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Delight in the Limelight

Education Podcasts

Do you dread speaking in public? Would you love to LOVE the limelight? Join me each week for processes and expert tips to overcome the anxiety and free up your self-expression. My goal is to excite, motivate, and inspire you along your journey to make speaking something you look forward to. I’ll also be chatting with guest experts who will share their knowledge and fresh perspectives on all things speaking and visibility to help you become the speaker you dream of, whether at your company, on social media, or on stage. I want you to love speaking in public! And I’m all about the fun, because life is too short for anything else.


United States


Do you dread speaking in public? Would you love to LOVE the limelight? Join me each week for processes and expert tips to overcome the anxiety and free up your self-expression. My goal is to excite, motivate, and inspire you along your journey to make speaking something you look forward to. I’ll also be chatting with guest experts who will share their knowledge and fresh perspectives on all things speaking and visibility to help you become the speaker you dream of, whether at your company, on social media, or on stage. I want you to love speaking in public! And I’m all about the fun, because life is too short for anything else.



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048. Embracing the Awkwardness of Public Speaking

What if you could reframe your relationship with awkwardness and learn to manage awkward moments with ease? Join me in this episode of Delight in the Limelight, where I speak to Henna Pryor - Workplace Performance Expert and author of Good Awkward. In this episode, you’ll learn: - What the spotlight effect is and why you shouldn’t trust it. - Strategies for dealing with nervousness and a lack of audience engagement. - Practical examples and benefits of using improv in your speaking. Click here to check the full show notes.


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047. Impact without Burnout for Speaking Ease

Do you ever wish you could approach speaking with ease and confidence instead of stress and anxiety? Then listen to this episode of Delight in the Limelight where I speak with psychology expert and host of the MINDSET ZONE podcast, Ana Melikian. Listen to our conversation to learn how to: - Recognize your limiting beliefs and cultivate a growth mindset - Harness the power of mindset to unlock your full potential as a speaker - Reframe your anxiety and respond to stress instead of reacting to it This is a conversation for speakers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders who want to communicate with greater ease and presence. Click here to check the full show notes.


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046. Expressively, Naturally, Unapologetically You

How do you learn to be authentically yourself in your public speaking and writing? And how do you deal with the emotional impact of any negative feedback you get? In this episode of the Delight in the Limelight Podcast, award-winning copywriter and founder of Talking Shrimp, Laura Belgray, joins me to talk about the challenges (and benefits!) of being authentically yourself. Listen to our conversation to learn: - What it looks like to truly be yourself - How to balance authenticity with professionalism in a work environment - Laura’s approach to handling negative feedback - One very effective strategy for building your confidence This is a conversation for anyone who wants to be true to themselves in their work and online. Click here to check the full show notes.


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045. How to Tell Stories to Create Change and Impact

Just how important is storytelling for public speaking success? According to today’s guest, it’s the key to delivering an engaging and entertaining presentation. Mike Ganino is a seasoned public speaker, performance coach, and former executive producer of TEDx Cambridge. In this episode of the Delight in the Limelight show, he joins me to discuss the importance of emotionally honest storytelling, drawing on your individual perspective, and incorporating your lived experiences into your presentations. He also introduces us to his unique approach to public speaking - the Mike Drop Method. Listen to our conversation to learn: - Mike’s top strategies for making your presentations more entertaining - What public speakers can learn from method acting - How to explore and use your own lived experience in your presentations - How to talk about data in an engaging and relatable way This is a conversation for anyone who wants to bring more of themselves to their speaking. Click here to check the full show notes.


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044. Buoyant Speaking — Unlock Your Magnetic Self-Expression

Do you want to draw your audience in more as a speaker, or maybe you want to feel more creative and carefree around your ideas and inspirations? Join me on Delight in the Limelight Live where I'll be having a conversation with Susie deVille, author of BUOYANT: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Becoming Wildly Successful, Creative, and Free. What you’ll get in this episode, where Delight meets Buoyant: - Learn how to bring forth the uniquely individual self-expression that draws your market toward you. - How to distinguish what is truly you from everyone else so you can stop caring about what others think. - How to shift into an ultimate energetic state that turns speaking into a peak experience. - An introduction to a whole-brain creative journaling system you can utilize to unlock your brilliant ideas and inspirations. This is a conversation for entrepreneurs, business leaders and speakers who want to unleash their full potential to communicate with freedom and lead their businesses with creativity, confidence, and joy. Click here to check the full show notes


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043. Work Stress/Speaking Confidence Connection

