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Gas Product Services Podcast

Education Podcasts

As heard on the Check A Pro Radio Show, this is the Gas Product Services Podcast! At Gas Product Services, we offer sales, service and installation of gas grills, gas lights, gas logs and a variety of outdoor fire features, like fire pits, fire bowls, luau torches and tiki torches.


United States


As heard on the Check A Pro Radio Show, this is the Gas Product Services Podcast! At Gas Product Services, we offer sales, service and installation of gas grills, gas lights, gas logs and a variety of outdoor fire features, like fire pits, fire bowls, luau torches and tiki torches.




(281) 408-4154

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What Are Water & Fire Features And Fire Pits?

On the show today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services discusses "Water & Fire". Fire features incorporated with your water features make a great combination! If you have a fire feature that is not working call Russell. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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Where Can I Install New Gas Lights On My Home?

"The open flame lights, people love that. It's the ambience, is a word I hear quite a bit when referring to talking about those. They don't give off as much light but they are very elegant, very pretty, people just enjoy seeing that." - Russell Metzler, Gas Product Expert Here on the Check a Pro Radio Show today - Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck) has asked Gas Products, Expert, Russell Metzler to join him on the show today. What's all of the chatter about gas lights? Have you thought about installing gas lights on your home? Well, if not then you need to check out this episode of the show today! On the program today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services talks to us about the benefits of installing gas lights on your home. If you have an old gas grill that is not working call Russell. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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What Are The Different Types of Gas Grills?

Episode 19 "So, if you have a propane grill, then you have that bottle attached to it in most cases. And a propane as a general rule, burns hotter than natural gas." - Russell Metzler, Gas Products Expert Here on the Check a Pro Radio Show today - Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck) has asked Gas Products, Expert, Russell Metzler to join him on the show today. On the program today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services talks to us about the benefits of grilling in the summertime! Check out this informative podcast to learn about the different types of gas grills available to you this summer. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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Why Are Fire Pits A Great Feature For Your Backyard?

"There's a valve you turn it up or down and so you can make flames to go up and down." - Russell Metzler, Gas Product Expert Welcome to the Check a Pro Radio Show! Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck) has asked Gas Products, Expert, Russell Metzler to join him on the show today. Have you considered a fire pit for your backyard? Well, if not then you need to check out this episode of the show today! On the program today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services talks to us about the benefits of having a fire pit in your yard. If you have an old gas grill that is not working call Russell. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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Why Get A Grill For Outdoor Cooking?

"We still have the old fashioned style post mounted grills. We also have a complete line of stainless steel built in grills and those are usually incorporated into some type of an outdoor kitchen." - Russell Metzler, Gas Product Expert Grills, Grills, and more Grills! If you love grilling you are going to love this episode of show today! Do you like spending time outdoors grilling? Well, check out this episode of The Check A Pro Radio Show with Jim Klauck, aka Check A Pro Joe! On the program today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services talks to us about the benefits of outdoor cooking on a grill. If you have an old gas grill that is not working call Russell. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - Podcast Episode Transcript: Grills, grills and more grills is the topic today here on the program. I've got a very good friend, Russell Metzler from gas product services. I say good friend. Uh, because I've known him for a long time. It's got to be 12 years or so. Hi, Russell, how are you? Hey, how's it going? Yeah, it's great to see you. Uh, you're the gas product expert. It's in your name. Gas product services. Uh, before we get into the excitement of the seasonal grilling. Let's get a quick background on you. You've been in the gas product services business for three decades now. Right. That is correct. I was very young when I started this. Yeah. And it's, it's everything, gas outside of the appliances that are generally inside the home, outside of the gas fireplace. So, you know, the gas dryer and, and, uh, the gas stove and so forth. That's for the appliance person. You do the fun stuff briefly, give a quick overview about the different types of gas products you work on before we get into our topic today, which is, which is grills, grills and more grills. Yes. The fun stuff or the romantic stuff, as I like to say. So, uh, at gas product services we have gas grills, gas lights, gas logs in the fireplace and any kind of outdoor fire features like a fire pit or a fire bowl. Um, uh, those things can be automated or not. Um, we have different types of torches, uh, tiki torches, luau torches and all that stuff is on our website at gas product services dot com. Yeah. No, it's all there. So, when we're talking about grills today, I want to make sure everyone knew that you do a lot more than just gas grills. Ok. It's grilling season. We're in the springtime and I love our topic. Grills, grills and more grills. You do a lot of that this time of year, right? Every day. I'm talking to people about grills. They wanna, they wanna get a gas grill, they wanna fix their gas grill or update their gas grill. Um, so, yeah, that, that is all the rage this time of year for sure. So, if you're watching this and you're saying, well, I have a gas grill. I bought it the big box store six years ago and it's rusting out and all I have to do is I guess, get a new one. Um, maybe you should get a hold of Russell at Gas Product Services because he's got all kinds of options. If you still want to have a propane tank, he can help you out with that. But he's got some, also some real neat options with having, uh, you know what I call a permanent built-in gas grill. But he can also have portable ones too that, um, are in your yard that can still use the natural gas from your home. So there's different options. Right. Yeah, there's several different ways that, that can be done. We can, the, the, the old standby from way back when I first started this, everybody had a grill on a post on the edge...


