsten Hens from the University of Zurich, who will participate as a jury member in this exciting competition. He shares his extensive experience in the field of investing and tells us that there are as many as 1000 ways to take the wrong path in the stock market. But luckily there are also a handful, maybe 6 or 7 strategies that work well. As a professor, he gives us exciting insights and shares valuable tips for the competition. You don't want to miss this episode if you want to secure an advantage in the contest! As this is an exclusive episode in German we prepared the English transcript right here.


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Switzerland For Financial Literacy

We are thrilled to announce our Contest: Switzerland for Financial Literacy, starting from February 1st, 2024, until April 24th, 2024. Many exciting prizes await, but more importantly, you will build basic financial knowledge and develop investment habits! Luba and Tonia share their personal experiences with investing, including the fear of losing money and being overwhelmed by information. Find out why they decided to create the contest, as they highlight the benefits of being part of a community and supporting each other in the journey towards financial empowerment. Tune in for an engaging and informative podcast series dedicated to demystifying the world of finance. Visit https://umushroom.com/en/contest/switzerland-for-financial-literacy-2024 for more information about the contest.


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The Real Estate and Consumer Crisis in China.

Reflecting on the year, we feel immense gratitude for our community, partners, and team. Together, we've accomplished so much! As we wrap up this season, we invite you to join us in looking back with reflective insight while also looking forward with hope and excitement. Our final episode delves into China's unfolding real estate situation, offering valuable insights and inspiration for the future. And remember, this isn't the end – we'll be back with Season 2 of "What Your Bank Doesn't Tell You" next year! We're dedicated to providing even more exciting content and insightful topics that will continue transforming how you approach finance and investing. We wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season filled with joy, peace, and prosperity. With gratitude and best wishes, Your UMushroom Team. For further queries or clarification, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@umushroom.com


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The Real Estate and Consumer Crisis in China.

Reflecting on the year, we feel immense gratitude for our community, partners, and team. Together, we've accomplished so much! As we wrap up this season, we invite you to join us in looking back with reflective insight while also looking forward with hope and excitement. Our final episode delves into China's unfolding real estate situation, offering valuable insights and inspiration for the future. And remember, this isn't the end – we'll be back with Season 2 of "What Your Bank Doesn't Tell You" next year! We're dedicated to providing even more exciting content and insightful topics that will continue transforming how you approach finance and investing. We wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season filled with joy, peace, and prosperity. With gratitude and best wishes, Your UMushroom Team. For further queries or clarification, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@umushroom.com


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Strengthen Your Investing Habit

In this captivating episode, we delve deep into the world of ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) investing. Join us as our special guest, Laura, shares her insights on her ETF portfolio and the strategies she employs. Laura's ETF portfolio, which she created in Episode 12, has encountered a -2.62% inception since August. However, her balanced approach has proven beneficial. Her portfolio consists of four equal-weighted ETFs, offering diversity across geographies and sectors. Get an in-depth understanding of the sectors covered by selected ETFs, and learn how they contribute to Laura's diversified portfolio. We emphasize the importance of regular portfolio review, understanding market movements, and making informed investment decisions. Diversification is key in buffering losses and providing stability. Tune in now to gain a wealth of knowledge on ETF investing and ensure you stay ahead in your investment game! 📻💰✨ Stay connected with the ongoing conversation by following UMushroom on social media platforms. Read more about the ⁠show⁠.


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Do we need a King of Currencies?

In this episode of "What Your Bank Doesn't Tell You," hosts Luba Schoening and Tonia Zimmermann delve into the concept of the USD as the king of currencies. They discuss the dominance of the USD in global transactions, explore the need for alternative currencies, and propose ideas such as a mix of currencies or the management of the US dollar by a neutral institution. Join the conversation and gain a deeper understanding of the global monetary landscape. For queries or clarification, feel free to reach out at hello@umushroom.com


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You May Be a Nobody, but You Have the Courage.

