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Contractor Success Map with Randal DeHart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services


Back office support can make or break your contracting company. Let us move your contractor bookkeeping service off the roller coaster of pain onto the merry go round of peace of mind with our U.S.A. based outsourced contractors bookkeeping services and contractor success M.A.P.


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Back office support can make or break your contracting company. Let us move your contractor bookkeeping service off the roller coaster of pain onto the merry go round of peace of mind with our U.S.A. based outsourced contractors bookkeeping services and contractor success M.A.P.



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586: Fortifying Financials And The Importance Of Solid Security Measures

This Podcast Is Episode 586, And It's About Fortifying Financials And The Importance Of Solid Security Measures The recent cyber outage is a stark reminder of digital systems' vulnerability and potential impact on businesses, including those in the construction industry. This incident offers several critical lessons for construction bookkeeping. As a contractor, your accounting and bookkeeping systems are vulnerable not only to cyber threats but also to software outages, which can compromise sensitive financial data and disrupt business operations. In this blog post, we'll explore the implications of the recent cyber outage for construction accounting and bookkeeping and provide actionable tips to strengthen your defenses. Implications for Construction Accounting and Bookkeeping: Data Breach Risks: Cyber attacks can lead to unauthorized access to financial data, including client information and project records.System Downtime: Cyber outages can cause accounting and bookkeeping systems to go offline, halting critical financial operations.Financial Losses: Cyber attacks can result in direct financial losses, damage to your reputation, and legal liabilities. Lessons Learned and Better Practices: 1. Data security is paramount The cyber outage underscores the critical importance of robust data security measures. Construction companies must prioritize the security of their financial data, including sensitive client information, to prevent unauthorized access and mitigate the risk of data breaches. 2. Backup and recovery plans Construction firms should review and enhance their data backup and recovery plans. Regular, automated backups of financial records and bookkeeping data can help ensure that critical information is not lost during a cyber incident. 3. Vigilance in Vendor Management Construction companies rely on external vendors and software providers for bookkeeping tools and platforms. To minimize the risk of potential disruptions due to cyber incidents, construction firms must assess their vendors' security protocols and resilience. 4. Employee training and awareness Educating employees about cybersecurity best practices and potential threats is imperative. Construction businesses should invest in training programs to enhance employee awareness and establish protocols for identifying and responding to potential cyber threats. 5. Contingency planning Comprehensive contingency plans for potential cyber outages are essential. Construction companies should establish clear protocols for maintaining critical financial operations during a disruption, ensuring minimal impact on day-to-day business activities. A quick recap of actionable steps: Implement robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems.Conduct regular software updates and backups to ensure business continuity.Train staff on cybersecurity awareness and best practices.Use secure communication channels for sensitive financial data.Consider outsourcing accounting and bookkeeping to reputable, cyber-secure providers. FEA Cybersecurity As an accounting firm, our client's privacy and security remain our top priorities. We continually look at ways to develop and evaluate our system to prevent breaches and network holes. We utilize Secure Socket Layer encryption, which ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remains private and integral. There are two levels of restrictions, and a password must be entered before you can access your data file. At Fast Easy Accounting, Cloud Security is not an option—it is a fundamental requirement. We only use Intuit-approved commercial Hosting Services. We have taken steps to select the best to ensure that your data is as secure as that found for online banking and financial institutions. Their Cloud Security rests on U.S.-based servers, backups, data centers, and technical support. Not one aspect of our Cloud security relies on outsourced...


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585: Don't Let The Numbers Lie: Detecting And Preventing Bookkeeping Fraud

This Podcast Is Episode 585, And It's About Don't Let The Numbers Lie: Detecting And Preventing Bookkeeping Fraud


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584: Discover The Importance Of A Solid Business Plan For Your Contracting Company

This Podcast Is Episode 584, And It's About Discovering The Importance Of A Solid Business Plan For Your Contracting Company Starting a construction business without a plan is like setting sail without a compass. While you might eventually reach your destination, the journey will likely be longer and more challenging. A well-constructed business plan is essential for guiding your business toward success. Here's why It Clarifies Your Vision A business plan helps you articulate the vision for your enterprise. It forces you to think through every aspect of your business, including what you want to achieve and how you plan to get there. This clarity is crucial for communicating your vision to potential investors, partners, and employees. It Defines Your Goals And Objectives One of the primary purposes of a business plan is to set clear, measurable goals. Whether you aim to acquire a certain number of clients, reach a specific revenue target, or open new locations, having defined goals ensures you know exactly what success looks like for your business. It Helps You Understand The Market A solid business plan includes thorough market research. Understanding your target market, competitors, and industry trends is vital for positioning your construction business effectively. This research helps you identify opportunities and threats, allowing you to make informed decisions. It Guides Your Strategy With your goals in place, a business plan outlines the strategies you will use to achieve them. This includes marketing plans, sales tactics, operational procedures, and financial strategy. Having these strategies documented ensures that everyone involved knows the steps needed to move forward. It Allocates Resources Effectively A well-thought-out business plan helps you determine how to allocate your resources—time, money, and personnel—most efficiently. By identifying priorities, you can ensure that your resources are focused on activities that drive your business toward its goals. It Monitors Progress And Facilitates Adjustments A business plan is not a static document; it should evolve as your business grows. Regularly reviewing your plan allows you to track progress against your goals and make necessary adjustments. This ongoing analysis helps you stay adaptable and responsive to market or business environment changes. It Attracts Investors And Secures Funding If you need external funding, a business plan is indispensable. Investors and lenders want to see that you have a clear vision, defined goals, and a feasible strategy for achieving them. A comprehensive business plan demonstrates your commitment and capability, making securing the financial resources you need easier. It Reduces Risks A business plan helps mitigate risks by forcing you to think through potential challenges and develop contingency plans. This proactive approach lets you anticipate obstacles and devise solutions before they become critical. Creating a small business plan as a construction contractor, whether you have employees or a one-person company, is crucial for charting a path to success. A well-thought-out plan helps you set goals, identify your target market, and establish the direction for your business. Here's a guide on creating one: 1. Let's Get Started with an Executive Summary: Kick off your plan with a quick peek into your company, its mission, and the services you offer. Share a brief overview of your target market and a summary of your financial projections. 2. Company Description - Tell Your Story: In this section, share a detailed and friendly description of your small construction business. Share your company's story, the nature of your construction services, and what makes your business unique. Also, describe your target market and discuss the specific construction needs you aim to fulfill. 3. Market Analysis - Understanding Your Playground: Determine the construction industry...


