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Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast

Education Podcasts

Are you an English Learner? Is learning American English important to you? My name is Ioan Elvis Sersea, M.A., M.A.T., nicknamed by my English Learner students as Maestro Sersea. I‘m American English Teacher, an Online Private School Founder and Director, as well as an Educational Content Creator based in Southern California, USA. With your investment of time, positivity, hard work, and determination, you, too, can become more fluent in American English. This podcast will help you improve your American English comprehension and communication skills. Welcome aboard!


United States


Are you an English Learner? Is learning American English important to you? My name is Ioan Elvis Sersea, M.A., M.A.T., nicknamed by my English Learner students as Maestro Sersea. I‘m American English Teacher, an Online Private School Founder and Director, as well as an Educational Content Creator based in Southern California, USA. With your investment of time, positivity, hard work, and determination, you, too, can become more fluent in American English. This podcast will help you improve your American English comprehension and communication skills. Welcome aboard!





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Episode 27: American English Listening Skills Chapter 7 and 8 - The Role of Listening Skills in English language learning

Welcome to the 27th Episode of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Today we're going to focus on the role of listening skills in English language learning as well as the concluding chapter of the eBook. Listening skills are very important when learning the English language. They help us understand spoken English. This is useful in many situations, like talking to friends, listening to teachers, or watching movies. When we listen well, we can hear how words are pronounced and how sentences are put together. This helps us learn the right way to speak English. To improve our listening skills, we can practice by listening to English songs, watching English TV shows or movies, and trying to understand what is being said without looking at subtitles. It's also helpful to listen to English stories or podcasts. The more we listen, the better our understanding becomes. This makes it easier for us to speak and understand English in real conversations. Good listening skills also help us in exams that test our ability in English. For example, many exams have a listening part where we need to understand spoken instructions or answers. By improving our listening skills, we can do better on these tests. So, practicing listening is not just about everyday communication; it's also key for academic success in learning the English language. In this episode you will listen to Chapter 7 and Chapter 8, the concluding chapter of "How to Improve English Listening: An English Learners' Guide," an eBook with audio, translation, and AI Chatbot tutorial support, available for free, on my website at https://sersea.com/ebooks/


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Episode 26: American English Listening Skills Chapter 6 - Techniques to Improve Listening Skills

Welcome to the 26th Episode of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Today we're going to focus on Techniques to Improve Listening Skills for American English learners. Improving listening skills in American English for learners can seem tough, but there are practical techniques you can use to get better. One effective method is to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. This means listening to American English every day. You can do this by watching American movies, TV shows, or even listening to podcasts and music. The key here is consistency; the more you listen, the better you'll get at understanding. Another technique is to practice active listening. This means not just hearing the words but also paying attention to how they're said. Notice the tone, speed, and emotion behind what's being spoken. You can practice this by repeating phrases out loud exactly how you hear them, mimicking the intonation and rhythm of the speaker. This exercise will help you catch nuances of the language that you might miss otherwise. Lastly, engaging with native speakers as much as possible can dramatically improve your listening skills. If you have friends who are native American English speakers, try to have regular conversations with them. If not, there are many online communities and language exchange sites where you can find partners to practice with. Speaking and listening to native speakers will not only improve your comprehension but also your pronunciation and fluency in American English. Remember, patience and persistence are key - improving your listening skills takes time but it’s definitely achievable with consistent practice! In this episode you will listen to Chapter 6 of "How to Improve English Listening: An English Learners' Guide," an eBook with audio, translation, and AI Chatbot tutorial support, available for free, on my website at https://sersea.com/ebooks/


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Episode 25: American English Listening Skills Chapter 5 - Listening Skills for Academic Sessions

Welcome to the 25th Episode of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Today we're going to focus on American English listening skills for academic sessions. Improving your American English listening skills for academic sessions is very important. It helps you understand lectures, discussions, and presentations better. To improve, listen to English as much as you can. This can be through movies, songs, or podcasts. Pick materials that interest you to make learning enjoyable. One helpful tip is to practice active listening. This means not just hearing the words but also trying to understand the meaning behind them. When you listen to a lecture or a talk, take notes of key points. This will help you remember what you heard. Also, try to predict what the speaker will say next. This keeps your mind engaged and improves comprehension. Don't worry if you don't understand everything at first. Learning takes time. Keep practicing every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. Over time, your listening skills will get better and attending academic sessions in American English will become easier for you. In this episode you will listen to Chapter 5 of "How to Improve English Listening: An English Learners' Guide," an eBook with audio, translation, and AI Chatbot tutorial support, available for free, on my website at https://sersea.com/ebooks/


