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Journey into Cybersecurity

Education Podcasts

Put yourself in the shoes of a cybersecurity professional starting with when they were just a little kid and had no clue what cybersecurity even was. Meander with them along their journey and learn from their experience how to become a cybersecurity professional. Learn more about The Triangle Net's mission on


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Put yourself in the shoes of a cybersecurity professional starting with when they were just a little kid and had no clue what cybersecurity even was. Meander with them along their journey and learn from their experience how to become a cybersecurity professional. Learn more about The Triangle Net's mission on




+1 (203) 880-9376

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Nathan Hicks, from honeypots to threat ops

Nathan Hicks has been on his Journey into Cybersecurity for a while now. It started with an innate curiosity from a young age that developed into critical thinking and compassion in his military and post Air Force years in IT and security operations. Nathan is now a team leader and expert in threat operations, an ever-evolving aspect of security operations. Nathan exemplifies the selfless leadership he learned from his parents, his teachers and his peers in cybersecurity. He offered to be on our podcast and support Antonio on his journey as he embarks on his career. He is the reason why we will only get stronger and better. He's the reason why we developed this podcast: to support our community and win the good fight. Support the Show.


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Adrianne George, tirelessly tackling the cyber talent gap

Adrianne George has worked on critical national security issues since right after 9/11. Her motivation has always been clear: to win. Still today, the cyber war is being waged and the end is nowhere in sight. Adrianne is working tirelessly to fix this by addressing the cyber talent gap, and more importantly the cyber talent management process. She's identified a niche and plans to fill it leveraging her unique insights, experience and connections. Let's support her on this Journey into Cybersecurity so we all can be successful and win the battle together. Support the Show.


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Jamila Blackwell, a force for good in STEM, cyber and beyond

Jamila is not the new kid on the block nor a fresh grad out of a cybersecurity college program. Jamila has lived a few chapters already and she’s about to write her next chapter about breaking into cybersecurity. That’s right, her journey isn’t a conventional one, nor an easy one. But Jamila has an unrivaled drive and the kind of grit and willingness to learn and work hard most people lack. It’s a matter of opportunity and someone recognizing Jamila’s potential waiting to be unleashed. I know that she will do amazing things as I’ve already seen her grow as a STEM educator, PTA volunteer, cyber student and working mom. She’s simply unstoppable. Just watch! Support the Show.


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Sarah Pinson, the Ms. Sparta in cyber

Sarah Pinson debunks every possible stereotype or underestimation of women ever made. Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too? Sarah is your modern-day working mom who shows you how to kick ass in every aspect of life. And Cybersecurity is yet another field that did not intimidate her or hold her back from leaning in and showing how it's done. No, no, Sarah loves a challenge or two! Whether it's a marathon, a Spartan race, working full-time and raising kids or get a cybersecurity certification while working a full-time PM or security analyst role, she's doing it with grace and a beautiful smile. Sarah's fearlessness, resilience, positive growth mindset and unmatched sense of humor make her the Ms. Sparta of Cyber, kicking doors in, proving nay-sayers wrong and raising the bar for all women on all possibilities in life. Support the Show.


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Anthony Picarello, the new kid on the cybersecurity block

Anthony is the new kid on the block in cybersecurity. He just graduated with a BA degree in cybersecurity and is ready to make the world a little bit safer. Here come the roadblocks! Anthony gives his take on cybersecurity in education, the challenges he faced thus far and some ways to hack around the nay-sayers or hurdles thrown by "the system". Get ready to be inspired! Support the Show.


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Stefan Laneman, a Marine with GRC ambitions

Stefan has found his path into cybersecurity thanks to the Marine Corp where he was a rifleman. While his point of entry into cyber was the typical coding and technical aspect of cyber, he soon discovered that there was more to cybersecurity than that. Governance and Compliance have since been his main areas of focus while he’s pursuing a university degree and internships in cybersecurity. Stefan continues to serve his community through his support of other veterans, volunteering at a retirement center and by sharing his fascinating Journey into Cybersecurity with us. I hope you enjoy our chat with Stefan and find inspiration in his story. Support the Show.


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Kelsey Cueto, a special agent in the making

Antonio and Kelsey adopted puppy siblings. Other than having a love of their puppies in common, they are both in college to gain a cybersecurity education. Without any further ado, did Antonio recruit our first podcast guest, and boy did we have a great time talking to Kelsey and learning about her journey into cybersecurity. You will absolutely love her energy, can-do attitude and inspiring story. There is so much potential in Kelsey, we cannot wait to see what the next chapter will look like, let alone where she'll be five years from now. Watch out, world, here comes Kelsey! Support the Show.