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583: Building On Solid Ground: Your Construction Bookkeeping Foundation

This Podcast Is Episode 583, And It's About Building On Solid Ground: Your Construction Bookkeeping Foundation As a construction business owner, you must stay informed about your finances and financial situation. You do this through bookkeeping, the process of recording transactions in your business. This includes transactions, credit card charges, and any other economic activity within your company. Financial management can easily be overlooked when managing projects, dealing with subcontractors, and ensuring customer satisfaction. However, neglecting proper bookkeeping can significantly impact the growth and success of your construction business. When your construction bookkeeping is set up right It gives you insights into your income and expenses, such as: How much money you've madeHow much money needs to be paid for bills or salaries How much money should be put away for taxes or other unexpected costs Bookkeeping also helps keep track of all your business transactions. A good system will serve as an audit trail showing every transaction that has taken place within your company. This includes purchases from suppliers, sales made to customers, and bills paid out by suppliers or employees (like salaries). This information will quickly become apparent if there are any irregularities, such as missing items on purchase orders. You get transparency into your business, a way to ensure you remain compliant with laws, and valuable insights to help you make smarter decisions. While factors such as market trends, technological advancements, and customer demands undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping your business, financial insights are an often underestimated aspect that can substantially impact growth. Understanding the intricacies of your company's financial data and leveraging this insight effectively can be a powerful tool for driving growth in your construction business. When to hire a construction bookkeeper There are many scenarios where hiring a bookkeeper makes sense. These depend on your construction business setup and your abilities. You should consider hiring a bookkeeper if you have More than one employeeMultiple business locationsA complex business structure - yes, like a contracting businessConcerns about making errors in your books that could lead to fines or penaltiesToo much work to do, and bookkeeping constantly gets pushed to the sideA lack of experience with bookkeeping and still determining how to go about it, so you avoid it. What a Construction Bookkeeper can provide for you 1. Expertise Construction bookkeepers are experts at managing, sorting, and recording your business's financial transactions. They've spent time developing their skills and experience. During that time, they've also seen and resolved bookkeeping-related issues that you may come up against. Their expertise makes them more efficient at managing those issues. Beyond that, they understand business trends and challenges others in your industry face and can help you move through those. They also know what questions to ask to help you make important decisions and can share best practices with you. 2. Guidance Your bookkeeper not only helps you maintain accurate records but also understands your financial circumstances. They help you assess how to make critical business decisions, such as whether now is an excellent time to grow or when you should hold back. They can also identify trends in your industry and help you take advantage of those opportunities. Finally, they can assist you with budgeting and sticking to your budget. They'll help you develop a realistic financial plan that enables your business to grow while achieving short- and long-term goals. 3. Time savings As a business owner, you likely have many activities to focus on. In bookkeeping alone, there are numerous tasks to be responsible for, such as: Collecting and recording transaction dataSorting receiptsClassifying expensesInvoicing customersPaying...


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582: Dealing With Toxic Construction Employees In The Job Site

This Podcast Is Episode 582, And It's About Dealing With Toxic Construction Employees In The Job Site Running a small construction business comes with unique challenges, and dealing with toxic employees is undoubtedly one of the trickiest. A single troublesome team member can disrupt productivity, affect team morale, and ultimately harm your business's success. These individuals can create a hostile work environment, lower morale, and reduce productivity. For the construction industry, where teamwork and safety are paramount, addressing and managing toxic employees is crucial. Knowing how to handle such situations effectively can turn things around. Let's look at the types of toxic actions, how to address them, and provide practical steps to manage these challenging situations. Read on to transform your workplace or job site into a harmonious and productive environment. To effectively deal with toxic employees, it's essential first to identify poisonous behavior. This can include constant negativity, gossiping, bullying, or undermining colleagues. In the construction industry, toxic behavior can manifest as disregarding safety protocols, cutting corners, or fostering a culture of non-compliance. Understanding troublesome conduct Intentional vs. unintentional Before you can tackle the issue, it's essential to understand whether the problematic actions are intentional or a result of the other problems. Intentional bad conduct often stems from personal grievances or a desire to undermine authority. On the other hand, unintentional actions might be due to personal struggles, misunderstandings, or lack of awareness. Understanding the root cause is crucial because it determines your response strategy. For example, intentional troublemaking might require firmer actions than unintentional issues, which might be resolved with support and guidance. Early recognition Early recognition of problematic conduct can prevent it from escalating. Look for signs such as frequent conflicts with colleagues, consistent underperformance, or a noticeable dip in team morale. Address these issues promptly to avoid long-term repercussions. Impact on team dynamics Toxic conduct doesn't just affect the individual involved; it can spread like wildfire, impacting the broader team. It can lead to increased stress, reduced collaboration, and higher turnover rates. Understanding the wider impact highlights the importance of addressing the issue head-on. Tackling the problem head-on Direct approach Avoiding the problem is never a good strategy. Instead, address the issue directly with the troublesome team member. Start by scheduling a private meeting to discuss specific concerns. Be clear about the actions that need to change and provide concrete examples. Clear communication Addressing toxic behavior often starts with open communication. Construction managers and supervisors must create a work culture where employees feel safe to voice their concerns. Encouraging open communication can help identify toxic behavior early on and prevent it from escalating. Open dialogue Engage in an open dialogue where the employee can share their perspective. Understanding their viewpoint can offer insights into potential solutions. Ensure the conversation remains respectful and focused on finding a resolution. Consistent follow-through Consistency is key when managing toxic workplace conduct. After the initial discussion, follow up regularly to monitor progress. This shows the employee that you're serious about making positive changes and are there to support them through the process. Detailing specific actions Communicate the issues clearly by detailing specific actions that are problematic. Vague feedback can lead to misunderstandings and may result in something other than the desired changes. Be precise about what needs to improve and why. Impact on the team and business as a whole Explain the impact of their conduct...


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581: The Importance Of Having A Contingency Plan For Construction Contractors

This Podcast Is Episode 581, And It's About The Importance Of Having A Contingency Plan For Construction Contractors In the construction industry, unexpected challenges can arise at any moment. Numerous factors, from material delays to unforeseen weather conditions, can disrupt project timelines and budgets. From terrorism to fire, from extreme weather or earthquakes to cyber-attacks – how would your business cope if it was affected? Would your staff know what to do? Would you be able to keep working? That's why a contingency plan is crucial for construction contractors. It is not just a precaution but a necessity. Small construction businesses need to be prepared for a range of scenarios. Your company could avoid significant setbacks or closure with a solid contingency plan. Why contingency planning is crucial Contingency planning involves foreseeing potential risks and developing a strategic approach to mitigate their impact. For small business owners, this means safeguarding their assets, ensuring business continuity, and protecting their staff and customers. A well-thought-out plan can differentiate between a temporary disruption and a permanent shutdown. It helps contractors mitigate risks and minimize the impact of unexpected events on their projects. Here are a few reasons why having a contingency plan is essential for construction contractors: 1. Risk Management: A contingency plan enables contractors to identify potential risks and develop strategies to address them. By proactively planning for various scenarios, contractors can better protect their projects from cost overruns and delays. 2. Budget Protection: Unforeseen events can quickly eat into a project's budget. A contingency plan allows contractors to set aside funds specifically for addressing unexpected expenses, ensuring that the project stays on track financially. 3. Schedule Flexibility: Delays are not uncommon in the construction industry. A contingency plan allows contractors to adapt to unexpected schedule changes without derailing the project timeline. 4. Client Confidence: Clients appreciate contractors prepared for the unexpected. Demonstrating that you have a contingency plan can instill confidence in your clients and reassure them that you can manage unforeseen challenges. 5. Competitive Advantage: Navigating unexpected obstacles efficiently sets contractors apart in a competitive industry. A well-executed contingency plan can demonstrate a contractor's professionalism and commitment to delivering results, giving them a competitive edge in the market. Emerging issues and regulation changes Ever-evolving regulations demand greater transparency and accountability from small businesses. This is particularly relevant in preventing and addressing financial fraud, which remains a substantial risk. The increased scrutiny from regulatory bodies means companies must have robust monitoring systems and response strategies. Failure to comply not only puts your financial standing in jeopardy but also your business's reputation. Practical steps to develop your contingency plan Risk assessment: Identify all potential risks that could impact your business. This includes everything from natural disasters and cyber-attacks to key personnel suddenly becoming unavailable. Rank these risks based on their likelihood and potential impact. Document everything: Put together an operational guide for your business, outlining everything you would need to know to keep it running, such as who your suppliers are, how and when they are paid, and everything else that happens on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. As part of the same process, outline the roles and responsibilities of every senior staff member and scope out the daily and weekly tasks so a replacement could easily assume those responsibilities. Communication plan: Develop a communication plan to keep employees informed during and after a crisis. Consider using multiple channels such as email, phone...