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Episode 24: American English Listening Skills Chapter 4 - Business and Professional Meetings

Welcome to the 24th Episode of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Today we're going to focus on American English Listening skills for business and professional meetings. Improving your listening skills in American English is very important, especially for business and professional meetings. When you listen well, you can understand what others are saying clearly. This helps you to respond in the right way. In business meetings, people talk about important things like projects, plans, and deals. If you miss out on what they say, it might cause problems. To get better at listening in American English, try to practice every day. You can watch videos or listen to recordings of business meetings. Pay attention to the words they use and how they say them. Notice how they start a conversation and how they end it. Also, look at how they agree or disagree with each other. Remember, it's okay if you don't understand everything at first. Keep practicing and don't be afraid to ask questions if you need clarification. Over time, your listening skills will improve, and you'll feel more confident in business and professional settings. In this episode you will listen to Chapter 4 of "How to Improve English Listening: An English Learners' Guide," an eBook with audio, translation, and AI Chatbot tutorial support, available for free, on my website at https://sersea.com/ebooks/


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Episode 23: American English Listening Skills Chapter 3 - Personal Conversations

Welcome to the 23rd Episode of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Today we're going to focus on American English Listening skills for personal conversations. Improving English listening skills is very important for American English learners, especially when it comes to personal conversations. When you listen better, you can understand what others are saying more easily. This helps in making your conversations smoother and more meaningful. Good listening skills mean you can respond more accurately and share your thoughts more clearly. It makes talking with friends, family, and even new people much easier and enjoyable. Listening well also helps you learn new words and phrases from the way people speak in real life. This means your own English speaking will get better over time. You start to pick up not just the words but how they are used in everyday talk. This is really useful because it teaches you about the culture and how people communicate with each other in different situations. Lastly, being a good listener shows that you care about what the other person is saying. It builds stronger relationships because when people feel listened to, they are more likely to open up and share more with you. So, improving your English listening skills is not just about understanding language; it's also about connecting with people on a deeper level. In this episode you will listen to Chapter 3 of "How to Improve English Listening: An English Learners' Guide," an eBook with audio, translation, and AI Chatbot tutorial support, available for free, on my website at https://sersea.com/ebooks/


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Episode 22: American English Listening Skills Chapter 2

Welcome to the 22nd Episode of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Today we're going to focus on American English Listening skills. Improving English listening skills is very important for English learners. When you listen well, you understand more. This helps you learn new words and how they are used in sentences. Good listening skills also help you catch the right pronunciation of words. This is crucial because speaking English clearly makes communication with others better. Listening to English often can make learning faster and more fun. You can listen to songs, watch movies, or follow podcasts in English. Doing this every day will improve your ability to understand different accents and speeds of speaking. As your listening gets better, it will be easier for you to join conversations. You won't feel lost or confused when people speak fast. To start improving your listening skills, choose materials that interest you. This will keep you engaged and motivated. Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you listen, the better your understanding and speaking abilities will become. So, start today and see how much progress you can make by improving your English listening skills! In this episode you will listen to Chapter 2 of "How to Improve English Listening: An English Learners' Guide," an eBook with audio, translation, and AI Chatbot tutorial support, available for free, on my website at https://sersea.com/ebooks/


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Episode 21: American English Listening Skills

Welcome to the 21st episode of the "Learn American English with Maestro Sersea" podcast. Today we're going to focus on American English listening Skills. Improving your ability to listen and understand American English is incredibly important. This skill is essential not just for everyday communication, but it also plays a crucial role in academic and professional settings. By enhancing your listening skills, you become better equipped to follow conversations, appreciate native expressions, and grasp the nuances of the language. In this episode, you will listen to the introduction and first chapter of "How to Improve English Listening: An English Learners Guide" an eBook with audio, translation, and AI Chatbot support available for free on my website, https://sersea.com/ebooks/


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Episode 20: American English Idioms, Lesson 4