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Antonio Chousa, cybersecurity student, intern & Podcast Co-Host

I was introduced to Antonio early 2021 as he was looking for a summer internship in a cybersecurity organization. His neighbor and my friend, Mireille, suggested he’d check out The Triangle Net. After a great introductory chat, I provided a bunch of resources to help Antonio on his journey into cybersecurity, both educational and professional. I also made an introduction to Agio and he took care of the rest. Antonio worked as an intern for an entire year, not just summer, at Agio! We reconnected to see what was next and in addition to learning the cybersecurity ropes, Antonio really wanted to learn more about sales and customer success. He does have the personality for a customer-facing role in his soon to be professional life. The wheels started turning and the opportunity presented itself that my customer success team at CyberSaint Security really needed a hand with a few strategic initiatives we were launching. In addition, Antonio seemed very interested in giving my podcast, Journey into Cybersecurity, a second life. And here you have it: if you can dream it, you can do it! Meet Antonio, the Cybersecurity student, intern and podcast co-host… Not bad for a 22-year old kid graduating with a BS in Cybersecurity in a few months. Support the Show.


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Robert Martin, tireless teacher in cybersecurity

I met Rob Martin at the ISSA Raleigh chapter’s monthly networking event a few years ago. Through the ISSA community, he introduced me to the many people who have become friends and colleagues in the cybersecurity and non-profit space. Rob was always willing to support programs at local schools when I tried to make children more aware of cybersecurity and privacy in middle and high schools. Rob continues to play an instrumental role on the board of the ISSA Raleigh chapter, and as a volunteer teacher and mentor to many people. What I like about Rob is his immense dedication to the education of others in cybersecurity. He’s greatly invested to helping minorities, veterans, and underserved communities in gaining access to the resources they need to succeed. He rallies his “battle buddies” to lift people up and give them access to opportunities to learn, grow and work in cybersecurity and beyond. Rob inspires me to continue to grow and do my part in creating learning and growth opportunities for others in cybersecurity. I’m grateful for his presence in my life, the role model he is to me and for sharing his valuable lessons on this podcast. His positive impact and selfless leadership will be felt by many generations to come, I’m certain of it! If his story inspires you too and moves you to invest in yourself, let him know. I bet he would appreciate knowing that you are thriving thanks to his words of wisdom and guidance. Don’t forget to pay it forward! Support the Show.


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Derrick Thompson, a trailblazer for good

Derrick and I have been collaborating on the non-profit he founded called Tweens & Technology. Derrick and his company, T&T Creative Group, is helping me produce the Journey into Cybersecurity podcast and develop the marketing platform for The Triangle Net. I trust him to have my back. He is rock-solid dependable and an amazing mentor to many people including me. What I like about Derrick is his endless dedication and support of his community. Everything Derrick does is a direct or indirect investment in other people and their ability to grow and succeed. He invests in STEM education of children, including children with disabilities, and in the education of adults in cybersecurity and beyond. Support the Show.


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Jon Sternstein, a natural born hacker

Jon is a role model in selfless leadership, continued learning and kindness. Jon chose to become that person and leveraged the available resources in his environment. I hope you enjoy my chat with Jon and find inspiration in his journey into cybersecurity. You will understand very quickly, why I call him a “natural born hacker”. Support the Show.


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Gina Yacone, a cheerleader in cybersecurity

Gina inspires with her contagious positive energy, eagerness to learn and her interpersonal skills. She is very approachable and just super kind. We have been working together for a few years, where I position Agio’s cybersecurity services to my clients and Gina steps in as a cybersecurity consultant, a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO), security trainer and compliance advisor. She does this with great enthusiasm and makes it look effortless. Gina is an inspiration of mine because she is so invested in her community. She volunteers for numerous non-profits like The Raleigh Rotary, Tweens & Technology, Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) and many more. Enjoy her Journey into Cybersecurity and know that you too can be the change you want to see in the world! Support the Show.


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Frances Baldwin, shooting for the stars

Frances Baldwin highlights in her Journey Into Cybersecurity podcast the importance of taking advantage of organizations and programs that support minorities during their educational and professional journey. Share her inspiring story with your colleagues, friends, kids and community. We need more fearless women on the cyber front. Support the Show.


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De'Von Carter, breaking boundaries in cybersecurity

De’Von Carter’s amazing story is one that will give you chills every step of the way. His Journey into Cybersecurity has many chapters with a few twists and turns. There were some struggles, some adversity and some mistakes made over the years. But De’Von is the living proof that anything is possible with the right mindset, the right motivation and the right people by your side. De’Von is a passionate teacher, a selfless leader, a giver, a mentor, a role model and someone who is making this world so much better thanks to his dedication to the cybersecurity community, the future generation and equal opportunity to minorities. I know you will enjoy my chat with De’Von and will be inspired to follow his example and learn from his words of wisdom. What an honor it is to pay tribute to De’Von and those who supported him on his Journey into Cybersecurity! Support the Show.


