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Be Simply Fit

Education Podcasts

Being simply fit involves more than than the physical component, we all need to be fit mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well. Those who are have a better outlook on life and are more apt to treat others with kindness and respect. Secondly those who are fit in the four areas mentioned have a much higher self esteem and love themselves. Those who love themselves love others much more freely. For the record my name is Jim Burns and I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Course The Bully Proof Classroom Music -


United States


Being simply fit involves more than than the physical component, we all need to be fit mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well. Those who are have a better outlook on life and are more apt to treat others with kindness and respect. Secondly those who are fit in the four areas mentioned have a much higher self esteem and love themselves. Those who love themselves love others much more freely. For the record my name is Jim Burns and I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Course The Bully Proof Classroom Music -





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The Power of Deadlifts

What exactly is a deadlift? The deadlift is a compound exercise where you lift a weight—usually a barbell—off the ground until you’re standing tall, then lower it back down. It sounds simple, right? But don’t let its simplicity fool you. The deadlift recruits multiple muscle groups at once, including your hamstrings, glutes, back, core, and even your grip strength. It’s called a “deadlift” because you’re lifting the weight from a dead stop, making it one of the purest tests of raw strength. Dead Lift Demo Hex Bar


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Stress Management Through A Balanced Life Pod Course

This 90 minute Pod Course provides you with ways to achieve balance in your life and help manage the stress that everyone seems to experience. Understand that some stress is good and kids need to experience it at age appropriate levels. It’s the management of the stress that seems to elude us and causes a great many health related problems that can take their toll on our bodies. We will be discussing those in greater detail as we go through the course. The course outline 4 areas that need our daily attention. If we ignore them we will begin to have stress related problems, physically, mentally, emotionally, and with our own moral compass and value system. Click below to download lecture notes, and a certificate of completion. Lecture Notes Certificate Of Completion (By signing your name you certify that you have listened to this Pod Course).


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Life In The Blue Zone

Today, the average life expectancy of an American is 76.4 years, and in 2023 over 70,000 Americans reached their 100th birthday. But in the Blue Zones, or regions of the world where people live exceptionally long lives, individuals are ten times more likely to live to 100. These places—specifically the Barbagia region of Sardinia, Italy, Okinawa, Japan, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; and Icaria, Greece—are packed with centenarians. (Taken From Linked Article) So what is the common denominator? Listen in to find out. The Power 9 Rule Be Simply Fit (Amazon) Be Simply Fit (Website) --- Support this podcast:


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Meet Forest Bronzen

Forest is an entrepreneur, speaker, and founder/CEO of Camplight and board member of Digital Detox where he leads global initiatives for digital wellness. With a customer base in over 90 countries and a deep passion for improving the relationship society has with technology, Forest travels the world to better understand how technology impacts our lives. At Camplight, Forest strives to help parents navigate raising kids in the digital age where he works with a team of psychologists to provide parents with the proper resources and safespaces to deal with bullying and other tech concerns. Digital Detox --- Support this podcast:


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How Much Is Enough?

Exercise is great for staying in shape and maintaining your health physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The problem is as we get older we are never sure of the volume, or the intensity of the exercise and we can over or underdue our routine leaving us either exhausted or frustrated. Well take heart in this episode of consistently fit I outline a a short program for you. This works and if you follow it you will be simply fit. This podcast is not a substitute for medical advice and is designed as a suggestive tool. Please check with your doctor to determine if you are healthy enought to exercise. --- Support this podcast:


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Food For Life

The content in this podcast is for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor regarding any dietary changes. What to eat, when to eat, and how to eat, all questions that people ask when considering weight loss, longevity, and exercise. This episode of Consistently Fit provides some answers both emperically, and experientially. Take a listen. click on the links for more information. Foods For Longevity Foods To Build Muscle Dr. Zach Bush Nitric Oxide Exercises --- Support this podcast:


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How To Get Kids Moving, NOW!

