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Monetize Your Voice

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The Mission of this podcast is to help you get rid of your fear of communicating in public and become a Confident Communicator! In this podcast, and in our companion Course “The Art of Competent Communication!,” You will learn the 4 Fantastik C’s of competent communications. Upon mastering them, you will be able to speak to anyone, anywhere, anytime with confidence, clarity, comfort, and control!


United States


The Mission of this podcast is to help you get rid of your fear of communicating in public and become a Confident Communicator! In this podcast, and in our companion Course “The Art of Competent Communication!,” You will learn the 4 Fantastik C’s of competent communications. Upon mastering them, you will be able to speak to anyone, anywhere, anytime with confidence, clarity, comfort, and control!



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The Art of Confident Communication: Doing and Listening Intentionally White Noise Part 3

A confident speaker knows the importance of speaking slowly. He or she can accomplish things with carefully chosen words. That is the name of the game, ladies, and gentlemen! In confident communication, as I have stated many times, the most powerful form of communication is the spoken word - bar none! Now here's our command from James 1:19. Understand this, my beloved brothers and sister, s be quick to listen and slow to speak!


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The Art of Confident Communication: White Noise Part 2

We have all this white noise surrounding us and within us. Now, this causes much havoc in everyone's life, including mine. In fact, I experienced this. Within the last 24 hours of this recording with the love of my life - and we had misunderstandings. This was not a big win or traumatic or anything like that, but it still caused discomfort. In this podcast, I would like to address "white noise" and how we are to respond to this communication barrier. Be a careful and thoughtful listener. visit for more communication/leadership content!


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The Art of Confident Communication: The Power of What Part 5 Episode 26

Where are we putting our energy? You see our energy flows where our focus goes. And I want you to think about this cause this is another one of the great cornerstone setups of what is happening in the thought process. So I was just telling you that what I do is that I look at what other people look at as obstacles or challenges or problems. I choose to switch my focus. This is an interesting opportunity to grow. How can I best grow? How can I best serve in whatever that opportunity is? So what I want you to understand is that this takes effort in our thought process.


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The Art of Confident Communication: The Power of What Part 4 Episode 25

So here's the next question. What's ahead around the next curve? Anticipation. I think that was Carly Simon back in the 60's. That's a great song.... Anticipation. I guess the best way for me to answer this, what's ahead around that next curve is to pay attention to where you are. On the road of life right now, and if you look ahead in this case, an hour or two hours or three hours, and you see it's a straight line then why worry about the curve? Just like driving an automobile, there are normal signs. Curve ahead or slow down, 90-degree curve or slow down. There's a lot of zigzagging the road, just me, Anders left and in and out and so on and so forth. So we have the signs on the actual highways that we drive our vehicles on..... Let's not run from opportunities to grow. Let's not point our fingers immediately that it's someone else's fault, someone else has caused this. Let's look at ourselves first. Let's dig deep into the mind of our soul, and I encourage you. Choose to feed your soul with some great food every day, just like you feed your tummy.


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The Art of Confident Communication: The Power of What Part 3 Episode 24

Feed your soul. That's the best advice I can give you. F I tell everybody that I am of the Christian faith and I hope and pray that you have strong faith - that you have to feed our souls. And the more we provide our soul, the better that we are for ourselves, the better we are for all of mankind. And so I think the answer to that first question what's gonna happen to me is: How much are you feeding your soul? So the more that we do that, the easier that question becomes the easier it is to answer that question is what I'm trying to communicate with you. And that's going to fall right in line with the other aspects of this question....the what.


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The Art of Confident Communication: Conviction and Celery Episode 23

I need to have a conviction of having more celery in my life and other like vegetables, similar vegetables. That was so interesting to me, how that came about. And of course, The idea for this podcast is Conviction and Celery. So if you are thinking about little weight management of whatever type you may want to give that some consideration also, it is interesting how all these things come together into one. Everything in life plays off each other. The better, our physical health, the better our physical condition, the better our mental health, and the better our spiritual aspects. The more fantastic our life is it's like being in quadrants and this is the same way here with confident communication.


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The Art of Confident Communication: The Power of What in Your Life Episode 22

Hello, my friend. And welcome back to the Monetize Your Voice Podcast with James 'Fantastik' Hepler thought we're gonna call this part two of your what? And part one, we looked at, what am I doing. What should I be doing? What can I be doing? what is the correct way to do it, to do what I am doing, and to do a real quick summary of that? It's just a matter that you'll get, the answers to those four questions by doing one thing. And that is to do everything with positive thoughts, positive. I gave you several examples about that and we'll now delve into some more of those, what questions or what questions as in what are you doing and what's going on and why is that? What a, what and all that kind of good stuff. And what is your light bulb? So before I get in there I wanna remind you that if you go to, you will see a nice little popup thing there that allows you to apply for a free 15 minutes. Get together with yours. Truly we will address what you feel is your largest roadblock, a stumbling block. Speed. To become a confident communicator just do it with confidence, clarity, and comfort control. Yeah. Just having a great time, communicating your thoughts, your ideals, and so forth. So that's And now back to the "What's". So the next question. what's wrong with the way I'm doing it or what's wrong with doing it my way? I think the simple answer to that is what are your results of doing it your way? There are many people out there. Their attitude is Hey, it's my way. Or the highway, huh? Yeah. Oh, that's we all know him my way of the highway here in. Pennsylvania Dutch country. We call 'em bull C bull coffer. That means Bullhead. That means blockhead, stubborn determined not to learn any other way of doing it. So the answer is how are things working out, doing it your way now? It may be working out. Fantastic. Hey, let's not try to fix something that isn't broken G on. Rolling. Just be truthful with yourself and ask yourself, am I getting the results I want? You can tell by the reaction of everyone around you. As to whether other people have committed to doing whatever the project is, the way you want to do it. That's the thing. Always, just always be looking and asking yourself that question. Hey, and you can also really even if doing it your way is working. You may want to consider the rest of the folks that are involved in whatever the project is or the business or the family event. For some input to possibly doing it better. Now, they're wrong with that. It also shows that you are a very mature human being. I'll give you a perfect example. We just had our 52nd family reunion very recently. And I had my dear friend and good buddy with me, Kathleen. And we do this thing called the crazy bingo. And so we're playing this thing and it's a lot of fun and so forth. And she suggested a similar game, played a different way, which could be easier and more fun. I said, Hey, I think we're gonna consider that for number 53. So you see if we are open-minded we can always learn. We can always be better. Okay. Now the next question under the Watts is not an easy one to address. What's the matter with me? Is it me? , am I all right? And everybody else is all wrong or am I the one that's all wrong? And everybody else is all right. So again, what are we doing? Whatever the action is with positivity we want the very best for whoever we're serving, as well as wanting the very best for ourselves. Okay. I think when we do that I doubt that we will ask ourselves this question very often. What's the matter with me? Now, there are times when we do that you walk away just scratching your head because you tried to communicate what, whatever the subject or situation was. And you the other person didn't get it. Okay. And that's what TACC is all about The Art of Confident Communicatione. We ask questions when we're looking, you can see the look on the person's face and that you have not connected with that...