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Alan Nobles, a cybersecurity advocate in healthcare

Alan Nobles has dedicated his entire career to healthcare in one capacity or another. Like most cybersecurity professionals, he didn't aspire to be a cybersecurity professional or study for it during his college years. Yet, he's found his purpose in helping healthcare organizations manage cybersecurity risk. I really wanted to share Alan's story because it can reassure young students that you don't have to have a perfect 5 or 10-year plan all figured out. I also think it’s worth highlighting that every experience may benefit you in the future, and you may not realize it until you look backwards. What inspires me when speaking with Alan is how he’s humble and grounded even though he continues to invest in the healthcare community through advocacy at SC HIMSS or teaching grad students about security and privacy best practices in healthcare. The world is such a better place thanks to selfless leaders like Alan. I hope you will enjoy my chat with Alan and that he will move you to pursue your purpose in cyber or health IT. And don’t forget to pay it forward like Alan does. Support the Show.


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Mark Fitzner, the humble cyber geek

Joseph Mark Fitzner tells an unusual story about how he navigated life from home schooling to a career into cybersecurity. His Journey into Cybersecurity highlights the fact that not one person’s journey is ever the same and that anyone can make it in cyber if they really want to. Just like my previous guests, you’ll discover his generous mindset and intentional effort to share his experience, perspective and resources with any young student searching for their path or at least their next step. What inspires me speaking with Mark, and from previously working with him, is his growth mindset. I think it’s amazing how he continues to raise the bar for himself, sets and achieves new goals while keeping his mind open to any new opportunities. In cyber, continued learning and investment in yourself is a must. And there are many different roles one can play during their career in cyber. Another admirable trait that Mark demonstrates is a healthy dose of humility. It’s the fuel to continued growth and also the quality of a great teacher. Something tells me that Mark will teach many students in his professional career ahead. I personally learned so much from Mark and he always took the time to patiently explain the intricacies of cybersecurity. I hope you will enjoy my chat with Mark and that he will move you to pursue your purpose in cyber and to use the valuable lessons and resources he shares with us. And don’t forget to pay it forward like Mark does. Support the Show.


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Nia Lucky, service over self

Nia was the first person who reached out to me via the website’s contact page after seeing Gina’s podcast post on her LinkedIn Feed. She wrote: “I fell in love with the company’s mission and goals. I would love to share my story if you would consider me!”. And boy am I glad she reached out and we got to capture her Journey into Cybersecurity! You will be blown away by Nia’s dedication to the various causes she supports, the investments she makes in her community, her family and herself. You'll be amazed by her eloquence and depth of knowledge on so my cybersecurity and compliance topics. I am so inspired by Nia and her story as I can relate to her as a woman, a working mother, an eternal learner and aspiring mentor. I absolutely love her “Dream Big” motto and how that is helping her achieve big goals and making a big impact, while challenging society’s stereotypes and the limits of her comfort zone. I hope you will enjoy my chat with Nia and that she will move you to pursue your dream on your terms and use the valuable lessons and resources she shares with us. And don’t forget to pay it forward like Nia does. Support the Show.


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Gaylynn Fassler, breaking glass in cybersecurity

Gaylynn was the first person to reach out to me on the first day I announced my venture and website, The Triangle Net. She simply asked how she could help. What I learned from this initiative is that everyone has this amazing power to make a difference in the life of another person. It is as simple as asking: “How can I help you?” Gaylynn’s story is yet another testimony of how the investment in community can generate a much greater return than you could ever expect. There is a circular movement in how a giving person feels a sense of obligation to pay it forward when given a chance, an opportunity that helps them grow and move forward. I absolutely love Gaylynn’s commitment to helping others find their path into cybersecurity, and to supporting more women overcome obstacles along their way. It is always a rewarding experience meeting someone who understands their purpose. Gaylynn has that vision and perspective like an old soul. How grateful I am she reached out to me! I hope you will find my chat with Gaylynn inspiring and riveting. I encourage you to wonder how you can help someone along their journey. You would be amazed of the endless ways you too can make a positive impact. Try it. What do you have to lose? Support the Show.


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Robert Martin, tireless teacher in cybersecurity

I met Rob Martin at the ISSA Raleigh chapter’s monthly networking event a few years ago. Through the ISSA community, he introduced me to the many people who have become friends and colleagues in the cybersecurity and non-profit space. Rob was always willing to support programs at local schools when I tried to make children more aware of cybersecurity and privacy in middle and high schools. Rob continues to play an instrumental role on the board of the ISSA Raleigh chapter, and as a volunteer...


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Derrick Thompson, a trailblazer for good

Derrick and I have been collaborating on the non-profit he founded called Tweens & Technology. Derrick and his company, T&T Creative Group, is helping me produce the Journey into Cybersecurity podcast and develop the marketing platform for The Triangle Net. I trust him to have my back. He is rock-solid dependable and an amazing mentor to many people including me. What I like about Derrick is his endless dedication and support of his community. Everything Derrick does is a direct or indirect...