Don't get me wrong any activity is beneficial organized or not. But when kids come home after dance class and lay in bed and stare at their phone they don't understand that the dance class just wasn't enough. Our children need to understand the benefits of lifelong fitness and movement. Chores are movement, walking to and from school is movement, walking the dog is movement, yard work is movement, and a family walk would be a nice way to disconnect from technology. The problem is we don't have a cooperative bunch today, but rest assurd these couch potatoes will feel the health pinch as they get older. So, let's provide ways for our kids to move and stay healthy. Buy The Power Of Consistency --- Support this podcast:


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Meet Jenna Edwards

Are you an Aggressive Optimist? If not, read Jenna's new book, Aggressive Optimism. In her early twenties, Jenna set off for Los Angeles, to make her dreams come true. She even landed a role on the legendary "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" show. Imagine inheriting Buffy's powers! But then, a terrible accident shook her world. She struggled with debilitating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) but learned that asking for help is a sign of strength, just like Buffy asking her friends for help. Now, she’s on a mission to empower others through writing and producing, inspiring them to face their own "big bads." Remember, you have a choice. Will you stand up? Check Out Her Website By Clicking Here --- Support this podcast:


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Staying Alive

How long do you want to live? I mean really live. Those that live to numbers like 100 or better don't have a recipe they have a lifestyle. A lifestyle that they have been working on their whole life. Here are just a few things that I gleaned from reading about these centenarians. Oh, I throw in my two cents as well. Truly it's an interesting podcast. While you are listening pick up a copy of my book The Power Of Consistency, it works for this episode. --- Support this podcast:


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Meet Stan Gibson

Corporate Executive turned Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Success Coach, Stan Gibson has become a sought after speaker throughout the US for his message that both inspires and engages others to greatness! Stan is a long time corporate real estate executive with over 35 years of leadership with Fortune 500 firms. His ability to mix and communicate strategies on the athletic field and in the business world are timely to all leaders wanting a reset “at home and in the workforce”. Stan and his company, Oxygen Plus, has a tremendous passion for well-being as a consultant helping businesses, leaders, and their teams go through transformation and positive leadership training. His passion for leadership inspired his best selling book Living a Rich and Intentional Life. Stan is married to his wife of 40 years. Together, they both have a passion for Servant Leadership and a contagious spirit of enthusiasm. Vist Stans Website Living A Rich And Intential Life --- Support this podcast:


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Compound Exercises

A compound exercise engages several different muscle groups to perform a lift or movement. For example, a squat engages the muscles in your glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves and core. Compound exercises are a form of functional strength training, building strength for the motions you perform every day, such as pressing, pushing, lifting and twisting. Listen in as Jim ets you know how to build these functional exercises into your day. --- Support this podcast:


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Avoiding Confrontations

Let’s face it. No one likes a confrontation. Often, confrontations come out of the blue, and we can find ourselves in a very uncomfortable position where we need to quickly find the right words to defend ourselves. I’ve been a teacher since 1977, and I have experienced my fair share of unpleasant confrontations with students, parents, teachers, and even administrators. so listen in and I'll give you some tips on how to avoid confrontations with your loved ones, have your own needs met, and address the needs of others. By doing this you will remain Consistenctly Fit. --- Support this podcast:


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How To Handle Estrangements

Well the holidays are here again and we are going to feel that gnawing anxiety in the pit of our stomach when we have to get around those that we don't speak with all year; that would be our parents or even our children. Give yourself an early holiday gift and start the process of reconciliation. You will be glad that you did. You will avoid the problem of being haunted from the grave. Visit The Store --- Support this podcast:


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School Health For Students And Teachers

