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Connected Divergents

Education Podcasts

Learn how to work with your executive dysfunction instead of always feeling like you're trying to fight against it. I'm a Radical ADHD & AuDHD Acceptance Coach, and I teach a harm-reduction approach to ADHD & executive functioning so you can step into your neurodivergence and feel at home in your ADHD brain.


United States


Learn how to work with your executive dysfunction instead of always feeling like you're trying to fight against it. I'm a Radical ADHD & AuDHD Acceptance Coach, and I teach a harm-reduction approach to ADHD & executive functioning so you can step into your neurodivergence and feel at home in your ADHD brain.



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46. Why “should” we be breaking up with neurotypical social scripts?

So many of our cultural scripts tell us that there’s a “right” way to do things. If you’re going to write, you have to use a real computer with a keyboard. If you’re going to make art, you need a studio. If you’re going to do the dishes, it has to look THIS way. These scripts are worth questioning, because so often, the wisdom of our brain’s resistance is saying, “There is a social script here we believe to be correct and ‘right’, but it doesn’t not work for me to do it this way. I need more flexibility. I need another way. I need to figure out what’s right for me.”


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45. When to *Pause* (instead of desperately searching outwards for answers)



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44. Why you need a Close Why *AND* a Far Away Why

You PROBABLY have a "far away why" for the things you want & need to do. But do you have a "close why"? Is it close enough? Listen to learn more about this expanded neurodiversity-affirming framework for "finding your why!"


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43. When "tricking yourself" to do it stops working.

"I just don't wanna" and The Power of a Visit


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42. The (MULTIPLE!) Stages of Making A Change

If you have something pop into your head about yourself or your life that you want to make a change in, **action is not step one**. Action is actually step FOUR, and there are three other critically important stages to move through before even beginning to take action. Listen to hear more about a self-compassionate approach to creating change in our lives.


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41. When body doubling feels like MASKING???

If you've ever used body doubling in the past to great success, but have found that the shininess of this tool has worn off for you, and now you're at the point where you know you *could* use body doubling resources, but your brain is like NAHHHHH.... This episode is for you. If you have thoughts to share about ideas for unmasked & radically neurodivergent-affirming body doubling, please reach out to me at @comfortandkindness on Instagram or!


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40. Post-Meltdown Reflections 1.5, an Update

Just wanted to share an update post-post-meltdown now that I'm feeling better & my head is feeling less fuzzy/cloudy. Grateful for the support of kind people. May we all find our people. <3


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39. Post-Meltdown Reflections

This week I had an autistic meltdown. IT WAS NOT FUN! I wanted to share my insights and reflections on it, in case it helps anyone feel less alone in the experience. I see you. I'm with you.


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38. When you feel like your needs are an inconvenience to others

Are you carrying an old wound like me, where you feel like your needs are an inconvenience to others, even though all of the evidence you have suggests otherwise? And even though maybe you know its objectively "a good thing" to communicate your needs & your feelings, you're also kind of like... BUT WHY? Why why why? Why would I do this? Why not just deal with it myself? Aren't my feelings my own responsibility??? What's the point of sharing what your needs and your feelings are when you can theoretically regulate your own emotions??... #lonewolf. If you're reading this and feeling like, "Hi, that's totally me," this episode is for you. Sharing stories & experiences in this ep to highlight the journey from, "I should be able to deal with this on my own" to, "I want to loop you in about how I'm feeling, because I trust you."


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37. How to feel proud & self-celebrate—on purpose!

In this episode I talk about neuroplasticity frameworks for feeling proud & celebrating ourselves when we have a disconnect between the cognitive experience of—"Yeah, I would like to feel proud of myself about this"—and the deeper, embodied, somatic and emotional experience of feeling proud of ourselves. Also, in this one, I sing you a little song ☺️🎶


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36. Why we NEED to be "F*cking around and faffing about"

"Your brain will do it when it's ready to do it," is a profound truth for me. BUT, sometimes, we can't always wait! Sometimes we have hard deadlines and rigid timelines. So, what do we do then??? The mindset that I talk about today dives into a more active approach that still allows for the intuition and subconscious-level processing that many ADHD + AuDHD brains *need* when it comes to doing the things we want to do.


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35. "What if it's meant to feel easy?"

WHAT IF IT'S ACTUALLY MEANT TO BE EASY??? In this episode we dive into resource states and neuroplasticity frameworks for creative problem solving when we're experiencing executive dysfunction!


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34. Masking & Unmasking with Guest Peter Harrison

In this episode I explore with the pod's first guest, Peter Harrison about autism assessments, masking & unmasking, and what it feels like to mask (and how to approach unmasking!).


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33. When every week is a sh*t week & on blowing up your life

Okay, cool, let's normalize shit weeks, yes... But what do we do when every week feels like a shit week? How do we know what requires radical self-acceptance, and what requires radical change? In this episode I talk about the circumstances in which it might actually be a good thing for someone blow up their whole life.


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32. When your New Year isn't feeling very *Sparkly*

New Year's got you feeling down? Me too, friend. Me too. If you're not feeling very "woo" or sparkly and shiny at the start of 2024, this message of comfort is for you.


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31. All About Uncommon(ly) Talked About Hyperfixations!

In this episode I talk about uncommonly talked about hyperfixations!! It's not all sunshines and rainbows and crochet amigurumi on this ship! We dive into the experience of hyperfixating on PEOPLE, body-focused and medical hyperfixations, and a "perfectionism" hyperfixation on shiny things in our environment. I also mention how ADHD meds affected my experience of many of these—listen in! **CW: I talk about cancer in this episode**


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30. Hobbies aren't meant to stress you out!

Editor's note: Hobbies aren't meant to stress you out *without your own enthusiastic consent*. Like, skydiving? Probably stressful. But if it's what you signed up for, because you LOVE IT, because it's worth it to you—then hell yeah. I'm rooting for you. Rock on. But if we're talking about... crochet? Journaling? Scrapbooking??? Learning how to roller-skate again? A different perspective can be helpful. I hope you remember to have fun <3


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29. Building "Intimacy" with The Things We Want to Do!

Intimacy is important for human relationships—and it's *also* important for the things we want to do!! These are a reflection of the human relationship with have with ourselves. So, how do we build intimacy, and why should we?? Listen to learn more!


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28. How To Do "To Do's": Common Pitfalls of the To Do List

In this episode I lay out common pitfalls of the dreaded "to do list" and explore ideas on how to approach task initiation executive dysfunction in ways that are more accessible for your ADHD!


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27. Why transition time is NOT procrastination (Honoring your needs, Meetings Edition)

Transition time, decompression time, and time to recharge—this is NOT procrastination!!!! Transition time is ESSENTIAL for neurodivergent brains. Learn the "why" in this episode.
