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Verse By Verse Bible Commentary & Round Table Discussion


Tyler, TX


Verse By Verse Bible Commentary & Round Table Discussion





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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 47

Jesus addressed a pressing question that was haunting the minds of the Pharisees. If everyone presses into the Kingdom of God, then what's to become of Israel? What of the Law and the Prophets? Has God divorced Israel in favor of the Church? I. Reviewing The Parable Of The Unjust Steward. Luke 16:1-8 II. Reviewing The Personal Application Of The Parable. Luke 16:9-13 Luke 14:26-27 Matthew 6:19-21 Matthew 16:25-27 III. Jesus Responds To The Ridicule Of The Pharisees. Luke 16:14-15 Proverbs 21:30 IV. Jesus Explains Why Everyone Is Pressing Into The Kingdom Of God. Luke 16:16 V. The Law And The Prophets And God's Covenant With Israel. Luke 16:17-18 Matthew 19:1-9 Mark 10:1-12 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 46

While Jesus continued enjoying a dinner with new disciples who were previously professional sinners, he gave them a controversial parable about a shrewd manager who betrayed his employer in favor of his customers by remitting some of their debts. I. Reviewing The Parable Of The Lost Sheep. Luke 15:1-7 Matthew 18:11-14 II. Reviewing The Parable Of The Lost Coin. Luke 15:8-10 III. Reviewing The Parable Of The Lost Sons. Luke 15:11-32 IV. The Parable Of The Unjust Steward. Luke 16:1-8 V. Jesus Explains The Personal Application Of The Parable. Luke 16:9-13 Luke 14:26-27 Matthew 6:19-21 Matthew 16:25-27 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 45

When religious leaders murmur against Jesus for the quality of his company, he responds with the Lost & Found Parables in which 3 types of lost souls are described. The last of these is a surprise for the Pharisees as they are included in the parable as well. I. Reviewing The Parable Of The Great Supper. Luke 14:15-24 II. Reviewing The Demands Of Discipleship. Luke 14:25-35 II Corinthians 6:4-10 III. The Parable Of The Lost Sheep. Luke 15:1-7 Matthew 18:11-14 IV. The Parable Of The Lost Coin. Luke 15:8-10 V. The Parable Of The Lost Son (a.k.a. The Prodigal Son). Luke 15:11-32 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 44

Jesus is invited to a dinner with religious leaders where he's set up for another Sabbath trap. After springing the trap, he finds the opportunity to teach them about mercy, humility, hospitality, the call to salvation and the cost of discipleship. I. Jesus Gets Set-Up For Another Sabbath Trap. Luke 14:1-6 II. A Lesson In Humility. Luke 14:7-11 Proverbs 25:6-7 III. Hospitality That God Will Reward. Luke 14:12-14 IV. The Invitation To Salvation. Luke 14:15-24 V. The Demands Of Discipleship. Luke 14:25-35 II Corinthians 6:4-10 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 43

This session will be catch-up much like what you would expect on the first day of school after Summer vacation. I want to review what's been building not only to refresh our memories, but to take in the majesty of the overall design of what's actually unfolding before us. I. When Jesus Attended The Feast Of Tabernacles. John 7:11-53 II. The Woman Caught In Adultery. John 8:1-12 III. Jesus Claims To Be The Voice Of The Burning Bush. John 8:13-59 IV. The Man Who Was Born Blind. John 9:1-41 V. The Parable Of The Good Shepherd. John 10:1-21 VI. Treading Upon Serpents & Scorpions. Luke 10:1-20 VII. The Parable Of The Good Samaritan. Luke 10:21-37 VIII. The Priority Of Prayer. Luke 10:38 - 11:13 IX. Self-Righteous Legalism. Luke 11:37-54 X. Parable Of The Expectant & Faithful Steward. Luke 12:1-59 XI. Parable Of The Fig Tree. Luke 13:1-21 XII. When Jesus Attended The Feast Of Dedication. John 10:22-42 XIII. Jesus Laments Over Jerusalem. Luke 13:22-35 Hosea 5:15 Zechariah 12:10 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 42