Systemic Health is critical for the wellbeing of family, place of employment, politically, schools, and yes the world. Unfortunately many of these systems are not health, but we are going to focus on schools for this podcast. This episode of Consistently Fit is designed to help teachers become their personal best and develop new strategies and an outside the box thinking. The link below will take you to my store where you will be able to purchase the PowerPoint presentation and the lecture notes. The audio will also be included for convenience. As a bonus I will be including a product called "Brain Bursts" which can be used right in a classroom, boardroom, family room, or any room where your want to help improve the mental focus of the participants. Field Of Dreams Doc Saves Karin Let's Teach Kids How To Play Again School Health Full Presentation --- Support this podcast:


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The Power Of Consistency Chapter 12: Purpose and Concluding Thoughts

Well it’s good to have something to do every day for sure but more importantly it’s good to know what you are going to do, how you are going to do it and how long something will take. This is known as setting goals, and with every goal there are objectives. The objectives are the baby steps we take to reach our goals every day. We also have to figure out what we want to do and why we want to do it. That’s purpose. please stay with the podcast to the end as I share some activities for you to use as you practice Consistency. The Power of Consistency --- Support this podcast:


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The Power Of Consistency Chapter 11: Listening To Understand

We all like to be heard; and some of us like to be heard a bit too much. We can have a tendency to inundate a conversation with our own interests and just love communicating to people how smart we are or how we solved some large scale problem at work. If you happen to be with someone when this is going on it can be sad to watch the expression on the listeners face when they are interrupted or when the speaker almost starts another conversation that is totally off the topic that was being discussed. Most people like to listen to respond. You can see it in their eyes and body posture. They discovered a link in a conversation and want to talk so bad that they are practically leaning into the speaker. Look, this is an easy one: below I am going to explain the five types of listening. You decide which one you are and then make adjustments. The trick is be consistent and be a good listener. The Power Of Consistency --- Support this podcast:


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The Power Of Consistency Chapter 10: Practice Self Control

No one has self control. Have you looked at the condition of society? 1 in 4 homes are in foreclosure. I guess we can blame the banks, or can we? Everybody wants something bigger and better. To get bigger and better the money has to be made to get it, unless the bank doesn’t care. But, in the final analysis the decision is made by the buyer. Teenage obesity, diabetes, addiction, alcoholism, is all evidence of the lack of self control in society. And oh, did I mention anger issues and the left over bitterness from childhood that gets carried into adulthood wreaking havoc on families. Society has lost control of its thoughts, its words, and its actions. Everybody knows. What produces a nation of people with self-control, consequences do. Unfortunately many people are sitting in that leaking boat right now and are experiencing the consequences of a lack of self control. --- Support this podcast:


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The Power Of Consistency Chapter 9: Read Something Inspirational; Anything

I made the mistake of having a couple of newspapers and other news outletsdeliverer headlines and breaking stories to my inbox daily. I must say I keep in touch with what is going on in the world. The problem is that 90% of it is so negative, sad and at times slanted based upon the political philosophy of the paper or cable network. At times I can get burned out from just reading and listening. Do yourself a favor and read or listen to something inspirational everyday. It beats the doom and gloom we listen to and watch in the news. The Power Of Consistency --- Support this podcast:


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The Power Of Consistency Chapter 8: Stop Spreading Rumors and Gossip

Let’s say you have a piece of wood, a nail, and a hammer. Pretend the wood is a person, and the nail is a nasty rumor about that person. If you hammer in the nail, you’re obviously hurting him or her. If you then pull out the nail…well, there’s still a hole in the wood, and the damage has been done. Rumors and Gossip can cause us to make some really bad decisions and bad choices. The Power Of Consistency --- Support this podcast:


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The Power Of Consistency Chapter 7: Stop Trying To Multi Task: You Can't Do It

For some reason people believe they can multi task. Well guess what; they can’t. Brain research tells us that we can’t focus on more than one task at a time. Think I’m crazy? Well try singing Amazing Grace while the car in front of you is doing 20 miles an hour on a major highway. You see good and evil can’t occupy the same mind, at least not at the same time. All that really happens is we task switch, we just go from one task to another and think we are multi tasking. All that’s really happening is we are doing two tasks only half as well. By The Power Of Consistenct --- Support this podcast:
