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Optimal Human Experience with Dr Joseph Diruzzo

Education Podcasts

Do you ever wonder where all those repeating patterns in your life originated? Ever wonder why those negative habits keep showing up again and again while what you REALLY want is to feel better, do better, and be better? The Optimal Human Experience™ podcast with Dr. Joseph Diruzzo (aka "Dr. Joe") reveals the true origin of thought-patterns, feelings, and perceptual filters in life - both positive and negative. Plus you'll hear real-life examples of quick and effective resolutions of negative patterns using a simple repatterning technique called "Prenatal Reimprinting" (PNRI) to construct new neural pathways for success and happiness in all areas of life. Don't miss the Optimal Human Experience™ with Dr. Joseph Diruzzo. Learn more: https://optimalhumanexperience.com


United States


Do you ever wonder where all those repeating patterns in your life originated? Ever wonder why those negative habits keep showing up again and again while what you REALLY want is to feel better, do better, and be better? The Optimal Human Experience™ podcast with Dr. Joseph Diruzzo (aka "Dr. Joe") reveals the true origin of thought-patterns, feelings, and perceptual filters in life - both positive and negative. Plus you'll hear real-life examples of quick and effective resolutions of negative patterns using a simple repatterning technique called "Prenatal Reimprinting" (PNRI) to construct new neural pathways for success and happiness in all areas of life. Don't miss the Optimal Human Experience™ with Dr. Joseph Diruzzo. Learn more: https://optimalhumanexperience.com





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Special Edition - Dr Joe discusses Oriental Diagnosis with Glenn W. Fearn

Embark on an enlightening quest to decode the signals our bodies are sending as Dr Joe converses with Glenn W Fern about the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Oriental Diagnosis. We'll unravel the complex tapestry linking the food on our plates to the vitality within us, all through the lens of Bo Shinjutsu—the art of visual diagnosis. By understanding the tell-tale signs of dietary missteps etched on our faces and bodies, Dr Joe reveals how simple changes can have profound impacts on our health, potentially steering us away from the modern scourge of degenerative diseases. Laugh along with Dr Joe and Glenn as they recount the lighter side of digestive health and the unexpected joys of herbal remedies, while recognizing the critical importance of gut health and regularity for a life brimming with energy. For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 15 - Dopamine And The Chemistry of Fulfillment

Unlock the mysteries of your mind and emotions during this enthralling exploration of neurohormones during Episode 15 of the Optimal Human Experience Podcast. Ever wonder how simple pleasures like a home-cooked meal or the satisfaction of building something with your own hands can trigger such joy? We dive into the science behind serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins, with a special focus on dopamine's influence on our daily quest for happiness and fulfillment. From discussing the thin line between passion and addiction in gamers to the nostalgia of my grandmother's cooking and my father's craftsmanship, we reveal how dopamine shapes our lives. Additionally, we revisit the technique of anchoring, demonstrating how we can steer our emotions towards more rewarding states, all in the pursuit of the Optimal Human Experience™. For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 14 - Pursuit of Happiness and Growth Through Rapport and Prenatal Reimprinting

Imagine having the power to shape your personal experiences to achieve the optimal human existence. This episode will significantly alter your perspective on this possibility. Dr. Joseph DiRuzzo, guides us on a journey that unearths some profound truths about human wellbeing, relationships and prenatal influences on our behaviour. Buckle up as we delve into the significance of being in rapport, especially in our primary relationships, for maintaining good health. This episode gives you a front-row seat to an enlightening discussion on Rapport Deprivation Sickness - a concept that connects stressor of all forms, from mental to thermal, to illness and disease. We also tread on the intriguing territory of Prenatal Reimprinting (PNRI), revealing how our earliest experiences in the womb can shape our personality and behavior for the rest of our lives. A unique narrative about a couple's transformation through a guided fantasy exercise offers a compelling demonstration of these concepts. Our journey doesn't end here, as we explore strategies for changing set points and tuning our experiences to their optimum. Dr. Diruzzo shares methods on how to harness our prenatal experiences to reshape our reference structures and impact our level of happiness in life. Expect a deep dive into a conversation about the importance of rapport, love, and creating a positive environment for growth. We wind down with some candid talks about acknowledging our own mistakes and feeling the occasional mortification. Join us for this introspective journey into the Optimal Human Experience™, and let's start turning your life's potential into a reality together! For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 13 - The Power of Congruence and the Law of Attraction (proven by science)

