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Moms who Money

Education Podcasts

Welcome to the Moms who Money Podcast, where every week we chat about all things related to money, mom life, mindset and spirituality. Hosted by money and mindset coach Eileen Joy, you will learn how to confidently go from living paycheck to paycheck to making money easy. Money doesn’t have to be hard, it is possible to break the chains and Eileen is going to show you how. Get ready to join the Moms who Money!


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Welcome to the Moms who Money Podcast, where every week we chat about all things related to money, mom life, mindset and spirituality. Hosted by money and mindset coach Eileen Joy, you will learn how to confidently go from living paycheck to paycheck to making money easy. Money doesn’t have to be hard, it is possible to break the chains and Eileen is going to show you how. Get ready to join the Moms who Money!



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Top Steps to Take Control of Your Finances Ep. 119

In this week’s episode of the Moms Who Money Podcast, Eileen dives into the essential steps every mom can take to gain control of their finances and create a secure financial future for themselves and their families. Managing finances can be daunting, especially when you feel like you’re trying to figure it all out on your own. Unfortunately, most moms aren’t taught how to handle money effectively, and this lack of financial education can have far-reaching consequences. It can keep you stuck in relationships, jobs, or situations that aren’t ideal because you don’t feel financially secure enough to make a change. Tune in to this week’s episode if you're ready for a financial transformation. Remember, personal finance is personal, and educating yourself is key to making informed decisions. Start now, and your future self will thank you. * Share this episode with your friends and help us grow! Thank you for making Moms Who Money a top 5% podcast worldwide! * Support the Show - If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Share it with friends and help the show grow! * 1:1 Financial Coaching Free Consultation * Get to know Eileen:


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Are You Repelling Money? Ep. 118

On this week’s episode of the Moms Who Money podcast, Eileen explores how your thoughts and behaviors might be repelling money and keeping you stuck in financial stress. Highlights: Abundance Mindset: Learn how focusing on positivity can attract wealth and happiness. Money Blocks: Discover common subconscious habits that may be preventing you from financial success. Action Steps: Practical tips to shift your mindset and start attracting more money into your life. * Support the Show - If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Share it with friends and help the show grow! * 1:1 Financial Coaching Free Consultation * Get to know Eileen:


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Why Don't They Teach Money in School? Ep. 117

On this week's episode of the Moms Who Money podcast, Eileen explores the critical gap in our education system - the lack of financial literacy. She dives into why money isn't taught in schools, the impact of this oversight on families, and how we can take charge of our financial education. Eileen shares personal stories, discusses common money myths, and provides practical tips for becoming financially savvy. Tune in to learn how to break free from financial struggles and empower yourself and your family with essential money skills. * 6 Steps to Money Smart Kids * Share this episode with your friends! * 1:1 Financial Coaching Free Consultation * Get to know Eileen:


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15 Ways to Boost Your Income Without Quitting Your Day Job Ep. 116

In this episode of the "Moms who Money" podcast, Eileen explores the necessity and benefits of creating multiple income streams. She discusses various ways for moms to earn extra money, ranging from becoming a virtual assistant to starting a blog or even doing voiceover work. Eileen emphasizes the importance of not relying on a single income source, especially given current economic challenges. She shares a list of 15 practical side hustle ideas, encourages listeners to be open to new opportunities, and offers support through personal financial coaching. The episode aims to inspire moms to take control of their financial future and build a more secure and prosperous life for themselves and their families. * * 1:1 Financial Coaching Free Consultation * * Get to know Eileen:


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Mid-Year Check-In: Time to Reflect and Realign Ep. 115

On this week's episode of the Moms Who Money podcast, Eileen guides you through a mid-year check-in to evaluate your progress towards your goals. Whether they are personal, family, career, or financial, it's time to see how far you've come and what adjustments you need to make to stay on track for the rest of 2024. Eileen shares her own experiences and practical strategies for maintaining momentum and realigning your goals. Tune in to ensure you're on the right path and make the most of the rest of 2024! Thank you for tuning in and investing in yourself today. Don’t forget to rate Moms Who Money 5 stars on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, share this episode with your mom friends, and join Eileen on social media for more tips and support. * Ready to take control of your finances? Visit to schedule a 90-minute Financial Power Session with Eileen and start your journey to financial freedom today! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: * * The Awesome Mom Virtual Online Event + Daily Gift Give Away * * Get to know Eileen:


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From 35 to 65: Mastering Money at Any Age Ep. 114

On this week’s episode of the Moms Who Money podcast, Eileen addresses one of the most frequently asked questions: "How much money should I have saved by now?" She challenges conventional benchmarks and societal expectations, diving into why people feel pressured to meet specific financial milestones by certain ages. She debunks the traditional 50/30/20 rule and explores a more personalized approach to financial planning. By focusing on your dreams, goals, and values, she will help you create a customized plan to achieve financial freedom and an enjoyable retirement—possibly even before 65! Eileen’s mission is to help you stop stressing about money and break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. Thank you for tuning in and investing in yourself today. Don’t forget to rate Moms Who Money 5 stars on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, share this episode with your mom friends, and join Eileen on social media for more tips and support. Ready to take control of your finances? Visit to schedule a 90-minute Financial Power Session with Eileen and start your journey to financial freedom today! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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You Don’t Have to Learn Money the Hard Way Ep 113

In this week’s episode, Eileen opens up about her personal journey from financial stress to stability. She shares how she broke free from living paycheck to paycheck, built her investment accounts over $250,000 in 4 years, and even purchased a car with cash—all after hitting rock bottom post-divorce. This episode is packed with insights and practical tips that can help you transform your relationship with money. She also explores the importance of financial education, especially for our kids, and how early learning can set them up for a successful future and for generations to come. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by your finances or unsure of when to start investing, this episode is for you. Eileen also offers personal financial coaching and 90-minute financial power sessions to help you gain confidence and create personalized actionable plans for your financial future. Thank you for tuning in and investing in yourself today. Don’t forget to rate Moms Who Money 5 stars on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, share this episode with your mom friends, and join Eileen on social media for more tips and support. Ready to take control of your finances? Visit to schedule a 90-minute Financial Power Session with Eileen and start your journey to financial freedom today! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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Get Paid What You’re Worth - Ep 112

On this week’s episode, Eileen dives into the profound connection between self-worth and financial success. Have you ever pondered the phrase, "Get paid what you’re worth"? She explores how self-worth, rooted deeply within us, influences our financial decisions and career trajectories. Unlike self-esteem, which depends on external achievements, self-worth is about valuing yourself intrinsically. Discover how childhood experiences and societal expectations shape your financial set point—the subconscious limit of how much money you feel comfortable managing and earning. She addresses the pervasive issue of women underestimating their value at work, often juggling multiple roles yet feeling overwhelmed and inadequate. Learn how to break free from these limiting beliefs and expand your financial set point, opening doors to higher earnings and financial independence. Thank you for tuning in and investing in yourself today. Don’t forget to rate Moms Who Money 5 stars on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, share this episode with your mom friends, and join Eileen on social media for more tips and support. Ready to take control of your finances? Visit to schedule a 90-minute Financial Power Session with Eileen and start your journey to financial freedom today! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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How to Get Rich Ep. 111

In this week’s episode of the Moms Who Money podcast, host Eileen Joy dives deep into what it truly means to be rich. Is it just about having a certain amount of money, or is there more to it? She explores the differences between being rich and being wealthy, and how understanding these distinctions can change your financial mindset. Eileen covers six essential steps to ensure you and your family are on the path to financial success! Tune in Now! Remember to share this episode with your favorite mom friends, leave a 5-star rating on Apple or Spotify, and follow Eileen on social media for more tips and support. Ready to take control of your finances? Visit to schedule a 90-minute Financial Power Session with Eileen and start your journey to financial freedom today! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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Does Money Really Buy Happiness? Ep. 110

On this week’s episode of the Moms Who Money podcast, Eileen explores the age-old question: "Does money really buy happiness?" Eileen begins by discussing the significant stress money causes for many Americans and shares her personal struggles with money-related stress and its physical manifestations. She emphasizes that financial worries are a major source of stress that can impact overall health. The episode delves into common financial concerns, such as saving for emergencies, managing debt, and investing wisely. Eileen reassures listeners that these worries are universal due to a lack of financial education and offers practical advice on budgeting, setting financial goals, and investing. Eileen also examines the relationship between money and happiness, noting that while money can provide opportunities and comfort, it doesn't guarantee happiness. She shares insights from scientific studies on happiness, emphasizing that personal fulfillment often comes from non-monetary aspects of life, such as relationships and meaningful activities. Throughout the episode, Eileen encourages listeners to reassess their financial situations, appreciate what they have, and seek professional guidance if needed. Overall, Eileen's message is clear, while money can alleviate stress and provide comfort, true happiness comes from within and is often unrelated to financial wealth. Remember to share this episode with your favorite mom friends, leave a 5-star rating on Apple or Spotify, and follow Eileen on social media for more tips and support. Ready to take control of your finances? Visit to schedule a 90-minute Financial Power Session with Eileen and start your journey to financial freedom today! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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Money Myths Busted - The Truth About Consumer Debt - Ep. 109