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The Art of Confident Communication: What... Episode 21

Hello, my friend. And welcome back to the monetize, your voice podcast with your old buddy James 'Fantastik' Hepler. So good to have you here. Got a great subject today in our aspect of looking at and understanding. How do we best go about monetizing our voice? What is behind all of that? And it's very complicated in some aspects, there are so many intertwining parts of learning, the art of confident communication - the art of communicating confidently to communicate with clarity comfort, and control. That's what we do. That's what we address in the La Mans. To your vivacious voice victory in our course, the art of confident communications. And before we get into the what as in, what am I doing and what should I be doing? What can I be doing? Am I doing anything before we get into that for the day's session, I'd just to remind you that you can log on to Mr. fantastic. live. And we'll send you five free tips for up-leveling your communication skills. And at Mr. Fantastic live, there is another drop-down or button in the digital world. That they will give you the capability of making an application for a free 15-minute session with Mr. Fantastic to address what you feel is your number one roadblock or your number one stumbling block, or your number one speed bump or pothole. To become a confident communicator, have the confidence and the clarity to communicate with your spouse or partner, to communicate with your children, your siblings, your fellow employees, and with your supervisor on and on. Mr. Fantastic. Live, check it out today. So what am I doing? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I've asked myself that question. Several. Hundreds or thousands of times doing my journey, this journey called life. It's not only 1:00 AM I doing, but it also, why am I doing what I'm doing? And most people don't like that question because it takes that sincerity. To dig deep into the mind of our soul. So when you are there if you are there right now asking yourself the question yourself, the question, what am I doing? You are at the front end of the pack. As many people will run very fast and on a very regular basis away from asking them. Solve the question, what am I doing now? This is gonna be broken down into many different subcategories. You can ask yourself that question. What am I doing in my profession at the office? Am I doing what I want to do? Or is this? A bridge, a temporary stop up. Society has changed, particularly in the last four or five years. We had Mr. 19. Come on the scene and that just turned a lot of the world upside down. So we are looking at it through different lenses. So maybe what you're doing right now, isn't your final destination, but here's the number one point to the question of what am I doing? The subcategory? Am I doing it to the best of my capability at this moment? Whatever your current, what is whether that happens to be a full-time homemaker, whether it happens to be a full-time grandmother or grandfather, if we could put any title, what am I doing? So the question is, am I doing my current? What. The best possible way and capabilities of what I have in my arsenal of knowledge, this is all about what is our arsenal of knowledge, and we need to continue to better that arsenal. So what am I doing? H how well am I doing this? What if. A father, a husband, a friend, a brother, a cousin. How well am I doing that particular? What? That's the first assessment self-assessment that we should do. How well am I doing it? Then the next question. Really could be, should I be doing that for the amount of negativity in our society is just it's overwhelming. From my perspective, it comes back again to tall, T an L the art of laser listening. Whatever you're doing, are you doing it from a positive perspective? Are you doing it with positive energy? Because if you are, whatever you're doing is going to be very wonderful for society. And that will also ask if you're doing it with positive answer...


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The Art of Confident Communication: Freedom of Speech Episode 20

Hello, my friend, and welcome to the monetize your voice podcast. It is so good to have you right by my side, James 'Fantastic' Hepler here. Today we're gonna talk about freedom of speech. I'm in the United States I've been having was. I'm an American citizen. I was born right here. I can sit here in my backyard and look about 200 yards from here into the bedroom window that I was born in. As of this recording, almost three-quarters of a century, I go. And so one of the founding. Principles here in the United States is a thing called freedom of speech. And from my perspective, I think some quarters of our society are trying to either limit that or squelch you. And I'm speaking out and I'm doing it in I'm attempting to do it in a kind caring manner. So I'm going to talk about this in a specific incident that happened to me recently on what is a very hot topic here in America. And I think it might be a fairly hot topic in most free societies around the globe. But before I get to that, the freedom of speech and this particular incident, I wanna fill in that. If you go to James, there'll be a little popup window that comes up and you can apply for a 15-minute. Get together. With this young dude, and we will address what you feel is your number one roadblock, to being a confident communicator, to just enjoying communicating, listening, and all those other kinds of things is a, it's a very complex Art. That's why we call it the art of communicating confidently. And so if you like to do that, does whip over there to James and all this other stuff will happen. And it's pretty easy. It's pretty easy. So freedom of speech here in America, we have had a debate that's been going on. For better than two years in regards to COVID and regards to mask wearing and how good masks are, unless they are a certain type of quality mask. And I think the labeling is a K-nine mask. Okay. The letter K H for the number. Somewhere in that neighborhood, I've got some friends that are in the medical business, and basically, it has been pretty well documented that most other types of cloth masks and handkerchiefs and all that other kind of stuff are pretty, pretty much useless. Okay. So anyhow. I happen to also have a hearing deficiency. And so I was at a doctor's office very recently. And of course, here in, America, they are still required to wear a mask. And yes, that. Was a tone of my disagreement in doctor's offices. We can go everywhere else. And I don't have a problem with anyone who wants to choose to wear a mask. That's what freedom is about, but don't tell me, or dictate to me that I gotta wear a mask particularly. Those that there's pretty much scientific aspect behind it, that they are worthless play is simply worthless. So anyhow, I'm in doing the registration part of things. And of course, the lady on the other side has a mask on. And I said I'm having a problem understanding you. And I just commented that I don't think that these masks serve too much purpose. I may even have said, I think they're useless. The lady next door to her who had nothing to do with the conversation, it jumps up and starts kinda overhauling me. Look da. And we lost two people in our staff to COVID and this, that, and the other thing. And I'm relatively certain that first of all, this person was not of American heritage. I think she came to this country. Quite recently, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Not a problem because that's what America is about. There's the melting pot. However I said to her, look, ma'am, I'm just expressing my thought. I believe in freedom of speech. I do not agree with asking you to agree with what my thought is. And I just, I wanna have an open conversation, but I am not gonna shut. If I feel that masks are useless, particularly I had a cloth mask on and I could tell the lady that you know, was taking care of me just by looking at her eyes that she was thinking, yeah dude you may have this, you may be on...


