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Garry Meier Show


Garry's wit and absorbing energy keeps Chicagoans entertained day after day. Garry will tell you that his career in radio all began with a dead butterfly. One day he walked out of his house and saw a beautiful dead Monarch butterfly lying on the ground. He scooped up the lifeless harbinger of things to come and sent it to his then favorite disc jockey, Larry Lujack, the biggest jock in Chicago at the time. Larry was always talking about reincarnation and he claimed he was going to come back as a butterfly. In a note accompanying the butterfly Garry said, "I think I found your dead uncle. Sorry for your loss". Larry read the note on the air. For Garry it was a "flashpoint" moment. Fascinated with radio, he knew what he was destined to do in life when he heard his material on the air. Meier rose to prominence in Chicago as part of one of the most successful number one radio duos in the country, the Steve & Garry Show. The fifteen-year run garnered international publicity, as well as an Emmy for the TV show Greetings From Graceland. Meier also gained renown for his highly successful eight-year run on the Roe & Garry Show. In addition to these accomplishments, Meier has displayed his wit and energy as a solo host and as a feature reporter for WGN-TV's morning show. He loves what he does, carrying all of his inventory in his head and feels that even with all of his success, the best is still yet to come.


Chicago, IL


Garry's wit and absorbing energy keeps Chicagoans entertained day after day. Garry will tell you that his career in radio all began with a dead butterfly. One day he walked out of his house and saw a beautiful dead Monarch butterfly lying on the ground. He scooped up the lifeless harbinger of things to come and sent it to his then favorite disc jockey, Larry Lujack, the biggest jock in Chicago at the time. Larry was always talking about reincarnation and he claimed he was going to come back as a butterfly. In a note accompanying the butterfly Garry said, "I think I found your dead uncle. Sorry for your loss". Larry read the note on the air. For Garry it was a "flashpoint" moment. Fascinated with radio, he knew what he was destined to do in life when he heard his material on the air. Meier rose to prominence in Chicago as part of one of the most successful number one radio duos in the country, the Steve & Garry Show. The fifteen-year run garnered international publicity, as well as an Emmy for the TV show Greetings From Graceland. Meier also gained renown for his highly successful eight-year run on the Roe & Garry Show. In addition to these accomplishments, Meier has displayed his wit and energy as a solo host and as a feature reporter for WGN-TV's morning show. He loves what he does, carrying all of his inventory in his head and feels that even with all of his success, the best is still yet to come.



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GarrForce Episode 1380 - Wacky Wednesday Escape

Garry highlights the network news craziness with David Muir and what is showing up on shelves in Japan. Plus, a story that someone is claiming cocaine is no worse than whiskey.


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GarrForce Episode 1379 - Monday Rockin'

Garry discusses a lady who is in trouble in the UK for a bumper sticker. Plus, a man gets caught with pants down in a hot tub. He said he was just warming up his chicken.


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GarrForce Cocktail Hour Live 2-8-25

The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE! goes commando on February 7, 2025, at starting at 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central. No matter what you’re counting on, around here, that means no scheduled guests on the show. The show will serve up its usual assortment of nonsense and yappetizers. (Okay, we said "no scheduled guests," but this episode had a last minute addition of special effects artist Dieter Sturm.) The cocktail hour show streams LIVE exclusively on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel.


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GarrForce Episode 1378 - Preflight into the Weekend

The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE! goes commando on February 7, 2025, at starting at 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central. No matter what you’re counting on, around here, that means no scheduled guests on the show. The show will serve up its usual assortment of nonsense and yappetizers. The cocktail hour show streams LIVE exclusively on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. Streaming the show LIVE on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel is the only way to be sure we see your comments in the virtual studio, and it's the only way to play along with Leslie’s giveaway.


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GarrForce Premium Episode 2-6-25

Garry discusses recent coverage of. some news stories and why do M & M's have the M logo on them. Plus, police are investigating a large egg theft


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GarrForce Episode 1377 - A Wednesday in February

Garry runs down the professions least likely to cheat. Plus, there is still drama left over from the Grammy's but not the kind you think.


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GarrForce Episode 1376 - Where is my lightbulb?

Garry discusses the items companies used to give away free. Plus, pitching a tent while hunting Bigfoot is never a good idea.