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What Is The RCS Line Of Gas Grill Products?

"It's so common for people to have grills built in that they got from their big box store grills and after a while they wear out and they need to be replaced and you in order to replace a built-in grill you have to replace it with an identical model." - Russell Metzler, Gas Product Expert Do you like spending time outdoors grilling? Well then you are going to love this episode of the show today! On the program today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services talks to us about all of the RCS line of Gas Grill Products. If you have an old gas grill that is not working call Russell. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - Podcast Episode Transcript: Check a pro Joe here I've got my good friend Russell Metzler from gas product services joining me here on the program hi Russell how are you hey Joe how's it going thanks for having us today hey I'm fantastic thank you so much for joining me I love what you do you're the guy who gets to turn people on really with fire right you get this right yeah you know from floor we like fire here at gas product services yeah from fire pits to fireplaces to other features with fire and today I want to talk about the RCS line of outdoor kitchen products gas grills I'm looking at the backdrop behind you and I'm like oh boy it's getting to be that time of year I want to get outside to my outdoor kitchen and it's great because in the greater Houston area where you are based where your customers are we can use the outdoor kitchen the grill all that great stuff all year round Yep absolutely in fact this week is quite warm out and I suspect that a lot of people will be venturing out and firing up the grills this weekend absolutely so you carry the RCS line correct yes we do the Renaissance cooking system RCS line of outdoor kitchen equipment and it is a higher end product it's you know it's a good product and you deal in it which means you understand it inside and now it's what you recommend to your clients and even if someone's interested in upgrading what they have you can sometimes take the RCS product and replace it with an existing other brand oftentimes we can do that in fact that's become one of our specialties because it's so common for people to have grills built in that are that they they're from their big box store grills and after a while they wear out and they need to be replaced and you in order to replace a built-in grill you have to replace it with an identical model in order for it to fit in the hole that's or the opening in the outdoor kitchen and so we've done and you can't always find the same one so we'll come out and take some measurements and determine which of our RCS grills is the best candidate to replace the existing grill and we'll modify the structure in whatever way is necessary maybe that means that we have to cut the granite back a little bit or trim something here or there to get the new grill to fit in properly and be safe and functional sure you've been doing this now for over 3 decades and I want to make that clear to our listeners and viewers here this isn't something you got into yesterday oh I've heard the story before and if people want to hear the story it's deep here in the podcast listing so you can certainly hear about Russell story but the reason why I bring it up is if you need someone to help you with your outdoor kitchen and grill and all those you know all those cabinets and everything that goes on out there you know there's stove tops all that stuff Russell can help you out with that and...


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What Are The Benefits Of Outdoor Fire Features

