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Keeping you up to date with the latest trends and best performing architectures in this fast evolving field in computer science. Selecting papers by comparative results, citations and influence we educate you on the latest research. Consider supporting us on for feedback and ideas.





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Make Your LLM Fully Utilize the Context

While many contemporary large language models (LLMs) can process lengthy input, they still struggle to fully utilize information within the long context, known as the lost-in-the-middle challenge. We hypothesize that it stems from insufficient explicit supervision during the long-context training, which fails to emphasize that any position in a long context can hold crucial information. Based on this intuition, our study presents information-intensive (IN2) training, a purely data-driven solution to overcome lost-in-the-middle. Specifically, IN2 training leverages a synthesized long-context question-answer dataset, where the answer requires (1) fine-grained information awareness on a short segment (~128 tokens) within a synthesized long context (4K-32K tokens), and (2) the integration and reasoning of information from two or more short segments. Through applying this information-intensive training on Mistral-7B, we present FILM-7B (FILl-in-the-Middle). To thoroughly assess the ability of FILM-7B for utilizing long contexts, we design three probing tasks that encompass various context styles (document, code, and structured-data context) and information retrieval patterns (forward, backward, and bi-directional retrieval). The probing results demonstrate that FILM-7B can robustly retrieve information from different positions in its 32K context window. Beyond these probing tasks, FILM-7B significantly improves the performance on real-world long-context tasks (e.g., 23.5->26.9 F1 score on NarrativeQA), while maintaining a comparable performance on short-context tasks (e.g., 59.3->59.2 accuracy on MMLU). Github Link: 2024: Shengnan An, Zexiong Ma, Zeqi Lin, Nanning Zheng, Jian-Guang Lou


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How Far Are We to GPT-4V? Closing the Gap to Commercial Multimodal Models with Open-Source Suites

In this report, we introduce InternVL 1.5, an open-source multimodal large language model (MLLM) to bridge the capability gap between open-source and proprietary commercial models in multimodal understanding. We introduce three simple improvements: (1) Strong Vision Encoder: we explored a continuous learning strategy for the large-scale vision foundation model -- InternViT-6B, boosting its visual understanding capabilities, and making it can be transferred and reused in different LLMs. (2) Dynamic High-Resolution: we divide images into tiles ranging from 1 to 40 of 448$\times$448 pixels according to the aspect ratio and resolution of the input images, which supports up to 4K resolution input. (3) High-Quality Bilingual Dataset: we carefully collected a high-quality bilingual dataset that covers common scenes, document images, and annotated them with English and Chinese question-answer pairs, significantly enhancing performance in OCR- and Chinese-related tasks. We evaluate InternVL 1.5 through a series of benchmarks and comparative studies. Compared to both open-source and proprietary models, InternVL 1.5 shows competitive performance, achieving state-of-the-art results in 8 of 18 benchmarks. Code has been released at 2024: Zhe Chen, Weiyun Wang, Hao Tian, Shenglong Ye, Zhangwei Gao, Erfei Cui, Wenwen Tong, Kongzhi Hu, Jiapeng Luo, Zheng Ma, Ji Ma, Jiaqi Wang, Xiao-wen Dong, Hang Yan, Hewei Guo, Conghui He, Zhenjiang Jin, Chaochao Xu, Bin Wang, Xingjian Wei, Wei Li, Wenjian Zhang, Lewei Lu, Xizhou Zhu, Tong Lu, Dahua Lin, Yu Qiao


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Dynamic Generation of Personalities with Large Language Models