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580: Improving Construction Communication And Workplace Productivity

This Podcast Is Episode 580, And It's About Improving Construction Communication And Workplace Productivity The success of any business, large or small, depends largely on nurturing an efficient, productive workplace. While improving employee productivity should always be a priority when the ultimate goal is a sustainable and profitable business, the process is more straightforward said than done. In today's fast-paced construction industry, staying in touch and being productive is crucial for project success. The good news is that technology has made it easier to streamline processes and enhance team collaboration. One of the most impactful ways technology has improved construction communication is through user-friendly mobile applications and project management software. These tools allow for real-time communication, easy document sharing, and smooth task management, reducing the delays and errors often associated with traditional communication methods. Moreover, Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology has transformed how construction teams work together. BIM fosters better communication and collaboration by providing a centralized platform for sharing 3D models and project data, ultimately leading to more efficient decision-making and problem-solving. Another astounding technological advancement that has significantly boosted workplace productivity is the integration of wearables and IoT (Internet of Things) devices. These innovations enable real-time tracking of equipment, materials, and the workforce, leading to optimized resource allocation and enhanced safety measures on-site. Would you like to implement better practices while staying on budget? These are some of the most effective methods of managing a productive, happy workplace while increasing output: Embrace Technology While many construction workplaces still see new technology, as mentioned above, as unnecessary or even distracting, the simple truth is that it can significantly impact productivity. Updated hardware, software, and machinery ensure that work can be performed quickly and with minimal error. While it may not seem like a big deal, even minor issues, such as temporary connectivity problems or hardware breakdowns, can quickly add up throughout a fiscal year. Start small, like incorporating better project management software and bookkeeping processes. If this overwhelms you, let me know how I can help. Avoid Excessive Micromanagement There is no denying that management is crucial, but too much of a good thing can adversely affect productivity. Instead of encouraging employees to put forth their best efforts, it results in an eventual dependence on micromanagement that can sink productivity levels. Excessive micromanagement can be detrimental to productivity and morale in a construction workplace. To avoid this, it's essential to focus on Hiring and training competent employees so you can have confidence in their ability to perform their tasks without constant oversight. Recognize Success Just as employees must be held accountable for their actions, they should also be recognized for their success. Even small efforts, such as verbal recognition or occasional awards, can encourage employees and make them feel like their hard work is being rewarded. For businesses that can afford it, more significant rewards, such as holiday parties, improve morale and create camaraderie in the office, leading to happier, more productive employees. Break Out of Ruts While assigning tasks based on an employee's particular competencies is generally advisable, remember that doing the same tasks repeatedly over an extended period can make even a skilled employee feel as if their work has become monotonous. Exposing employees to other tasks and even different departments may be helpful. This renews motivation, offers new skills to learn and apply, and gives employees a broader understanding of the company's operations. Cut Down on Meetings Often,...


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579: How To Build Construction Business Systems That Deliver Results

This Podcast Is Episode 579, And It's About How To Build Construction Business Systems That Deliver Results In the competitive construction industry, implementing efficient business systems can make a significant impact on the overall success and profitability of a construction business, regardless of its size or specialization. From streamlining operations to improving project management, adopting efficient systems can yield tangible benefits that truly pay off in the long run. Too many businesses fail because the owner needs to establish efficient business systems. This typically happens because the business owner is so caught up in the company's day-to-day running that the fundamentals of good business management are forgotten. Often, it must be said that the owner doesn't like bookkeeping or other administrative tasks, so these get put on the back burner. The symptoms are familiar, and their results are disastrous: Poor or non-existent record-keeping.Tax obligations still need to be met.Invoices go out late, and debts remain uncollected.There is one cash flow crisis after another.Goods and services should be correctly costed and priced. Any of these factors can lead the construction business down the slippery path to failure, but all are avoidable. The whole point of implementing sound systems is that they free you to spend more time working on your business, not in it. Sound business systems will strengthen, improve, and simplify your business. They will also make your construction business far more attractive to future buyers. If you have developed clear operating and procedure manuals, your business will be seen as an independently viable unit and less dependent on you. Here are five steps to a better construction business: Good record-keeping and bookkeeping will help you keep on-side with the Internal Revenue Department. You'll sleep better at night if you can meet your tax obligations through sensible planning. You won't fear a tax audit, and you'll know how your business is doing. You won't be caught by a 'sudden tax demand out of the blue' because no such thing exists for a well-run business. You should always know which taxes are due and when. You'll suffer less stress. Good business planning will help you set goals for your business and take specific steps to achieve them. Without goals, where do you think you're going? Running a business without goals is like arriving at an airport and saying, "I'd like to go somewhere." The person at the ticket desk would think you're clueless! Good cashflow forecasting will enable you to anticipate a possible cashflow problem (something all growing businesses experience occasionally) and take steps before the situation becomes a crisis. Banks will respect you if you anticipate issues and make plans in advance. Banks will not respect you—and will indeed categorize you as incompetent—if you tell them you've been 'caught out' by a crisis. Banks don't like crises. They want you to go to them well before any possible crisis with a plan. This shows them you're in charge of your business. Good creditor and debtor control will improve your cash flow. Invoicing promptly and collecting debts on time gives you the cash to pay suppliers on time and get more favorable credit terms from them. It is a virtuous circle. Sloppiness in this department is one of the most common (and unnecessary) causes of business owners experiencing stress and anxiety. So pay your creditors on time and don't let your debtors use you as a free banking service. Realistic pricing and costing will ensure you run your business competitively but profitably. Poor skills could mean operating at unrealistic levels—even at a loss. For example, your profits will erode if you let costs (such as overhead costs) get out of hand. There is no point in increasing sales if you're not increasing your profits. One key area where efficient business systems can make a difference is project management. For instance,...


