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Maghrib in Past & Present | Podcasts

Education Podcasts

Maghrib in Past & Present | Podcasts is a forum in which artists, writers, and scholars from North Africa, the United States, and beyond can present their ongoing and innovative research on and cultural activities in the Maghrib. The podcasts are based on lectures or performances before live audiences across the Maghrib. Aiming to project the scientific and cultural dynamism of research in and on North Africa into the classroom, we too hope to reach a wider audience across the globe.


United States


Maghrib in Past & Present | Podcasts is a forum in which artists, writers, and scholars from North Africa, the United States, and beyond can present their ongoing and innovative research on and cultural activities in the Maghrib. The podcasts are based on lectures or performances before live audiences across the Maghrib. Aiming to project the scientific and cultural dynamism of research in and on North Africa into the classroom, we too hope to reach a wider audience across the globe.



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Le cinĂ©ma Tunisien post-rĂ©volutionnaire : une vue d’ensemble, un regard intĂ©rieur

Episode 182: Le cinĂ©ma Tunisien post-rĂ©volutionnaire : une vue d’ensemble, un regard intĂ©rieur Dans ce podcast, Chiraz Latiri, ancienne Ministre des Affaires Culturelles en Tunisie, directrice du Centre National du CinĂ©ma et de l’Image (CNCI) entre 2017 et 2019, et professeure-chercheure en Informatique Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de la Manouba, fait le bilan de l’évolution de l’industrie du cinĂ©ma Tunisien depuis la rĂ©volution 2011. Forte de son engagement dans le service public en faveur de l’enseignement, de l’art et de la culture en Tunisie, Latiri Ă©voque les succĂšs et obstacles qui marquent l’industrie, tant en termes de libertĂ© d’expression, de reconnaissance aux festivals internationaux, de formation, de financement, de distribution, d’administration, de rĂ©forme, que de partenariats internationaux. Elle nous transmet sa passion, ses aspirations et ses inquiĂ©tudes pour l’avenir de ce secteur et des nouvelles gĂ©nĂ©rations de cinĂ©astes tunisiens. Cet episode a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© via Zoom le 01 juin 2023 par le Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis (CEMAT). PostĂ© par: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, BibliothĂ©caire / ChargĂ©e de la diffusion des activitĂ©s scientifiques (CEMA).


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Entretien avec le sociologue ruraliste marocain Mohamed Mehdi

Episode 181: Entretien avec le sociologue ruraliste marocain Mohamed Mehdi Le projet « Archives d’histoire orale de la production intellectuelle maghrĂ©bine », co-organisĂ© par l’Institut AmĂ©ricain d’Études MaghrĂ©bines (AIMS) et l’Observatoire de la souverainetĂ© Alimentaire et de l’Environnement (OSAE), vise Ă  documenter les trajectoires de vie, les formations intellectuelles et les luttes politiques de plusieurs gĂ©nĂ©rations de femmes et d'hommes nord-africains qui ont contribuĂ© Ă  la crĂ©ation de la culture Ă©crite et parlĂ©e dans cette partie du monde. Les entretiens sont rĂ©alisĂ©s avec des Ă©conomistes, planificateurs, nutritionnistes, architectes, sociologues ruraux et d'autres chercheurs algĂ©riens, marocains et tunisiens. Il s'agit de la toute premiĂšre initiative au Maghreb visant Ă  crĂ©er des archives Ă©crites, orales et filmĂ©es du travail intellectuel de gĂ©nĂ©rations qui se sont battues pour construire leurs sociĂ©tĂ©s. Elle innove en rassemblant ces voix et en les portant Ă  la connaissance d'un large public afin de mieux faire connaĂźtre les premiers aux seconds et de dĂ©mocratiser l'accĂšs au savoir dans notre rĂ©gion. Dans ce podcast, Habib Ayeb, professeur Ă©mĂ©rite de gĂ©ographie Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Paris 8, s'entretient avec Mohamed Mehdi, sociologue ruraliste marocain, ex. Professeur Ă  l'École SupĂ©rieure d'Agriculture MeknĂšs - Maroc. Cet Ă©pisode a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© au Maroc en fĂ©vrier 2020. Équipe : Habib Ayeb, GĂ©ographe, UniveritĂ© de Paris 8 Max Ajl, Sociologue, chercheur post-doc Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Ghent et au Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb Image : Ernest Riva Post-production : Ernest Riva Veuillez trouver la vidĂ©o, l’interview en pdf ainsi que les images associĂ©es sur ce lien. Nous remercions Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologue et chercheur au Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Centre for History of Emotions, pour son interprĂ©tation de Sidna Ali du rĂ©pertoire du Diwan PostĂ© par: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, BibliothĂ©caire / ChargĂ©e de la diffusion des activitĂ©s scientifiques (CEMA).


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A Short History of the Tunisian Film Industry

Episode 180: A Short History of the Tunisian Film Industry One of the earliest decisions of the new Tunisian government after Independence was to create the Secretary of State for Cultural Affairs and Information and with it, allot a budget for cinema. The meaning of “cinema” as both art and industry has morphed and been subject for debate continuously since then, especially as it constituted a mode for defining a national identity and for Tunisia to integrate into the complex networks of the international film scene. Professor Mounir KhĂ©lifa, the AIMS History of Tunisian Film Fellow, discusses his research, delving into these contours and dynamics and outlining the foundations of a structure that in many ways still impacts the industry today. His findings are presented in detail in the “History of Tunisian Cinema” report. This episode was recorded on the 23rd of June, 2023 by the Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis (CEMAT) Other podcasts by Mounir Khalifa: Episode 149: Roman Dougga (Thougga): Heritage Preservation in an Antique City. Episode 67: William Wordsworth and the French Revolution. Episode 51: Why William Wordsworth is needed today. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).