On this week’s episode, Eileen delves deep into the financial realities many families face today. She breaks down what it truly means to live paycheck to paycheck and explores the systemic issues that keep so many Americans stuck in a cycle of debt and financial stress. This episode is packed with actionable insights to help you break free from financial stress, start saving and investing confidently, and set your kids up for financial success. Don’t miss Eileen’s empowering tips on how to stop living for the next paycheck and start building a secure financial future. Remember to share this episode, leave a 5-star rating on Apple or Spotify, a glowing review on Apple, and follow Eileen on social media for more tips and support. Please share with your favorite mom friends. You simply sharing this episode could change someone’s life forever. Ready to take control of your finances? Visit to schedule a 90-minute Financial Power Session with Eileen and start your journey to financial freedom today! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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Savings Secrets - Strategies for Smart Moms Ep. 108

On this week’s episode, Eileen is tackling the age-old dilemma: Should you curb your spending? Let's face it, ladies, money stress is real – But hold on, because it’s not about cutting spending altogether. Nope, it’s all about balance, just like swapping out pizza for salad when you're aiming to fit into that bathing suit. So, say goodbye to financial stress and hello to financial freedom! With help from Eileen, you'll be budgeting, tackling debt, and planning for retirement like a pro. Because let's be real, we're not just doing this for ourselves – we're setting our kids up for millionaire status! If you enjoy this episode, please share it with someone you care about who needs to hear it. You simply sharing this episode could change someone’s life forever. Together we can help change women’s lives! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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Navigating the Maze of Financial Decision-Making Ep. 107

On this week’s episode of the Moms Who Money podcast, Eileen dives deep into the age-old question: wants vs. needs. With a refreshing blend of practical advice and personal anecdotes, she guides you through the murky waters of financial decision-making. From the subtle art of distinguishing between desires and necessities to the importance of setting both short and long-term goals, Eileen empowers you to take control of your financial destiny. She deftly tackles common pitfalls, from overspending on unnecessary home remodels to falling victim to credit card debt. But it's not all doom and gloom – Eileen offers a roadmap to financial freedom, encouraging you to prioritize savings, investments, and mindful spending. With her signature blend of empathy and expertise, she invites you to envision a future where financial security isn't just a dream – it's a reality. If you enjoy this episode, please share it with someone you care about who needs to hear it. You simply sharing this episode could change someone’s life forever. Together we can help change women’s lives! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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The Six-Figure Myth: Living Paycheck to Paycheck Ep. 106

On this week’s episode, Eileen breaks down the harsh realities of living paycheck to paycheck, even with a six-figure salary. Join her as she unveils the truth behind the glamor of a six-figure salary and how it’s not the end of financial worries but, it could be! In this episode, she highlights how, due to lifestyle creep and inflation, $100k doesn’t feel like much. Eileen shares eye-opening statistics about the real purchasing power of $100,000 in different states and gives tips on how to make the most of your hard-earned money. She brings in a refreshing perspective, encouraging us to pay ourselves first and invest wisely. So, if you’re ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck, Eileen’s here to guide you from financial stress to empowerment. If you enjoy this episode, please share it with someone you care about who needs to hear it. You simply sharing this episode could change someone’s life forever. Together we can help change women’s lives! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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Financial Empowerment, Breaking Taboos, and Building Legacies Ep. 105