Do you like spending time outdoors? Well would you like get some fire by the pool, spa or deck with a fire pit or fire in your water feature. On the show today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services talks to us about all of the fire feature options for your backyard. If you have an old firepit that is not working call Russell. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - Podcast Episode Transcript: I love this time of year get to spend time outside actually here in the greater Houston area we can spend time outside all year round actually some of the best time is in the winter the spring and the fall sometimes in the summer we don't want to spend a lot of time outside but they still can't I've asked Russell Metzler from gas product services to join me here on the program today to talk about fire features outside from fire pits to the fire features that work with the swimming pool all that kind of stuff hey Russell good to see you hey what's up Joe thanks for having us yeah so for over 30 years you've been helping Houstonians with their needs as far as gas product services which is the name of your company gas product services yeah and I need to clear this up with everybody just so you know Russell will not help you with your gas dryer or your oven or your water heater those are real appliances he's gonna help you out with those gas lanterns in your fireplace and those fun things like a fire pit or some type of other fire feature talk a little bit about those features the romantic stuff Joe OK so we got our pets it can be something like a round or square structure out on the patio that you pull a chair up to and set your feet on and turn on the knob and strike the lighter and it comes on and it burns kind of like a campfire so same concept as a campfire or we could do a linear fire feature which are real common in swimming pools like over on the as you look out the back windows at the backyard across on the far side of the pool could be like a a long 6 or 8 foot long linear flame that burns out there or it could be instead of the linear it could be little bowls like little round bowls two or three of them across the back of the pool that burned and these things can be set up as a manual control which means that you would go out and turn the little key just like the key on the wall in the house for the fireplace you would have a key like that for the outside and it would you would turn that key and strike a lighter and the flames come on and burn until you turn it off something that that some folks don't think about is we also have automation options for any kind of fire feature and that would mean that you can flip a switch somewhere or in some cases a lot of people swimming pools already have a remote control device where they you can sit and turn on the lights of the pool and turn on the pump and the pool heater and maybe if you have some kind of waterfall type thing you can turn that on also well we can make that turn on the fire wow so you just push a button and the fire bowls come on or the linear fire pit comes on or the the campfire pit the thing that you're sitting next to can turn on automatically like that so any anything is possible and so if you have anything like that in mind even if you just have an idea give me a call and let's chat about it maybe it's something we can help make happen yeah gas product is Russell's website all of his contact information right just a click away is all in the notes section of this podcast including his...


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The Magic Of Fire And Fire Pits

Have a pool? Well then you get some fire by the pool with a fire pit or fire in your water feature. On the show today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services talks to us about a firepit for the backyard or by the swimming pool. If you have an old firepit that is not working call Russell. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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Why Get A Firepit For Your Backyard?

Want a pit? Common who doesn't enjoy time outside on a cool evening by the fire? On the show today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services talks to us about a firepit for the backyard or by the swimming pool. If you have an old firepit that is not working call Russell. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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Fire Pits



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How Does A Gas Firestarter / Log Lighter Work In A Wood Burning Fireplace?

On the show today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services discusses "Water & Fire". Fire features incorporated with your water features make a great combination! If you have a fire feature that is not working call Russell. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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Fireplaces - The Comfort And The Benefits Of Having A Fireplace

This time of year people begin to use their fireplaces. The expert in gas fireplaces, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services joins Check A Pro Joe on the program today. Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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The Benefits Of Gas Lights

On the show today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services discusses the benefits of gas lights. Gas lights make your property look more elegant and sophisticated. Gas lights bring a warm ambiance to your home all year long. Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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The Thrill Of Gas Grills And Outdoor Cooking

On the show today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services discusses grills and cooking outside Summertime is the best time of year to spend quality time outside with your family by the pool and the grill! Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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The Ins And Outs Of Fire Pits, Fire Bowls And Gas Grills

On the show today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services discusses the ins and outs of fire pits, fire bowls, gas grills and more. Summertime is the best time of year to spend quality time outside with your family by the pool and the fire! Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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Spending Time With Your Family By Pool And Fire Pit

It's July! On the show today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services discusses the ins and outs of fire pits, fire bowls, gas grills and more. Summertime is the best time of year to spend quality time outside with your family by the pool and the fire! Russell has been assisting his customers for the past 30+ years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively. For more information about Gas Product Services in Houston, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At -


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Outdoor Fire Features By The Pool And Outdoor Kitchen

Summertime is here! On the podcast today, Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services discusses the benefits of having fire pits, fire bowls, gas grills and more. This is the best time of year to spend quality time outside with your family by the pool and the fire! Russell has been helping his customers for the past 30 years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively.


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Add Automation To Your Outdoor Fire Features

On the podcast today, Check A Pro Joe talks to Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services. Russell has been helping his customers for the past 30 years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively.


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Getting Your Gas Fireplace Ready For Winter

On the podcast today, Check A Pro Joe talks to Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services. Russell has been helping his customers for the past 30 years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively.


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There Are Many Choices In Gas Fireplaces And Gas Fire Logs

On the podcast today, Check A Pro Joe talks to Russell Metzler from Gas Product Services. Russell has been helping his customers for the past 30 years with their gas products. What are some gas products? Your fireplace, your grill, your fire pit, your gas lights and much more! Check out this informative podcast to learn about how gas products can make your home feel warmer both literally and figuratively.
