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66 Days to Change Your Life

Dan Desmarques

The main idea for the production of this book came after I realized how the beliefs of others were constantly causing me to lose money and delay my life in achieving my goals, even causing me to fail in businesses I had just started. Realizing this was extremely frustrating, but also difficult to control for a variety of reasons, including the fact that we cannot always identify who these people are, and even if we do, we may not be able to remove them from our lives. The only way to solve this problem effectively is to create a system that can rearrange the various patterns of our existence at once by focusing on only one area, preferably of a material nature, as is the case with money. The content presented here is based on the premise that if our thoughts interfere with our destiny, then the thoughts of others, operating by default, can have a greater influence on that destiny. Have you ever noticed how happy some people are when you fail, as if they expected it, or how sympathetic Duration - 15h 44m. Author - Dan Desmarques. Narrator - Scott Jackson. Published Date - Friday, 20 January 2023. Copyright - © 2023 Daniel Marques ©.


United States


The main idea for the production of this book came after I realized how the beliefs of others were constantly causing me to lose money and delay my life in achieving my goals, even causing me to fail in businesses I had just started. Realizing this was extremely frustrating, but also difficult to control for a variety of reasons, including the fact that we cannot always identify who these people are, and even if we do, we may not be able to remove them from our lives. The only way to solve this problem effectively is to create a system that can rearrange the various patterns of our existence at once by focusing on only one area, preferably of a material nature, as is the case with money. The content presented here is based on the premise that if our thoughts interfere with our destiny, then the thoughts of others, operating by default, can have a greater influence on that destiny. Have you ever noticed how happy some people are when you fail, as if they expected it, or how sympathetic Duration - 15h 44m. Author - Dan Desmarques. Narrator - Scott Jackson. Published Date - Friday, 20 January 2023. Copyright - © 2023 Daniel Marques ©.



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