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GarrForce Cocktail Hour Live 1-31-25

Official Bartender of the GarrForce, Jenna Duddleston will be aboard the Friday, January 31, 2025 edition of The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE to mix up a cocktail. If that’s not enough, well, there will also be plenty of the usual nonsense and yappetizers too. As usual, the livestream starts at 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central, exclusively on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. The only way to comment along with the Live show, and to play along in Leslie’s giveaway, is the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. Subscribe now at garrforcelive and then click the little bell icon to be notified when the show is live! All past editions of the show are there, and you can replay any of them at your convenience.


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GarrForce Episode - Sippin' in Style

Official Bartender of the GarrForce, Jenna Duddleston will be aboard the Friday, January 31, 2025 edition of The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE to mix up a cocktail. If that’s not enough, well, there will also be plenty of the usual nonsense and yappetizers too. As usual, the livestream starts at 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central, exclusively on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. The only way to comment along with the Live show, and to play along in Leslie’s giveaway, is the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. Subscribe now at garrforcelive and then click the little bell icon to be notified when the show is live! All past editions of the show are there, and you can replay any of them at your convenience.


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GarrForce Episode 1374 - A Different Day but the Same Crazy

Garry discusses the news reports on the bird flu and how it was covered on the reports. Plus, a lady in London has been arrested for dressing up as different people and taking the UK citizenship test for them.


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GarrForce Episode 1373 - It's a Crazy World

Garry recaps the recent nonsense happening on the earth. Plus, an officer sets up a GoFundMe page for a pizza delivery guy who was delivering pizza in the cold and got no tip.


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GarrForce Cocktail Hour Live 1-24-25

Welcome GarrForce! Friday, January 24, 2025, 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central is wheels up for The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE! in 2025! Garry's guest will be John Roach to talk about his relationship with David Lynch.


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GarrForce Episode 1372 - Pre-Show Meditation

Welcome GarrForce! Friday, January 24, 2025, 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central is wheels up for The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE! in 2025! Garry's guest will be John Roach to talk about his relationship with David Lynch. The cocktail hour show streams LIVE exclusively on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. Streaming the show LIVE on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel is the only way to be sure we see your comments in the virtual studio, and it's the only way to play along with Leslie’s giveaway. It's free! Subscribe to the YouTube channel now at garrfrocelive and then click the little bell icon to be notified when the show is live! All past editions of the show are there, and you can replay any of them at your convenience. Comments shared while we are live streaming may be shown on the screen and/or we may talk about them. You can always text or leave voicemail at: 1.773.888.2157 (regular charges apply). Safe and responsible lubricating during the show are okay, but first, please let your friends and family know about the show. Share a link to the show on ANY social media channel, including Facebook, so long as that link points to our YouTube Stream!


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GarrForce Episode 1371 - Who is on first these days?

Garry discusses some crazy stories like farmers dressing up as bears to scare away monkeys. Plus, a woman had a shock trying to renew her drivers license because they think she is dead.


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GarrForce Episode 1370 - Soup to Nuts

Garry discusses the plane crash of JFK Jr. and the things that surround the Kennedy family. Plus, Progresso soup in making soup flavored cough drops.


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Garrforce Cocktail Hour Live 1-17-25

January 17, 2025, 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central is wheels up for The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE! in 2025! Garry's guest will be Dan McNeil to discuss his book "I Bear Witness". The cocktail hour show streams LIVE exclusively on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. Streaming the show LIVE on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel is the only way to be sure we see your comments in the virtual studio, and it's the only way to play along with Leslie’s giveaway.


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GarrForce Episode 1369 - Frozen Friday

Friday, January 17, 2025, 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central is wheels up for The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE! in 2025! Garry's guest will be Dan McNeil to discuss his book "I Bear Witness". The cocktail hour show streams LIVE exclusively on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. Streaming the show LIVE on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel is the only way to be sure we see your comments in the virtual studio, and it's the only way to play along with Leslie’s giveaway. It's free!


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GarrForce Episode 1368 - Back in the Saddle

Garry discusses that this is the season of divorce. Plus, watch out for over the counter protein powders they may contain heavy metals such as lead.


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GarrForce Episode 1367 - A Monday in 2025

Garry discusses how the news organizations are handling the LA fires.


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GarrForce Episode - No Cocktail Show 1-10-25

Garry explains why there will be no cocktail show tonight.