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The Art of Confident Communication: When are We Washed Up? Episode 19

Hello, my friend. And thank you so much for joining us here on the Monetize Your Voice Podcast, James 'Fantastik' Hepler, right by your side. I just had a very interesting opportunity to delve deep within my soul as someone. Said to me, just in passing and lightheartedly. So how is a washed-up broadcaster like yourself doing so that gave impetus for me to address wash dump? So before we get into what could be. If we chose, to look at it as a negative or a down aspect in the scenario washed up I just wanna tell you that we're doing a lot of new things at We encourage you to log on. If you are attempting to improve your communication skills, we are offering. Free sessions for those that qualify to talk to yours truly. And we will help you at least attempt to help you solve what you feel is your biggest roadblock to being a communicator, to just have a good time to sit down with. Very few notes as I'm doing right now and just keep on rattling off great ideas and communicating. So all you gotta do is just go to And I think according to the digital people, there's gonna be some kind of a popup flop up, hop up or whatever then you can fill that out. And if you qualify you and I will have us. 15-minute chat session and I will try to help you solve or overcome or discover the real reason you're having this particular roadblock to your confident communication. Alrighty, sounds good to me. Washed up, it was one of those things that just grabbed me. It was right before we were getting ready to play golf. I play in this great seniors league and it just stuck with me. So afterward I got to come out to my phone, come out to my car and got the phone. And I have this section here for podcast ideas. So the headline says washed-up broadcaster. What is the story behind being washed up? Think about that for a moment. Why would we want to be that negative either to ourselves or to anybody else? When are we truly washed up? Are we ever washed up? What is the connotation not washed up? And why do we, even as a society, use it to be unkind. Now I wanna make this not taken. I am not saying whoever the person was that said it to me, a fellow go good. Golfer was. I think their whole tone was to be comedic as a blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Because I think in our area I'm considered to be a relatively successful broadcaster. I've been in the business for. A lifetime. So I had to check this out with the dictionary. So I went in there and I said, so what is the definition that washed up that this is what came up deposited by the tide on the shore, as in a washed-up jellyfish. Hey. I said that's not too bad and I never even thought of that aspect as part of the definition washed up. We, I love the shore. I love to be on the beach and we see all these different things that are. Washed up on the shore, on the beach. However, that was not the. That was not what was delivered. The question was how is a washed-up broadcaster like you doing today, these days? Yeah. So then the port too, on the definition, a washed up. Came up on the screen and it said no longer effective or successful as a washed-up actress or act tour. Aha. So let's go back. Let's just look at this for a moment because you see everything in life revolves around. What type of mental spin do we put on any subject? And I am observing because in the previous podcast here, I talked about tall, the art of laser listening, and I've always considered myself to be a half-decent listener and I am focusing. on increasing my capabilities with tall, the art of laser listening. So after that comment was given to me at the beginning before we even went out on the golf course, this is what they call a shotgun start. There were like 60 or 70 of us in a league. And I started to listen intently. To all the comments and all the negativity that was going on, that people were saying about themselves, other people in my force about their golf...


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The Art of Confident Communication: Adaptability - Making Better Choices In Bad Situations Episode 18

