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storytelling with data podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

Rid your world of ineffective graphs and mediocre presentations, one exploding 3D pie chart at a time! The storytelling with data podcast from bestselling author, speaker, and workshop guru, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic and the storytelling with data team covers topics related to better business communications, data storytelling, and knockout presentations.


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Rid your world of ineffective graphs and mediocre presentations, one exploding 3D pie chart at a time! The storytelling with data podcast from bestselling author, speaker, and workshop guru, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic and the storytelling with data team covers topics related to better business communications, data storytelling, and knockout presentations.



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storytelling with data podcast: #78 Visualize This with Nathan Yau

Join Cole as she chats with Nathan Yau, founder of FlowingData and author of Visualize This and Data Points. Nathan shares his journey from grad school at UCLA to becoming a renowned figure in data visualization. They discuss the evolution of his work, the inception of FlowingData, and the impact of his books on the field. Dive deep into the creative process behind visualizing data, the importance of asking questions, and the iterative nature of both data analysis and visualization. Listening time 51:25 | related links: Follow Nathan: | LinkedIn | Twitter Buy Nathan’s new book! Visualize This, 2nd edition Book: Exploratory Data Analysis (Tukey) Interactive visual: How Americans Spend Their Day Blog post: How You Will Die Blog post: Ebb and Flow of Box Office Receipts (steam graph) Online to do list: Remember The Milk


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storytelling with data podcast: #77 creativity with data, a chat with Alli Torban

Data storyteller Alex talks with information designer Alli Torban about her new book, Chart Spark. Alli believes that creativity isn’t a synonym for art; instead, it’s the ability to generate new ideas or remix existing ideas in a useful way. When you learn to harness that creativity, you can develop new approaches to create more impactful data communications. Tune in to discover helpful prompts and strategies that will help you push past a mental block when you aren’t sure how to visualize your data and capture inspiration for the next time you need a creative idea. Listening time 42:28 | related links: Follow Alli: website | podcast | LinkedIn | Twitter sChart Spark: SWD live event: Flatten the curve: Alli’s tessellation viz:


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storytelling with data podcast: #76 deliver with confidence

In this repost of the Data Viz Today podcast, Information Designer Alli Torban talks with Cole about strategies for delivering data presentations, particularly for introverts. From identifying and managing nervous habits to intentionally adjusting style while maintaining authenticity, they share quick tips and broad strategies to put into practice. Discover how to signal confidence, even before feeling it, and learn about real-time data collection techniques to continually refine your speaking skills. Tune in to learn actionable insights that apply whether you're presenting informally to colleagues or commanding attention in front of a crowd! Listening time 49:18 | related links: Follow Alli: website | podcast | LinkedIn | Twitter Original post & show notes: Book: storytelling with you: plan, create, and deliver a stellar presentation


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storytelling with data podcast: #75 The Data Storyteller’s Handbook with Kat Greenbrook

Cole talks with New Zealand-based data storyteller, Kat Greenbrook, about her new book, The Data Storyteller’s Handbook: How to create business impact using data storytelling. Kat shares her empathy for anyone who has ever been told to “make your data tell a story” and isn’t sure where to start, and offers guidance for better understanding your audience and arranging insights into a narrative structure. Tune in to learn about frameworks that can help you plot time and character data stories, how to keep things honest, bridging knowledge gaps between you and your stakeholders, and more! Listening time 52:00 | related links: Follow Kat: website | LinkedIn | BlueSky Book: The Data Storyteller’s Handbook


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storytelling with data podcast: #74 planning your presentation

Cole shares low-tech planning strategies that will set you up for success in any important scenario in which you need to communicate. From crafting the Big Idea (plus a super useful worksheet to assist your efforts) to storyboarding to bringing it all into your tools, you’ll learn how a little time up front can streamline the rest of the creative process. Also tune in to hear Cole address questions on feedback, slides that don’t quite fit, filler words, and more. Listening time 49:01 | related links The Big Idea worksheet Book storytelling with you: plan, create, and deliver a stellar presentation Blog article 8 tips for avoiding filler words Podcast episode 70 prepare to present Attend a workshop (use discount PODCAST10 for 10% off) Premium sale through 1/31/24 in SWD community: go premium! University instructor upcoming event & resources Watch videos on the SWD YouTube channel


