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The Gobeski/Wallace Report Podcast


Straight from the mouths of Adam Gobeski and Charlie Wallace: two great minds, one great podcast! Subjects of discussion include (but are not limited to): movies, music, television, video games, lesser known holiday traditions, people we dislike, getting Jason to do things for us and playing weird board games for your amusement.


Madison, WI


Straight from the mouths of Adam Gobeski and Charlie Wallace: two great minds, one great podcast! Subjects of discussion include (but are not limited to): movies, music, television, video games, lesser known holiday traditions, people we dislike, getting Jason to do things for us and playing weird board games for your amusement.





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Episode 270 - MMMM #79: Thor: Love and Thunder

We're back and Thor is back and Jane Foster is back and it's all back again with the 79th installment of our Merry Marvel Movie March - "Thor: Love and Thunder"! But lest you think we talk too much about the film, we've got several chip tastings, sing-a-songs and some Star Trek asides. So a little bit of everything that makes the Gobeski/Wallace Report great!


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Episode 268 - The Tortured Pilk Water Department

TAYLOR SWIFT RELEASED A NEW ALBUM and it's FINE!!! Most of us have at least half-listened to it and demand that you hear us out. Doug tries old Mr. Beast and new Mr. Beast bars. And have you ever wondered how Keanu Reeves would taste in liquid form?


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Episode 268 - Pilk Water

TAYLOR SWIFT RELEASED A NEW ALBUM and it's FINE!!! Most of us have at least half-listened to it and demand that you hear us out. Doug tries old Mr. Beast and new Mr. Beast bars. And have you ever wondered how Keanu Reeves would taste in liquid form?


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Episode 267 - SFS #10: Dark Star

We're back and Doug has chosen another scrappy entry in the Sci-Fi Shuffle - the 1975 space-workplace-comedy-sorta-student-film "Dark Star"! It's one of John Carpenter's first film credits and definitely the first to be hampered by notes from executives. It's a film that begs all the important questions. Does a bomb respond to phenomenology? How long is TOO long to be stuck in an elevator shaft? And just how ARE those Dodgers doing?


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Episode 266 - A Pleasant and Well-Nourished Individual

We recount life events that require 6-8 weeks to resolve. Charlie breaks his house and himself. Adam's hair gel goes missing. Doug may require vengeance. Charlie thinks Doug tricked him into eating chips, but he really just tricked himself.


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Episode 265 - MMMM #78: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

We've got Double Madness coming at you this week! For our final installment of Merry Marvel Movie March Madness this year we are talking about "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness". We disagree on just about everything in this movie: the music, the plot, the makeup and the character arcs! There's only one thing we find consensus on - it's really weird that Michael Stuhlbarg is in this movie.


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Episode 264 - MMMM #77: Morbius

We finally reach the zenith of the Merry Marvel Movie March with the box office and critical success "Morbius"! All kidding aside... well no, this episode is basically all kidding. If you want an in-depth critical analysis of "Morbius" you'll have to do a really deep dive into social media circa 2022. And then when you fail to find it there, you'll have to write it yourself. We never said it would be easy!


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Episode 263 - SFS #9: Teenagers from Outer Space

Kevin decided the movies we have been watching for our Sci-Fi Shuffle have been too GOOD, so he chose 1959's "Teenagers from Outer Space" for this episode. It has us immediately asking the question: where is all the delinquency we were promised? And why would a pile of bleached bones automatically imply murder? Should every movie essentially have the actors reading the stage direction? Paul thinks so!


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Episode 262 - Hey Tony

We didn't mean for this episode to be about Tony Huff specifically... but here we go! The man himself talks about Gen-Z lingo, pleather zaddies and out-of-body trivia experiences. Also, he yells at his poor dog (only once to be fair!).


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Episode 261 - SFS #8: Junk Head

This time on the Sci-Fi Shuffle Paul chooses/recommends/subjects us to the 2021 stop motion film "Junk Head". Despite the post-post-apocalyptic setting, weird tumor foods, and penis monsters it's actually... pretty darn funny? We talk about the trials and tribulations of making a stop motion film all by yourself. Kevin turns in a surprising verdict.