Today, some believe that Jesus never proclaimed equality with God. The religious leaders who had Jesus crucified would say otherwise. In this session, Jesus goes to Jerusalem to attend the Feast of Dedication where he is accused of such a blasphemy. I. Jesus Attends The Feast Of Dedication In Jerusalem. John 10:22-23 II. Opposition From The Religious Leaders. John 10:24-27 John 6:37-40 III. The Sheep Are In The Shepherd's Hand. John 10:28 IV. The Sheep Are In The Father's Hand. John 10:29 Psalm 37:24 V. Jesus Asserts His Deity. John 10:30-33 VI. A Lawyer's Defense. John 10:34-36 Psalm 82 VII. Jesus Asserts His Deity Again. John 10:37-39 VIII. Jesus Withdraws From Jerusalem. John 10:40-42 IX. Will Only A Few Be Saved? Luke 13:22-24 John 10:9 John 14:6 X. Position In The Millennium. Luke 13:25-30 Matthew 8:5-13 XI. Jesus Sends A Message To King Herod. Luke 13:31-33 XII. Jesus Laments Over Jerusalem. Luke 13:34-35 Hosea 5:15 Zechariah 12:10 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 41

In this session, Jesus initiates a call to national repentance, warning Israel in a parable (of a fruitless fig tree) that they will be cut down and out if they don't repent of their disbelief. He then reminds them of the parables of the mustard seed and the leaven. I. Jesus' Call To National & Individual Repentance. Luke 13:1-5 II. The Parable Of The Fig Tree. Luke 13:6-9 III. Jesus Heals A Crippled Woman On The Sabbath. Luke 13:10-17 IV. The Parable Of The Mustard Seed. Luke 13:18-19 Matthew 13:31-32 V. The Parable Of The Woman Hiding Leaven In Three Measures Of Meal Until All Is Leavened. Luke 13:20-21 Matthew 13:33 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 40

Jesus warns his 70 new disciples against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, he builds up their courage against death threats of religious persecution and then he gives several parables which admonish readiness and watchfulness for his imminent return. I. Jesus Proclaims That All Religious Hypocrisy Will Be Exposed. Luke 12:1-3 II. Jesus Comforts & Encourages The 70 Against Fears Of Religious Persecution & Unmet Needs. Luke 12:4-12 Matthew 10:26-33 Matthew 12:22-32 III. The Parable Of The Rich Fool. Luke 12:13-21 IV. Seek The Kingdom Of God. Luke 12:22-34 Matthew 16:19-34 V. The Parable Of The Expectant Steward. Luke 12:35-40 VI. The Parable Of The Faithful Steward. Luke 12:41-48 VII. Jesus Gives Warnings Of The Cost Of Discipleship. Luke 12:49-53 Matthew 10:34-36 VIII. Jesus Rebukes Those Who Do Not Discern The Signs Of The Times. Luke 12:54-59 Matthew 16:1-3 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 39

For those of you who have ever been burdened by the oppression of religious legalism, you are going to love these next 18 verses in which Jesus verbally lashes out on 2 religious leaders for legalism and hypocrisy. I. External Righteousness VS Internal Righteousness. Luke 11:37-41 II. Jesus Rebukes The Legalism Of The Pharisee. Luke 11:42-44 III. Jesus Rebukes The Legalism Of The Mosaic Law Expert. Luke 11:45-52 IV. The Religious Leaders Respond. Luke 11:53-54 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 38

Prayer isn't an incantation which prompts God to move the way we want, but rather it's a live conversation of both speaking and listening to a God who desires to build a relationship with us. We examine how this works and how Satan attempts to stop it. I. Mary & Martha: The Importance Of Prayer. Luke 10:38-42 Psalm 139:1-18 Hebrews 4:13-16 Romans 8:26-27 II. Jesus Gives A Template For Prayer. Luke 11:1-4 Matthew 6:5-13 Ephesians 6:18 III. Jesus Encourages Persistence In Prayer. Luke 11:5-13 Philippians 4:6-7 James 1:5 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 37