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Aux origines du MALG. TĂ©moignage d’un compagnon de Boussouf

Episode 179: Aux origines du MALG. TĂ©moignage d’un compagnon de Boussouf Rares sont les « Malgaches », les membres du fameux MALG (MinistĂšre de l’Armement et des Liaisons gĂ©nĂ©rales) crĂ©Ă© en 1960 par Abdelhafid Boussouf, qui ont livrĂ© leur tĂ©moignage Ă©crit. Abderrahmane Berrouane, dit Saphar, est de ceux-lĂ . Il lui aura sans doute fallu un certain courage pour oser Ă©crire Ă  la premiĂšre personne et tenter de se dĂ©faire des rĂ©flexes de silence et de secret associĂ©s Ă  ce groupe rĂ©putĂ© pour son opacitĂ©. C’est avec une rĂ©elle sincĂ©ritĂ© que l’auteur entreprend de raconter son parcours : enfance Ă  Relizane, rĂ©volte devant l’injustice coloniale, Ă©tudes de Sciences Politiques en France (Toulouse), interrompues en 1956 Ă  la suite de l’appel Ă  la grĂšve gĂ©nĂ©rale pour rejoindre le maquis. Cette annĂ©e-lĂ , il gagne donc le Maroc et rencontre le charismatique Boussouf, dit Si Mabrouk. Il fera partie de la premiĂšre promotion d’opĂ©rateurs radio, baptisĂ©e « promotion Zabana », effectuera plusieurs missions, au Maroc et en Tunisie, avant de diriger, la DVCR (Direction de la Vigilance et du Contre-Renseignement) et ce jusqu’à l’IndĂ©pendance. Abderrahmane Berrouane dĂ©crit chronologiquement la maniĂšre dont furent crĂ©Ă©s les services de renseignement algĂ©riens dans la guerre des ondes de l’information menĂ©e contre les Français. C’est l’occasion pour lui de convoquer des souvenirs trĂšs personnels qui ne manqueront pas de marquer le lecteur : ainsi de sa rencontre avec Si Mabrouk, saisissante ; du rĂ©cit, trĂšs vivant, du recrutement en wilaya V et des conditions du stage de la promotion Zabana ; ou mĂȘme de l’évocation de son dĂ©sarroi et celui de ses collĂšgues, Ă  la Base Didouche, en Libye, lors de la crise GPRA/État-Major en 1962. GrĂące Ă  ces dĂ©tails et anecdotes, qui situent la guerre Ă  son Ă©chelle humaine, ce tĂ©moignage contribue Ă  donner un nouvel Ă©clairage sur les arcanes du MALG et Ă  mieux comprendre les ressorts de cette organisation. Abderrahmane Berrouane est nĂ© Ă  Relizane en 1929. En 1956, il rejoint la wilaya V, et en 1958, Boussouf le nomme Ă  la tĂȘte de la Direction de la Vigilance et du Contre-Renseignement. En 1962, il est chargĂ© de l’organisation d’agences d’Air AlgĂ©rie en Europe. En 1971, il dirige l’Agence touristique algĂ©rienne (ATA), puis, en 1976, l’Organisme national des congrĂšs et ConfĂ©rences (ONCC). En 1978, il devient conseiller au ministĂ©re du Tourisme jusqu’à la retraite. (Extrait de la 4eme de couverture de son ouvrage). Abderrahmane Berrouane nous a quittĂ© le 30 mai 2019. Cet Ă©pisode, enregistrĂ© le 04 octobre 2015, a Ă©tĂ© co-organisĂ© par le Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines en AlgĂ©rie (CEMA) et le Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC) et s’inscrit dans le cadre du cycle des confĂ©rences « TĂ©moignages sur la guerre de libĂ©ration nationale ». Mr. Abdallah Belabbes, chercheur au CRASC, a prĂ©sidĂ© cette rencontre et a modĂ©rĂ© le dĂ©bat. Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika Ă  l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. RĂ©alisation et montage: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, BibliothĂ©caire / ChargĂ©e de la diffusion des activitĂ©s scientifiques (CEMA).


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Les évolutions post-2011 du cinéma tunisien

Episode 178: Les Ă©volutions post-2011 du cinĂ©ma tunisien En 2023, le Centre d’Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis a lancĂ© une recherche sur le cinĂ©ma tunisien contemporain en tant qu’art et industrie. Prenant en compte la crĂ©ation d’un cinĂ©ma d’Etat aprĂšs l’indĂ©pendance ainsi que des impacts de la rĂ©volution de 2011, ce projet a analysĂ© des des acteurs/actrices et des institutions, des tendances thĂ©matiques et artistiques, des Ă©vĂ©nements et espaces, et des succĂšs et challenges qu’a vĂ©cu l’industrie depuis ses dĂ©buts. Dans ce podcast, Kenza Ben Azouz, chercheuse qui s’intĂ©resse aux Ă©volutions du domaine cinĂ©matographique en contexte tunisien depuis 2011, discute son approche et ses dĂ©couvertes. Elle essayĂ© de comprendre comment traiter de la fluiditĂ© de la dĂ©finition du cinĂ©ma en gĂ©nĂ©ral, et du cinĂ©ma tunisien en particulier ? Quel langage utilisent des membres de l’industrie en parlant du cinĂ©ma ? Pour visualiser le processus complexe de la rĂ©alisation cinĂ©matographique en Tunisie, elle examine la production de sa conception Ă  sa rĂ©ception afin de montrer les opportunitĂ©s et les dĂ©fis des cinĂ©astes Ă  tous les niveaux. Plus globalement, sa recherche Ă©value la place du cinĂ©ma dans la sociĂ©tĂ© tunisienne, et la place du film tunisien sur la scĂšne internationale. Les rĂ©sultats de la recherche sont prĂ©sentĂ©s dans leur intĂ©gralitĂ© dans le rapport final intitulĂ© « Contemporary Tunisian Cinema. » Kenza Ben Azouz a Ă©tĂ© la 2022 AIMS Film Fellow. Elle est chercheuse en anthropologie. Avant ce projet, elle a travaillĂ© avec plusieurs associations de dĂ©fense des droits de l’homme et du dĂ©veloppement (le Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies aux droits de l'homme, HCDH ; Mercy Corps ; Human Rights Watch ; et l’Organisation de coopĂ©ration et de dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomiques, OCDE) dans l’Afrique de l’Ouest, le Maghreb, et le Mashreq. Son travail se concentre sur la violence des hommes contre les femmes, le racisme institutionnel, et les challenges du dĂ©veloppement structurel. Kenza est diplĂŽmĂ©e en sciences politiques et philosophie de l’UniversitĂ© de McGill et a reçu son master en anthropologie sociale de dĂ©veloppement du School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). Elle a Ă©tĂ© laurĂ©ate de la bourse Allan & Nesta Ferguson Scholarship for African Students en 2018 et de la bourse Finberg Fellowship at Human Rights Watch en 2022. Elle parle arabe, anglais, et français. Cet Ă©pisode a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© le 08 juin 2023 via Zoom, par le Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis (CEMAT) PostĂ© par: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, BibliothĂ©caire / ChargĂ©e de la diffusion des activitĂ©s scientifiques (CEMA).


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Rencontre avec Abdelkrim Elaidi autour de son ouvrage: Étudiants volontaires et paysans. AlgĂ©rie 1970

Episode 177: Rencontre avec Abdelkrim Elaidi autour de son ouvrage: Étudiants volontaires et paysans. AlgĂ©rie 1970 Dans le prĂ©sent ouvrage, c’est avec la rigueur du sociologue spĂ©cialiste du monde rural que Abdelkrim Elaidi revient sur des expĂ©riences qu'il a connues - parfois de prĂšs - pour nous proposer une solide Ă©tude qui nous place au cƓur de la « RĂ©volution agraire », lancĂ©e en 1971 en AlgĂ©rie. Il les aborde par le biais de deux phĂ©nomĂšnes distincts : celui du volontariat Ă©tudiant d'une part, celui des Unions paysannes de l'autre. Le style est scientifique et rigoureux. L'auteur est sans complaisance avec les Ă©valuations chiffrĂ©es, comme il l'est avec des questions dĂ©licates : c'est le cas lorsqu'il s'interroge sur le degrĂ© de spontanĂ©itĂ© que l’on peut, ou pas, prĂȘter au volontariat, et lorsqu'il se demande comment penser le lien entre d'une part la rĂ©pression contre l'Union nationale des Ă©tudiants algĂ©riens (UNEA), qui aboutit Ă  la dissolution de l’organisation en 1971, et d'autre part la crĂ©ation du Volontariat de la RĂ©volution agraire. En proposant la sociologie historique d'un passĂ© rĂ©cent, Abdelkrim Elaidi fait Ɠuvre d'historien, comme nous le rappelle Pierre Bourdieu qui soulignait la proximitĂ© des deux disciplines. En cela, il enrichit notre connaissance du passĂ©, en mĂȘme temps qu'il nous fait rĂ©flĂ©chir Ă  des questions essentielles pour le prĂ©sent. Abdelkrim Elaidi est professeur de l'Enseignement supĂ©rieur en sociologie Ă  l'UniversitĂ© d'Oran 2 - Mohamed Ben Ahmed. Il a menĂ© des recherches scientifiques en milieu rural et a dirigĂ© des Ă©tudes et des projets de recherche (CRASC, CREAD, projet PNR) sur la jeunesse, les dynamiques d'intĂ©gration et de marginalisation, le genre, la culture et le lien social en recomposition. (Extrait de la 4Ăšme de couverture du livre) Cet Ă©pisode a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© le 14 dĂ©cembre 2023 par le Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines en AlgĂ©rie (CEMA). Pr. Malika Rahal, historienne Ă  l’Institut d’histoire du temps prĂ©sent Ă  Paris, a prĂ©sidĂ© cette Ă©vĂšnement et a modĂ©rĂ© le dĂ©bat. La rencontre Ă©tait suivie d’une vente-dĂ©dicace de l’ouvrage. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio VillalĂłn, Ă©tudiant en master Ă  l'EHESS, pour sa prestation Ă  la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. RĂ©alisation et montage: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, BibliothĂ©caire / ChargĂ©e de la diffusion des activitĂ©s scientifiques (CEMA).