When life is hectic and you’re frazzled, it’s natural that you would bring that same energy to your speaking. Today on the Delight in the Limelight show, I’m joined by Nina Nesdoly a work stress and burnout prevention speaker and researcher. She draws on her interdisciplinary background in Organizational Behavior and Neuroscience to examine work-related stress from both management and physiological perspectives. We’ll be speaking about how to: - Set healthy boundaries and manage expectations to reduce pressure and anxiety around public speaking - Identify high achievement patterns that worsen speaking anxiety - Get over people pleasing and caring what others think We also dissect the differences between type-A personalities, people pleasing, and perfectionism. Click here to check the full show notes


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042. Speak Up Culture: Making it Safe and Worth it

Are you struggling to create a workplace culture where people feel comfortable speaking up? Join me for this live show with Stephen Shedletsky, author of the upcoming book Speak-Up Culture. You'll come away with the tools, mindset shifts, and strategies you need to transform your workplace with a feedback-rich culture of open communication. Click here to check the full show notes


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041. Unlock Your Voice for Speaking Confidence

When we speak in public, we tend to focus on the words we want to say and forget that we speak with our body, through our vocal production. By attending to the way we use our voices, we can find keys to what inhibits us, and what sets us free. Join me in conversation with Jennifer Hamady, a voice coach and therapist specializing in technical and emotional issues that interfere with self-expression. Click here to check the full show notes


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040. Your Bragging Rights: Healthy Self-Promotion

"Put your head down, do good work, and you'll be rewarded." This familiar adage has left many of us perplexed. Despite playing by the rules, we often witness others who skillfully promote themselves receiving coveted opportunities. Why do so many of us feel uncomfortable speaking up about our own successes? Join me on the Delight in the Limelight show as I sit down with Lisa Bragg, author of Bragging Rights: How to Talk about Your Work Using Purposeful Self-Promotion. Together, we will explore: - What bragging truly means and what it doesn't. - The art of authentic self-promotion– what to include and what to avoid - How to embrace a mindset of joy and celebration around other's success and self-promotion. Click here to check the full show notes


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039. Give Voice to Your Value at Work

Have you ever felt others didn’t recognize your value? Where you felt all your hard work went unnoticed, unacknowledged, or unappreciated? In this conversation, we cover how to: - Build a "value vault" that elevates your excellence - Give voice to the value of your work and character - Stop people pleasing without stopping your care for others - Get your groove back after a hard knock Click here to check the full show notes


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038. Shining the Light on Underrepresented Voices

Have you ever felt invisible or marginalized at work where you had to hide a part of yourself or felt you don’t belong? Maybe you hide or downplay a piece of your identity in order to fit in. We all want to belong– not for who we aren’t, but for who we are! Maybe you are a manager wanting to empower each member on your team. Here to discuss this all with me is Tricia Montalvo Timm. Tricia is a board director, venture investor, speaker and author. She is a first-generation Latina whose law career spanned from working with some of the most well-known publicly traded multinational companies to stepping on as the first lawyer at several high-growth start-ups. She rose through the ranks of Silicon Valley advising high-tech companies big and small, culminating in the sale of data analytics software company Looker to Google for $2.6 billion. In new book, Embrace the Power of You, she seeks to inspire those who have felt like an “other” in the workplace how to own your identity at work, show up as your authentic self, and how that leads to the real success you may be seeking. Click here to check the full show notes


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037. Mastering Visibility in the Workplace

Join me in this episode with Susan Barber, author of The Visibility Factor, to learn simple and actionable ways to boost your visibility and make your mark in the workplace. You’ll learn how you can shine as an introvert, deconstruct the barriers in communication with higher-ups and peers, and learn to share your accomplishments and wins without coming across as arrogant or boastful. Click here to check the full show notes


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036. Lessons From a Sports Psychologist for Speaking Confidence

In today’s episode, we delve into the world of performance psychology with an expert who bridges the gap between physical prowess and mental resilience, offering unique insights that can elevate your speaking confidence. Guest, Dr. Brian Hite, is not just an acclaimed sports psychologist but also an experienced stuntman, bringing a unique perspective on mental strength and readiness. His expertise spans across helping a diverse range of individuals, from athletes and musicians to dancers and even US Army personnel. Dr. Hite's approach combines the rigor of physical training with the subtlety of cognitive strategies, making him an exceptional voice in the field of performance psychology. In this episode, Dr. Hite and host Linda Ugelow engage in a compelling discussion about the significance of mental imagery, the nature of performance anxiety, and the essential elements of building resilience. They explore how these concepts, rooted deeply in sports psychology, are remarkably applicable to public speaking and business presentations. Whether you're stepping onto a stage, leading a meeting, or presenting at a conference, the insights shared in this episode will provide you with the tools to approach these situations with increased confidence, focus, and control, transforming not just how you speak, but also how you perceive and handle the challenges of public performance. Click here to check the full show notes