In the realm of mimicking human deliberation, large language models (LLMs) show promising performance, thereby amplifying the importance of this research area. Deliberation is influenced by both logic and personality. However, previous studies predominantly focused on the logic of LLMs, neglecting the exploration of personality aspects. In this work, we introduce Dynamic Personality Generation (DPG), a dynamic personality generation method based on Hypernetworks. Initially, we embed the Big Five personality theory into GPT-4 to form a personality assessment machine, enabling it to evaluate characters' personality traits from dialogues automatically. We propose a new metric to assess personality generation capability based on this evaluation method. Then, we use this personality assessment machine to evaluate dialogues in script data, resulting in a personality-dialogue dataset. Finally, we fine-tune DPG on the personality-dialogue dataset. Experiments prove that DPG's personality generation capability is stronger after fine-tuning on this dataset than traditional fine-tuning methods, surpassing prompt-based GPT-4. 2024: Jianzhi Liu, Hexiang Gu, Tianyu Zheng, Liuyu Xiang, Huijia Wu, Jie Fu, Zhaofeng He


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Megalodon: Efficient LLM Pretraining and Inference with Unlimited Context Length

The quadratic complexity and weak length extrapolation of Transformers limits their ability to scale to long sequences, and while sub-quadratic solutions like linear attention and state space models exist, they empirically underperform Transformers in pretraining efficiency and downstream task accuracy. We introduce Megalodon, a neural architecture for efficient sequence modeling with unlimited context length. Megalodon inherits the architecture of Mega (exponential moving average with gated attention), and further introduces multiple technical components to improve its capability and stability, including complex exponential moving average (CEMA), timestep normalization layer, normalized attention mechanism and pre-norm with two-hop residual configuration. In a controlled head-to-head comparison with Llama2, Megalodon achieves better efficiency than Transformer in the scale of 7 billion parameters and 2 trillion training tokens. Megalodon reaches a training loss of 1.70, landing mid-way between Llama2-7B (1.75) and 13B (1.67). Code: 2024: Xuezhe Ma, Xiaomeng Yang, Wenhan Xiong, Beidi Chen, Lili Yu, Hao Zhang, Jonathan May, Luke Zettlemoyer, Omer Levy, Chunting Zhou


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Phi-3 Technical Report: A Highly Capable Language Model Locally on Your Phone

We introduce phi-3-mini, a 3.8 billion parameter language model trained on 3.3 trillion tokens, whose overall performance, as measured by both academic benchmarks and internal testing, rivals that of models such as Mixtral 8x7B and GPT-3.5 (e.g., phi-3-mini achieves 69% on MMLU and 8.38 on MT-bench), despite being small enough to be deployed on a phone. The innovation lies entirely in our dataset for training, a scaled-up version of the one used for phi-2, composed of heavily filtered web data and synthetic data. The model is also further aligned for robustness, safety, and chat format. We also provide some initial parameter-scaling results with a 7B and 14B models trained for 4.8T tokens, called phi-3-small and phi-3-medium, both significantly more capable than phi-3-mini (e.g., respectively 75% and 78% on MMLU, and 8.7 and 8.9 on MT-bench). 2024: Marah Abdin, Sam Ade Jacobs, A. A. Awan, Jyoti Aneja, Ahmed Awadallah, H. Awadalla, Nguyen Bach, Amit Bahree, Arash Bakhtiari, Harkirat Singh Behl, Alon Benhaim, Misha Bilenko, Johan Bjorck, Sébastien Bubeck, Martin Cai, C. C. T. Mendes, Weizhu Chen, Vishrav Chaudhary, Parul Chopra, Allison Del Giorno, Gustavo de Rosa, Matthew Dixon, Ronen Eldan, Dan Iter, Abhishek Goswami, S. Gunasekar, Emman Haider, Junheng Hao, Russell J. Hewett, Jamie Huynh, Mojan Javaheripi, Xin Jin, Piero Kauffmann, Nikos Karampatziakis, Dongwoo Kim, Mahoud Khademi, Lev Kurilenko, James R. Lee, Yin Tat Lee, Yuanzhi Li, Chen Liang, Weishung Liu, Eric Lin, Zeqi Lin, Piyush Madan, Arindam Mitra, Hardik Modi, Anh Nguyen, Brandon Norick, Barun Patra, D. Perez-Becker, Thomas Portet, Reid Pryzant, Heyang Qin, Marko Radmilac, Corby Rosset, Sambudha Roy, Olli Saarikivi, Amin Saied, Adil Salim, Michael Santacroce, Shital Shah, Ning Shang, Hiteshi Sharma, Xia Song, Olatunji Ruwase, Xin Wang, Rachel Ward, Guanhua Wang, Philipp Witte, Michael Wyatt, Can Xu, Jiahang Xu, Sonali Yadav, Fan Yang, Ziyi Yang, Donghan Yu, Cheng-Yuan Zhang, Cyril Zhang, Jianwen Zhang, Li Lyna Zhang, Yi Zhang, Yunan Zhang, Xiren Zhou