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Maroc: Une Ă©conomie sous plafond de verre

Episode 176: Maroc: Une Ă©conomie sous plafond de verre La crise de l’eau au Maroc a pour origine certes des contraintes gĂ©o-climatiques, mais aussi, et peut-ĂȘtre surtout des choix de politique agricole et de politique de l’eau, qui ont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© des modĂšles de production et de consommation peu compatibles avec les rĂ©alitĂ©s hydriques du pays. Pour faire face aux dĂ©fis prĂ©sents et Ă  venir, il s’agit de repenser les choix fondamentaux, notamment au niveau de l’agriculture qui reprĂ©sente 87% de la consommation de l’eau disponible, en accordant dĂ©sormais la prioritĂ© Ă  deux critĂšres dĂ©terminants : la souverainetĂ© alimentaire et la prĂ©servation des ressources naturelles. Najib Akesbi est nĂ© Ă  FĂšs, au Maroc, le 5 aoĂ»t 1952. Il est Ă©conomiste, titulaire d’un doctorat d’État es sciences Ă©conomiques de l’UniversitĂ© Paris-Dauphine, ainsi que du diplĂŽme de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Section Ă©conomique et financiĂšre). Il est enseignant-chercheur, professeur des universitĂ©s. Il anime divers enseignements et sĂ©minaires, sur les Politiques Ă©conomiques et financiĂšres, les politiques agricoles et les relations euro-mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes. Ses activitĂ©s de recherche dans les domaines de l’économie de dĂ©veloppement, et des politiques publiques ont abouti Ă  plus d’une centaine de publications Ă  comitĂ© de lecture. Najib Akesbi est membre de plusieurs associations et rĂ©seaux de recherche, au Maroc et Ă  l’étranger. Par ailleurs, il est militant dans diverses organisations de la SociĂ©tĂ© civile et de l’action citoyenne. Cet Ă©pisode a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© le 06 mars 2023 via zoom par le Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis (CEMAT) et s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme CAORC et Carnegie Corporation of New York « Le Maghreb vu des pĂ©riphĂ©ries : propriĂ©tĂ©, ressources naturelles et acteurs sociaux au Maghreb ». Pour consulter les diaporamas de associĂ©s Ă  ce podcast, veuillez visiter notre site web: Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika Ă  l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Montage et diffusion: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, BibliothĂ©caire / ChargĂ©e de la diffusion des activitĂ©s scientifiques (CEMA).


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Tunisian Librarians and the Book History of African Decolonization, 1956-1988

After Tunisian independence in 1956, librarians confronted new questions about national culture, cultural development, and ongoing cultural decolonization after political independence. The BibliothĂšque Nationale de Tunisie took on new missions in national bibliography and in the cataloguing of Tunisian and African publications; librarians organized their profession and struggled over its leadership; and scholars and students at Tunisia’s schools for information sciences conducted research in book history and in the sociology of literature. Their projects joined with similar efforts by librarians, book historians, and bibliographers across Africa to work through the history of colonization by France and the new needs of national independence in newly-independent nation-states. These Maghribi and African library histories show how decolonization reshaped book history in the twentieth century, as well as how librarians contributed to the invention of new ideas and practices of decolonization and development through books. In this episode, Alexander Baert Young, Ph.D. candidate in history at Johns Hopkins University and 2023 AIMS/CEMAT fellow, presents research he conducted in Tunisia during April-May 2023 at the BibliothĂšque Nationale de Tunisie, the Archives Nationales de Tunisie, the Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l’Information, the Institut SupĂ©rieur de Documentation, the Fondation Temimi pour la Recherche Scientifique et l’Information, the CEMAT library, and Tunis’ used book sellers. Alexander Baert Young is a historian whose work connects African history, French history, and book history. As a PhD candidate in history at Johns Hopkins University, he is researching and writing his dissertation on African print culture in French and the twentieth-century "book revolution." In Tunis during April-May 2023, with support from AIMS and CEMAT, he conducted primary source research at the BibliothĂšque Nationale de Tunisie, the Archives Nationales de Tunisie, the Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information, the Institut SupĂ©rieur de Documentation, the Fondation Temimi pour la Recherche Scientifique et l'Information, the CEMAT library, and Tunis' many used book sellers. This research in Tunisia will contribute to a multi-site project that aims to tell the connected stories of African publishers, librarians, bibliographers, cultural development experts, and media theorists in French-language contexts across Tunisia, Morocco, Cameroon, Senegal, and France. These "book people" theorized and practiced print culture as a battleground in post-independence struggles for "cultural decolonization" and "cultural development," and their stories can inform today's conversations about new media and decolonization. This episode was recorded via Zoom on the 23rd of August, 2023 by the Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis (CEMAT) To see related slides, please visite our website: We thank Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologist and Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for the History of Emotions, for her interpretation of Sidna Ali, from the diwan repertoir. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).


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L’édification de l’État social algĂ©rien Ă  l’indĂ©pendance : Ă©migration, emploi et chantiers de solidaritĂ© (1962-1964)

Episode 174: L’édification de l’État social algĂ©rien Ă  l’indĂ©pendance : Ă©migration, emploi et chantiers de solidaritĂ© (1962-1964) Dans ce podcast, Baptiste Mollard, doctorant en sciences politiques au Centre de Recherches Sociologiques sur le Droit et les Institutions PĂ©nales (CESDIP), Paris-Saclay, intervient sur le sujet de l’édification de l’État social algĂ©rien Ă  l’indĂ©pendance et plus particuliĂšrement sur l’émigration, l’emploi et les chantiers de solidaritĂ© entre 1962 et 1964. En effet, Ă  la sortie de l’étĂ© 1962, les promesses des dirigeants, des chefs des wilayas et les demandes de protection sociale formulĂ©es par les populations deviennent un ressort fondamental de lĂ©gitimation et de mise en action de l’État algĂ©rien. Il s’agit d'examiner ici comment l’application du programme d’égalitĂ© et de justice sociale du FLN a Ă©tĂ© contraint par les oppositions politiques et les mouvements sociaux de l’indĂ©pendance. La premiĂšre partie traite de l’énonciation de l’emploi et de l’émigration vers la France en tant que problĂšmes publics. Elle dĂ©crit le nouveau pacte social rĂ©volutionnaire, formulĂ© en 1962, qui engage moralement les dirigeants. La seconde partie traite des Ă©meutes et mouvements sociaux locaux relativement peu Ă©tudiĂ©s par la littĂ©rature, survenus les premiĂšres annĂ©es de l’indĂ©pendance. Elle montre que la subsistance et un sens de la justice sociale sont Ă  leur origine et jouent un rĂŽle central dans la formation d’un Etat social algĂ©rien nourricier. Cet Ă©pisode a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© le 11 octobre 2023 par le Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines en AlgĂ©rie (CEMA). Dr. Amar Mohand Amar, historien et chercheur au CRASC, a prĂ©sidĂ© cette rencontre et a modĂ©rĂ© le dĂ©bat. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio VillalĂłn, Ă©tudiant en master Ă  l'EHESS, pour sa prestation Ă  la guitare du titre A vava Inouva de Idir pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. RĂ©alisation et montage: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, BibliothĂ©caire / ChargĂ©e de la diffusion des activitĂ©s scientifiques (CEMA).