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035. Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

If you're a leader, innovator, or entrepreneur who's ever told yourself… - I'm not supposed to be here... - I only got lucky; but that leader has the real talent... - I don't deserve an award. It should go to that other person... - One of these days, everyone's going to figure out that I'm in over my head... Then you are well acquainted with The Impostor. Many think that impostor syndrome affects mostly women, but joining me on the show to dispel that myth is Kris Kelso, author of Overcoming the Impostor. Kris has a male view on the experience, both personally and professionally. We’ll be looking at how to: - Disarm the inner critic and silence the nagging voice inside your head - Reframe failure, lean on community, and lead with vulnerability - Create new habits of thinking, acting, and reacting that will help you lead with confidence Listen in to reframe this as a journey toward freedom from these limiting beliefs and take your career to the next level. Click here to check the full show notes


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034. Building Inner Wealth for Confident Speaking in Kids

In this captivating episode, Howard Glasser shares his incredible journey to recognizing the potential greatness in every child and how nurturing their intensity can lead to empowerment and transformation. Trained as a child pychologist, the methods he first used worsened the family relationships. Remembering how he himself was a difficult child, he used his memory of his own needs to reconstruct what children are craving from adults, which is often in direct contrast to how parents and teachers usually behave. He asserts that intense and challenging behavior in children is a sign of their potential greatness and should not be suppressed or medicated. Instead redirected and seen for the fuel that it is. Howard’s unique approach "nurtured heart approach." is being studied by four universities and has been adopted by school districts across the country and around the world. We discuss the implications this approach has on our speaking confidence. Click here to check the full show notes


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033. Reframe the Stories You Tell Yourself to Speak with Ease

Today we’re talking about how to tell better stories to yourself, ones that will create more empowering experiences of ease and confidence when you speak up, put yourself out there, and advocate for yourself. Tammy Heermann is an award-winning leadership expert and author of Reframe Your Story. With over twenty years of experience, Tammy has helped thousands of people shift their mindsets around leadership and personal growth.performance. Listeners will gain insights into recognizing and overcoming Impostor Syndrome to cultivate confidence and success in their careers. We discuss the ways we sabotage ourselves when it comes to putting ourselves out there, and tips for interrupting cycles of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs. You’ll hear how traditional corporate training programs fall short and what you can do instead to boost your professional development for confidence when you put yourself out there. Click here to check the full show notes


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032. Overcome Impostor Syndrome in the Workplace

In this episode of the Delight in the Limelight podcast, host Linda Ugelow is joined by Kim Meninger, a leadership coach and host of The Impostor Syndrome Files podcast to discuss the phenomenon known as Impostor Syndrome and how it affects individuals in the workplace. They discuss the definition of Impostor Syndrome, misconceptions, and provide insight into its root causes and the impact it has on self-perception and performance. Listeners will gain insights into recognizing and overcoming Impostor Syndrome to cultivate confidence and success in their careers. Click here to check the full show notes


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031. Make the Case for Anything and Win

Welcome back, delightful listeners, to another captivating episode of the Delight in the Limelight Podcast! Today, we are diving into the art of persuasion and the power of belief with our guest, Heather Hansen. Heather Hansen, a best-selling author and keynote speaker, brings a unique blend of expertise as a trial attorney, psychology degree holder, mediator, and former TV anchor. She combines these experiences to help her clients advocate for their ideas, their products, and services. In this podcast Heather shares her intriguing journey from a courtroom setup to an unexpected realization about the role of laughter in her profession. We'll explore the importance of building belief within ourselves and convincing others to believe in our abilities. Heather will walk us through her three C's – compassion, curiosity, and credibility – that are vital for winning over any jury, be it inner or outer. Get ready to unlock your potential and discover the transformative power of persuasion in this thought-provoking episode of the Delight in the Limelight Podcast! Click here to check the full show notes


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029. Boost Your Sales Confidence by Putting the Buyer First (Re-Release)

In this episode, sales coach Carole Mahoney shares strategies to boost sales confidence by putting the buyer first, emphasizing the importance of mindset, buyer-focused communication, active listening, and self-awareness. Click here to check the full show notes


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030. Lean into Conflict with Confidence

Most of us avoid conflict because it’s so uncomfortable. What if conflict could be made more comfortable? And what if conflict, handled well, led to better relationships and better teams? Click here to check the full show notes