Hello there, my friends, James 'Fantastik' Hepler here with you on the Monetize You Voice Podcast, I'm having a really interesting day. And so I thought I ought to share it with all you find fantastic people. Today. We're gonna talk about adaptability because buddy, am I ever being educated on adaptability? I got up about 20 after 3:00 AM, as in the morning and the middle of the. To travel to Charleston, to meet the love of my life. Now, somebody that's in their eighth decade that has been gifted with meaning a spectacular lady is just its divinity is the best way to. So anyhow, I'm Lehman from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania driving not driving, flying into Philly and then Philly into Charlesville, South Carolina. So we land in Philly and got this thing on the phone. It says your flight has been canceled. oh my, does that ever make one feel? So I stopped at the first information station and the gentleman says Nope. You gotta go all the way down there to do the uh, main customer service area. So I just TRO down the hall and Gentleman there going through all this computer stuff and back and forth. And he says the best I can do is I can send you to Boston and then I can send you to Washington DC, and then I can send you to Charleston and you'll get there about nine 30 tonight. I'm going like, whoa my goodness. I said, will you please please hit some more buttons on that keyboard? So all the time he's doing this I'm praying. That is just part of my belief system and I'm giving thanks for whatever I'm supposed to be learning from this. Great situ. In adaptability, we have a choice that we can either get all riled up or they say the hair on your neck can stand up and you can let your blood pressure get up and complain and all those other things. So instead of doing that, I was, I just was. And I shouldn't say just praying, I should say I praying. And so what I thought I would do here is I go to Webster and get the definition of adaptability. And that is the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions, the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions. So what is our adaptability? This, the lens that we look through, any situation in life, or as we like to, we can either look at 'em as obstacles or opportunities to grow is all our choice. Everything in life is a choice. Now think about that for a moment. Everything. Absolutely everything in life is a choice. So if you so choose to change the lens through which you are viewing any situation and look at it as an opportunity to grow. Instead of an obstacle, I can guarantee you that you're going to learn a lot more and you're gonna have a much more enjoyable time with whatever you know, the current debacle is, I guess the best way to. Let me share with you some of the wonderful things that have happened to me during this time. Okay. So what we're gonna do here is just take a moment until this background noise has subsided. Okay. I think it has subsided so I can continue I'm in the Miami airport, right? And so what I wanted to share with you before that announcement came on was what has taken place since my first flight was canceled. Now, I just want to go back and remind you that I was supposed to be in Charlesville, South Carolina at 10 30. This morning. It is now 3 25 in the afternoon, and I am in Miami, Florida, anywho, back to adaptability. So as I was there with the agent and he was typing away, the other lady, agent female agent next. Was smiling and then had these gorgeous fingernails. And I say, yeah, those are some beautiful fingernails you have there. And she smiled and the type in a way. So next thing, she gets involved in this. And I could tell that, that she had more experience than the gentleman that was helping me. And so she started typing things into her computer and the next thing. Came up together and they said, Hey, we can take you to Miami. And then to Charleston. And instead of getting in at nine 30 or 10 o'clock you are gonna...


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The Art of Confident Communication: The Two Big O’s - Obstacles vs. Opportunities Episode 17

Hello, my friend, James 'Fantastik' Hepler with you on the Monetize Your Voice Podcast. Hope you're having yourolutely bodacious beautiful day, wherever you happen to be. We have been discussing many different aspects of life. We talk about TACC - The Art of Confident Communication. From my perspective, I feel it is an absolute cornerstone of living. A fulfilled life, a fun-filled life, a fun, and easy life. And to help you along that way, you can go to Mr. fantastic. live. Mr. fantastic. live. And we'll send you five free tips to up-leveling your communication skills. You will be blessed greatly if you choose to focus on becoming a confident communicator, one that can speak with complete competence, clarity, control, and comfort. In our last episode, we were talking about having a fantastic, fascinating adventure today. We're gonna take a look again at how we focus on and position different aspects of life. So many of my friends, associates, and acquaintances, particularly the acquaintances. So often look at life through the lens of frustration and obstacles. Pothole speed bumps. So on and so forth. As I think I've told you before I classify myself as a realistic optimist, not an optimistic, real. I'm a realistic optimist. So I know I have experienced over many decades, the roller coaster aspects of the journey called life. I also have learned that the more often I keep looking at it through the lens of positivity. The easier it is to negotiate the potholes and speed bumps of life. So today we're gonna take a look at the two big OS. Are they obstacles or are they opportunities to grow? This is always the interesting aspect of our positioning. Again, as much as it hurts me to say the statement that the vast majority of people that I know look at them as obstacles, the challenges of life are. I'm speaking about. Most people look at the challenges of life as obstacles instead of opportunities to grow. So I would ask that you give serious consideration to a blessing yourself. We're switching the lenses through which you look at life through, which you look at life. I get a daily motivational inspirational message for a gentleman. Out of Texas and his name happens to be Ralph Marston, M a R S T O N. And I would like to suggest that you give serious consideration to signing up for his daily motivator. He is one of the most reasonable dudes that I know $15 a year is just amazing. I wanna share this portion of this particular day's message from him. These are the last two paragraphs. Is there anything you wish you had done in the past hour? The past week or past few months now is your chance to stop wishing and start doing the next hour of your life begins. Now. Live it as. It's the most important one yet, because it is, and that's an extended way of saying one of Mr. Fantastic quotes enjoy every miraculous, magical minute. While you're in it and that's where we need to be. In scriptures, we are taught that. We are supposed to live in the present. We were designed to live in the present in our humanness. We can only handle 24 hours segments at a time. So I would like to encourage you to change the lenses through which you view life. If you put a lot of time and energy into the three very terrible Musketeers where he doubts and fears, I call 'em the three terrible troublesome. Muske tears worry, a doubt in fear, they Rob us of so much energy. So let's switch our lenses from obstacles to opportunities, Grow's such a great opportunity for me to be here with you to share some thoughts for you to think about speaking of which. If you would like to have five free tips to up-leveling your communication skills simply long owned at Mr. fantastic. live. So what are going to be your opportunities to grow today? Ask yourself that. Another way to look at it is who can I bless today along this walk of life? Who can I give a smile to a wave, a pack pat on the back a good morning or good afternoon, or it's so great to see you? I hope...


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The Art of Confident Communication: The Art of Laser Listening Episode 16