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The Casablanca Art School, Platforms and Patterns for a Postcolonial Avant-Garde

Episode 173: The Casablanca Art School, Platforms and Patterns for a Postcolonial Avant-Garde This podcast about the Casablanca Art School’s development in the postcolonial era of 1960-1970s, Morocco, was recorded during the time of the exhibition at Tate St-Ives, 27 May 2023-14 January 2024. It brings together for the first time a selection of 21 artists-activists who significantly participated in the various artistic manifestations and platforms, catalyzed by the Casablanca Art School (M. Melehi, F. Belkahia, M. ChabĂąa, M. Hamidi, M. Ataallah, M. Agueznay, M. Labied, H. Miloudi, F. Bellamine, ChaĂŻbia...). Their multifaceted geometric abstraction itself working as a platform drawing a much bigger territory of action: critical journals and magazines, interior and graphic design, collecting and studying Afro-Berber popular arts, mural painting, street exhibitions
 Eventually the CAS proves to be not only one of the most important postcolonial art schools of the Global South but also a social interface, for rethinking public space (through the arts) in Morocco. The exhibition referred to is curated by Morad Montazami and Madeleine de Colnet for ZamĂąn Books & Curating. Morad Montazami is an art historian, a publisher and a curator. After serving at Tate Modern (London) between 2014-2019 as curator « Middle East and North Africa », he developed the publishing and curatorial platform ZamĂąn Books & Curating to explore Arab, African and Asian modernities. He published numerous essays on artists such as Zineb Sedira, Walid Raad, Latif Al-Ani, Faouzi Laatiris, Michael Rakowitz, Mehdi Moutashar, Behjat Sadr, etc. and curated among other projects Bagdad Mon Amour, Institut des cultures d’Islam, Paris, 2018; New Waves: Mohamed Melehi and the Casablanca Art School, The Mosaic Rooms, London/MACCAL, Marrakech/Alserkal Arts Foundation, Dubai, 2019-2020 ; Douglas Abdell : Reconstructed Traphouse, Cromwell Space, Londres, 2021 ; Monaco-Alexandria. The Great Detour. World-Capitals and Cosmopolitan Surrealism, Nouveau MusĂ©e National, Monaco, 2021-2022. This episode was recorded via Zoom on the 19th of June, 2023 by the Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis (CEMAT) To see related slides, visit our website: We thank our friend Ignacio VillalĂłn, AIMS contemporary art follow for his guitar performance for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).


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The Politics of Music(ology) in the Maghrib

Episode 172: The Politics of Music(ology) in the Maghrib In this episode, historian Liz Matsushita discusses the ideas, institutions, and technologies that informed the study and categorization of different North African music genres during the colonial and independence periods. What would have been considered music? Who was interested in studying North African musical genres and why? Matsushita describes how concepts of modernity, authenticity, and race shaped musicology and musical practice across Maghrebi societies and considers the extent to which these concepts still hold sway today. Liz Matsushita is a historian of modern North Africa and is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of History and Humanities at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. She previously taught at Claremont McKenna College and earned her PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2021. Her research examines the history of music and musicology in colonial and post-colonial Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, and the ways in which music served as a political idiom that shaped French and Maghrebi understandings of race and power. This episode was recorded via Zoom on the 10th of May, 2023 by the Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis (CEMAT) We thank our friend Ignacio VillalĂłn, AIMS contemporary art follow for his guitar performance for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).


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Les deux Guerres mondiales et l’AlgĂ©rie

Episode 171: Les deux guerres mondiales et l'AlgĂ©rie Dans ce podcast, Pr. Hassan Remaoun, sociologue et historien, Professeur retraitĂ© de l’UniversitĂ© d’Oran 2 et chercheur associĂ© au CRASC, intervient sur les rapports entretenus entre le local et l’universel Ă  travers une communication intitulĂ©e « Les deux Guerres mondiales et l'AlgĂ©rie ». Par le biais de la colonisation, au travers de la restructuration Ă©conomique induite, la sociĂ©tĂ© algĂ©rienne va dĂšs le XIXĂšmesiĂšcle se retrouver largement arrimĂ©e au capitalisme dĂ©sormais Ă©tendu Ă  l’échelle mondiale, avec cependant ses spĂ©cificitĂ©s dans le Sud de la planĂšte cantonnĂ© dans le statut de pĂ©riphĂ©rie. Le local et l’universel s’entremĂȘlaient donc largement au sein d’une formation sociale Ă  caractĂ©ristiques d’économie agraire, mais que la contrainte armĂ©e et les lois fonciĂšres et autres imposĂ©es par la puissance dominatrice poussaient de plus en plus vers la forme coloniale de production et d’exportation et au dĂ©triment de l’agriculture vivriĂšre plus tournĂ©e vers les besoins de la population locale. La premiĂšre moitiĂ© du XXĂšme siĂšcle sera caractĂ©risĂ©e par un coup d’accĂ©lĂ©rateur donnĂ© Ă  ce processus global qui paradoxalement dĂ©bouchera sur l’émergence du Mouvement national puis la proclamation de l’État national en 1962 et les deux Guerres mondiales y auront contribuĂ© de façon toute particuliĂšre. Cet Ă©pisode a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© le 30 mars 2023 et s’inscrit dans le cadre des ConfĂ©rences Ramadanesques organisĂ©es par l’IDRH et le Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines en AlgĂ©rie (CEMA). Dr. Manssour Kedidir, politologue, a prĂ©sidĂ© cette rencontre et a modĂ©rĂ© le dĂ©bat. Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika Ă  l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. RĂ©alisation et montage: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, BibliothĂ©caire / ChargĂ©e de la diffusion des activitĂ©s scientifiques (CEMA).