Ever wondered how the power of congruence shapes our relationships and overall well-being? Prepare to be enlightened as we, your hosts, Paul Andrew and Dr. Joseph Diruzzo delve into this fascinating topic, drawing from compelling references like the law of attraction and constructive interference. We dissect the crucial role of a robust primary relationship and its positive impact on our internal health, setting the stage to enhance your life. We then navigate the intriguing concepts of status, prenatal re-imprinting, and their interplay with our brain's pattern installation. You'll discover how prenatal posture and eye movements can unlock your paleocortex and amplify creativity. Speaking from personal journeys, we share how these insights birthed a unique creativity technology that promotes positive prenatal patterns and rapport skills, key ingredients to the optimal human experience. Finally, we invite you into the world of creativity technology and prenatal re-imprinting, shining a light on how these tools can empower you to overcome life's hurdles, and usher in love, happiness, prosperity, and self-empowerment. Moreover, we venture into scientific proof of the universal law of attraction and its correlation to constructive interference. You'll be surprised to learn that your authenticity emits a more potent frequency from the human body than even love. It's a fascinating discussion you won't want to miss — a chance to truly enhance your human experience! For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 12 - Impactful Communication: Sensory Modalities, Significance, & Self-Expression

How can we amplify the impact of our words and actions? Join us in this riveting conversation with Dr. Joseph DiRuzzo as we journey into the heart of effective communication. Dr. Joe masterfully breaks down communication into basic sensory modalities - visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory, and vestibular. With anecdotes drawn from Dr. Spock's parenting techniques and personal childhood experiences, he makes a compelling case for adopting and incorporating at least two modalities for impactful communication. This episode promises to thrust you into a new realm of understanding about the power of multi-modal communication. We further dissect the role of different sensory modalities in our interactions and decision-making processes. Find out how body language and tone of voice can alter the entire perception of a message and how strategically employing these elements can optimize communication. We also probe into the vital concept of meaning and significance in communication. Dive into a discussion about how education, life experience, and self-confidence influence our ability to express ourselves effectively. This is a conversation you don't want to miss as we delve into the art of effective communication, helping you transform the way you connect with others. For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 11 - Overcoming Stress, Increasing Positivity, and the Power of Nature

Does chronic stress, fear of failure, or lack of self-confidence sound familiar? Join us in a transformative conversation with Dr. Joseph Diruzzo, where we uncover the secrets to overcoming these common challenges and journeying towards the Optimal Human Experience. Through the lens of private practice and Oriental medicine, we begin to understand the power of nature in restoring balance. Stories from Dr. Diruzzo's practice and a dive into prenatal reimprinting and the surprising benefits of mushrooms for kidney health set the stage for this enlightening conversation. Have you ever considered how our emotional state could impact our bodily functions? Together with Dr. Diruzzo, we explore the surprising correlation between fear and kidney function, and how a mother's emotional state during pregnancy can influence the fetus's biochemical environment. We'll tackle heavy societal influences such as the media's impact and the consequences of a lack of social connection. Yet, hope is not lost. We'll introduce you to transformative tools like neurolinguistic programming, hypnosis, and acupuncture therapy - all aimed at enriching your quality of life. We wrap up the conversation with an empowering discussion on fostering positive behavior and optimism. We address the prevalent issues of deprivation, sickness, and the human tendency to use wealth as a distraction from inner turmoil. Could dopamine addiction be at the root of these negative behaviors? We explore potential interventions. Furthermore, we delve into the crucial role parents play in shaping their children's perceptions of internal control and resilience. So, come along with us and our resident expert, Dr. Diruzzo, and take a step towards your Optimal Human Experience. For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 10 - Exploring the Mystical: Prenatal Reimprinting, Hypnosis, and the Human Mind

Imagine stumbling upon a technique so profound that it gives you access to the deepest recesses of the human mind. That's exactly where our journey with Dr. Joseph DiRuzzo leads us, as he pulls back the curtain on the mystical realm of prenatal re-imprinting technology. Dr. Joe's vibrant journey, peppered with humor, takes us through his foray into NLP training, hypnosis, and age regression. Prepare to be intrigued as he sheds light on the Milton Erickson Model, a riveting technique involving syntactic and scope ambiguity that aids in inducing a trance. And brace yourselves for a chuckle as Dr. Joe recounts his somewhat surreptitious foray into hypnosis with an unsuspecting psychiatrist! But we don't stop there, as we plunge deeper into the world of prenatal re-imprinting. Dr. Joe uncovers the profound essence of the earliest imprinting experiences and their far-reaching impacts. Exploring various categories of prenatal re-imprinting, he guides us through a maze of resources, relationships, self-expression and more. Our journey also ambles into the realm of athetosis, revealing intriguing details about a major historical figure and their athetotic fits. Wrapping up with the 80-20 rule, Dr. Joe gives us the tools to identify core issues that may be troubling a person. So, buckle up for a fascinating exploration into the human psyche, filled with enlightening insights, captivating anecdotes, and breakthroughs that promise to reshape your understanding of the human experience. For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 9 - Nutrition and the Mind: Unraveling the Links Between Diet, Inflammation and Personality Development with Dr. Joseph DiRuzzo

Ready to unravel the profound link between what you eat and how you think and feel? Renowned expert, Dr. Joseph DiRuzzo, unravels this intricate correlation. We peel away layers of conventional wisdom, tackling the consequences of micronutrient-deficient diet on our overall health. Together, we expose the dangers lurking behind long-term consumption of adulterated foods. Not only that, we delve into the repercussions of inflammation, and how it can lead to cerebral edema impacting emotions and behaviors. We also uncover the dark side of SSRIs, and share the insightful teachings of Michio Kushi on the long-term effects of altered diets. We then shift gears to the intriguing world of prenatal re-imprinting. Ever wondered how experiences from as far back as the womb could influence your personality structure? We navigate through this fascinating terrain, uncovering how imprints during our formative years can shape our lives. We look back at the Great Depression, and how its legacy of malnutrition extends to impact health. We also explore the kaleidoscope analogy to explain this concept further. Additionally, Dr. DiRuzzo imparts his wisdom on prenatal memory and the potential of prenatal re-imprinting to alter personality structures. This podcast episode promises to transform your understanding of health, nutrition, and personality development. For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 8 - Unraveling Health Mysteries: From Stress to Prenatal Imprinting to Hostess Cupcakes

Ever wondered how the different kinds of stress in your life physically affect your health? Today, Dr. Joseph DiRuzzo and I take a deep dive, not into water, but into the inextricable links between your health and stress. We’ll unravel how everything from your emotional state to the temperature around you feeds into your overall wellbeing. As we explore the concept of homeostasis, you'll discover a new world of balance that your body constantly strives for. And, if you’ve been feeling frustrated with traditional healthcare, get ready to be introduced to a cutting-edge method called ‘functional medicine’ that just might transform your health journey. We also crack open the fascinating topic of prenatal imprinting to reveal insights into your makeup before you were even born. Using the lens of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques, we cast light on the prenatal experience and its lifelong influence. You might be surprised to learn that your organ systems have emotional ties, formed even before your birth! Not forgetting the ancient Aztecs, we also discuss their diet habits, showing you another piece of the intricate puzzle of health. To cap off our exploration, you'll get an inside look into how you can leverage the power of your subconscious mind to shift emotional patterns. We’ll guide you through the process of tracing your emotional states back to your prenatal experiences, and harnessing this knowledge for personal transformation. And, for a sweeter note, we’re also going to chat about cream-filled muffins and Hostess cupcakes. It's not all sugar and empty calories though, as we discuss the evolution of the processed food industry and its impacts. So, if you're ready to take control of your health and wellbeing on a deeper level, this episode is your ticket to the journey. Let's get started! For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 7 - Talk About Everything: Oriental Diagnosis & Emotional Health

Ever wondered about the role of calcium and vitamin D in children's health? You're not alone! We've invited the remarkable Dr. Joseph DiRuzzo to join us, sharing his gripping stories and experiences from his private practice near the Canadian border. Dr. DiRuzzo’s simple solutions, like calcium lactate and cod liver oil, dramatically improved the health of countless children, and he has plenty of insights to share about the relationship between these vital nutrients and our well-being. As the conversation progresses, we steer toward the riveting world of traditional Chinese medicine. Dr. DiRuzzo's astounding patient recovery stories speak volumes about the efficacy of Oriental diagnosis and the large intestine meridian in patient treatment. But it doesn't stop there; we also dive deep into the concept of report deprivation sickness and its impact on the younger generations. We highlight the urgency of acquiring practical life experiences and managing relationships, both personal and professional, for a well-rounded, fulfilling life. This episode promises thought-provoking discussion that will leave you contemplating long after it's over! So grab a cup of your favorite brew, sit back and join us. You won't want to miss it! For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 6 - Life is Difficult, Life is Hard...

