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Anidorks: An Animorphs Podcast!!


Is Rachel stupidly brave or lovably impulsive? Are Taxxons unambiguously evil or just another victim of the anti-swarm agenda? Is a cockroach morph ever just a cockroach morph? Read along with three friends as they go through the series and try to answer the Animorphs’ toughest questions.


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Is Rachel stupidly brave or lovably impulsive? Are Taxxons unambiguously evil or just another victim of the anti-swarm agenda? Is a cockroach morph ever just a cockroach morph? Read along with three friends as they go through the series and try to answer the Animorphs’ toughest questions.



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Goth Incel Shock Collar

We kick off our third season by finally returning to our beloved morph-capable children with Book 13. Is Tobias our new favorite child? (Don’t tell the others!!) Does anything feel more queer in this series than Tobias having to watch from the sidelines as his friends experience the childhood that he's missing out on? And how many people can we piss off by claiming that Book 13 is a contemporary retelling of Macbeth? Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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(Minisode) Failing Forwards and Upwards and Onwards

We’re back!! We’ll begin releasing Book 13: The Change next week, but we’re kicking things off with a mailbag episode. We hear from a new listener, speculate about why KA Applegate hasn't called into the podcast yet, and discuss whether that mysterious dark force from the end of Andalite Chronicles has influenced Miranda to deny the existence of hoof tongue. Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Interview: David Mattingly

We interviewed the creator of the iconic Animorphs covers, David Mattingly!! A few weeks ago, David was generous enough to spend an hour talking to us about everything from his process of designing the book covers to his prized framed bug collection to the rise of AI art and what it means for visual artists. More importantly, we press him with our conspiracy: if his father invented the Waterpik, why is it that he never asks his models to reveal their teeth? David was genuinely a joy to chat with, warm and approachable from the moment that he signed on to a call with three Anidorks conducting their very first interview. Despite being known for the Animorphs covers, David has had a tremendous and prolific career, beginning as a matte artist in Hollywood (including on films such as Tron and the miniseries adaptation of Stephen King's The Stand) before going on to produce more than 2,000 (!!) book covers. He teaches digital matte painting and compositing at the School of Visual Arts and Pratt Institute in NYC. Support David Mattingly!! Buy your favorite cover!! Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Portrait of the Artist as a Young Visser (Megasode: Megamorphs 1 - Andalite Chronicles)

We wrap up our second season with a conversation covering the first Megamorphs book, books 8-12, and Andalite Chronicles. If the first seven books asked why the Animorphs fight, is this portion of the series asking what the cost of fighting is? Miranda wonders what the original Spider-Man movies tell us about what’s to come in the series, Eddy is still trying to figure out how we ended up in the Amazon a few books ago, and Chris is ready to fully commit to being an Andalite Chronicles podcast. Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Hedrick and the Angry Inch (Andalite Chronicles)

We finally finished the Andalite Chronicles! In this supersized episode, Elfangor goes to college, Loren ages rapidly to a narratively convenient age, and we finally learn the extraordinary origin of a beloved character: Hedrick Chapman!! If the Yeerk invasion is just starting in the 80s, why isn’t it further along in the main series books? Who is this cosmic force of evil that the Ellimist reveals to Elfangor just before returning him to the Andalites? And what exactly is Elfangor implying when he claims to have found ways of absorbing several DNA patterns in order to create his human morph? Is he having lots of casual sex? Did he just enroll in a square-dancing class? Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Rimming the Pocketverse (Andalite Chronicles)

In which Loren introduces Elfy to her mother and we find ourselves confounded by conspiracy after conspiracy. Why does Elfangor insist on pretending that he has never encountered cloth, taste, or roads? Why does he not run into a single figure from his past in this pocket universe when Loren's sector is so crowded? Do Andalites have nipples? We need answers!! Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Visser 3rd Wheel (Andalite Chronicles)

Elfy finds himself disoriented in a familiar but strange new world after using the Time Matrix. He ponders whether you can ever really go home again, splashes around in the water with Loren, and meets Visser 3(2)‘s bizarre new minions. How lubricated is the Andalite musculature? Could halal falafel, made with garbanzo beans = Hala Fala, the garabah tree? And what the hell is going on with Mortons? Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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The Only Living Rock in New York (Andalite Chronicles)

We’re in the home stretch of Andalite Chronicles! The only way for Elfy and friends to escape a very perilous situation in space is to finally use the Time Matrix. Is Elfangor blaming himself a little too much? Will the Animorphs ever acquire a living asteroid morph? And is Elfangor’s central dilemma in these books that he wants to hold the very hand that he also desperately wants to slice off? Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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(Minisode) The Andalite Chronicles is for Grown-Ups