Hello, my friend, James Fantastik on the Monetize Your Voice Podcast. Thank you so very much for joining us. It is a privilege and a pleasure to be able to be with you and to share some thoughts that hopefully will be helpful. In your daily activity of this game called life. Now the last several podcasts, we were serious. We were talking about white noise. it's the morning time when I'm cutting this. So sometimes my jaws don't work in the best manner that they ought to work. Y so anyhow, we were talking about white noise and. We spent three different podcasts looking at many different aspects of probably the largest intruder in what we call tall, T and L the art of listening. So if you haven't heard the three previous podcasts, I would. Highly suggest that you go back and listen to 'em they're short, and to the point, and we're gonna continue this, the art of comfort of communication is so crucial. And that's our program tack the art of confident communication. It is. I wish I really could tell you from my heart of hearts, this amazing freedom that comes, the more that we hone our skills and all the other subcategories that go into building a confident communicator. So if you haven't heard those last three. Go back and check 'em out. And while we're talking about checking things out, if you go to that's, we will send you five free tips to up-leveling your communication skills. I suggest that you give yourself that gift. So moving on. As I had mentioned earlier here, we've been talking about white noise. So the day I thought we kinda lighten up a little bit there, buddy. Yeah. And we're gonna look at a thing called. Fantastic. Fascinating adventure. Everything that we do in life has to do with what is ours. Emotional mental spin on things. And today's topic of a fantastic, fascinating adventure viewing life. From that perspective. Now only a few weeks before I cut this, I was flying and of course, because I've had seven back operations. I need to stretch from time to time and I've always had a great relationship with the stewards they're now called I don't know what they're called but anyhow I always work with the folks that are in that particular business because they have a challenging job. And basically, I try to make everything fun and easy. so I'm in the back cabin chatting with the ladies and I'm handing out my business cards. And so the one steward who says to me, oh you are in the communication business, you have the monetize, your voice PO podcast. So how are you doing? And she wanted to know what was our listenership and our following. And I said we are trying. Break the DaVinci code of the internet marketing maze and her eyes got so big. They were like saucers. And she said, oh my, that sounds fascinating. And I about fell on my rear end and I thought to myself, wow, that's interesting. And I said to her right away I'd been looking at it through the lenses of its. Frustrating. However, I like your lens of fascinating a lot better. So I communicated this with my staff and I said let's just and we all started laughing and yeah. Yeah. Let's look at this as fascinating. Adventure. And then, of course, I like to add our other very descriptive adjective. Fantastic. I like to consider myself Mr. Fantastic. Fantastic dot go. So the point I'm trying to make here, folks are. How do we position where we're going every moment of every day. If we do choose to look at life from a positive perspective. Whoa. It becomes absolutely. Fantastic and fate. So think about that. Okay. Whatever you're doing, whatever the challenge is I'm on the road again, as the great song by Willie Nelson goes and I'm in, I'm actually in the human maintenance business that is. Maintaining this vehicle called my body and the longer I go, and of course the more wear and tear there is with the vehicle, the more necessary for maintenance or as I like to call it maintenance so anyhow while we do this and the further...


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The Art of Confident Communication: The Depth of Our Desire to Serve Episode 15

Hello, my friend, James 'Fantastik' Hepler here with you on the Monetize Your Voice Podcast. Thanks so much for being by my side. It is a great day to be alive and to be able to serve. I feel the cornerstone of everything we do in life is. What is the depth of our desire to serve so in the arena of confident communications, or as we like to call it here at - The Art of Confident Communication. This is a cornerstone for every aspect of ours. And we've been talking about removing the white noise in our life. They can be called interruptions, distractions, frustrations, or obstacles. It doesn't matter what the label is that we choose to put on this white noise. Is there much of it we can eliminate or control or at least diminish the amount of its intrusion into our lives? Now, before I get into more of this white noise challenge, I like to tell you that you can go to and we'll send you five tips to uplevel your communication skills. It will be your first step of getting to the point of just really loving to communicate. That's So let's get back to this white noise stuff. I'm not sure how many people really understand the cost just in dollars. It is immense. It goes into the hundreds of billions of dollars because of miscommunication and misunderstandings. misperception on and on and on, but on top of that economic toll and, uh, of course, I don't know if you want to call it, unfortunately, so much of life is counted in regards or the, in the form of dollar bills, the form of money, whatever currency you use. However, I feel there is a much, much, much greater cost to not being able to communicate with confidence, clarity, control, and comfort. And that is the emotional cost that will cost the setbacks that happen to all of us in every phase of our life. When we have these communication interruptions, along with that white noise that we're talking about, this interrupts the art of laser listening. I think that most people only think about one aspect of communication and that is the speaking part and yes, that's what starts the communication. However, what's, really, really important. And what is the greatest challenge? At least I feel anyhow and that. The art of laser listening, as you are listening to me today, whatever you're doing, many of you are driving your commuting. The question is, how is your laser listening, coming along? What are you picking up? What are you comprehending? About white noise. What are you comprehending? And what action are you doing to make those changes? We can hear so many different ideas and suggestions and they are meaningless. They are worthless without me. Implementation and application that is the juice. In words, my dad always said it is the waving lotion that makes the difference without in a, with wishful thinking, daydreaming, whatever connotation you would like to apply to it. So I'm asking you now, have you taken action implementation and application of becoming a laser listener? Not, not just winning for your turn to speak, but comprehending what the person is saying and how. It will affect your life. That's the key, how will it affect your life, the impact on your life, and the impact that your life has on all the other people around you. And when we choose to say, okay, I'm gonna pay attention to what's going on. To cut down on all the frustration, the obstacles, because we're only listening for half a year. So I ask that you look at that diligently to improve your life. Now there may become a time, you know, where you want to tune out. and that's fine. Uh, I think maybe what you may want to consider doing is just telling the people around you that you are tuning out, or if you're gonna tune out, finds a place where you can have solitude. And as I mentioned in, uh, the previous edition, a lot of people need to know around. I feel they're scared of quietness and in one aspect, I guess that's another form of white noise that...


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The Art of Confident Communication: Eliminating White Noise Episode 14