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Actions Speak Louder than Words: Trillion-Parameter Sequential Transducers for Generative Recommendations

Large-scale recommendation systems are characterized by their reliance on high cardinality, heterogeneous features and the need to handle tens of billions of user actions on a daily basis. Despite being trained on huge volume of data with thousands of features, most Deep Learning Recommendation Models (DLRMs) in industry fail to scale with compute. Inspired by success achieved by Transformers in language and vision domains, we revisit fundamental design choices in recommendation systems. We reformulate recommendation problems as sequential transduction tasks within a generative modeling framework (``Generative Recommenders''), and propose a new architecture, HSTU, designed for high cardinality, non-stationary streaming recommendation data. HSTU outperforms baselines over synthetic and public datasets by up to 65.8\% in NDCG, and is 5.3x to 15.2x faster than FlashAttention2-based Transformers on 8192 length sequences. HSTU-based Generative Recommenders, with 1.5 trillion parameters, improve metrics in online A/B tests by 12.4\% and have been deployed on multiple surfaces of a large internet platform with billions of users. More importantly, the model quality of Generative Recommenders empirically scales as a power-law of training compute across three orders of magnitude, up to GPT-3/LLaMa-2 scale, which reduces carbon footprint needed for future model developments, and further paves the way for the first foundational models in recommendations. 2024: Jiaqi Zhai, Lucy Liao, Xing Liu, Yueming Wang, Rui Li, Xuan Cao, Leon Gao, Zhaojie Gong, Fangda Gu, Michael He, Yin-Hua Lu, Yu Shi


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Assisting in Writing Wikipedia-like Articles From Scratch with Large Language Models

We study how to apply large language models to write grounded and organized long-form articles from scratch, with comparable breadth and depth to Wikipedia pages. This underexplored problem poses new challenges at the pre-writing stage, including how to research the topic and prepare an outline prior to writing. We propose STORM, a writing system for the Synthesis of Topic Outlines through Retrieval and Multi-perspective Question Asking. STORM models the pre-writing stage by (1) discovering diverse perspectives in researching the given topic, (2) simulating conversations where writers carrying different perspectives pose questions to a topic expert grounded on trusted Internet sources, (3) curating the collected information to create an outline. For evaluation, we curate FreshWiki, a dataset of recent high-quality Wikipedia articles, and formulate outline assessments to evaluate the pre-writing stage. We further gather feedback from experienced Wikipedia editors. Compared to articles generated by an outline-driven retrieval-augmented baseline, more of STORM's articles are deemed to be organized (by a 25% absolute increase) and broad in coverage (by 10%). The expert feedback also helps identify new challenges for generating grounded long articles, such as source bias transfer and over-association of unrelated facts. 2024: Yijia Shao, Yucheng Jiang, Theodore A. Kanell, Peter Xu, Omar Khattab, Monica S. Lam


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Mini-Gemini: Mining the Potential of Multi-modality Vision Language Models