Welcome to Episode 20 of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Our 20th podcast episode focuses on improving American English vocabulary, comprehension, and communication skills. Today, we will share lesson 4 of our American Idioms course, including the idioms: “all wet,” “along for the ride,” and “apple of one’s eye.” Learning American idioms is beneficial for English Learners as it allows them to understand better the nuances of the language and how native speakers use it in everyday conversation. Idioms are essential to any language; understanding them can help improve fluency and make communication with native speakers easier. Idioms often provide insight into the culture of a language, which can be especially helpful for English Learners as they will gain a deeper understanding of American culture. Furthermore, knowing American idioms can help English Learners to express themselves better and be more creative with the language. Today’s lesson is compliments of our American English Idioms website at www.americanenglishidioms.com.


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Episode 19: Food Service Managers in the USA

Welcome to Episode 19 of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Our 19th podcast episode focuses on improving American English listening and comprehension skills. Today, we will share information about careers in the United States of America, in particular Food Service Managers. Food Service Managers are professionals responsible for the successful operation of food service establishments, such as restaurants, cafeterias, and other similar establishments. They oversee the business's day-to-day operations and are responsible for tasks such as scheduling and managing staff, ordering supplies, and developing menus. Additionally, they must ensure that the food served meets health and safety standards set by local and state agencies. Food service managers must also be highly organized and have excellent communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills to effectively manage their staff and ensure the smooth operation of their business. Today’s lesson is compliments of our USA Careers Club website at www.usacareers.club.


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Episode 18: Academic Word List Vocabulary, Lesson 1

Welcome to Episode 18 of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Our 18th podcast episode focuses on improving American English vocabulary and reading skills. Today, we will share AWL, the Academic Word List vocabulary adapted into online lessons by Maestro Sersea. Today, we’re sharing Lesson 1, which includes helpful academic terms English Learners need to learn and use. The Academic Word List (AWL) is a helpful resource for English Learners because it provides a comprehensive list of words commonly used in academic settings. The list comprises of 570 high-frequency words known to be used in a wide range of academic texts, including words from various areas of study, such as the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. By studying and using the words from the AWL, English Learners can increase their academic vocabulary and gain greater fluency in English. Today’s vocabulary lesson is compliments of our American English Vocabulary website at www.americanenglishvocabulary.com.


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Episode 17: American English Dialogues 10-12

Welcome to Episode 17 of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Our 17th podcast episode features three dialogues for improving American English Listening and Conversation Skills. Today, we will listen and pronounce dialogues 10-12 together, compliments of our website, www.americanenglishconversation.online. Reading and practicing dialogues can be highly beneficial for English learners. Dialogues provide an engaging way to learn and practice English vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures. Dialogues can also help learners become more familiar with the natural flow and rhythm of the language. Practicing dialogues can help learners develop their pronunciation, intonation, and speaking fluency. Dialogues can also help build confidence in communication as they allow learners to practice and rehearse conversations before trying them out in real-life situations. Dialogues provide a natural context for language practice, as conversations often include common expressions, idioms, and slang.


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Episode 16: VOA Word Book Vocabulary Lesson 1

Welcome to Episode 16 of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Our 16th podcast episode focuses on improving American English vocabulary and reading skills. Today, we will share VOA Word Book Vocabulary adapted into online lessons by Maestro Sersea. Today, we’re sharing Lesson 1, which features dozens of key vocabulary words for English Learners from the VOA Word Book. The VOA Word Book is an invaluable resource for English language learners. It provides a comprehensive list of the most commonly used English words and phrases. By studying the words and phrases in this book, learners can expand their English vocabulary and become more proficient speakers. Today’s vocabulary lesson is compliments of our American English Vocabulary website at www.americanenglishvocabulary.com.


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Episode 15: Labor Day in the USA

Welcome to Episode 15 of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Our 15th podcast episode focuses on improving American English listening comprehension skills and general knowledge about American culture. Today, we will learn about Labor Day, as it is celebrated in the United States. Labor Day in the United States of America is a yearly federal holiday celebrated on the first Monday of September. It is a celebration of the labor movement and honors the contributions and accomplishments of the American workforce. This holiday has been observed since 1894 when Congress passed an act making it a national holiday. Labor Day is a time for Americans to come together and recognize the achievements of the labor movement, and to celebrate the many successes of the American worker. On this day, workers are given the opportunity to recognize their hard work and are given a day off from work. It is also a day of rest and relaxation for those who have labored throughout the year. Labor Day is typically celebrated by spending time with family and friends, attending parades, barbecues, and other outdoor activities. Today’s lesson is compliments of our USA Reading Club website at www.usareading.club .