Hello, my friend, James, fantastic helper here with you on another gorgeous day, another wonderful day for which to be thankful. And I am very thankful that you are here with me on the monetize, your voice podcast. In our last podcast, we were identifying white noise in the process of The Art of Confident Communications or T.A.C.C - that is our flagship course at And many other areas are involved with T.A.C.C. We were addressing white noise. And before we get into that in today's episode, I'd like to remind you that we do have a gift for you simply by going to - we will send you 5free tips for up-leveling your communication skills. I suggest that you do yourself a favor and give yourself that freebie and take the first step. To communicate confidently with clarity, with control and comfort, and just bring that much more joy into your own life and into all the lives of the people that you touch daily. So let's get back to white noise. Now I asked you in the previous podcast to identify.... your top five, most frustrating white noise interference. And if you did that, I would be surprised if you are not now being able to identify them a whole lot easier. It could be picking up the telephone every time it rings the cell phone. We have a lot of folks in our society that really can't live without their cell phone. It's a real addiction. I had my ringer turned off the vast majority of times and I check my phone normally at least every hour UN unless I am in communication with someone I know. I have an important return call. I then will turn my ringer on, but turn that ringer off. Oh my gosh. The amount of energy that is saved because of these white noise interferences, annoyances, whatever you wish you would like to label them, distract us. And that takes. So that simple step of turning off the ringer, unless I'm expecting a phone call has saved a lot of energy for me to put into other vital areas. Another thing that I have initiated, and that is I have turned off my notifications. I think of all the apps and everything that I have on the phone and the tablet and on the desktop. I think I only have one of the applications that have. The noise maker. the ding, ding, whatever it is. And of course, when I turn that off on my phone, turn the ringer off on my phone. It, those ding dings don't interrupt me either. And it has been amazing. Improvement in the quality of my life. Now another aspect of white noise is really, truly the atmosphere that we're in. Some people need to have some type of music for lack of a better term. In the background, a lot of people don't like quietness. I would like to suggest that you seriously think about playing classical music softly in the background. If you want to have some background ambiance, because unlike other tunes that are. Done in the inter instrumental version, most classical music, at least my level of understanding classical music. I don't know the theme or and a lot of classical music does not contain words with it. So what it does it helps me. To concentrate on the project that I'm working on at that particular time. As we are speaking right now that gives you a perfect example. I happen to be traveling on an interstate and I have no music playing or anything else. I am simply. enjoying the drive and enjoying communicating with you here on the monetize, your voice podcast. Now, this is a road that I have driven for a long time. so it is, I'm not endangering myself or anyone else while this is taking place. So this. Item of white noise, the smallest amount of those types of interruptions disconnect us from what we want to do. So I suggest that when you are doing creative work, please limit those external interferences. You may want to put a sign on your office door that you are in creative mode for the next. X number of minutes or the next hour or two. And you'll be back in the communication side of things at such a certain time. It will...


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Accept No Limits Ep.13

Yes, we are going to get this show on the road. Absolutely. No two ways about it. Welcome back, Mr. Fantastik. Right by your side. And this is going to be the first in a series of 30 podcasts from the book day by day with James Allen written by Vic Johnson. James Allen wrote the book as a man thinketh. If you have not put that into your reading library highly, highly suggest that you do that as quickly as you possibly can. A very short book that has mountains, a wonderful one. Great meat that will feed your mind fantastically. So we're going to rock and roll here with the first of the 30, and this is called accept. No limits. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses as a man. Think of. Mr. Johnson's rights, are not limited to the life you now live. It has been accepted by you as the best you can do at this moment. Anytime you're ready to go beyond the limitations currently in your life. You're capable of doing that by choosing. Different thoughts or, you know, We don't believe in obstacles. We believe in opportunities to grow. And that's one of the aspects of choosing different thoughts. The other aspect that you know, we address all the time is worry, doubt, and fear. We have a saying worry, doubt, and fear. You are not welcome here. So our perspective on how we view everything in life is a determining factor in how quickly we grow and how much better enabled we are to serve. All of mankind. Johnson goes on to say, we each earned the income we do today because that is the amount we have limited ourselves to earn. We could easily earn 5, 10, 15, 20 times more. If we did not limit ourselves to the thoughts that we currently maintain, I give that a little bit of thought. We limit ourselves in so many areas of life, by the thoughts we choose the thoughts we entertain, the thoughts we continue to repeat hour after hour, day after day, you don't believe that this is true. Surely, you know, people who earn much more than you, who don't have your education skills, your intelligence, your capabilities. So why do they earn more than you? It's a matter of choice of thoughts. I like to share this story from several decades ago. There was this CEO of, I guess, about a $300 million company at the time. And he couldn't get out of his way. And sometimes even though he had problems tying his shoes. I just couldn't figure it out. I'm sure you have had many instances along with that same category. It doesn't matter. It's, you know, it's, for me, it's, it's not a jealousy or envy factor. It, I guess is amazing and amusing at times. So let us take the next step. Let us say, Hey, I can do a lot better than this in all of my services. And I am worth far more than I'm currently being incompetent. So here's a great story. This is the story of George Dan Zik. And Cynthia Kurzy wrote about this in her book on stoppable as a college student, George studied, very hard and always late into the night. So late that he overslept one morning arriving 20 minutes late for class. He quickly copied the two maths problems on the board, assuming they were the homework. It took him several days to work through the two problems, but finally, he had a breakthrough and drop the homework off on the professor's desk. The next day later on a Sunday morning, George was awakened at 6:00 AM by his excited professor since George wasn't late for the class. He hadn't heard that the professor announced that these two unsolvable equations on the board were mathematical minds, teasers that even Einstein hadn't been able to answer, but George Dansik working without any kind of thoughts of limitations had solved. Not. But two problems had stumped mathematicians for thousands of years. How about that folks? How about that? Okay. There was no doubt, no worry, no fear. George jumped in with both feet and said, Hey, well, let's see what's going on here. You see, he didn't look at it as an option. He looked at...


