

Education Podcasts

We check in with our weekly mental health chat, we do go off on a tangent, can't be helped... we hope in some way it helps Public Service Announcement we do talk about alcohol so if this is a trigger please either skip that part or turn off the video, we are not advocating drinking in any way - we are just talking about the drinks we like to have on the rare occasion


Nottingham, United Kingdom


We check in with our weekly mental health chat, we do go off on a tangent, can't be helped... we hope in some way it helps Public Service Announcement we do talk about alcohol so if this is a trigger please either skip that part or turn off the video, we are not advocating drinking in any way - we are just talking about the drinks we like to have on the rare occasion



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33: Mental Health

We discuss our mental health and we also talk about or should i say a rant. we will be back for the walking dead review.


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32: Walking Dead: Season 9 , Episode 9 Adaptation

Our Review.. Walking Dead S9 Episode 9, Adaptation When we last saw our not-so-merry band of heroes a few months back, things were looking rather grim on all fronts. Back in A-town, an emotionally unstable Negan escaped captivity by simply strolling through the unlocked door of his jail cell. The situation was even worse out in the wild, as Michonne and Daryl’s group found themselves in a graveyard with some folks known as the Whisperers — a knife-wielding gang of sick sonsabitches who ride...


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31: Mental Health: how has our week been?

How has our week been? how was my first therapy session? i do have a rant so, yeah it wasn't a great experience and Aiden lets us in how his week has been if you need extra support for your mental health i have a mental health group on discord just click the link into discord or type this in the discord app THEWEARESTRONGCHAT#605


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30: Mental Health: Struggle of daily life

i want to say thank you to everyone who has been listening to our podcasts, we really appreciate all of you I discuss my struggle of daily life going from mood changes, exhaustion lack of sleep or oversleeping and depression, we have our usual tangent on another discussion also. Aiden explains how his week has been regards with college and exhaustion


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29: Random Chat

In today's episode, we have a random chat, a random talk about our school day's, college days etc we also have a slight discussion on the school system and the education that is not making kids excited and alongside that we discuss home education.


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28: Mental Health

We talk about our past week dealing with Mental Health..i open up about my worsening health and self-referring myself to Trent pts which is a free mental health service associated with NHS, the problem with overworking ourselves and not taking time for ourselves with which we don't do , we or should i say Aiden has a slight rant but then we discuss an upcoming project for recovery mag part of the recovery group which is a charity in the UK which is a comic strip then Aiden discusses his week...


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27: Random Chat

In today's episode we have a random chat, random discussion on childhood games , comics etc


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26: Struggles of Depression

Struggles Of Depression for many of us, we have varying struggles of depression we share, openly share our struggles with depression etc [Our Mental Health Page for support]( Contact information for Support Anxiety UK Charity providing support if you've been diagnosed with an anxiety condition. Phone: 03444 775 774 (Mon to Fri, 9.30am to...


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25: Mental Health + Merry Christmas

Hi, guys firstly i would like to say a massive thank you to every one of you for listening to our podcasts, we have just reached 1.13 thousand listeners/subs. just thank you for today's podcast, it is another mental health episode, the last one of this year until the New Year we discuss how our week has been varying from nightmares, mental exhaustion etc we will be back on Friday with another Podcast episode, the final part of The Rothschild, But if there isn't a Podcast this Friday We will...


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24: Mental Health + Politics

We have our weekly check-in with our mental health, discussing how our week has been so far with it being that time of year... Winter. We also do a brief talk on why we vote/or don't vote , yes its very brief but we don't want to bore people ,


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23: Mental Health + Walking Dead,Season 9, Episode 8

We start with Mental Health and discuss how our week has been with it being that time of year, and how staying active ie exercising, creativity etc.. if you struggle with the weather or lack of vitamin d there is vitamin d tablets or SAD lamp. Evolution, Episode Eight, Walking Dead However you feel about the first half of this season, you have to credit The Walking Dead for taking some gutsy chances right out of the gate: not one, but two major time jumps; Rick’s goodbye with a twist;...


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22: Mental Health

Mental Health: we discuss mental health in the workplace and how it affects us when you are being constantly harassed. the importance of being with a union versus not being with a union like in my case. regardless of being with a union, it is a must to stand up for your self especially if you suffer from mental health but it also happens to everyone in general but more so to mental health sufferers. we will be back with another episode this Friday with the next episode of the walking dead


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21: Walking Dead S9: Episode 7, Stradivarius

Stradivarius episode 7, Walking Dead From beginning to end, this was a weird episode. The intro was short and frenetic; the final moments, unusually quiet and anticlimactic. Yes, we spent some quality time at Camp Dixon, finally visited Hilltop, and met Bernie, beloved friend of the Randos turned flesh-eating fashion nightmare. But the story barely moved an inch, and we’re still completely in the dark regarding the talking dead that stalked Rosita (and are doing who-knows-what with Eugene)....


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20: Mental Health+Bad side of Social Media

We discuss mental health and how we have been plus discuss the bad side of social media.. the use of live videos and the dangers of having young children in the videos. Public Service Announcement we are not parents, therefore, we are not bashing parents or there parenting style. we are coming from a good place.


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19: Birthday + Walking Dead

Today's episode is a special one in that it is king's birthday, we discuss the walking dead. we don't go into too much detail or too in-depth we just give our thoughts, feelings on how we have found the episodes so far... We hope you enjoy today's episode King & Aiden


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18: Mental Health

We discuss how we have been for the past week...we start off by remembering and sharing our condolences to Stan Lee's family, we also have a bit of a bicker but we move past that... We will be doing the walking dead recap this friday as it has been long overdue


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17: Mental Health

Today's episode we discuss mental health, we will do the walking dead recap of episode 2,3,4 & 5 for sure next time its just we both are busy so we do apologize for that. we talk about addiction, alcoholism. and the effects that it can have. [support our cause](


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16: Mental Health

We. discuss our mental health, we also raise the question on the scale where do we fit on the Psychopath, Sociopath scale? we also have a mini rant. hope you enjoy


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15: Mental Health

We discuss our mental health and how we have been coping day to day, also we go on a tangent, naturally. any advice or suggestions we give. please seek advice from a counselor- I, we are Mental Health sufferers with over twenty years of experiencing with mental health and we try to help you through your struggles whilst talking you through our struggles. I am a member of the CTAA, Complimentary Therapy Accredited Association and hold three Diplomas in Counselling, PTSD therapy, and...


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14: Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 1

Episode 1 A New Beginning Nearly two years after Rick's defeat of Negan, the various communities are working on rebuilding society, however, the Sanctuary suffers from the infertile ground and underlying support for Negan. Rick leads a trek to a Washington D.C. Museum to recover pioneering supplies, but on the way back they find the main bridge to HillTop has been wiped out by a storm. A young man, Ken, is killed trying to protect the group's horses from walkers. his parents, Tammy and Earl,...