A feed update! Eddy and Chris explain the birds and the bees and how they need a nap every now and then. New regular episode next week! Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Bigfoot Nothlit (Andalite Chronicles)

We finally conclude the second part of Andalite Chronicles with a big showdown involving Elfangor, Loren, Visser 3(2), and... living asteroids? Does every Visser have their own blade shape, and how did Visser 32 receive one so quickly after his promotion? Is Andalite space travel going to be forever changed by the discovery of these living asteroids? And how can Elfangor say that he does not believe in psychic things when his primary means of communication is telepathic? Props to Chris for taking over editing duties from Miranda again this week!! Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Little Businessman Goth (Andalite Chronicles)

In which our heroes spend too much time doing donuts in Z-space and we spend too much time talking about this scrumptious feast of Time Matrix lore. Just how old are Loren and Chapman supposed to be, and does this explain why Chapman is such an emotional terrorist? What do you call a combination of a hiss and a snort? And just how many bandages will Loren be able to create out of her increasingly tattered clothing? A few other notes: 1) Chris is taking over editing duties these next two weeks for Miranda 2) if the audio is a little off, it's because we had to edit a Zoom call for this one! Regular audio will be back the episode after next 3) the sci-fi show Eddy is talking about is Scavengers Reign (it’s on Max)!! Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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War Daddy Alloran (Andalite Chronicles)

In which Elfangor learns a little bit too much about Team Andalite and our favorite Visser finally becomes himself. Is Chapman to the Yeerks what Arbron is to the Living Hive? Do these book think Alloran is one bad egg or that the entire Andalite system is the problem? And why is Sub-Visser 7 finally infesting Alloran so goddamn satisfying? Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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I Took Two Dates to the Revolution (Andalite Chronicles)

Elfangor learns that Arbron has been indoctrinated into a cult, experiences the joys of Taxxon mass transit, and drives a Mustang to the frontline of a revolution. Is the Living Hive the Taxxon planet’s version of Earth’s Great Ones (aka whales)? How did Arbron manage to undergo an entire series’ worth of emotional growth in fifteen minutes? And does tragedy + suck tunnels= comedy? Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Taxxon Lashes (Andalite Chronicles)

Elfangor had a midlife crisis in the middle of a Taxxon desert and stumbles into the stuff of Anidorks dreams. Miranda theorizes that the Time Ship made an appearance in the very first scene of this series, Chris can’t tell if Elfangor driving a Mustang is silly or stupid, and Eddy could not solve a riddle if his life depended on it. Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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What We Talk About When We Talk About Taxxon Hunger (Andalite Chronicles)

Elfangor and Arbron take flight in a Skrit Na ship! That leads to a fun podracing interlude, but also things get a bit heavy. Is Elfangor so prejudiced against Taxxons that he no longer recognizes his friend Arbron? What does Taxxon hunger tell us about KA Applegate’s hatred of swarms? Does history contain all of the secrets we seek, or is that just the Ellimist? Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Geddbanging (Andalite Chronicles)

After a lore-heavy Part 1, Part 2 of Andalite Chronicles switches gears into a true pageturner! And yet— we’re still talking about hoofkissing, whether Morph-Capables have the ability to edit their morphs, and the exact moment when the Skrit becomes a Na. Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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(Feed Update) Phone a "Friend"

Chris calls Eddy to DTR (Define The Relationship). A quick update this week! Thank you to our newest Patreon subscribers! We can't do it without you! <3 Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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(Minisode) Talkin' Book 11 and 12 Blues

Reading 5 star reviews and responding to a fan [sic] email in this week's episode!! Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Slug on a Throne (Andalite Chronicles)

Terrifying light rail technology! Swaggering Hork Bajir! Andalite mystics! Mountain Taxxons!!!! Do Gedd really make the most sense as entry-level hosts for Yeerks? How does a burst Taxxon demorph? And who is that charismatic Hork-Bajir over there that sounds oddly like Julia Childs? Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!


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Andalite Toe Beans (Andalite Chronicles)

How important is it to distinguish between a creep like Alloran and a sicko like Visser 3? Does the liquid of a Yeerk pool look like grey SoftSoap? Did Ax pass his morphing proficiency test? Which alien species has the tastiest heart? And will we ever manage to finish part 1 of this book? (Yes!! Next week.) Support the Show. Support us on Patreon: @anidorkspod on twitter! Send questions to Hey! For real though: Leave us a 5 star review and we'll read it on the air! New episodes every Wednesday!!!