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578: Utilizing The Power Of Financial Modeling In The Construction Industry

This Podcast Is Episode 578, And It's About Utilizing The Power Of Financial Modeling In The Construction Industry n the ever-evolving world of construction, financial modeling is a game-changer. It drives intelligent decision-making, minimizes risks, and ensures the revenue health of projects. Crafting precise and insightful financial models is a valuable tool for construction companies. It offers a panoramic view of the asset landscape and enables proactive planning and strategic management. Financial models are invaluable tools designed to help you understand and protect your business's economic health. By simulating different scenarios and examining potential outcomes based on various inputs, such as sales growth, margins, and cash flow, these models provide a comprehensive picture that aids in informed decisions. 1. Precise Cost Forecasting and Budgeting Financial modeling empowers construction companies to predict costs accurately, considering many factors such as material costs, labor expenses, equipment outlays, and overheads. Companies can develop precise project budgets by creating detailed financial models, spot potential cost overruns, and implement strategies to monitor expenses. This foresight allows for proactive cost management, preventing financial surprises that could impact project profitability. Start by creating a base financial model incorporating your current financial data. Input variables such as projected sales, estimated expenses, and planned investments allow you to forecast your financial performance across different scenarios. By simulating best-case, worst-case, and most-likely scenarios, you'll be better prepared to navigate potential challenges and seize opportunities. Action Tip: Develop your initial model using spreadsheet software or financial modeling tools. Regularly update it as new data becomes available. 2. Streamlined Cash Flow Management Effective cash flow management is crucial in construction, where substantial capital outlays are often needed before revenues are realized. Financial modeling enables companies to map out cash flows over the project's lifecycle, identifying potential bottlenecks and ensuring adequate liquidity is maintained to support ongoing operations. By optimizing cash flow through meticulous financial modeling, construction companies can enhance their financial stability and seize growth opportunities. Presenting a detailed financial model can significantly enhance your credibility with lenders and investors. It demonstrates your understanding of your business's financial position and showcases your preparation for future growth. Action Tip: When seeking financing, ensure your model includes comprehensive projections showing how the funds will be used and the expected return on investment. 3. Informed Decision-Making through Scenario Analysis Financial modeling allows construction companies to conduct scenario analysis, assessing the potential impact of various factors on project outcomes. Whether it's changes in material costs, fluctuations in interest rates, or delays in project timelines, scenario analysis helps companies evaluate the financial implications of different situations and develop contingency plans to mitigate risks. This proactive approach to risk management is invaluable in an industry where unforeseen challenges can have significant financial repercussions. Financial models serve as robust decision-support tools. They help you evaluate the economic implications of various choices, whether setting pricing strategies, launching new projects, or considering investment opportunities. Action Tip: Before making substantial business decisions, use your financial model to conduct a cost-benefit analysis. This will help you weigh the pros and cons and align decisions with your financial goals. 4. Assessing Project Feasibility and Profitability By incorporating revenue projections, cost estimates, and financing structures into their...


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577: Mastering Construction Business Finances Through QuickBooks Desktop

This Podcast Is Episode 577, And It's About Mastering Construction Business Finances Through QuickBooks Desktop The power of effective bookkeeping using QuickBooks Desktop - plus an Important Update from Intuit. Keeping track of sales, earnings, expenses, and purchases is fundamental to your construction business's overall health and sustainability. Effective bookkeeping produces the data you need to evaluate your current practices, anticipate challenges, and set attainable future goals. Many business owners dread bookkeeping and accounting tasks despite their proven importance. In fact, 40% of surveyed entrepreneurs claim that bookkeeping is one of the worst parts of running a business! Is it worth the aggravation? Here are three reminders of how effective bookkeeping is the cornerstone of small business success: Keeping track of reimbursable expenses A reliable system for tracking reimbursable expenses ensures you reap all the benefits you're entitled to when filing your taxes. Expenditures sorted into categories, such as "food," "travel," and "office supplies," can be cataloged quite simply with online bookkeeping software. Using a dedicated credit card for business expenses and updating your records every month will put money back in your pocket come tax time. Measuring profitability and planning for the future To grow your business, you must be able to track and compare its finances from one year to the next. In addition to reconciling the books and bank statements every month, effective bookkeeping generates records you can use to gain a comprehensive overview of your business. This data can help you: Measure year-over-year profits;Identify opportunities to cut costs;Plan for major expenses (such as new office space, equipment, or staff) anddevelop data-based strategies for expansion. Preparing for tax season Few things are more stressful for business owners than scrambling to prepare poorly maintained financial records for tax season. In addition to the panic of last-minute filing, inaccurate or incomplete documentation can lead to severe penalties, fines, and an audit. In the United States alone, 40% of small businesses pay an average penalty of $845 per year for late or incorrect filings! Sound bookkeeping can save you money and give you peace of mind. You'll be assured of compliance with regulations and receive a reliable estimate of amounts owing long before your tax bill is due. If you've been following us over the years, you know that we are raving fans of Intuit, the makers of QuickBooks, and have used QuickBooks since the first version was released in 1992. In fact, in 2005, we moved our entire client base, including our own accounting firm's QuickBooks files, to an Intuit-approved commercial hosting environment so we could offer our clients all of the benefits of the full desktop version of QuickBooks accessible online 24/7, and it has been a huge success! We've always encouraged our contractor clients to use QuickBooks Desktop as QuickBooks Online does not offer the full features of QuickBooks. We know that QB Desktop in the Cloud is one area where you can reduce your overhead and increase productivity quickly and easily. It is a powerful tool that can streamline your accounting processes and provide valuable insights into your company's financial health. Here are some reasons why using QuickBooks Desktop is crucial for your construction business: 1. Industry-Specific Features: QB Desktop offers industry-specific features tailored to the needs of construction businesses. You can track job costs, create estimates, and manage progress invoicing, which is essential for staying on top of your projects' financial aspects. 2. Robust Reporting: QB Desktop provides robust reporting capabilities, allowing you to generate customized reports to analyze your business's performance. You can track profitability by project, compare actual costs to estimated costs, and monitor cash flow to make informed...


