From the Inside Out with Pastor Tim Molter - a podcast of Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls-logo

From the Inside Out with Pastor Tim Molter - a podcast of Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls

Education Podcasts

Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls - Simply Teaching the Bible Simply - We exist to see people come to Jesus and grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Enjoyed this message? We encourage you to share it with others. If you would like to help us change lives give online at:


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Calvary Chapel Fergus Falls - Simply Teaching the Bible Simply - We exist to see people come to Jesus and grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Enjoyed this message? We encourage you to share it with others. If you would like to help us change lives give online at:




(218) 531-9349

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Matthew 22:1-22 “The Invitation and Duty to the King”

Matthew 22:1-22 “The Invitation and Duty to the King” 1. The Parable of the Wedding Feast (v.1-14) 2. Is it Lawful to Pay Taxes to Cesar? (v.15-22)


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Matthew 21:23-46 “Obedience vs. Lip Service”

Matthew 21:23-46 “Obedience vs. Lip Service” 1. Jesus' Authority Questioned (v.23-27) 2. The Parable of the Two Sons (v.28-32) 3. The Parable of the Land Tenants (v.33-41) 4. The Foretold Chief Cornerstone (v.42-46)


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Matthew 21:1-22 “Hosanna – The King is Coming”

Matthew 21:1-22 "Hosanna - The King is Coming" 1. The Triumphal Entry of Jesus (v.1-11) 2. Jesus Cleanses the Temple (v.12-17) 3. The Fruitless Tree Withered (v.18-22)


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Matthew 20 “Grace, Greatness, and the Kingdom of God”

Matthew 20 "Grace, Greatness, and the Kingdom of God" 1. Parable of the Vineyard Workers (v.1-16) 2. Jesus Again Predicts His Death (v.17-19) 3. Request of James and John's Mom (v.20-28) 4. Two Blind Men Receive Their Sight (v.29-34)


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Matthew 19 “Wisdom on Marriage, Children, and Wealth”

Matthew 19 "Wisdom on Marriage, Children, and Wealth" 1. Teaching on Marriage and Divorce (v.1-12) 2. Jesus Blesses the Little Children (v.13-15) 3. Counsel for the Rich Young Ruler (v.16-30)


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Matthew 18:15-35 “The Power of Forgiveness”

Matthew 18:15-35 “The Power of Forgiveness” 1. Three Steps to Restoring Relationships (v.15-17) 2. Church Leaders with Binding and Loosing (v.18-20) 3. The Importance and Spirit of Forgiveness (v.21-22) 4. The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (v.23-35)


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Matthew 18:1-14 “Little Ones and Lost Sheep”

Matthew 18:1-14 "Little Ones and Lost Sheep" 1. The Greatest in the Kingdom (v.1-5) 2. Warning Against Leading Others Astray (v.6-9) 3. The Parable of the Lost Sheep (v.10-14)


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Matthew 17 “The Glory of God Revealed”

Matthew 17 “The Glory of God Revealed” 1. The Transfiguration of Jesus (v.1-8) 2. The Elijah to come and John (v.9-13) 3. Mustard seed faith in Jesus (v.14-21) 4. Opening the mouth, twice (v.22-27)


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Matthew 16 “Declaration and Discipleship”

Matthew 16 “Declaration and Discipleship” 1. Seeking signs and selfishness (v.1-12) 2. The Son of the Living God (v.13-23) 3. The cost of following Jesus (v.24-28) "The church is like a family and a community of like-minded believers... We should all desire to be a part of following up when people haven't come in a while, and I can't do it alone. I try to as much as I can, but it's a team effort to reach out to people in love." - Pastor Tim Molter


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Matthew 15 “Overcoming Hypocrisy”

Matthew 15 “Overcoming Hypocrisy” 1. Traditions and inner purity (v.1-20) 2. The faith of a Gentile woman (v.21-28) 3. Healing and feeding many people (v.29-39)


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Matthew 14 “Overcoming Storms”

Matthew 14 “Overcoming Storms” 1. Death of John the baptist (v.1-12) 2. Feeding over five thousand (v.13-22) 3. Jesus walks on the stormy sea (v.22-32)


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Matthew 13:44-58 “The Kingdom of Heaven”

Matthew 13:44-58 “The Kingdom of Heaven” 1. Parable of the Hidden Treasure (v.44) 2. Parable of the Pearl of Great Price (v.45-46) 3. Parable of the Dragnet and Fish (v.47-50) 4. Jesus is rejected at Nazareth (v.53-58)


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Matthew 13:24-43 “The Kingdom Parables”

Matthew 13:24-43 “The Kingdom Parables” 1. Parable of the Wheat & Tares (v.24-30,v.36-43) 2. The parable of the Mustard Seed (v.31-32) 3. The parable of the Leaven / Yeast (v.33) 4. Speaking in parables fulfills prophecy (v.34-35)


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Matthew 13:1-23 “The Parable of the Soils“

Matthew 13:1-23 “The Parable of the Soils“ 1. Jesus teaches with parables (v.1-9) 2. The purpose of parables (v.10-17) 3. The parable explained by Jesus (v.18-23)


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John 20:1-22 Peace and Hope – Jesus is Alive – Resurrection (Easter) Sunday, 2024

John 20:1-22 Peace and Hope - Jesus is Alive - Resurrection (Easter) Sunday, 2024 1. The empty tomb of Jesus Christ (v.1-10) 2. The first encounter with Jesus risen (v.11-18) 3. Jesus brings peace to His disciples (v.19-22)


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7 Sayings of Jesus from the Cross – Good Friday, 2024

7 Sayings of Jesus from the Cross - Good Friday, 2024 1. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34) 2. "Today you will be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43) 3. "Woman, behold your Son" (John 19:26) 4. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46) 5. "I thirst" (John 19:28) 6. "It is finished" (John 19:30) 7. "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46)


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Matthew 12:31-50 “Repent and Believe”

Matthew 12:31-50 “Repent and Believe” 1. The unpardonable sin (v.31-32) 2. A tree is known by its fruit (v.33-37) 3. Seeking a sign from Jesus (v.38-45) 4. The family of Jesus (v.46-50)


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Romans 1:1-7

Romans 1:1-7


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Matthew 12:1-30 “Gathering or Scattering”

Matthew 12:1-30 “Gathering or Scattering” 1. Gleaning on the Sabbath (v.1-8) 2. Healing on the Sabbath (v.9-14) 3. The chosen Servant Leader (v.15-21) 4. Divided against itself will fall (v.22-30)


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Matthew 11 “Jesus Encourages John the Baptist”

Matthew 11 “Jesus Encourages John the Baptist” 1. Dealing with our doubts (v.1-15) 2. False accusations made (v.16-24) 3. The invitation to find rest (v.25-30)