If you know how to talk over a telephone, then you know how to pray to God. Unfortunately, Satan has done a great deal to confuse what prayer is all about, even among Christians. In this study, Jesus sets the record straight on prayer and what it's all about. I. Mary & Martha: The Importance Of Prayer. Luke 10:38-42 II. Jesus Gives A Template For Prayer. Luke 11:1-4 Matthew 6:5-13 III. Jesus Encourages Persistence In Prayer. Luke 11:5-13 Philippians 4:6-7 Hebrews 4:13-16 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 36

Jesus has given us the power and the authority over all the powers of Satan and his demonic forces. Christians can fall into one of two dangerous traps concerning this awesome power, one is to completely ignore it, the other is to constantly dwell upon it. I. Jesus Commissions 70 New Disciples. Luke 10:1-16 Matthew 9:35 - 10:15 Mark 6:7-11 Luke 9:1-5 II. Jesus Gives Them Authority Over All The Power Of The Enemy. Luke 10:17-20 John 14:16-17 1st John 4:4 Matthew 18:18 Ephesians 6:10-18 2nd Corinthians 10:5 III. The Parable Of The Good Samaritan. Luke 10:21-37 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 35

Jesus healed a man who was blind from birth and his behavior afterwards showed evidence of one who not only received physical eyesight, but Spiritual eyesight which freed him from the oppression of the Pharisees. Jesus gave the Parable of the Good Shepherd. I. Jesus Gives Sight To A Man Who Was Born Blind. John 9:1-7 Genesis 3:14-15 Exodus 4:1-5 John 2:6-10 John 16:7-13 II. A Change Evidenced By Physical Eyesight. John 9:8-12 III. Intimidation & Interigation From The Pharisees. John 9:13-23 IV. A Change Evidenced By Spiritual Eyesight. John 9:24-33 V. Evidence Of Two Forms Of Blindness In Action. John 9:34-41 VI. Jesus Proclaims, "I Am The Door Of The Sheep". John 10:1-10 Ephesians 1:13-142nd Corinthians 1:21-22 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17 VII. Jesus Proclaims, "I Am The Good Shepherd". John 8:31-32 John 10:11Psalm 22 Hebrews 13:20-21Psalm 23 1st Peter 5:4Psalm 24 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 34

12 verses in John 8 about a woman caught in adultery have caused great controversy. Satan has attempted to remove them from our Bibles for 2000 years because in them we finally begin to get a taste of just how far-reaching the power of God's Grace really is. I. Last Segment Before The Disputed Passage. John 7:50-52 II. Day's End: Everyone Goes Home. John 7:53 - 8:1 III. A New Day Begins: Jesus Returns To The Temple. John 8:2 IV. Jesus Postpones Judgment Against A Woman Taken In Adultery. John 8:3-11 V. Jesus Proclaims, "I Am The Light Of The World". John 8:12-20 VI. Jesus Predicts His Upcoming Departure Before The Pharisees. John 8:21-30 VII. Jesus Explains How To Know The Truth That Makes You Free. John 8:31-32 VIII. Children Of Abraham vs Children Of Satan. John 8:33-47 IX. Jesus Proclaims, "Before Abraham Ever Was, I AM". John 8:48-59 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 33

Jesus was met with opposition from family members, followers, strangers and religious leaders before, during and after his attendance to the Feast of Tabernacles. His proclamation of origin and authority being from THE FATHER sent everyone into divisions. I. Jesus' Brothers (In Disbelief) Offer Him Advice In Public Ministry. John 7:1-9 II. Samaria Rejects Jesus On His Way To Jerusalem. Matthew 19:1 Luke 9:51-56 John 7:10 III. In Search Of Jesus At The Feast Of Tabernacles. John 7:11-13 IV. Jesus Proclaims His Authority Is From The Father. John 7:14-24 V. Jesus Proclaims His Origin Is From The Father. John 7:25-31 VI. Jesus Proclaims His Upcoming Departure To The Father. John 7:32-36 John 14:1-4 VII. Jesus Proclaims An Offer Of Living Water To Drink. John 7:37-39 John 14:16-17 VIII. The People Are Divided. John 7:40-44 IX. The Religious Leaders Are Confused. John 7:45-53 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 32