A Guide to Getting Started in Investing from the Perspective of a Novice. We have a special guest for this episode! Meet Vladimir, a tech team member of UMushroom and a novice investor who shares his journey and approach to investing. Vladimir doesn’t have a traditional finance background. He began with languages and computer science and entered the investing world through cryptocurrency. His experiences with crypto led him to explore traditional investing and ETFs. He emphasizes the importance of knowing what type of investor one is, managing risk, and starting with simple investments like ETFs. He will show you how he uses UMushroom to select ETFs based on various criteria, such as geography, sectors, and risk management. For queries or clarification, feel free to reach out at hello@umushroom.com If you want to find out your investor personality, take our quiz at https://umushroom.com/en/quiz/2


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Market Resilience in the Face of Geopolitical Turmoil: Analyzing Financial Reactions to the Israel-Palestine Conflict

In this episode of “What Your Bank Doesn’t Tell You”, Luba and Tonia navigate the complexities of global markets in light of the recent Israel-Palestine conflict. They offer insights into the shifts in equities, commodities, and other asset classes, elucidating the financial landscape amidst geopolitical uncertainties. For further queries or clarification, feel free to reach out at hello@umushroom.com.


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The Rise of the ETF Market: Insights from Head of ETFs a Invesco

In this episode of “What Your Bank Doesn’t Tell You”, we welcome Nima from Invesco. With a rich background in the ETF space, Nima sheds light on the evolution of ETFs, their growth, and projections for the future. As we navigate a market downturn, we delve into behavioural finance and the timeless wisdom of investing consistently, irrespective of market fluctuations. Tune in to hear expert insights on ETFs and the importance of emotional resilience in investment decisions! Write to us if you have any questions at hello@umushroom.com


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Know Your Worth - A Financial Awakening

In this compelling episode, we shine a spotlight on the "Know Your Worth" movement, emphasizing its profound impact on our financial lives. We discuss the pivotal role money plays in our daily existence and the tendency to delegate financial decisions without considering our core values. Join us as we urge you to step back, recognize the profound importance of money, and align your investments with your life priorities through the powerful "Know Your Worth" movement. Start your journey with small, fearless steps and unlock the full potential of your financial well-being. Don't miss this opportunity to participate in a movement that fosters financial awareness and responsible decision-making. Learn more about our Movement here


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Art as an Investment: The true meaning of value

Welcome back to What Your Bank Doesn’t Tell You! In this episode, we are excited to finally share with you a glimpse into our Movement: #Know Your Worth To explore the true meaning of value, we invited a very special guest. Pascal Schneidinger the CEO of Partasio, a company on a mission to provide you with access to financially attractive & culturally stimulating art investment solutions. Together with Pascal, we looked at: To find out more about Pascal and Partasio click here. If you want to explore further the true meaning of value, check out our movement.


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UBS Repaying Government Support: A Turning Point for the Banking Sector

In this podcast episode, Luba and Tonia dissect recent UBS and Credit Suisse developments, focusing on government support's role and its implications for the banking sector. They spotlight UBS's substantial government aid during the financial crisis, subsequently repaid for a profit, and analyze UBS's strengthened position, rising interest rates' influence, and independent decision-making prospects. Interested in revolutionizing your relationship with money? Check out our platform:⁠⁠ umushroom.com Have questions? Write to us at: hello@umushroom.com New episode every second week.


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Create Your Future - Make investing your new habit!

In this episode of "What Your Bank Doesn't Tell You," hosts Luba Schoenig (Co-Founder of UMushroom) and Laura Bischofberger (COO of UMushroom) delve into investing habits (it's like doing a new sport!). Together, they explore the power of starting small (because YES, you can start with a small amount of money!). Discover the world of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) for beginner-friendly diversification and more! Join the journey and start a new financial habit! Interested in revolutionizing your relationship with money? Check out our platform:⁠⁠ umushroom.com ⁠⁠ #MoneyMatters #ConsciousInvesting #FinancialRevolution Have questions? Write to us at: hello@umushroom.com New episode every second week.
