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Living Well As a Political Act

Education Podcasts

Living Well As A Political Act focuses on the importance of you - who you are and how you show up - while you are working to make the world a better place


United States


Living Well As A Political Act focuses on the importance of you - who you are and how you show up - while you are working to make the world a better place



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Living Well as Your Legacy

In this our 13th and final episode, I will share with you how Living Well can be your legacy for your political activity in the world. We will go over the questions I use to help me think and prepare for living a life that is building a legacy.


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What I Have Learned So Far As A Political Activist

In this episode, I will share some highlights of what I have learned from over three decades of engaged political activity.


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Becoming Certain About Uncertainty

In this episode we are going to discuss how we can build up our comfort and ability to live within uncertainty. We are steeped in this moment of history where change is happening at unprecedented rates, we are under pressure to learn new things, the things we relied upon become obsolete very quickly and we are less sure than ever before about what tomorrow will bring. In this episode I will be talking with director, producer and documentary filmmaker Macky Austin on how we can become comfortable with watching the process of our lives unfold and what is to be learned when we are no longer in the driver's seat.


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The Gift of Fear

In this episode, I will walk you through my experience with fear and why it has been one of the great teachers for how I have moved through political work and life.


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How To Pace Yourself for the Long Haul

In our next episode, How To Pace Yourself for the Long Haul, we will discuss how we can best nurture ourselves for optimal health for the important (and long and arduous) work of political change. My special guest for this episode is J. Joseph Speidel MD, MPH a board-certified physician, researcher and advocate in the field of public health and author of The Building Blocks of Health––How to Optimize Wellness with a Lifestyle Checklist.


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How To Balance Anger and Being At Peace

In this episode, we will dive into how we can best handle our feelings of anger and how to balance those feelings with feelings of being at peace.


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What Fuels You for Action

In this episode we will discuss how we can tap into our emotions to keep us engaged in political activities, especially when we are most discouraged to do so.


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How to Consume the News

While standard advice for mental health and wellness is to avoid the news, what do you do when you are making the news or need to following because of your advocacy? In this special episode, I will speak with journalist and researcher Carla Murphy to discuss how best we can consume the news without becoming overwhelmed by it.


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Being Political vs. Talking Politics

In this episode, we will discuss how as politically minded people we can get stuck in how we talk about issues that we care about, especially when those issues involve our identities. I will have as my guest, Sherise Bright, Senior Vice President of Communications and Marketing at Human Rights Campaign, a leading organization in advancing the rights of LGBTQ+ community.


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Feeling Your Way To Action

In this episode we will discuss the importance of our feelings and how different feelings can bring us toward action.


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Your Energy/Yourself - Use It, Conserve It, Renew It!

As politically engaged individuals we tend to be involved with issues and areas that are emotionally and physically draining. Tune in to learn how to pay better attention to your energy and how this powerful resource can be a game changer in how you can show up for yourself, your community, and the issues you care about.


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Know Thyself - The Art and Practice of Conscious Living

Living Well requires knowing who you are and what you need and want. Concurrent to this is living your life consciously - having intention and retaining memories. Knowing yourself is often framed as a life-long pursuit with a fixed point but I like to see it more as a daily uncovering. In our second episode I will break down the three daily actions I take to both live consciously which in turns helps me understand myself better.


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How Living Well is Your Most Important Act

In this first episode of Living Well As a Political Act, host Patricia Jerido, will provide an overview of the show and begin with a breakdown of what it means to live well and how that is the most impactful thing you can do to make the world a better place.