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The Many Lives of al-Andalus: A Conversation with Eric Calderwood

Episode 170: The Many Lives of al-Andalus: A Conversation with Eric Calderwood In this episode, Eric Calderwood, an associate professor of comparative literature at the University of Illinois, joins Jen Rasamimanana, the director of the Tangier Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies, for a discussion of his new book, On Earth or in Poems: The Many Lives of al-Andalus, published by Harvard University Press in May 2023. In the discussion, Calderwood gives an overview of the book’s main ideas and structure and describes the inspiration behind the book’s title. As Calderwood explains, the question that drives his book is: What does al-Andalus do? That is, how has the memory of al-Andalus (Muslim Iberia) shaped cultural and political debates around the world? In this conversation, Calderwood places particular emphasis on the role that al-Andalus has played in debates about ethnicity, race, gender, and nation in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. He asks, for example, why did the Spanish rapper Khaled assert, “Al-Andalus is my race”? Or why did the Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwish call Palestine “the Andalus of the possible”? What, in short, has thinking about al-Andalus made possible for writers, artists, and their audiences in the Mediterranean region and beyond? Pursuing these questions, Calderwood surveys some of the case studies from his book and explains their relevance to scholars and readers in the fields of North African and Mediterranean studies. At the end of the conversation, Calderwood briefly discusses a new research project on the history of multilingual art forms in the Mediterranean region. Eric Calderwood is an Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he also holds faculty appointments in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the Department of History, the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, the Program in Medieval Studies, the Program in Jewish Culture and Society, the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory, the European Union Center, and the Center for African Studies. His first book, Colonial al-Andalus: Spain and the Making of Modern Moroccan Culture, was published by the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press in 2018. It has been translated into Spanish and Arabic and has won several awards, including the 2019 L. Carl Brown AIMS Book Prize in North African Studies. His second book, On Earth or in Poems: The Many Lives of al-Andalus, was published by Harvard University Press in May 2023. He has also published articles in PMLA, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Journal of North African Studies, Journal of Arabic Literature, and International Journal of Middle East Studies. In addition, he has contributed to public-facing venues like Foreign Policy, McSweeney’s, The American Scholar, NPR, and the BBC. This episode was recorded on July 14th, 2023 at the Tangier American Legation for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Recorded and edited in Tangier, by: Abdelbaar Mounadi Idrissi, Outreach Director, TALIM. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).


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Engendering Inclusive Politics: Gender Quotas in Morocco’s Legislatures

Episode 169: Engendering Inclusive Politics: Gender Quotas in Morocco's Legislatures In response to the February 20 movement, the Moroccan government passed electoral laws that institutionalized and expanded gender quotas at the national and local levels, enabling women to win an unprecedented number of seats in the 2015 and 2016 elections. In this podcast, Delana Sobhani examines how reserved seats in the House of Representatives and communal councils have affected women's substantive representation (i.e., the representation of their policy preferences and priorities). She has worked with Professor Hanane Darhour at Université Ibn Zohr and the National Democratic Institute to investigate whether gender quotas can empower women as visible citizens whose interests are included in their communities' legislative agendas. Delana Sobhani received her BS in International Political Economy from Georgetown University in 2018. After working as a data analyst for two years, she pursued a Fulbright grant to study the nuanced impacts of gender quotas. Delana has worked with the Ibn Zohr University in Agadir and the National Democratic Institute in Rabat to examine the effects of reserved seats in Moroccan legislatures on women's representation. This episode was recorded on June 11, 2021 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Recorded and edited in Tangier, by: Abdelbaar Mounadi Idrissi, Outreach Coordinator (TALIM). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).


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Les politiques publiques de modernisation agricole au Maghreb : enjeux et défis pour le futur