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Episode 260 - Honestly It's Fine

It's the Annual Recounting of the Gifts, but we won't know until next December whether we got what we asked for - an uneventful 2024! We go through some New Year's resolutions, most of which lack ambition (the way we like it!). We also talk a bit about our love languages, and how to get Adam to take part in literally any theatrical performance.


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Episode 259 - MMMM #76: Spider-Man: No Way Home

The Merry Marvel Movie March reviews the 2021 film "Spider-Man: No Way Home" and is forced to reckon with past Spider-Mans (Spider-Men?). We enjoy revisiting... the characters that show up in cameos. But is it possible that you are reading this and are worried about spoilers? It's not like you were wandering around Bookman's several months after the movie's release. Getting spoilers in THAT situation would be unconscionable! Also, in true Charlie fashion, Kevin endlessly complains about a movie that he loves.


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Passing Away the Time Episode 398 - "The Real Ghostbusters 1.13: Xmas Marks the Spot"

For this year's special holiday episode, Vic and the team visit the storied Frandon House, site of innumerable murders and apparently Rihanna's ghost. Several of the team go missing, though unfortunately none of them is Kyler. They ostensibly discuss the thirteenth episode of "The Real Ghostbusters", but are interrupted by one and only one Christmas-related spirit!


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Episode 257 - Caretaker of the Pipes

Unlike Charlie, when Adam has GI issues the tape keeps rolling! Paul, Kevin and Doug have to keep the podcast going by talking about "Scavengers Reign". Paul owns a home, or maybe just watches over the plumbing. And just because Charlie does a taste test doesn't mean anyone has to listen!


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Episode 256 - The 1st Annual Gobeski/Wallace Report Summit

Give us an empty stage and a digital platform and we'll solve the world's problems! Welcome to the First Annual Gobeski/Wallace Report Summit, where the world's biggest heads collide in what can only be described as "synergistic misanthropy". We've got a space man, a cave man, a snack man and a weather man together for probably the first time ever. They've got ideas and the money to implement them, so get out of the way and invest what little money you have in to natural caverns!


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Episode 255 - SFS #7: Demolition Man

Our Sci-Fi Shuffle has yet to visit a silly action movie - until now! This time, we discuss the 1993 Sylvester Stallone/Wesley Snipes/Sandra Bullock/Glenn Shadix vehicle "Demolition Man". Finally, a well-lit and only marginally dystopian future! Find out whether Kevin found the action banter to be "Commando"-worthy. And did Charlie miss key plot reveals because he was too engrossed in the action, or because he doesn't know how to watch movies?


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Episode 254 - Aviation in the News

It seems that passengers are finding new ways to make air travel miserable and just nasty overall. That's where Steven Weber and Tim Daly come in! They share their idea for a new "Wings" series with Tony "I Won A Tony" Shahloub. It's a topical look at the trials and tribulations of small charter airline pilots with gastrointestinal distress. Coming to a streaming service soon (no pun intended)!


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Episode 253 - MMMM #75: Eternals

We finally get around to our Merry Marvel Movie March again and talk about the 2021 pandemic-adjacent film "Eternals". We discuss our favorite of the large number of characters, and how we'd have felt if this had any cameos from ANY previous Marvel characters (it doesn't). We imagine an alternate reality where this somehow influences future MCU phases, while Doug gets angry that cinematography standards have been raised. How do we feel about Harry Styles these days? And who is the Black Knight? These are things we are forced to ponder in the final moments of the movie!


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Episode 252 - Reuben Double Dare

Until this week, we had no idea how many ways you could die by food. There's the obvious method of the One Chip Challenge. But you could also order from a poorly executed ghost kitchen. And perhaps most devastating of all - drowning in Thousand Island dressing!


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Episode 251 - Hole Digging

Despite no one coming with a single topic, we manage to keep the conversation going by talking about... holes. And soil types! And construction, storms and elaborate work pranks that will help you NOT get fired!