In this work, we introduce Mini-Gemini, a simple and effective framework enhancing multi-modality Vision Language Models (VLMs). Despite the advancements in VLMs facilitating basic visual dialog and reasoning, a performance gap persists compared to advanced models like GPT-4 and Gemini. We try to narrow the gap by mining the potential of VLMs for better performance and any-to-any workflow from three aspects, i.e., high-resolution visual tokens, high-quality data, and VLM-guided generation. To enhance visual tokens, we propose to utilize an additional visual encoder for high-resolution refinement without increasing the visual token count. We further construct a high-quality dataset that promotes precise image comprehension and reasoning-based generation, expanding the operational scope of current VLMs. In general, Mini-Gemini further mines the potential of VLMs and empowers current frameworks with image understanding, reasoning, and generation simultaneously. Mini-Gemini supports a series of dense and MoE Large Language Models (LLMs) from 2B to 34B. It is demonstrated to achieve leading performance in several zero-shot benchmarks and even surpasses the developed private models. Code and models are available at 2024: Yanwei Li, Yuechen Zhang, Chengyao Wang, Zhisheng Zhong, Yixin Chen, Ruihang Chu, Shaoteng Liu, Jiaya Jia


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InstantMesh: Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image with Sparse-view Large Reconstruction Models

We present InstantMesh, a feed-forward framework for instant 3D mesh generation from a single image, featuring state-of-the-art generation quality and significant training scalability. By synergizing the strengths of an off-the-shelf multiview diffusion model and a sparse-view reconstruction model based on the LRM architecture, InstantMesh is able to create diverse 3D assets within 10 seconds. To enhance the training efficiency and exploit more geometric supervisions, e.g, depths and normals, we integrate a differentiable iso-surface extraction module into our framework and directly optimize on the mesh representation. Experimental results on public datasets demonstrate that InstantMesh significantly outperforms other latest image-to-3D baselines, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We release all the code, weights, and demo of InstantMesh, with the intention that it can make substantial contributions to the community of 3D generative AI and empower both researchers and content creators. 2024: Jiale Xu, Weihao Cheng, Yiming Gao, Xintao Wang, Shenghua Gao, Ying Shan


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From Words to Numbers: Your Large Language Model Is Secretly A Capable Regressor When Given In-Context Examples

We analyze how well pre-trained large language models (e.g., Llama2, GPT-4, Claude 3, etc) can do linear and non-linear regression when given in-context examples, without any additional training or gradient updates. Our findings reveal that several large language models (e.g., GPT-4, Claude 3) are able to perform regression tasks with a performance rivaling (or even outperforming) that of traditional supervised methods such as Random Forest, Bagging, or Gradient Boosting. For example, on the challenging Friedman #2 regression dataset, Claude 3 outperforms many supervised methods such as AdaBoost, SVM, Random Forest, KNN, or Gradient Boosting. We then investigate how well the performance of large language models scales with the number of in-context exemplars. We borrow from the notion of regret from online learning and empirically show that LLMs are capable of obtaining a sub-linear regret. 2024: Robert Vacareanu, Vlad-Andrei Negru, Vasile Suciu, M. Surdeanu


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AutoCodeRover: Autonomous Program Improvement

Researchers have made significant progress in automating the software development process in the past decades. Automated techniques for issue summarization, bug reproduction, fault localization, and program repair have been built to ease the workload of developers. Recent progress in Large Language Models (LLMs) has significantly impacted the development process, where developers can use LLM-based programming assistants to achieve automated coding. Nevertheless software engineering involves the process of program improvement apart from coding, specifically to enable software maintenance (e.g. program repair to fix bugs) and software evolution (e.g. feature additions). In this paper, we propose an automated approach for solving Github issues to autonomously achieve program improvement. In our approach called AutoCodeRover, LLMs are combined with sophisticated code search capabilities, ultimately leading to a program modification or patch. In contrast to recent LLM agent approaches from AI researchers and practitioners, our outlook is more software engineering oriented. We work on a program representation (abstract syntax tree) as opposed to viewing a software project as a mere collection of files. Our code search exploits the program structure in the form of classes/methods to enhance LLM's understanding of the issue's root cause, and effectively retrieve a context via iterative search. The use of spectrum based fault localization using tests, further sharpens the context. Experiments on the recently proposed SWE-bench-lite which consists of 300 real-life Github issues involving bug fixing and feature additions show increased efficacy (resolving more than 20% on SWE-bench-lite), as compared to recent efforts from the AI community. We posit that our workflow enables autonomous software engineering, where, in future, auto-generated code from LLMs can be autonomously improved. 2024: Yuntong Zhang, Haifeng Ruan, Zhiyu Fan, Abhik Roychoudhury