Episode 168: Les politiques publiques de modernisation agricole au Maghreb : enjeux et dĂ©fis pour le futur La crise alimentaire (2007-2008), suivie de la crise sanitaire de 2020-21 et plus rĂ©cemment de la crise ukrainienne (2022) a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©, d’une part, la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© alimentaire des pays du Maghreb, et d’autre part, l’incapacitĂ© des politiques publiques agricoles mises en Ɠuvre Ă  rĂ©soudre les questions du dĂ©veloppement agricole durable. Ces politiques d’inspiration nĂ©o-libĂ©rales, sont adossĂ©es Ă  des modĂšles de croissance Ă©conomique caractĂ©risĂ©s par une faible diversification, une sous-industrialisation et une dĂ©pendante des marchĂ©s extĂ©rieurs illustrĂ©e par de forts taux d’ouverture de leurs Ă©conomies. Ces politiques de « modernisation » se heurtent aujourd’hui Ă  de multiples contraintes : processus de dĂ©gradation des ressources naturelles et forte exposition aux changements climatiques, des structures agraires inĂ©galitaires, une dĂ©pendance alimentaire, une pauvretĂ© rurale et de faibles revenus agricoles non compensĂ©s par soutiens budgĂ©taires (affectĂ©s Ă  une minoritĂ© d’agriculteurs). Omar Bessaoud est docteur en sciences Ă©conomiques, diplĂŽmĂ© supĂ©rieur d’études politiques des UniversitĂ©s d’Alger et de Montpellier (France) et administrateur scientifique principal au Centre International des Hautes Études Agronomiques MĂ©diterranĂ©ennes. Il a exercĂ© les fonctions d’enseignant-chercheur Ă  Alger et Ă  l’Institut Agronomique MĂ©diterranĂ©en de Montpellier (IAM-M) jusqu’en 2017. Il occupe actuellement le poste de professeur associĂ© au sein de l’IAM-M. Sa spĂ©cialitĂ© porte sur les politiques publiques agricoles et rurales des pays mĂ©diterranĂ©ens. Pr. Omar Bessaoud est membre Ă©lu de l’AcadĂ©mie d’Agriculture de France depuis janvier 2018. Cet Ă©pisode a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© le 02 fĂ©vrier 2023 via zoom par le Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis (CEMAT) et s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme Carnegie « Le Maghreb vu des pĂ©riphĂ©ries : propriĂ©tĂ©, ressources naturelles et acteurs sociaux au Maghreb ». Pour consulter les diaporamas associĂ©s Ă  ce podcasts, veuillez visiter notre site web: Nous remercions notre ami Mohammed Boukhoudmi pour son interpretation de l'extrait de nouba, "Dziriya," par Dr. Noureddine Saoudi pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Montage et diffusion: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, BibliothĂ©caire / ChargĂ©e de la diffusion des activitĂ©s scientifiques (CEMA).


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Seeing the Words of Poets: Muងammad Bennīs and the Visual in Moroccan Poetry

Episode 167: Seeing the Words of Poets: Muáž„ammad BennÄ«s and the Visual in Moroccan Poetry Frustrated by the fragmented scene of modern Morocco poetry, Moroccan poet and critic Muáž„ammad BennÄ«s pens the Bayān al-Kitāba in 1981 (“Manifesto of Writing”). The manifesto, which was published in Al-Thaqafa al-Jadida, a journal BennÄ«s co-founded in 1974, set forth a new concept of writing steeped in Morocco’s visual culture. Throughout the Bayān, BennÄ«s calls for the renewal of poetry that is tied to a renewal of ways of seeing. This, he asserts, entails a critical attention to the work of both poetry and criticism, a point which the manifesto addresses as a sore subject and a challenge at the time for Moroccan poetry and poetics. He offers his own pathway, one that meanders through the visuals of the page, the Moroccan script, and the poetic image in order to recharge the body of the poem, and of the poet and reader. Through his attention to both the metaphorical and physical body, BennÄ«s recalls implicitly and explicitly a sedimented AndalusÄ« poetics that had also marked the body’s importance and poetry’s transformative capacity through its turn to the language of the visual. Lubna Safi is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures and in the Designated Emphasis Program in Critical Theory. She holds an M.A. in Comparative Literature from The Pennsylvania State University, where she completed a thesis on twentieth century Spanish poets and the ways they invoked and mobilized al-Andalus (Muslim Iberia) in order to negotiate Spain’s changing national, racial, and literary identities. Her dissertation, “How the QaáčŁÄ«da Sees: Vision, Poetic Knowledge, and the Transformative Capacity of Poetry from al-Andalus to the Maghrib,” examines discourses of visuality and visualization in the poetry and poetics of twelfth- and thirteenth-century al-Andalus and twentieth century Morocco. Engaging literary critical, poetic, and optical sources, the project explores how poets and critics discussed processes of visualization in poetry and the affective responses it engendered as well as its role in individual transformation and collective liberation. This episode was recorded on May 23th, 2023 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Recorded and edited in Tangier, by: Abdelbaar Mounadi Idrissi, Outreach Coordinator, TALIM. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).


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Performing Place-based Knowledge: The Case of Aouchem

Episode 166: Performing Place-based Knowledge: The Case of Aouche This podcast offers a contextual analysis of the exhibition histories and critical reception of the Algerian artist collective Aouchem. It will focus on the historical and political context that shaped Aouchem's work and how their democratizing ethos and aesthetic sensibility, rooted in Indigenous visual forms, influenced the decolonizing aesthetics of 1960s Algeria. The talk draws on contemporary Indigenous methodologies to offer a critical and theoretically informed analysis of Aouchem’s work, situating it within broader debates around Indigenous knowledge, place-making, and politics of space. The central theme of this presentation is to rethink land not as an object, but as a conduit of knowledge. Using primary sources such as published interviews with the artists and their own writings, as well as exhibition catalogues, the presentation theorizes Aouchem’s work as a performance of place-based knowledge. Sheyda Aisha Khaymaz is an artist, curator, poet, and PhD candidate in Art History at The University of Texas at Austin, specializing in the modern and contemporary art of the Maghrib. Their doctoral dissertation, titled “Indigenous Presentness: Translocal Politics of Amazigh Art and Resistance,” focuses on the manifold expressions of indigeneity in art and explores the nexus between Amazigh artistic production and sovereignty movements across Tamazgha—the ancestral name for the lands of Amazigh peoples. The project theorizes the new artistic forms that emerged in the region after the 1960s, especially script-based abstract painting, which draw upon ancient sign-making practices, such as tattooing and rock-engraving, as decolonial phenomena. Khaymaz’s research aims to connect modern-day instances of Tamazight language activism and Indigenous revival movements with a larger discourse on indigeneity and Africanity. Khaymaz is the 2023 recipient of the Rhonda A. Saad Prize for Best Paper in Modern and Contemporary Arab Art, awarded by the Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey (AMCA), and the 2022 Mark Tessler Graduate Student Prize Award, awarded by the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS). Their writing appears in the Journal of Black Studies, the E3W Review of Books, and various exhibition catalogues. This episode is part of the “Modern Art in the Maghrib” lecture series and was recorded on the 27th of April, 2023 by the Centre d'Études MaghrĂ©bines Ă  Tunis (CEMAT). To see related slides, visit our website We thank our friend Mohamed Boukhoudmi for his interpretation of the extract of "Nouba Dziriya" by Dr. Noureddine Saoudi for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).