On this week's episode, Eileen explores the taboo of discussing finances, especially among women. She emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's financial future and breaking free from societal norms that dictate staying small or relying on others to manage money matters. Eileen shares stories of her clients who have taken the leap to educate themselves about money and investing, ultimately transforming their financial situations. From debunking myths about investing to advocating for intentional money management, she offers practical insights and encourages listeners to start their own journey towards financial empowerment. With a focus on creating generational wealth and setting children up for financial success, Eileen urges listeners to prioritize financial education and take proactive steps to secure their futures. If you're ready to stop stressing about money and start investing with confidence, this episode is a must-listen. Join Eileen as she empowers listeners to take charge of their finances and build a legacy of financial stability and abundance. If you enjoy this episode, please share it with someone you care about who needs to hear it. You simply sharing this episode could change someone’s life forever. Together we can help change women’s lives! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Free Guide - 6 Steps for Raising Money Smart Kids Get to know Eileen:


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Navigating Rising Food Prices and Saving Big on Groceries Ep. 104

On This week’s episode, Eileen discusses the alarming trend of rising food prices. From housing to groceries, prices have soared in recent years, impacting family budgets across the board. We dig into the factors contributing to this surge and its implications for moms trying to manage their household expenses. Eileen provides practical strategies for moms to save money on groceries without sacrificing quality or variety. From meal planning to shopping smart, we break down actionable tips that moms can implement to optimize their grocery budgets and reduce food waste. Eileen shares her favorite meal prep hacks and budget-friendly shopping strategies, empowering moms to take control of their finances one grocery trip at a time. If you enjoy this episode, please share it with someone you care about who needs to hear it. You simply sharing this episode could change someone’s life forever. Together we can help change women’s lives! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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Building Stronger Connections Through Conflict w/Michelle Purta Ep. 103

On This week’s episode, Eileen welcomes - Michelle Purta - relationship expert and coach to delve into the complexities of marriage and parenthood. Marriage presents its own set of challenges, but when combined with parenthood, the challenges multiply exponentially. Communication breakdown is the primary connection killer in relationships. Conflict can be approached with confidence and calmness, allowing couples to emerge stronger from the experience. Uncommunicated needs lead to unresolved issues, causing gradual deterioration of the relationship over time. A shift in perspective emphasizing the importance of viewing one's partner as a teammate in navigating life's challenges. The role of parents in shaping relationship dynamics by acknowledging the influence of parental behaviors and patterns. Michelle Purta's insights shed light on the intricacies of relationships, offering valuable advice on communication, conflict resolution, and partnership dynamics. Free Gift: Get to know Michelle: 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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Opportunity Cost - The Hidden Impact on Your Finances Ep. 102

In this week’s episode, Eileen explores a fundamental concept in decision-making: Opportunity Cost. It's about recognizing what you give up when you make a decision. This principle becomes even more critical in financial decision-making, especially regarding investments. Choosing one option means forgoing potential returns from another. The opportunity cost of not teaching your kids how to navigate money could lead to limited resources, missed investment opportunities, and financial instability in adulthood. If you enjoy this episode, please share it with someone you care about who needs to hear it. You simply sharing this episode could change someone’s life forever. Together we can help change women’s lives! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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Cracking the Code to Your Financial Freedom Ep. 101

On this week’s episode, Eileen's diving into the world of retirement planning. She's taking a fresh look at how things are changing and shaking up those old-school ideas that older folks have grown up with. As we think about how retirement planning has shifted over time, Eileen's here to share some insights. She's introducing something called the 4% Rule, which is key for figuring out your own retirement savings. Plus, she'll dive into strategies for reaching financial independence, like the Rule of 72—basically, a way to double your money over and over again—and why time is so crucial when it comes to growing your investments. If you enjoy this episode, please share it with someone you care about who needs to hear it. You simply sharing this episode could change someone’s life forever. Together we can help change women’s lives! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:


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Women Deserve a Financial Education Ep. 100

This week’s podcast episode #100 is a shout out to every woman who's ready to embrace their power, confidence, and worth. It’s time to flip the script on your toxic money emotions – hello embarrassment, shame, fear, & anxiety - and start rewriting your financial story, especially for your kids. Eileen dives into the uncomfortable truths about how women are often left out of the money conversation, even in today's world. It starts with breaking the silence around money. This episode is a powerful reminder that women deserve a financial education and the ability to shape a confident and empowered financial future for themselves and their children. If you enjoy this episode, please share it with someone you care about who needs to hear it. You simply sharing this episode could change someone’s life forever. Together we can help change women’s lives! 90-Minute Financial Power Session: Get to know Eileen:
