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Fundamental Expressions by Y V Chawla

Education Podcasts

To listen to Fundamental Expressions is Meditation. The basic human predicament can not be solved by any positive explanation or statement. It is rested when you notice it. There is only one step; you have to disregard silently, spontaneously the relief offered by books, gurus, techniques, various entertainments and so on against your present state, which you call unsatisfactory. Just listen or go through. there is nothing to practise or implement. The point automatically takes root while you listen or go through.


United States


To listen to Fundamental Expressions is Meditation. The basic human predicament can not be solved by any positive explanation or statement. It is rested when you notice it. There is only one step; you have to disregard silently, spontaneously the relief offered by books, gurus, techniques, various entertainments and so on against your present state, which you call unsatisfactory. Just listen or go through. there is nothing to practise or implement. The point automatically takes root while you listen or go through.





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कोई भी जान बूझ कर बीमारी, नुकसान, संघर्ष, अभाव नहीं चुनता

कोई भी जान बूझ कर बीमारी, नुकसान, संघर्ष, अभाव नहीं चुनता. तो क्या यह सज़ा है? किस बात की सज़ा?


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No One Consciously Chooses Disease, Poverty, Losses, Conflicts

No one consciously chooses disease, poverty, losses, conflicts. Then is it a punishment? Punishment for what?


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Enlightenment and Philosophies

Once you do not run away from uneasiness generated from compulsion of work or from discomforting, irritating situations – your whole energy is here. You begin to see the meaning of your life, your existence from moment to moment. This is ever revealing.


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No One Can Become Psychologically Immune

No one can become psychologically immune. To acknowledge vulnerability is your connection to the Original.-- We think as if someone else or science and technology or future will relieve us from this discomfort. No body else can bear it for you. Nothing can be thrown out of the mind.--


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Who Created this Universe, this Existence

Who created this Universe, this Existence? This is simply a thought arising in the mind. We have to see the limit of thinking, the function of thinking to see the total picture of Existence.


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Demand of a Human Being is not God but Resolution of all Resistance

The answer to all your problems is given as God by the religion. It is an answer. You have not solved the question yourself. Frame the question, solve it and you will reach at the answer. Then you may call it God or whatever name you give to it.


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असफलता का डर

किसी भी कार्य को करने में-असफलता का डर उठता है, गलती होने का डर उठता है| क्या आप इस डर को अनुभव कर सकते हैं? इस डर पर कुछ क्रिया नहीं की जा सकती, ना ही इस डर को टाला जा सकता है| जब आप यह देख लेते हैं, पूर्ण ऊर्जा एकत्रित हो जाती है, कार्य में पूर्ण उत्साह अपने आप जागृत हो जाता है|


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The Bondage of 40 Hour Work Week

We are consumed by compulsion and relief pattern in daily life. One does not see that this pattern, this inclination is the cause of all troubles. All complications arise for the individual as well as for the society as this divide is not seen, understood, solved. Once you notice your bondage to this pattern of compulsion – relief, fused state touches you.


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क्या संघर्ष एक आवश्यक प्रक्रिया है

संघर्ष का विचार क्षीण होता जाता है - जब आप यह देखते हैं कि आप कल के भविष्य के, परिणाम के बारे में आज संतुष्ट या निश्चिंत नहीं हो सकते। कि आप गलती करने के भय को हटा नहीं सकते। जब आप यह देखते हैं कि आप किसी भी गणना या प्रक्रिया के द्वारा निर्दोष चुनाव (flawless choice) करने में असमर्थ हैं।--


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Why You Have to Face Confusion, Resistance

One wants to throw away any disliked feeling including confusion away from the mind. Can you see that nothing can be thrown out of the mind? --- Why you have to face the resistance? Not the answer but simply being with the resistance ‘as it is’- is the key. If there is no resistance, there is no life.


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Finding Resilience

There are two types of people:Those who are religiously-spiritually inclined. --Their quest remains limited to their philosophies, after life theories and so on. Now there are those who are not so inclined, finding resilience is a big task.


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Seeing Calmness in Chaos

You have to feel settled, satisfied now in whatever situation you are. Even if it is extremely difficult situation, it is simply psychological discomfort-if it is not immediate physical danger. The error is that you want to remove, undo this discomfort, throw away this discomfort from your mind.


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New Mind

When the uneasiness of facing the disliked can not be thrown out of the mind, New Mind is born.


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Can Something Be Manifsted by Thinking About it

To come to the point where your imagination comes to the fore and is not clouded by thinking - you have to bear the jerk that whatever has manifested (liked or disliked) is also what you wanted.


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The Miraculous Element

If you can listen to noise, feel discomfort, look at an unpleasant scene ‘as they are’, the circuit of ‘you and the outer’ as a singular process is complete. The Total Field is realised.


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भगवान की इच्छा और आपकी इच्छा

आप भगवान की इच्छा और अपनी इच्छा में अंतर को महसूस करते हैं-मानसिक बेआरामी, मानसिक प्रतिरोध से| जब आप इस बेआरामी, इस प्रतिरोध को बिना किसी विचार या व्याख्या के समाहित कर लेते हैं-दो इच्छाओं का अंतर समाप्त हो जाता है| दो इच्छाओं का विचार ही गिर जाता है|


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Life has not moved an inch away from accidents, diseases, losses despite advances in scientific innovations

Life has not moved an inch away from accidents, diseases, losses despite advances in technology and other economic and scientific innovations. Death is still an enigma despite the fact that we have accepted it as inevitable. To explore this is fundamental inquiry.


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We Have to Work, Live and Enjoy - What Else is There to be Known

You work as compulsion and seek relief through entertainments, intoxications, religious-spiritual ideas, activities. All complications arise for the individual as well as for the society as this divide is not seen, understood, solved.


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Is There Some Higher Intelligence (God and so on) Operating the World

We shift to the idea of higher intelligence as we do not understand - why we have to face unpleasant, painful happenings. Can we face ‘as is’ whether liked or disliked, painful or pleasurable without coining any idea including that of higher intelligence? This facing throws us in the fluid field. You begin to see higher intelligence not as something out there or separate from you.
