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Treasured Truth

Moody Radio

Treasured Truth is a 24-minute radio program, airing daily. Each day, Pastor James Ford presents clear, powerful Bible teaching—adding godly wisdom and guidance to listeners’ daily walks with Christ.


Chicago, IL


Moody Radio


Treasured Truth is a 24-minute radio program, airing daily. Each day, Pastor James Ford presents clear, powerful Bible teaching—adding godly wisdom and guidance to listeners’ daily walks with Christ.




820 N. LaSalle Blvd., Chicago, IL 60610

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How to Remember Not to Forget God, Part 2

Understanding that we need to remember God and seek Him now is the focus of our study on today's Treasured Truth. As we look at Ecclesiastes 12, Pastor Ford will remind us that everyone will have to give an account to God eventually, so it’s best for us to remember God now, while we still can. See for privacy information.


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How to Remember Not to Forget God, Part 1

On today's Treasured Truth, we’ll see how scripture encourages us to remember our Creator in the days of our youth. Why? Because life is a privilege and not an obligation. Pastor Ford will remind us that tomorrow is never guaranteed and that it is so important to remember God now, while we have the opportunity to do so. Join us for today's Treasured Truth to hear the first part of a compelling message from Pastor Ford called, “How to Remember Not to Forget God.” See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 11

As we wrap up our study on Jehovah Jireh on today's Treasured Truth, we’ll see how Abraham learned Who God is by what he went through. And through the circumstances in his life, he learned that God is the answer. But just like Abraham, we have to be given a problem so that we can discover all that God is. So to Abraham, God became Jehovah-Jireh. And if we go through the problems we are given, what we’ll find is that God reveals His name to us according to what we need, just like he did for Abraham. See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 10

On today's Treasured Truth, we’ll continue to look at how God manifests Himself as Jehovah-Jireh to us. He places His provision where we can get it, when we need it, even when we don’t know that we need it. He then reveals His provision to us at just the right time—when we’re ready to receive it. To learn more about this aspect of our Heavenly Father, be sure to join Pastor Ford for today's Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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Treasured Truth Weekend – Seeing Purpose in Your Problems and Pain, Part 7

Pastor Ford will remind us today that sometimes the solution to our problem is in our problem. In other words, our deficiency—which is apparent to us in our problem—may be the provision for the sufficiency that God wants to provide for us, but we sometimes cannot easily see the truth about our situation. See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 9

As we continue to learn about how God is our ultimate provider, we’ll discover how faithfulness in our current circumstances produces fruitfulness in us later. We'll see how God will test us in the little things now to reveal to us whether we will be faithful in the big things He has planned for us later. See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 8

We have the revelation from God on this side of our circumstance—God’s promise. Then we have the manifestation of that promise on the other side—God’s provision. And today we’ll look further at how our obedience is the bridge that allows us to cross over from promise to provision. See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 7

Without God we can’t and without us God won’t. So we have to be participants in His plan. And our obedience is the factor that allows us to participate. It’s the bridge that takes us to our provision. Learn more on today on Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 6

Pastor Ford asks today, “Will you do the unthinkable? Is your faith greater than your fears? Is the promise greater than your problem?” Because, only when all of those things are true, will you then be able to go from God’s promises to His provisions for your life. See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 5

On today's Treasured Truth, as we look further at how God is our ultimate provider, Pastor Ford will explain that our provision is tied to our obedience. We aren’t going to get what God has for us until we do what God has told us to do. See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 4

As we continue to learn about God as our ultimate provider, we’ll see that the provision God has for us is often right in front of us—everybody can see it. But in order for us to see it as His provision, He has to reveal it and manifest it to us through His power as Jehovah-Jireh—the God Who puts what we need, where we need it, until we need it, even when we don’t know that we need it. See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 3

When God instructed Abraham to sacrifice Isaac He was testing him. But after Abraham demonstrated total faith, God ultimately revealed Himself as Jehovah-Jireh and provided the sacrifice to take Isaac’s place. Today we’ll learn more about the reasons why God tests His children and see how He becomes our Jehovah-Jireh, our provider, in the midst of those tests. See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 2

Pastor Ford will remind us today that we should learn to connect the good times and not separate them from the bad times because God loves us always—both in the good times and in the bad. We’ll see that even negative things in our lives have divine purpose and can be part of God’s ultimate provision for us. See for privacy information.


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Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Part 1

Today, as we start to look at Genesis 22 and see how God is our ultimate provider, Pastor Ford asks us to consider this—how many of us have blown our blessing because we have not been prepared for what God has prepared for us? We’ll learn that there’s probably a lot of people to whom God hasn’t given their blessings, because He’s said to them, “You aren’t ready for Me to bless you yet.” Find out more on today’s Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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What Will You Sacrifice for Jesus?, Part 3

Today, as we study John 12 and continue to learn about how Mary broke her alabaster box of fragrant perfume to anoint Jesus, we’ll see the extent of the sacrificial love she was showing to Him by doing that. And perhaps her story will compel us to consider what it is that we will sacrifice for Jesus. See for privacy information.


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Treasured Truth Weekend – Seeing Purpose in Your Problems and Pain, Part 5

God has sent us the trials we are experiencing in our lives, and He wants us to see them in the way that He sees them. That’s because He’s shaping us to make us into something that we currently are not. And why is He doing that? Because in the current shape we’re in, God won’t give us what He ultimately does want to give us at the point when we have eventually been conformed to His will. Find out more when you join us for today's Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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What Will You Sacrifice for Jesus?, Part 2

Others can tell how much we love Jesus by the way we serve Him. They can tell by the way we give to Him. They can tell by the way we worship Him. You see, a lot of us have a fake “Zirconium Jesus.” Because if we all had a real “Diamond Jesus” then there’d be nothing that would keep us from going crazy about the Lord Jesus Christ! Find out what this means on today’s Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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What Will You Sacrifice for Jesus?, Part 1

As we live the Christian life, we need a love that will sacrifice for the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Because many of us have praise for Christ on our lips, but the rest of our lives doesn’t demonstrate our love for Him. In other words, according to Pastor Ford, we often have high praise, but low living! Learn more on today’s Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.


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The Perfect Guy, Part 8

As we wrap up this study from Genesis 2 and take a concluding look at “the perfect guy,” we can thank God for His grace and His power, as He continues the job of shaping us and molding us into His image. As long as we don’t become too stubborn, by not allowing Him to work in our lives, the Lord is continually making us into the people He wants us to be—whether that’s the “perfect guy” or the “perfect gal.” See for privacy information.


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The Perfect Guy, Part 7

As we continue to look at the character of “the perfect guy,” if you’re a husband, instead of putting down your wife because of her weaknesses, you should rather strive to become her strength in her weaknesses. Then as a husband, you can become like Jesus to your wife. And Pastor Ford will remind us that’s exactly what the Bible says, that a man ought to be like Jesus to his wife. Find out more on today’s Treasured Truth. See for privacy information.