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Narrative Subversions: “Unnatural” Narration and an Ethics of Engagement in the Work of Mahi Binebine

Episode 165: Narrative Subversions: “Unnatural” Narration and an Ethics of Engagement in the Work of Mahi Binebine In this podcast, Doyle Calhoun presents a work related to his first book project, The Suicide Archive: Reading Resistance in the Wake of French Empire—which concludes with a chapter on suicide bombing, focused on Moroccan writer and artist Mahi Binebine’s (b. 1959) novel Les Étoiles de Sidi Moumen (2010)—and a second book project, Narrative Subversions: Strange Voices in Francophone Fiction, which explores unconventional narrative configurations and includes a chapter on narrative techniques in Binebine’s work. Doyle Calhoun is currently Assistant Professor of Language and Culture Studies (postcolonial Francophone studies) at Trinity College in Connecticut. He received his Ph.D. in French from Yale University, where he was an affiliate of the Yale Council on African Studies. Prior to Yale, he completed a Masters in linguistics at KU Leuven, in Belgium, where he was also a Fulbright Research Grantee. Calhoun’s research and teaching focus on the literatures and cinemas of Africa and the Caribbean, especially Senegalese literature in French and Wolof. Working at the intersection of literary criticism, history, media studies, and decolonial theory, Calhoun shows how aesthetic forms provide alternatives to dominant colonial and postcolonial scripts. Calhoun has published over a dozen articles, in journals such as Research in African Literatures, French Studies, and Nineteenth-Century French Studies, and his work is forthcoming from PMLA. His public-facing writing has appeared in Public Books and the Sydney Review of Books. In 2021, he received the Ralph Cohen Prize from New Literary History for the best essay by an untenured scholar. His first book project, The Suicide Archive: Reading Resistance in the Wake of French Empire, turns the difficult topic of suicidal resistance into one worthy of analysis, attention, and interpretation. Beginning in the eighteenth century and working through the twenty-first century, from the time of slavery to the so-called Arab Spring, The Suicide Archive covers a broad geography that stretches from Guadeloupe and Martinique to Senegal, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia, and draws on an expansive corpus of literature, film, oral history, and archival materials to plot a long history of suicide as a political language in extremis. This episode was recorded on July 28th, 2022 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Recorded and edited in Tangier, by: Abdelbaar Mounadi Idrissi, Outreach Coordinator, TALIM. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).


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Amazigh Sisterhood in Poetry and Songs During the Algerian War

Episode 164: Amazigh Sisterhood in Poetry and Songs During the Algerian War In this podcast, Fazia Aitel, Associate professor of Francophone and African Studies, Claremont McKenna College in California provides an overview of an ongoing work on Amazigh women from Kabylia, Algeria. Her initial interest was to assess the way women managed while being principally targeted by the French propaganda machine during the Algerian war of independence. Fanon summarized the French colonial mindset on women in one line: “let’s win over the women, and the rest will follow” (Dying colonialism, 1989). The colonial administration failed to win over Algerian women. However, this attempt to divide women from men to weaken the Algerian movement led Fazia to research whether Kabyle women ever created women’s groups or organizations during the war. She thus tracks here the first instance of sisterhood among Amazigh women of Kabylia until the first Amazigh women’s movement in Kabylia in 2001. This is a work in progress about the emergence, significance, and complexities of feminism within an oppressed indigenous group. We thank our friend Ignacio Villalón, AIMS contemporary art follow for his guitar performance of A vava Inouva of Idir for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Realization and Editing by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).


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Watermelons, Dates, and Living with Water Scarcity in Zagora

Episode 163: Watermelons, Dates, and Living with Water Scarcity in Zagora Southeast Morocco is known for its oases, dates, and diverse linguistic and cultural landscape shaped by Amazigh, Arab, African, Jewish, nomadic and agrarian exchanges. Today, this landscape is also frequently colored by watermelons and water shortages. Small-scale farmers are at the center of the changes—navigating water scarcity and market fluctuations as the region orients towards global commodity production. This research examines the perspectives of farmers and local residents in Zagora to understand how water and agriculture are changing in the rural, pre-Saharan oases of Morocco, and the impact this is having on local lives. Jamie Fico is a U.S. Fulbright researcher studying agricultural, social, and environmental change in the southeastern oases of Morocco. Her work stems from her time as a U.S Peace Corps Volunteer in the Province of Zagora from 2018 to 2020, and focuses on the lived experience of water shortages and agricultural transitions in the region. She holds a Master of Arts from Syracuse University in Geography and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Virginia in Middle Eastern Studies and Global Studies. This episode was recorded on September 27th, 2022 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Recorded and edited in Tangier, by: Abdelbaar Mounadi Idrissi, Outreach Coordinator, TALIM Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA).