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storytelling with data podcast: #73 stand up

Consider all of the things you do in the course of your daily work from a seated position: might you benefit from changing it up? In this episode, Cole discusses the power of standing up for different reasons and across a variety of situations. Tune in to understand how standing can boost creativity and keep updates and introductions from being overly lengthy. Learn what kinds of feedback and conversations are best had with your feet on the ground, as well as how standing up to present affords you—the presenter—with greater opportunities for better communication. Listening time 18:10 | related links Blog article let it sit Podcast episode 6 say it out loud Book storytelling with you: plan, create, and deliver a stellar presentation Join our 8-week online course (use discount PODCAST10 for 10% off) Attend a workshop (use discount PODCAST10 for 10% off) Video stand up Subscribe in SWD community: go premium Mugs, coasters, books and posters in SWD shop Watch the mini-workshop; more videos on the SWD YouTube channel


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storytelling with data podcast: #72 Alberto Cairo and the art of insight

Alberto Cairo drops by to talk about his new book "The Art of Insight," which offers a unique take on data visualization. In conversation with data storyteller Mike, Cairo shares his Camus-inspired belief that life's meaning comes from community and work, and how that conviction shapes his own interests and endeavors. They discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on journalism, how seemingly frivolous pursuits can actually be essential, and where to find personal and professional connection amidst ever-changing online communities. Eschewing the mantle of “thought leader,” Cairo reveals why he is reluctant to wield the "soft power" he holds in the data visualization community. Tune in for a fascinating exploration of responsibility, the political nature of work, and the human aspects behind visualization. Listening time 48:59 | related links Attend a workshop (use discount PODCAST10 for 10% off) Book: The Art of Insight by Alberto Cairo (in addition, don’t miss Cairo’s earlier books How Charts Lie, The Functional Art, and The Truthful Art) Book: The Grammar of Graphics by Leland Wilkinson Follow: Aaron Williams on X/Twitter: @aboutaaron Games: many tabletop and role-playing games were mentioned, including Twilight Struggle, Dungeons and Dragons, RuneQuest, Call of Cthulhu, Here I Stand, Gloomhaven, and Empires in Arms Book: Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro Book: Building Science Graphics by Jen Christiansen Book: Joyful Infographics by Nigel Holmes


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storytelling with data podcast: #71 pre-reads are risky business

Sending slides before a meeting and asking your audience to do a pre-read has become the norm. Unfortunately, pre-reads never quite lead to the desired outcome of better questions and discussion, instead they create more challenges. Data storyteller Alex shares her thoughts on pre-reads and how she navigates requests to share content outside of a meeting. Tune in to also hear related questions on slide templates, speaker notes and more! Listening time 24:57 | related links: Article: how to create an executive summary slide Attend a workshop (use discount PODCAST10 for 10% off) Combo chart example: diverging bar + data table Combo chart example: line + Gantt chart SWD challenge: create a clever combo chart


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storytelling with data podcast: #70 prepare to present

Cole walks listeners through her process of preparing for a recent presentation—from turning an idea into slides, to how she readied herself to present powerfully. Tune in to hear how a visual navigation scheme can help you stay on track as you present and create memorable takeaways for your audience, why building buffers into your presentation is key for staying on time, the major benefits of practicing aloud, and more. Plus learn how you can watch the presentation Cole describes preparing! (spoiler: visit related links: Join Cole’s upcoming virtual mini-workshop: Book: storytelling with you: plan, create, & deliver a stellar presentation Audiobook: storytelling with you: plan, create, & deliver a stellar presentation Podcast ep 45: the power of post-its Podcast ep 37: it’s for THEM Resources for university instructors Attend a workshop (use discount PODCAST10 for 10% off) Join data storyteller office hours by going premium in SWD community Learn via videos: SWD YouTube channel


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storytelling with data podcast: #69 feedback you hate to receive