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576: How To Build Up And Stand Out By Delighting Your Construction Clients

This Podcast Is Episode 576, And It's About How To Build Up And Stand Out By Delighting Your Construction Clients Most businesses understand that customer satisfaction is crucial to their success. Happy clients are likelier to remain loyal, refer others, and leave positive reviews. This trend has only been amplified by social media and online review sites, where negative feedback can spread quickly and damage a company's reputation. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, more than an effective customer service system is needed: you must provide customers with a positive and memorable end-to-end experience at every touchpoint. Creating powerful experiences that exceed consumer expectations can have massive implications for any business — from increasing brand loyalty and trustworthiness among current clients to being highly attractive to potential customers. It starts with understanding the difference between traditional customer service expectations and modern customer experience strategies. Keep reading as we explore the nuances of each approach and discuss how construction businesses like yours can strive towards offering excellent experiences in their markets. Defining customer service and customer experience When we talk about customer service and experience, it's not just about providing a product or a service. It's about the way you make your customers feel. Customer service is all about delivering the product or service in a way that exceeds expectations and meets the customer's needs. But the customer experience is entirely different. It's a holistic approach that considers how your customers are impacted from the minute they interact with your brand to long after they purchase or hire you. It's about creating an emotional connection with your clients and leaving a lasting impression. So, whether you're a small construction business owner, understanding the power of customer service and customer experience can take your brand to the next level. The importance of customer service in the business Have you ever walked into a store and received terrible customer service? Maybe the employee didn't acknowledge your presence or seemed annoyed when you asked a question. It's a frustrating experience and can leave a bad taste in your mouth about that business. That's why having good customer service is essential in any industry. It's not just about making a sale; it's about creating a positive experience for the customer. When customers feel valued and heard, they are more likely to return to that business and even recommend it to others. In a world with countless consumer options, standing out with exceptional customer service can make all the difference. Improving customer service is crucial for any business looking to stay competitive in today's market. Strategies for improving customer service Invest in employee training to equip staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle customer inquiries and complaints professionally and empathically. Collect customer feedback to identify areas of improvement for products, services, and overall customer experience. Implement technology solutions such as chatbots or knowledge bases to assist customers and streamline the resolution process immediately. The importance of the customer experience The significance of customer experience transcends the essential act of selling products or services; it's about crafting stories and memories that customers carry with them long after a transaction. A superior customer experience fosters an emotional attachment to the brand, transforming casual customers into passionate advocates and vocal supporters. Where choices are plentiful and attention spans are short, construction businesses that focus on delivering memorable customer experiences will not only distinguish themselves from competitors but will enjoy enhanced customer loyalty, increased satisfaction, and, ultimately, improved business outcomes. What should...


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575: A No-Fuss Record-Keeping Guide For Your Construction Business

This Podcast Is Episode 575, And It's About A No-fuss Record-keeping Guide For Your Construction Business Managing a hectic schedule and complex projects can be challenging if you're a contractor. You must also ensure that your paperwork, documents, and contracts are in order. It's essential to keep a paper trail of your work and practice due diligence. Keeping all your working documents in order shows that you treat your business, customers, and subcontractors responsibly. This is a mark of professionalism and can also help if you have an insurance or legal claim. Contractor paperwork documentation and procedures You should develop documentation and record-keeping procedures appropriate for your contracting operation or service if necessary. Once procedures are in place, it is equally important to ensure everyone understands and follows them. It's good practice to hold a workshop on documentation procedures with your employees and have them sign off that they understand and have copies of the procedures. For construction jobs, some of the documents that may be obtained and maintained as part of your documentation procedure include: Project tenders/estimatesContracts or work ordersDuty to perform documentsSite inspection formsTests on work completedDocumentation for materials delivered to the siteDocumentation of your risk services assessmentCertificates of insurance from your subcontractors Using Digital Tools and Software Implementing project management and documentation software can significantly reduce the time spent on paperwork. These tools can help track project progress, manage invoices, and store important documents securely in the cloud for easy access from any location. There are many options on the market, and it's unlikely that a single piece of software will meet all of your project management needs. Companies usually combine a few applications to create a custom solution. Remember, the accounting software you need depends on the level of reports you require. This is why we recommend choosing project management tools that integrate nicely with the parts of your setup that don't need changing. What to look for Real-time reporting capability Effective construction project management requires up-to-date information. With this, you can make important decisions if you rely on guesswork, which is a lousy way to do things. The best project management tools for the construction industry offer instant reporting. Accessibility Your data must be as accessible as possible. The best construction project management tools are cloud/web-based, which makes them accessible from virtually anywhere in the world. Good Support Incorporating even the best construction project management tools will inevitably result in hiccups. That's why you should look for programs from companies with reliable customer support. Security Your data is precious and sensitive, and construction project management tools and techniques should reflect this. Before you incorporate any software into your workflow, research the company behind it, its terms of use, and the security measures it implements to keep your company's data private. Construction project management tool checklist Here are questions to ask yourself once you've narrowed your options using the above criteria: Does the software come with enough licenses for my company?Can I use the tool on multiple devices?Does the software have several positive reviews?Will the company demo its software for my company?Can my current data be easily transferred to this new software?Do partner companies use the same software or a program that integrates well with this one? The proper construction project management tools can make a big difference to your company and its productivity. I hope this helps identify the best picks and what you must consider when evaluating them. Proper record-keeping helps you manage your finances, comply with tax laws, and make informed decisions about your...


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574: What Every Contractor Needs To Know About Successful Construction Companies

This Podcast Is Episode 574, And It's About What Every Contractor Needs To Know About Successful Construction Companies Small construction businesses have several characteristics that distinguish them from larger firms. These characteristics include having a limited workforce, smaller revenue streams, and a more localized focus. They are often run by the owners themselves or a small team of employees. They tend to have a more personal approach to their work, as they are usually more involved in every aspect of the project. Due to their size, they are often more flexible and able to adapt to market or project scope changes. However, they may also face challenges such as limited resource access, difficulty securing financing, and increased competition from larger firms. Over the years, we have had many successful construction clients. The seasoned ones have become lifelong friends and are now retired, living according to their terms. And several are still working according to their schedule with quality, high-paying clients. Is it still possible to succeed in this industry, given the state of the economy? Regardless of government or environment, what I find common among them are these characteristics: 1. Owners leading by example The construction company owner or project manager leads by example. They are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave. The owner knows everyone by name, and their presence is unmistakable. They show a strong commitment, setting the standard where they work. This commitment should be easy to understand. After all, if they don't work hard in their own company, how can they expect anyone else to take their business seriously? 2. Simple business structure They operate a simple and open business structure, encouraging easy access to the owner for every employee. They value the contribution of each employee, many of whom are allowed to influence aspects of the construction business that would ordinarily be denied to them in a large hierarchical company 3. Communication among employees Staff receive information as soon as the owner does. Goals, problems, and concerns are discussed openly. Feedback on issues is encouraged, and staff are asked to contribute their ideas for improving and overcoming difficulties. It is often this aspect of open communication that staff appreciate the most; it is unique to small construction businesses, whether you have only one or two staff. 4. The crew is carefully chosen Staff is recruited very carefully because the contractor owner(s) recognize that they are the lifeblood of any small business. Staff are hired because their knowledge, skills, and abilities will benefit the organization rather than because of friendships or family relations. They are carefully chosen, nurtured, and trained to help the crew members and the organization from the relationship. 5. Staff commitment and loyalty All staff are very committed and loyal. Good performance is rewarded with praise, extra responsibility, and money—poor performance is not. Poor workers are consistently removed as they upset the rest of the team. Organizations whose staff show optimum commitment and loyalty have a source of competitive advantage that is hard to copy or beat. 6. A unique service (or product delivery that goes with the service) Most successful construction businesses have unique products or services, such as designs, products, systems, or some other aspect that sets them apart. This uniqueness is an essential source of competitive advantage and one that many companies work hard to sustain, adapting and innovating their products or services as their competition catches up with them. 7. A specific customer focus Successful small businesses specifically focus on their customers and clients and are geared to supplying them with exactly what they want. This focus means adopting a market-led approach, with the owners and their managers consistently looking for ways to solve their client's...