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Episode 14: Vocabulary - Fry’s Sight Words, The First Hundred, Lesson 1 of 5

Welcome to Episode 14 of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Our 14th podcast episode focuses on improving American English vocabulary and reading skills. Today, we will share Fry’s Sight Words, the First Hundred, Lesson 1 of 5. The Fry's Sight Words List is a list of the most common words in the English language. Dr. Edward Fry compiled it in the 1950s, containing the most frequently used words in reading and writing. The words in the list are divided into several levels and are meant to help students learn how to read and write more fluently. The Fry's Sight Words List is often used in classrooms to help students master essential reading and writing skills. In addition, the list is often used to help students with disabilities who may have difficulty with reading and writing. The list contains 1,000 words and is organized into ten levels. Each level comprises 100 words, and the levels progress from the easiest to the more difficult. Today’s lesson is compliments of our American English Vocabulary website at www.americanenglishvocabulary.com.


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Episode 13: Civil Engineers in the USA

Welcome to Episode 13 of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Our 13th podcast episode focuses on improving American English listening and comprehension skills. Today, we will share information about careers in the United States of America, in particular Civil Engineers. We will also share an article, Salary and Job Outlook for Civil Engineers in the United States of America. Today’s lesson is compliments of our USA Careers Club website, at www.usacareers.club. yoiIpcpYCHKjmj8iTdgF


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Episode 12: Vocabulary - Dolch Pre-K Part 4 of 4

Welcome to Episode 12 of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Our 12th podcast episode focuses on improving American English vocabulary and reading skills. Today, we will share Dolch Sight Words Pre-Kindergarten Part 4 of 4 Lesson. The Dolch Sight Words list is a compilation of 220 words, divided into five levels, considered the most frequently used English words, and includes pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first-grade, second-grade, and third-grade words. Each of the five sub-lists includes 40 to 75 words. Edward William Dolch compiled these words in the 1930s and 1940s, and are often used to teach students how to read. The words are categorized by grade level, starting at pre-primer and progressing through grade three. The words are divided into two categories: service words, which include pronouns, conjunctions, and articles, and content words, which include nouns, verbs, and adjectives. The Dolch Sight Words are often used to assess a student’s reading ability and help teach students to become more fluent readers. These words account for 50 to 75 percent of all words used in reading and writing. Today’s lesson is compliments of our American English Vocabulary website at www.americanenglishvocabulary.com.


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Episode 11: What Are the Best Ways to Learn English?

Welcome to Episode 11 of the Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast. Our 11th podcast episode features several resources for improving American English Listening and Conversation Skills. Today, I will share an introduction to my 1st published book for English Learners, American English Dialogues for English Learners: What are the Best Ways to Learn English? together with the introduction of the first chapter of the book and audio recordings of all dialogues included in Chapter 1, compliments of our website, www.booksforesl.com.


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Episode 10: Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast

In our tenth podcast episode, we feature 2 resources for improving American English vocabulary and comprehension skills including: American English vocabulary, Pre-Kindergarten Dolch Sight Words Part 3 of 4 Lesson, compliments of our website at www.AmericanEnglishVocabulary.com , as well as 3 American English idioms including "Albatross Around One’s Neck, All Kidding Aside, and All Thumbs" compliments of our website at www.AmericanEnglishIdioms.com .


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Episode 9: Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast

In our ninth podcast episode, we feature 2 resources for improving American English conversation skills: 1. Dialogues 7-9 from American English Conversation 1 as well as 2. the topic of "Weddings" from our Conversation Topics for American English Learners, compliments of our website, www.americanenglishconversation.online .


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Episode 8: Learn American English with Maestro Sersea Podcast

In our eighth podcast episode, we feature 2 resources for improving American English listening comprehension and vocabulary: 1. the topic of being "Responsible" a character trait from our "30 Qualities That Make-Up Good Character" from our website, www.usareading.club and 2. Fry Sight Words Lesson, The First Hundred, Lesson 2 of 5, from our American English vocabulary site, www.AmericanEnglishVocabulary.com .
