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Everything You Think You Know is Wrong

Education Podcasts

If everything you think you know is wrong... what exactly is worth knowing? I'm Valerie Gangas, the author of Enlightenment is Sexy, that's exactly what I'll be talking about on this podcast. I'll be having conversations with a variety of humans who have experienced a radical spiritual transformation in their lives. So join the conversation and enjoy my stream of epic guests, thought provoking topics, and a whole lot of transformational mojo.


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If everything you think you know is wrong... what exactly is worth knowing? I'm Valerie Gangas, the author of Enlightenment is Sexy, that's exactly what I'll be talking about on this podcast. I'll be having conversations with a variety of humans who have experienced a radical spiritual transformation in their lives. So join the conversation and enjoy my stream of epic guests, thought provoking topics, and a whole lot of transformational mojo.



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Announcement: Season 1, Season 2, and What's Next

Thanks for joining me for Season 1 of Everything You Think You Know is Wrong! Season 2 drops this fall, with new mind-blowing convos with badass gifts. In the meantime, I'll be working on my next book, In Deep Shift. Want updates on the book and everything else in between seasons? Give me a follow over on https://www.instagram.com/valeriegangas/


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Ep 8: Take Back Your Life with Ellyn Schinke

Have you ever felt you were living your life for someone or something else, and not yourself? In this episode, I chat with Lifestyle Management Coach and Podcast host Ellyn Schinke, who took a sharp turn away from a PhD in microbiology to walk a transformative path into a new life. We all have moments of feeling stuck, when deep down in our gut we know what we’re doing is not really what we are meant to do. Ellyn shares with us her journey, starting with when she first felt something was off about the path she was on. We come to see fear and doubt are simply part of the process of discovering how you are truly meant to be showing up in the world. So if you’re on the fence about making a major life decision that could change the trajectory of your life, this just might be the inspiration you’ve been waiting to hear!


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Ep 7: Becoming Your True Self Through Trauma with Sarah Taylor

We’ve all dealt with trauma in our lives, probably more than most of us would like to admit. Sometimes it can feel like it will never get better, but my guest today is proof that it does. In talking with comedian and spiritual energy healing practitioner Sarah Taylor, we learn about how the downs, not the ups of her life, led her onto a path of spiritual discovery. Diving deeply into Buddhism and her wide-ranging spiritual background, Sarah walks us through how trauma was the catalyst to discovering and embracing her true self. She helps us understand how trauma is not something to “get past,” but rather to accept as part of you. We cannot turn our back on being human; but by turning inward, we can start living more and more by our true nature.


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Ep 6: Seizing Opportunities and Going All In with Comedian Paul Farahvar

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Don’t think, just do!”? Today’s episode is all about doing just that. I sat down with my friend-with-a-magical-mind, lawyer and comedian Paul Farahvar. Taking a huge leap from full-time lawyer to stand-up comedian, he shares his inspiring, exciting journey about following his opportunity compass and how it led to him “seizing the day” and living his best life. I’ve learned it’s not always about looking at the big picture, since it’s sometimes about simply living in the immediate present and just following your instincts to wherever they might take you. Paul and I enjoy a trip down memory lane (I’ve known him since I was 5), with us both appreciating how the journey is sometimes a lot more fun than the destination.


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Ep 5: Being Okay When Handling Hardship… A Talk with April Nemeth

It’s hard to see the good sometimes, when everything seems to be going so — ... well, not good. In this week's episode, I chat with artist, designer and transformative healer April Nemeth about how navigating through the waters of hardship can be difficult, but how trusting in the bigger picture can make all the difference. Most of us have found that focusing on getting to know your authentic self can be scary and intimidating at times, since the process can unfold in so many different ways and at so many different speeds. In our conversation, April brilliantly shares her own transformational story, bringing a real depth of understanding to the table. She helps us realize and affirm that questioning the Universe regarding the “why” of it all is actually useless; rather, it’s about recognizing we are all taking this incredible journey of “vulnerability as connection and strength” together, even when it’s challenging. So come along with us and share her illuminating ride!


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Ep 4: Nurturing a Healthy Business Mindset (Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic) with Emily Cassel

Right now, during these unpredictable coronavirus times, with things being a little crazy all over and so much uneasiness and uncertainty, people are being driven to slow down, take a step back, and really take a look at what the future might bring in all aspects of their lives, including their businesses. I’m so glad I got to spend some quality time talking with Emily Cassel, a soulful business and leadership coach, who is ready to step in and offer you a supportive hand. She dives deeply into some empowering ways to turn the worry and overwhelm around, taking a proactive, positive approach in nurturing a healthy business mindset. So, if you’re struggling to focus on the bigger picture regarding your business and maybe need a kick in the butt to get yourself thinking outside the box, then tune in and hear what Emily has to say.


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Ep 3: Connecting with Loved Ones After Their Death — with Mollie Morning Star

Where do you stand on “life after death”? In this episode, I’m digging into this thought-provoking, heart-moving topic with my amazing friend, Mollie Morning Star, a painter-turned-medium after she experienced a radical transformation in her life. How do we stay connected with those who’ve passed? Are they really “okay”? Do they know I’m okay? Finding an answer to these questions can be difficult (or damn near impossible), but Mollie, with her profound gifts of spiritual awareness and sensitivity, has aided hundreds of people in bridging the gap between our physical reality and the spiritual. She helps those who are afraid or lost in grief to take a breath, allow the dust to clear and abide in the connection they have with their loved one who has passed, beyond the “veil” of death, so they may find greater acceptance, peace and understanding. If you’re looking to boost your hope or are searching for deeper understanding about our staying connected to each other, even after death, you’ve tuned in to the right episode.


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Ep 2: Transitioning Your Life During and After the Death of a Loved One… with The Sister Project

Talking with Michelle Anderson and Lauren Massarella, the righteous ladies behind the Sister Project, a blog dedicated to ‘hygge’ (Danish for “the art of living in coziness”), creating a cozy life filled with food, family and inspiring moments. In this episode, we talk about how to devote yourself, in the best way possible, to taking care of someone you love who is dying, including the emotions and struggles that typically come with it. Grief changes everyone, and being prepared for it is damn near impossible; but Lauren and Michelle are prime examples of how to live through it, grow from it and allow it to change your life, quite possibly for the better. If you are going through a painful time in your life with a loved one, we hope this episode brings you comfort that you aren’t alone and that there can be good on the other side of pain.


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Ep 1: Transformation Through Near Death Experiences with Rev. Peter Panagore

The most interesting man alive (according to me), Rev. Peter Panagore opens the door into his near death experiences. Through these spiritual encounters, he has dedicated his life to aiming the light into the world and bringing all those who would listen closer to understanding the true power of love and how it brings us closer together, and closer to God. You will be in awe with what he has to say so hold on to your hats and be prepared to realize that everything you think you know is wrong.


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Trailer: Everything You Think You Know is Wrong

I'm Valerie Gangas, the author of Enlightenment is Sexy, and I'm super stoked to announce my upcoming podcast: Everything You Think You Know is Wrong. I'll be having conversations with a variety of humans who have experienced a radical spiritual transformation in their lives. Episode 1 drops in February 2020, and I'll release a brand new episode every other Wednesday. Subscribe to my stream of epic guests, thought provoking topics, and a whole lot of transformational mojo on your favorite listening app today. If everything you think you know is wrong... what exactly is worth knowing?