After Jesus spent time discussing forgiveness and reconciliation, he gave a controversial parable that's become known as the parable of the unforgiving servant. What makes it controversial is that it's been given 4 different interpretations. We examine all 4. I. The 1st Interpretation. (Matthew 18:23-25) (Matthew 18:26-27) (Matthew 18:28-30) (Matthew 18:31-34) (Matthew 18:35) II. The 2nd Interpretation. (Matthew 18:23-25) (Matthew 18:26-27) (Matthew 18:28-30) (Matthew 18:31-34) (Matthew 18:35) John 3:16 John 5:24 John 10:28-29 John 1:12-13 John 3:3 Ephesians 2:8-9 Ephesians 1:13 Ephesians 4:30 Titus 3:5 Romans 8:38-39 Philippians 1:6 III. The 3rd Interpretation. (Matthew 18:23-25) (Matthew 18:26-27) (Matthew 18:28-30) (Matthew 18:31-34) (Matthew 18:35) "Servant" IV. The 4th Interpretation. (Matthew 18:23-25) (Matthew 18:26-27)1st John 1:6-10. (Matthew 18:28-30) (Matthew 18:31-34) Matthew 18:17 1st Corinthians 5:5 1st Timothy 1:19-20 (Matthew 18:35) QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 31

Satan has hidden the truth about what forgiveness really is. It's not about the other person, it's not even about the transgression. It's about healing from the hurt a transgression has caused by transferring the debt to another account, THE CROSS. I. Reconciliation Has Conditions: In Review. Matthew 18:15-17 1st Corinthians 2:15 1st Corinthians 15:33 1st John 1:6-7 II. Reconciliation Has Conditions: Jesus Re-Confirms... Matthew 18:18-20 Matthew 16:19 III. The Biblical Definition Of Forgiveness & The Secret Ingredient. Matthew 18:21-22 Matthew 6:5-13 Hebrews 9:22 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 30

Forgiveness is a challenge for most today because we've been falsely taught that reconciliation must always follow. Jesus taught in Matthew 18 that this simply isn't true. Forgiveness and reconciliation are separate things, they are not the same. I. Forgiveness & Reconciliation Are Separate Things; They Are Not The Same. Matthew 18:15-17 1st Corinthians 5:1-11 2nd Corinthians 2:4-11 2nd Corinthians 7:8-12 Matthew 6:12 1st John 2:2 John 3:36 II. Do Christians Have The Right To Judge Each Other? 1st Corinthians 2:15 1st Corinthians 15:33 1st John 1:6-7 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 29

Jesus overheard an embarrassing debate between his disciples about who among them would be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus sat a little child next to him for visual aid representing the child of God and explained how to be great in the Kingdom. I. Jesus Speaks Again Of His Upcoming Death & Resurrection. Matthew 17:22-23 Mark 9:30-32 Luke 9:43-45 II. The Quandary Of Jesus & The Temple Tax. Matthew 17:24-27 III. Who Is Greatest In The Kingdom Of Heaven? Matthew 18:1 Mark 9:33-34 Luke 9:46 Matthew 18:2-5 Mark 9:35-37 Luke 9:47-48 IV. Those Of Cliques & Party Spirits VS Those In Jesus' Name. Mark 9:38-41 Luke 9:49-50 V. A Glimpse Into Hell & The Woes Awaiting Those Who Cause God's Children To Stumble. Matthew 18:6-9 Mark 9:42-50 VI. Guardian Angels & The Parable Of The Lost Sheep. Matthew 18:10-14 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.


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Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 28

Jesus said the faith of a mustard seed could enable us to move mountains and nothing would be impossible for us. We address how to get that kind of faith, what prayer and fasting is all about, we examine various types of mountains and how God removes them. I. The Disciples Fail To Heal A Child From Demonic Possession. Matthew 17:14-17 Mark 9:14-19 Luke 9:37-41 II. A Behavioral Study Of Demons Once They've Been Outmatched. Matthew 17:18 Mark 9:20-27 Luke 9:42 III. Identifying Faith That's Like A Grain Of Mustard Seed. Matthew 17:19-21 Mark 9:28-29 Hebrews 11:1 Proverbs 3:5-6 QUOTES & REFERENCES TO THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION.