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573: Navigating Construction Cash Flow Challenges, Myths, And Facts

This Podcast Is Episode 573, And It's About Navigating Construction Cash Flow Challenges, Myths, And Facts In the world of small businesses, positive cash flow is king. The driving force keeps your business engine running smoothly, covering all your liabilities. But what happens when outflow exceeds inflow? Cash flow problems ensue, threatening the survival and growth of your construction business. These cash flow problems can originate from various sources, including macroeconomic issues like recessions, natural disasters, wars, and microeconomic problems like business decisions and performance. However, careful planning and smart accounting practices can cushion or even avoid these financial blows. Managing cash flow is a vital part of running a successful construction business. Some contractors think managing cash flow means tracking how much money enters and leaves their business, but more goes into it. [Starting Cash + Cash In - Cash Out] = Cash Flow Contractors and sub-contractors know there is more to profits than shown above, and most of you rely on your "gut feel" to see when the project has made a profit. Unfortunately, many cash flow myths and misconceptions can lead to poor financial decisions. For a better understanding, how about a mindset shift first? Myth: Profit equals cash flow. Fact: Profit is not the same as cash flow. A business can be profitable but still have cash flow problems. Profit is the amount left over after all expenses are paid, while cash flow is the amount of money that comes in and goes out of the business. Myth: Increasing sales will solve cash flow problems. Fact: While increasing sales can help improve cash flow, it is not a guaranteed solution. If a business is not managing its expenses properly, increasing sales will only exacerbate the cash flow problem. It's essential to focus on controlling expenses as well as increasing sales. Myth: Cash flow problems are always caused by slow-paying customers. Fact: Slow-paying customers can contribute to cash flow problems but are only sometimes the root cause. Factors such as overstocked inventory, underutilized equipment, or poor project management can also impact cash flow. Myth: Borrowing money is the only way to improve cash flow. Fact: While borrowing money can provide a short-term solution to cash flow problems, other options exist. Construction businesses can also improve cash flow by reducing expenses, increasing sales, and negotiating better payment terms with vendors and customers. Construction businesses can make better financial decisions by understanding the facts about cash flow. Let's delve into some common cash flow issues and explore how you can manage them effectively. Problem: Lack of cash reserves If your contracting business's revenue drops, having enough cash reserves to cover up to six months of expenses can be a lifeline. Solution: Project your cash flow by estimating your sales, determining payment timelines, and estimating all expenses. Your accountant can help you create cash flow projections in your accounting software so you know where you stand financially. Problem: Expensive borrowing High-interest credit cards and business loans can significantly affect your business's revenue. Solution: Consider supplier financing or refinancing loans to secure lower payments. Term loans with competitive rates can also help improve cash flow. Initiate a discussion with your lenders if interest only or deferred payments on outstanding debts are possible. Request more flexible payment options It never hurts to ask, especially if you've been transacting with your vendors for a long time and you've established a certain level of mutual trust and confidence. You can request more flexible payment options or longer payment terms. Tap into available credit lines Take advantage of available lines of credit and place the funds in interest-bearing accounts. Problem: Decreasing sales or profit margins Offering too...


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572: Budgeting, Forecasting, And Goal-Setting In Your Construction Company

This Podcast Is Episode 572, And It's About Budgeting, Forecasting, And Goal-Setting In Your Construction Company If you're like many construction business owners, you may need help understanding your finances or how you can use your financial information to make decisions for your business. We often get into business because we love a product or service we want to provide, but it's less common that we love managing the financial aspects of our business. As a construction company owner, you have the best chances of success when you regularly set budgets, develop financial forecasts, and establish goals. Budgeting, forecasting, and goal-setting are best business practices that can help you stay on track and ensure long-term success. The M.A.P. Way Budgets are invaluable business tools because they help you manage your finances effectively. A budget is a plan for how you will spend money in the coming year. It's connected to setting goals, such as setting aside money for promotional expenses (Marketing), hiring a subcontractor, or outsourcing tasks (Production). Forecasting helps you look at your finances (Accounting) in the short term to ensure they align with your business's long-term strategy. Goals help you establish your financial priorities and set a plan for moving your business forward. 1. Budgeting - as your roadmap A budget is a plan for how your business will spend its money. It is a roadmap that helps you reach all your business's goals and objectives, including financial ones. Budgeting involves tracking your expenses, revenue, and profits and making informed decisions about where to allocate resources. By creating a budget, you can keep track of your finances and ensure that you are spending appropriately in any particular area. Having a budget will help you control cash flow. It will also help ensure that your construction business stays on track with spending so you don't pay more than you bring in. A budget also lets you know when you have enough money in your accounts to meet expenses such as payroll, taxes, and bills. If you don't have enough cash to cover your costs, you can revise your budget to free up additional money. Lastly, budgets allow you to understand how money flows into and out of your business, which makes it easier to meet your immediate financial needs while planning a sustainable future. 2. Forecasting - to avoid roadblocks Forecasting is a great way to determine your business's future profit and loss. It enables you to predict future cash flow, sales, expenses, etc. Financial forecasting can help you manage your finances by enabling you to anticipate what might happen and plan accordingly. By analyzing trends and patterns in your construction business, you can predict potential challenges and opportunities. This can help prevent overspending or under-budgeting during slow periods or high-demand seasons. This also allows you to provide accurate budget projections when seeking funding from banks or investors, which can help you make informed decisions and avoid potential roadblocks. 3. Goal-setting - to help you budget and forecast more effectively Your goals enable you to set a vision for your business and implement steps to achieve it. For example, if you want to bring in 5 new clients in the next two months, you must explore whether your marketing budget can accommodate that and adjust accordingly. If you aim to hire additional staff, you can look at your forecast to determine the best time to hire–and how long it will take to build up the revenue to bring in new people. Focus your efforts and increase your chances of achieving your goals according to the SMART guidelines: Specific, Measurable, Achievable (Attainable), Realistic, and Time-Bound. Start by defining your top three business goals for the next four quarters. Then, with those in mind, do some research to help you decide on the best way to achieve them and a reasonable timeline for meeting specific...


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571: Practical Tips To Improve Your Construction Marketing Strategy

This Podcast Is Episode 571, And It's About Practical Tips To Improve Your Construction Marketing Strategy Stepping up your marketing game as a construction business owner is always a welcome topic in my client conversations. Often, contractors chat with me about the best way to promote their company, primarily because no one else is running it. You may focus more on accounting and taxes at times, and at other times, your business may slow down, and sales become more challenging. Given this trend, establishing and maintaining connections with existing and potential customers has become more critical. So, if you're looking to do some construction business promotions to attract more quality clients, what do you do, especially on your own? Here are some practical tips that I highly suggest to consider: 1. Build a solid online presence: Create a website showcasing your services and experience, and make sure it's easy for potential customers and homeowners to contact you. Plus points if you know how to optimize it by location and keywords, or you can always learn a thing or two when you Google: Local Search Engine Optimization. It's essential to show up first in SERPS (Search Engine Results Page) when someone looks for "plumbing emergency in (city)" or "HVAC installer nearby." As you build and edit your pages, keep in mind your USP (Unique Selling Proposition): What your business does.Whom it serves.Why it's different from other companies?How is it beneficial to your prospective client? Note that some of these elements can be divided into sections and published on one page; for instance, Services and Testimonials can work well together. This gives your visitors much-needed assurance that you have had successful projects and happy clients. Create informative content: Share blog posts, videos, and infographics that provide value to your target audience and establish your business as an industry expert. Remember to include your Awards and Recognition (if you have any) and place it strategically. Add value to your website footer by including your contact details, policies, and other relevant links. Include appropriate CTAs (Call-To-Action) throughout your site so prospective clients can take the necessary steps and hire your services. For example, a 'Contact Us' button or a 'Request a Quote' form can be effective CTAs. 2. Use social media: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are great for sharing your projects and engaging with your audience. Create posts regularly to update on services or special offers. Local SEO is mainly about getting listed in local online resources and optimizing your website's and other platforms' online content to reference location-relevant key phrases and regional names rather than generic keywords. Your construction business listing must be consistent across all platforms you use, mainly because changing it later will be challenging (think about logo placement, colors, and font). 3. Register your business on online directories: This will help increase your visibility and attract more local clients. Google Business Profile - This is a free tool for promoting your business profile and website on Google Search and Maps. Even if you don't have a website, your Google business profile is the most crucial resource for local businesses. Claiming and verifying your business's listing will help your efforts appear in local search results.Bing Places - Microsoft's version, which might be less popular, still needs attention. It works the same way, allowing you to claim and verify your business's physical location and have it appear in Bing Maps and on mobile devices running the Windows Phone operating system.Yelp. Yelp is an online urban guide that provides local business listings. It recently replaced the relatively unsuccessful Apple Maps app for iPhones and iPads, and these devices now use data from Yelp to display local information with their included mapping apps. Given the...


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570: Construction Business Practices For Getting Paid And Paying Yourself

This Podcast Is Episode 570, And It's About Construction Business Practices For Getting Paid And Paying Yourself Running a small construction business may seem like hopping from one task to another, needing more support and guidance. That can make it tempting to let some to-dos on your checklist slide, especially those related to finances, which can be challenging and are often outside your preferred skill set or experience. The issue, of course, is that clients can only pay you once you've invoiced them. And as you make your salary a top priority, you can also pay yourself. You need an invoicing system that makes the process less painful—or even removes it entirely from your hands. There are some tips you can follow to keep your finances healthy and enable you to thrive. Here are some practices to improve managing your financials so you can have the best chances of success in your construction business.. Pay yourself The business owner's salary is the line item most often left out of a small construction company's budget. As a construction business owner, you may be tempted to keep putting every cent you earn back into your contracting business, but paying yourself first is necessary. You need to earn a living; paying yourself can help your business succeed. You need to pay your bills and be financially sound. You'll also need to have money set aside for your retirement. Ensure you draw a regular income from your business to cover your expenses. Talk to your accountant for guidelines on how much to pay yourself, and always treat yourself as generously as you would your employees. Reward financial milestones met and projections exceeded with a bonus. Raise your salary when your profit shows continuous growth. If giving yourself a raise creates some anxiety, do it in confidence, knowing you can always make adjustments as needed. Have a separate business bank account From day one, business owners should have a separate bank account to deposit their income and pay their business expenses. Keeping your business and personal finances together makes it more difficult to track how your business is doing and how you're doing. Separate bank accounts for your business and personal finances allow you to monitor where and how you spend money more efficiently. It's also crucial to designate a business-only credit card. During tax time, separate statements make submitting claimable expenses quick and easy while reducing painful audit risk. Have separate accounts for your business and finances, and deposit your salary (see the above tip) into your account. Have a good billing strategy Every business owner wants to make money. Invoicing is typically one of the tasks that contractors like the least. Chores like creating and sending invoices are set aside for other more enjoyable or urgent tasks. Eventually, you'll deal with clients who are slow to pay their bills. Money your clients owe you isn't accessible until it's in your bank account. The good news is that we have developed two solutions that can streamline your client's payment process: Contractor Payment Application The difficulty often comes down to waiting for clients to pay their invoices. Chasing down one or two chronic late payers costs valuable time and money; if reliable clients stay caught up on one month, the result can be devastating. Many contractors use QuickBooks For Contractors to keep track of Job Costs and invoice their clients—it works well if you only have a few simple invoices. The tricky part is when you get beyond two invoices, add some job deposits, and change orders because there is no "magic button" in QuickBooks to generate an invoice that will make sense to your client. Randal DeHart created this Excel program for complex invoices, which shows the money trail from beginning to end in a way that everyone can understand and appreciate, which means you get paid faster, with less hassle, and your clients will love you for it. Job Deposits...


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569: How Not To Undercharge Your Construction Clients

This Podcast Is Episode 569, And It's About How Not To Undercharge Your Construction Clients Contractors like you know how to pound nails, pour concrete, build homes and commercial structures, bend pipe and pull wire, install roofs, lay carpet, paint walls, and perform a thousand other tasks. So why are you not enjoying the same standard of living as other professionals? Because you are doing all of those things for anybody and everybody who asks you to. Too many contractors are overworked, undervalued, and underpaid. We seek to change that for as many contractors as possible as we know how almost every sound, solid, hardworking, well-intentioned contractor is going out of business or barely scraping by, and that has to end here and now. First, I must address how this could be an internal cause, such as how you deem your self-worth. Imposter syndrome is a common problem affecting people in various industries, including construction. For those who don't know, imposter syndrome is the feeling that you're not good enough or don't deserve your success despite evidence to the contrary. This can lead to undercharging clients, which is bad for business and perpetuates the cycle of feeling like an imposter. In construction, imposter syndrome can manifest in many ways. You may feel like you need more experience or the proper education or training. You may be comparing yourself to others in the industry who seem more successful or knowledgeable. Whatever the case, it's essential to recognize that these feelings are common and don't have to hold you back. However, when imposter syndrome leads to undercharging clients, it can have serious consequences. Not only are you undervaluing your work, but you're also potentially setting yourself up for failure. If you need to charge more to cover your expenses, you may need help to make ends meet or even go out of business. So, what can you do if you're struggling with imposter syndrome and undercharging clients? Here are a few tips: 1. Recognize your value: Remember that you have something valuable to offer your clients, whether it's your experience, expertise, or unique perspective. Feel free to charge what you're worth. 2. Focus on your strengths: Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your strengths and what sets you apart. Could you highlight these strengths in your marketing and client interactions? 3. Get support: Talk to others in the industry who may have experienced imposter syndrome. Join a professional organization or mentorship program to connect with others who can offer support and guidance. Now that this mental dilemma is tackled, let's examine your systems and processes. Working IN your business is a JOB (Just Over Broke) Working ON your business is where MONEY IS MADE What if you could do both? Work in your business and have a higher standard of living. Because most small construction businesses focus on survival, you pay close attention to the bottom line. This makes sense, but it also leads to being seriously overworked. Contractors like you are under increased pressure to cut their prices to get enough work, which means they need to reduce costs. What to do? 1. Accept that you have to raise your prices at some point It's a daunting task to consider raising your prices, as the danger of losing customers will be front of mind. But the bottom line is this: you can only deliver quality service if you're charging enough. It's that simple. If you're spinning your wheels trying to make up for the difference, you'll lose customers anyway. You won't be able to deliver the excellent service you're known for if you're constantly overworked trying to find profits elsewhere. 2. Understand what's costing you Consider your business costs at least once per year. Check which products or services are making money and which aren't. Then, take it further and pinpoint each area's breakeven position. You will then be able to decide how much more you need to...