Life is difficult, life is hard... but does it HAVE to be? Maybe not so much, especially with the tools we have available to achieve the Optimal Human Experience. Explore how telomeres, those shoelace-like ends of our chromosomes, play a significant role in the aging process. From the effect of stress on the Hayflick limit to the implications this holds for our daily lives, our discussion will leave you reconsidering your life's pace. Finally, get ready to examine the power of emotional states and their impact on our well-being. From the implications of using drugs to alter perceptual filters, to the potential healing power of prenatal experiences, we'll delve deep into the science of emotion. Our explorations include cell receptor site coding for certain emotion molecules and the importance of neuropeptide release for fostering positive patterns. For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 5: Stress in Life and Perceptual Filters

Have you ever wondered how much influence the prenatal period has in shaping our lives? Prepare to have your mind expanded as Dr. Joseph Diruzzo takes us on a fascinating journey through a key tool for obtaining the Optimal Human Experience: the world of Prenatal Re-imprinting (PNRI). We discuss the significant role of the prenatal period in setting our emotional, neurophysiological, and chronological set points. Learn about simple Pavlovian Stimulus Response Reflex arcs, and how they lead to resonating feedback loops, both emotional and physical. The end result? People tend to recapitulate actions, circumstances, and situations in order to have the same experiences over and over and over again. "Always" make the wrong decision? "Always" choose the wrong person for a relationship? Do people "Always" take advantage of you? Yes, there's a common denominator and it can be changed and transformed to experience different results. Dr. DiRuzzo sheds light on our parents' emotional experiences and how they can deeply impact us, with the biggest impact happening even before we're born. We unpack the potential of prenatal re-imprinting in resolving these deep-seated psychological patterns and restoring the Optimal Human Experience. Learn to unlock the most ancient parts of your brain through posture. We'll also tap into how this knowledge can act as a therapeutic tool when you're feeling tired or stressed out. Embrace the profound role of neurophysiology and acupuncture in this process. Moreover, we delve into the world of perceptual filters, how they impact our life experiences and can be shifted by incorporating artificial memories to rewrite prenatal experiences and imprints. A whole new perspective on your past and your optimal future awaits you in this enlightening conversation. For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 4 - Feelings of Uncertainty - Dr. Joseph Diruzzo

In this episode of the Optimal Human Experience podcast, Dr. Joe discusses feelings of uncertainty. Where do they come from? Why do feelings of uncertainty affect so many people? When did we have feelings of uncertainty for the very first time? For more information, videos, and information on courses visit: optimalhumanexperience.com For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Ep. 3 - "Have to" vs "Want to" with Dr. Joseph Diruzzo

Dr. Joe talks a little more about Rapport Deprivation Sickness. Then you'll dig into the huge difference between "have to" and "want to" and how it affects your whole body physically and emotionally. Learn More: Optimal Human Experience Website For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Episode 2: Rapport Deprivation Sickness - A Modern Plague on Humanity

In this episode of the Optimal Human Experience™ podcast, Dr. Joseph Diruzzo (aka "Dr. Joe") discusses what he calls "Rapport Deprivation Sickness" and how it shows up everywhere you look, along with some tools to combat it. Also, learn a bit about what Dr. Joe calls "Physiologic Health Care" which he developed as a part of the Optimal Human Experience™ overall program. For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com


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Episode 1: Development of the Optimal Human Experience

Dr. Joseph Diruzzo discusses how he developed the "Optimal Human Experience" beginning in the late 1970's. You'll also hear some of the results from 1-on-1 sessions and a few individual experiences. Learn more at the Optimal Human Experience website. For more information be sure to visit Dr. Joe's website, optimalhumanexperience.com You'll find videos, articles, a link to all the podcast episodes, and a description of the different programs developed by Dr. Joe over the years. Join the FREE email course and get special offers and advance notifications for new course offerings. Have questions? Submit your question through the chat feature and maybe you'll hear a discussion about it on a future podcast! https://optimalhumanexperience.com