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Take the Next Step Ep. 12

Visit us at: to Get Rid of Your Fear in Public Speaking Welcome back my friend. Yes. We're going to get this show on the road. And of course, we all always like to start with our Fantastik attire. And today I've got a sequined loaded. Baseball cap. And a is red, white, and blue. And. I'm wearing sort of a teal shirt today with stripes. But the hat says it all. For those of you that aren't seeing the video of this. Any who. Put on your Funtastic attire. Remember every day in every way, it's, LPJ K in a fun and easy way through I N a. Oh, right. I said, what does that mean, Mr. Fantastic. Well, every day in every way, L P J K is low peace, joy and kindness in a fun and easy way through. I N A, which is implementation and application. That is. One of the major branding statements we have here at I also like to inform you that. I am a Christian. And so when I. Refer to my source of higher power guidance and inspiration. I use terms like God. My maker, Jesus heavenly father, holy spirit. I encourage you. If you don't already have. Source for guidance and inspiration. That you seek one because. We were made in the aspect. That we have to. To be happy. We have to fill. That spirit part. Of our whole system. I know. That you can find your source because I know that, you know, And you can feel L P J K. Love peace, joy and kindness. So I hope that. You'll have success. If you haven't searched in that area yet, you'll be happy that you did. So, what we're looking at here is You don't last week. Not week, but the last episode. Wasn't titled get out of your own way. If you didn't hear that, check it out. Today. We are going to be talking about keeping the next step. Keep taking the next step. This is another integral part here at fantastic voice and leadership training. And also on the monetize, your voice podcast. And so that's what. I try to do every day in all aspects of my life. Keep taking that next step. Keep moving forward. Keep looking at life through the windshield of the car and not through the rear view mirror. So we're going to get some more inspiration for you today on this keeping the next step. Keep taking the next step. I, it is what it is. Folks keep taking the next step. Yes. Inspiration from glacier. Six nine. And let us not be weary. In well-doing. For in due season. We shall reap. If. We faint, not. So. I think what this is all saying again, this is this task, the deal. With our anxieties and our fears. Because we're looking forward now. If, you know, God is here. To encourage us. He is good. He is love peace, joy, and kindness. And he wants the best for, for all of us. Another verse in the Bible says that, you know, I have calm. That you may have life. More abundantly. Encouragement encouragement. In this first he's saying, Hey. Let us not be aware, weary in well-doing. That's the key. The well, when we're, when we're doing our best and we are there to serve and we're serving from our heart. Oh, It doesn't get any better than that. We just have to do it on God's time. And on ours. And I know. That can be frustrating. And. He is really teaching me. He's molding the daylights out of me. And that's fine because that's what gives. Value to life. We have to take our time. We have to stop fretting about the future. Okay. I mean, you know, In the Bible, it says. You will have trouble in this world with fear or not. I have overcome the world. So. The fretting that we go through. As. Human beings. We just You know, we're simply not applying the fact that we, we, we put God in the orchestra director. Position. And you know, every now and then we like to push him aside and say, I don't think you got the beat quite right. So. What God is also saying is follow my lead. I know what I'm doing. All right. I know what I'm doing. So let us not grow weary in well-doing. God smiles on all of us. We're being kind and just doing general simple acts of kindness....


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Get Out of UR Own Way Ep. 11

Visit us at: Get Your FREE 5 STEPS to Uplevel UR Public Speaking / Communication Skills We put on our Fantastik attire today is Veteran's Day. When I am cutting. This particular podcast. And so I have a black shirt on and I can't think of what the name of this is. It's light. purple. I had the name of this thing. I got chartreuse of my mind. And that's not it either. And when the good Lord gives it back to me, I'll tell you. But if you lavender, lavender blue dilly dilly. Okay. Thank you. Thank you, Lord. Thank you. Speaking of wait. So anyhow. On this. So I am dressed. In my black shirt and this lavender tie and I have my veteran's hat on to salute all my fellow veterans. The ones that went before me and have come after. And I appreciate all the families who have lost, loved ones. Throughout the Decades. We're at the century mark now. So anywho. It's veteran's day. So if you're a vet or. A family who has a veteran. Thank you for everything that you've done. No. I said I always like to say after the Funtastic. Tire. We then, of course, a pill you in that. I am a Christian. And so when I refer to my higher power, I will use words like God creator, Jesus, holy spirit, heavenly father. So on and so forth. I encourage you. If you don't already have. An inspirational source, please, please, please. Consider making that a very high priority. Very high priority. So. The last week in our last episode. We were talking about the what-ifs in life. And that's episode number 10. So check that out. I think you will. You will enjoy that. It's, another form of excuse is the way I look at it. Okay. And then our episode today, it's, it's entitled to get out of my way. Or get out of your way. I'm going to do it. First-person gets out of my way. This is a. This, this, this. Hits very close to home for me. And You know, I, I always am interesting how the Bible has things. I mean, it's great, it's the greatest instruction book ever. As far as I'm concerned. But in Exodus. 20 verse three. It says thou shall have no other gods before me. And it goes on and it gives you more details. And then it says for, I am a jealous God. So. You know, I guess. The question is, well, what are these other gods? I believe. The port for myself. I said, I, I, you know, I'm going to do this. First-person. As, as difficult as it is to do. What are those other gods? Well, I feel it's. Worry doubt and fear. I think it's our ego. Our possessions. Our lack of faith. And. Also. Superiority. Which ties in with our ego. I mean, we can have an ego that doesn't promote superiority, but in most cases, it does that. So the reason that this hits a raw nerve for me. Is that you know, I'm. I've been blessed in life. Because I have applied myself. I have said in previous episodes, I am a lifelong learner. And every coin has two sides. So of if I choose to. Declare that title then. I have to be willing to walk the talk and continue to learn and continue to share. So what's been so tough about this is that I've had an amazing. Radio career and. You know, I. Semi tire for several semi-retired. There are days that I'm also semi-tired. Yeah. Oh my goodness. But anyhow, I semi semi-retired and I knew I had more to give back and so on. So I started studying. Yeah, I am a life coach. And I started studying with that and all these different seminars and because of my success that I had in radio. This was all through my Eagle. That's all I can tell you. I, it, it, it's painful. To minute, but it was my Eagle because I thought. That is the door in this internet marketing maze. We'll just swing right open. All right. Then here comes, Mr. Fantastic. Let us all bow down and yeah, the data. Well, I, you know, again, that didn't happen in the radio business for me either till I got my first. The radio station is on the air. It took five years of work, five years of. Painstaking work. Okay. So you know, again, How could have I forgotten that? All...