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568: The Power Of Core Values In Your Trade Business

This Podcast Is Episode 568, And It's About The Power Of Core Values In Your Trade Business As a construction company owner, you're the architect of your business's vision and culture. But some of the foundation often needs to catch up in the hustle to improve services, chase sales, and keep the lights on. Core values—those guiding principles that shape your company's identity—are more than words on a wall or a statement in a handbook. Getting leads and doing the work is only part of the answer. Not answering them and acting on the knowledge is why many construction companies wither and die. They focus on the wrong areas to innovate or improve. They focus on the wrong enemy and threat. As a result, they need to catch up on what they could be doing to succeed and prosper over time. Is the elevator pitch you used a year ago – even six months ago – still accurate? Unless you are crystal clear on who you are as a construction company, whom you're here to serve, and what you hope to achieve in the next one to three years, it will be hard to come up with meaningful goals. These aren't just buzzwords to sprinkle throughout your website—your business's core values can act as the compass for your business, sharpening much about it. If your brand needs tweaking to reflect where your construction business is today and where you want it to go, start there. Let's dive into why core values are critical to your entrepreneurial journey. 1. Core values establish a company culture. A company without defined core values is like a boat without a rudder—adrift without direction. Sure, you're moving, but where? Core values foster a sense of identity and purpose Your core values anchor your company's culture. They define your company's personality. When employees understand and live these values, it unifies them. Guide decision-making and conduct Values should be your company's moral compass, setting the course for how you want your team to operate in every situation. From difficult decisions to everyday choices, they help your team stay true to the company's ethos. 2. Attract and retain talent. In a competitive job market, your company's values can attract like-minded individuals. Appeal to employees who align with the values Millennials, and now Gen Z, not only seek employment but also meaningful work. They are drawn to companies whose values match their own. When you promote your business's core values, you'll find it easier to recruit those who are best suited for your team. Increase employee engagement and loyalty Employees who connect with your values are more likely to be engaged in their work and committed to the company's long-term success. This engagement translates to higher levels of staff retention, and engaged employees are much less likely to look for a job at other companies. 3. The currency of trust: build trust and reputation. Consumers want to buy from companies they believe in. Demonstrate integrity and authenticity When your core values drive your business practices, you stand out as a company that's not just about profits but about people and principles. This authenticity in business operations builds a strong foundation of trust with your customers. In a world of cynicism, displaying your core values shows that you mean what you say. Enhance customer trust and loyalty A company that walks the talk regarding values will create loyal customers who return for repeat business and refer others to you. 4. Provide a framework for decision-making One of the trickiest parts of leading a business is knowing which opportunities to chase and which to pass up. Help plan actions and initiatives Clear core values make evaluating opportunities easier and aligning them with your company's long-term strategies. Guide strategic planning and goal-setting Strategic plans also benefit from a values-driven approach. Your values help you set more meaningful,...


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567: The Secrets To Stellar Client Service In The Construction Industry

This Podcast Is Episode 567, And It's About The Secrets To Stellar Client Service In The Construction Industry Customer service is the heartbeat of any successful business. The unsung hero transforms a potential disaster into an opportunity and a mere transaction into a lifelong relationship. In the narrative of customer loyalty and retention, service is the protagonist. Your approach to customer service has the power to attract and retain clients. As a construction business owner, client service is critical to your company's success. It is essential to understand what your clients want and how you can provide the best service possible to meet their needs. Why stellar customer service is key The importance of customer service for loyalty and retention cannot be overstated. Positive experiences build stronger emotional connections with customers, leading to repeat purchases or the client hiring you again, enhanced brand loyalty, and positive word of mouth. Stellar customer service is the hallmark of success in a booming digital economy. If you have a website or are marketing your trade business online, you are part of this, or you use platforms where competitors lurk one click away. One of the most critical aspects of client service is communication. It would be best if you communicated effectively with your clients to understand their requirements, provide updates on the project's progress, and ensure they are satisfied with the work. You should also be responsive to their queries and concerns and provide timely and transparent information. Another crucial factor in client service is managing expectations. It is vital, to be honest and realistic about what you can deliver and to ensure that your clients understand what they can expect from you. This will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure your clients are happy with the result. Good Customer Experience is Key A recent Zendesk report found that 3 in 4 consumers are willing to pay more for good customer service. This is a clear signal that in a market cluttered with varying product specifications, prices, and services, customer experience can be the factor that differentiates you from the competition. Retention Customer retention is cost-effective (five to 25 times less expensive than acquiring new customers) and promises a more predictable revenue stream. As a business, your job doesn't end at the point of sale—it means nurturing and retaining your customers. Crafting your customer service strategy Mastering the art of customer service requires a well-rounded strategy. Let's break it down: Excellence breeds loyalty When you deliver exceptional service, you invite customer loyalty, which fuels a positive cycle of customer lifetime value. From thank-you notes to responsive support, every interaction is an opportunity to reinforce a customer's decision to choose your brand. Accessibility is vital Clients shouldn't need a treasure map to find your service. Information, contact details, and assistance need to be at their fingertips. Accessibility is paramount through a user-friendly website, a seamlessly integrated app, or a robust social media presence. The power of empathy Empathy is the currency of customer service. It's walking in your client's shoes, understanding their pain, and making it suitable. An empathetic approach can turn a disgruntled customer into a brand advocate. Metrics You can't improve what you don't measure. Customer satisfaction metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer effort score, and customer satisfaction score are valuable tools to provide insight. Customer Service in Practice: Tools and Techniques It's time to delve into practical customer service applications. 1. Omnichannel Customers are diverse, and so are their preferred service channels. From social media to chatbots and the phone, an omnichannel approach ensures that customer service is available and tailored to meet them where they are. 2. Proactive...