Whether you’ve asked for it or not, sometimes critique from others simply gets under our skin. From feel-good platitudes that lack actionability to outright requests to manipulate data—Cole covers five categories of common graph and slide feedback that people hate to receive. Tune in to learn strategies and practical tips that will help you turn undesirable feedback into useful and insightful input for better graphs and presentations. related links: Book: storytelling with you: plan, create, & deliver a stellar presentation SWD challenge: rebrand it! Attend a workshop (use discount PODCAST10 for 10% off) Resources for university instructors Learn via videos: SWD YouTube channel


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storytelling with data podcast: #68: tips for successful data stories

What does Cole’s 7-year-old daughter have in common with the typical audience member for your data stories? Tune in to find out! In this short episode, Cole discusses a handful of specific things you can do to help set yourself—and others—up for successful data stories. Listening time 12:29 | related links: Resource: the BIG PICTURE worksheet Related SWD community exercise: the big picture Podcast episode 49: become a data viz superstar Video series: become a data viz superstar Article: showing the insights vs. showing off Video: the final presentation More videos: SWD YouTube channel Book: storytelling with you: plan, create, & deliver a stellar presentation Book: let’s practice! (exercise 9.9)


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storytelling with data podcast: #67 storytelling withOUT data

Graphs and slides are often the first tools we reach for when we need to communicate with data—but when might storytelling withOUT data yield better results? Cole outlines numerous scenarios for alternative approaches, sharing examples from clients, workshops, and her books. From boardgames to baby pics, tune in to learn about humanizing data, when low fidelity solutions work best, the Picture Superiority Effect, and much more. related links: Book: let’s practice! Book: storytelling with you: plan, create, & deliver a stellar presentation Register for debut storytelling with you virtual workshop (use code PODCAST10 for 10% off) Organize a workshop for your team or organization Access resources for university instructors Learn via video on the SWD YouTube channel


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storytelling with data podcast: #66 Designing in Light and Dark

Mike and Alex discuss the advantages and drawbacks of designing visualizations with light and dark backgrounds, using examples from SWD community members to highlight where each approach can be preferable. Then, they dive into history and discuss the staying power of some famous graphs. What makes them memorable—and how we might be able to elevate them, using modern tools and perspectives? Listening time 27:06 | related links: Challenge: Light and dark backgrounds Viz: Rob Reid’s gun ownership viz Viz: Rishi Selva’s newspaper homage Tool: Datawrapper Tool: Accessible Colors Viz: Mike Cisneros’s Last Words viz Challenge: Remake a famous graph Challenge: Making or missing the mark Join data storyteller office hours by going premium in SWD community Learn via video on the SWD YouTube channel


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storytelling with data podcast: #65 EMPHASIZE it!

Cole draws on a recent experience that underscored the power of thoughtful EMPHASIS. Tune in for practical tactics to create contrast visually and verbally, whether for important numbers or words, focusing attention within your table or graph, or communicating clear emphasis through how you speak and move. Cole and colleague Simon also address related questions on tips for virtual presentations, eliminating filler words, preparing content for someone else to present, and more. Listening time 41:54 | related links: Register for Chicago masterclass on May 5th (use code PODCAST10 for 10% off) Order storytelling with you: plan, create, & deliver a stellar presentation Access resources for university instructors Join data storyteller office hours by going premium in SWD community Learn via video on the SWD YouTube channel


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storytelling with data podcast: #64 beginner mistakes in data viz

You'll probably make a few mistakes when learning to visualize and communicate data. That's okay! It's all a part of the learning journey and can be preferred since we often learn more from our mistakes than our successes. SWD storyteller Alex embraces her early missteps as she takes a trip down memory lane to share where she went wrong and what she learned. Listening time 18:11 plus intro/outro | related links: Podcast episode: data viz research with Steven Franconeri Research article (Visual Thinking Lab): Declutter and focus Steve Wexler’s article: Should you use dashboards to tell stories? Video: sample presentation with chart animation Workshops: 2023 calendar (use special code PODCAST10)


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storytelling with data podcast: #63 bad news and good feedback

SWD storytellers Elizabeth and Mike join forces to tackle some thorny questions about connecting with your audience: how do you know if you’ve done a good job, and what if you have to deliver bad news? In light of a recent “partner up!” challenge in the SWD community, they explore the benefits of working together with colleagues, friends, strangers, and even family members, while sharing some lessons learned from their own collaborative experiences. Listening time: 34:00 Related links: Website: SWD challenge Article: stop, collaborate and listen (to your audience) Workshops: 2023 calendar (use special code PODCAST10) Order storytelling with you Get sample content from Cole’s new book


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storytelling with data podcast: #62 tension in data stories

Tension is a key component of story—and can be used in powerful ways to communicate in a business setting. In this episode, Cole talks tension: what it is, why you should care, and how to identify and use it in your data stories and beyond. Tune in also to hear common questions related to communicating with tension and their answers, plus related resources that will improve your next graph or presentation. Listening time 35:00 | related links: Article: a quick presentation makeover Article: the structure(s) of story Article: when tension is high, get to the point Book: storytelling with you Book: let’s practice! Exercise: build the tension Resource: big idea worksheet Video channel: SWD YouTube Video series: storytelling with cole Video: dashboard to data story makeover Video: record yourself Video: create a storyboard Video: focus attention in data viz Video: avoid these 5 slide mistakes Video: the final presentation Video: don’t keep me in suspense (open to premium) Workshops: 2023 calendar (use special code PODCAST10) University: instructor resources


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storytelling with data podcast: #61 AI, quantified self, and fingernails

SWD storytellers Simon and Mike offer their thoughts on how the recent advancements in AI tools may transform the way we analyze and communicate with data. They also discuss some of their favorite entries and interesting themes from the most recent SWD challenge on the quantified self. related links: Website: SWD challenge A year of fitness by Evelina Judeikyte Number of steps in 2022 by Iris van Bussel Reads 2022 by Kirti Vardhan Rathore My 10 Years of Book Reading by Sibi Maran Cook more, eat less meat: Is my good resolution for 2023 being kept? by Line Ton That Water Usage by Rob Reid Personal Carbon Footprint by George-Alexandru Gavrilovici Meditation Tracking + Blue Sky Goals by Sarah Stern A Year of Disc Golf by Bryan Boyle By the time you finish reading this sentence… by Zen Faulkes Lizzy’s Goodreads by Shane Reynolds Order storytelling with you Get sample content from Cole’s new book


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storytelling with data podcast: #60 scale with purpose with Brendan McGurgan

Have a listen to this cross-cast of Cole’s conversation with Brendan McGurgan, host of the ScaleX Insider Podcast and author of Simple Scaling: Ten Proven Principles to 10x Your Business. They discuss scaling organizations and dive deep into the topics of audience, the big idea, storyboarding, using tension to engage your audience, plus tips for improving how you present through practice. related links: Follow Brendan: LinkedIn|Website| YoutubeBook:Simple Scaling: Ten Proven Principles to 10x Your BusinessPodcast:ScaleX Insider PodcastOrder storytelling with youGet sample content from Cole’s new book


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storytelling with data podcast: #59 questions in dataviz with Neil Richards

Why don’t we use triangles in charts more often? Can design considerations come before we have the data? Do we take data visualization too seriously? Author, speaker, and data literacy advocate Neil Richards raises (and occasionally answers) these and other questions in his new book, Questions in Dataviz: a Data-Driven Process for Data Visualization. In this episode, Neil stops by the podcast to talk about the value of creativity, personal passion projects, experimentation in data visualization, and whether dataviz can change the world. related links: Follow Neil:Twitter|Website|Tableau Public (portfolio)Book:Questions in DatavizPodcast: Alli Torban’sDataviz Today Project:Makeover MondaySWD challenge: for Social GoodProject: Andy Kirk’s The Seinfeld Chronicles Viz: US county hexmapViz: Pet ownership in the UKProject:Data Visualization SocietyProject: Information is Beautiful AwardsGet sample content & orderstorytelling withyou:storytellingwithyou.comUniversity instructor resources:storytelling with YouTube