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What IF‘s In Life Ep. 10

Hello, my friends, I'm James 'Fantastik' Hepler hosts of the Monetize UR Voice Podcast, and founder of and fantastic voice, a leadership trait. I believe we're all here to serve, to grow, and to become the best that we can possibly be each and every day of our earthly pilgrimage. I believe that every day is an opportunity to grow and to become the best possible communicator and human being that we could possibly be. That's why I started is an online, personal growth platform on the subject. So public speaking, cover communications and leadership. Reward yourself today with the achievements and accolades you so richly deserve by taking the next step and logging on to James van You won't find the tools you need to grow to be a better person and to achieve your next promotion and pay rate. Give yourself the tools you need to become the best of the best in this vastly important sector of public speaking leadership company communications. These new skills will change your life and the lives of all of those around you. For the. Share this podcast with three friends, just like you, who are committed to becoming a better person and also be sure to tag me or DM So I can say hi and welcome you here to the family of the monetize, your voice podcast. Thanks again for listening. And now let's get the show on the road. Yes, let's get this show on the road. Welcome back. So happy to have you with us today. Of course, the first thing we do is we put on our fantastic attire and I am so happy for you folks watching the video. This is my brand new suit outfit. I just got a couple of days ago. What do you think of this sparkle? The blues and the goals and the white sin. And of course by pink tie and a white hat, we're all ready to roll. I hope you have your fantastic attire and you're ready to roll also this week. We're going to be taking a look at the what-ifs in life. Okay. Are they real or are they just physical. Oh, our imagination. Now, before we get into that, I always like to tell you that I happened to be a Christian. And so when I speak of my higher power, some of the words that I use are, are God creator, Jesus, holy spirit, heavenly father. I encourage you to use a word that works for you. I know that, you know, The feeling and the power of LP, J K love, peace, joy, and kindness. And that's what, it's all about a higher power that brings us LP. J K and I hope that you have that in your life as well. So we're talking today about the, what ifs in life are they real or are they just a figment of our imagination? I want you to think about that for a couple of minutes before we go there. And we're going to take a quick review of our last podcast, which was in decisiveness. Now, Webster says that in decisiveness is not settling an issue, him hawing around. We also have a thing in there. Call comparison despair. That helps us. Am I good enough? Aren't I good enough. Um, lack of laser focus, the why versus the fork in the road we get to this point. Well, uh, well, if I go right, maybe that'll be the wrong decision. If I go left, if I go straight, we need to. Uh, date on our wait. I have a very great story to share with you. That just happened to me within the last hour. You see, I'm, I'm going for an MRI. I'm having some, uh, shoulder problems. And so this has to do with, well, how long do I want to wait? Well, I don't want. You know, any extra time necessary. I need to find out what's going on with my shoulder. So I was scheduled for 10 days from the day, and I kept on calling to see if there was a cancellation call this morning, no luck. So I just said, Hey, you know, I'm going to call again. And the lady was taking her time and this, that, and the other thing. And all of a sudden she has a, Hey, how would you like to do tomorrow? Oh, I said, well, that'd be fantastic. So what time she says, you have to be here at six 30. Now I have over an hour drive to get...


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Indecisiveness Ep. 9

Hello, my friends, I'm James 'Fantastik' Hepler, founder 'of and fantastic leadership and voice training. I believe that we're all here to serve. To become the best that we could be each and every day of our earthly pilgrimage. I believe every day, it's an opportunity to become the best possible communicator and human being that we wish to be. That's why I it's online. Personal development platform on the subjects of public speaking, competent communications, leadership skills, and podcasting reward yourself with the achievements and accolades you. So I deserved by taking the next step and logging on to You will find the tools you need to grow, to be a better person, and to achieve your next promotion and pay, raise, give yourself the tools you need to become the best of the best in this vastly important sector of public speaking, leadership, and competent communications. These skills will change your life and the lives of all of those around you. For the better. Share this podcast with three friends, just like you, who are committed to becoming a better person, and also all be sure to tag me or DM me at So I can say hi and welcome you to our family here at the monetize your voice podcast. Thanks again for listening. And now let's get this on the road. Hello, the world I'm back. James 'Fantastik' Hepler. It's been a while. We'll talk about that here in a moment, but first of all, as we do here at the monetize your book. Podcast we put on are fantastic where I like to be fantastic. And most of the time I live pretty fantastically. So now I have my wonderful brand new white fedora and a red, white, and blue check shirt. I'm ready to roll. I hope you are also, you may want to put some of them fantastic reading glasses on to complete. You are fun. Tastic attire is so great to be back been 18 months. Yeah. You might say Mr. Fantastic. What have you been doing for 18 months? For a good question. I asked myself that question when I was writing this and the answer is I have been growing immensely and I like to Bring it back to the aspect that I become much more moldable, much pliable, but be another great word. Okay. And a couple of weeks ago, I was doing a three-day intense seminar with Alison Maslin. And her company is scale. It, the name of her program is scaling. It's a, I can't remember the name of her company, but anyhow, she's been around forever. Not that long, but she's been doing it a long time and it was great. It was three days. I learned a bunch and it tied into my indecision now. Which is what the subject is for today's recording indecisive. And during that time she had many wonderful speakers and if you have a company that's six mid-six figures to seven figures or higher, and you want to scale checkup, Alison Maslin, the scale it system. One of her speakers was a renowned author and a motivational speaker. He is an ordained minister and he has this new book called the magical mindset. And how do we get from mundane and messy and that kind of stuff? And one particular aspect of the book though is ruining that rock. My world old is he's had, I am a Christian. He was, I said he was in a dream minister, but I had no idea what his theology is. So anyhow, in, in him saying I am a Christian, he said, so my greater power is called God. And. It was liberating for me because I am also a Christian. I've been a Christian my whole life. And I refer to my source of inspiration of guidance to God. I refer to it as the holy spirit, my heavenly father Jesus is called the Christ teaching. And what I would encourage you is to find a word or words or a system that works for you. The great thing about the Christ teaching is Jesus said, here's the Bible you can use as much of it or as little of it, or none of it is here for your attune. There are no rules and regulations. I got to read three chapters a day or...