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TrustLLM: Trustworthiness in Large Language Models

Large language models (LLMs), exemplified by ChatGPT, have gained considerable attention for their excellent natural language processing capabilities. Nonetheless, these LLMs present many challenges, particularly in the realm of trustworthiness. Therefore, ensuring the trustworthiness of LLMs emerges as an important topic. This paper introduces TrustLLM, a comprehensive study of trustworthiness in LLMs, including principles for different dimensions of trustworthiness, established benchmark, evaluation, and analysis of trustworthiness for mainstream LLMs, and discussion of open challenges and future directions. Specifically, we first propose a set of principles for trustworthy LLMs that span eight different dimensions. Based on these principles, we further establish a benchmark across six dimensions including truthfulness, safety, fairness, robustness, privacy, and machine ethics. We then present a study evaluating 16 mainstream LLMs in TrustLLM, consisting of over 30 datasets. Our findings firstly show that in general trustworthiness and utility (i.e., functional effectiveness) are positively related. Secondly, our observations reveal that proprietary LLMs generally outperform most open-source counterparts in terms of trustworthiness, raising concerns about the potential risks of widely accessible open-source LLMs. However, a few open-source LLMs come very close to proprietary ones. Thirdly, it is important to note that some LLMs may be overly calibrated towards exhibiting trustworthiness, to the extent that they compromise their utility by mistakenly treating benign prompts as harmful and consequently not responding. Finally, we emphasize the importance of ensuring transparency not only in the models themselves but also in the technologies that underpin trustworthiness. Knowing the specific trustworthy technologies that have been employed is crucial for analyzing their effectiveness. 2024: Lichao Sun, Yue Huang, Haoran Wang, Siyuan Wu, Qihui Zhang, Chujie Gao, Yixin Huang, Wenhan Lyu, Yixuan Zhang, Xiner Li, Zhengliang Liu, Yixin Liu, Yijue Wang, Zhikun Zhang, B. Kailkhura, Caiming Xiong, Chao Zhang, Chaowei Xiao, Chun-Yan Li, Eric Xing, Furong Huang, Haodong Liu, Heng Ji, Hongyi Wang, Huan Zhang, Huaxiu Yao, M. Kellis, M. Zitnik, Meng Jiang, Mohit Bansal, James Zou, Jian Pei, Jian Liu, Jianfeng Gao, Jiawei Han, Jieyu Zhao, Jiliang Tang, Jindong Wang, John Mitchell, Kai Shu, Kaidi Xu, Kai-Wei Chang, Lifang He, Lifu Huang, Michael Backes, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Philip S. Yu, Pin-Yu Chen, Quanquan Gu, Ran Xu, Rex Ying, Shuiwang Ji, S. Jana, Tian-Xiang Chen, Tianming Liu, Tianying Zhou, Willian Wang, Xiang Li, Xiang-Yu Zhang, Xiao Wang, Xingyao Xie, Xun Chen, Xuyu Wang, Yan Liu, Yanfang Ye, Yinzhi Cao, Yue Zhao


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AniPortrait: Audio-Driven Synthesis of Photorealistic Portrait Animation

In this study, we propose AniPortrait, a novel framework for generating high-quality animation driven by audio and a reference portrait image. Our methodology is divided into two stages. Initially, we extract 3D intermediate representations from audio and project them into a sequence of 2D facial landmarks. Subsequently, we employ a robust diffusion model, coupled with a motion module, to convert the landmark sequence into photorealistic and temporally consistent portrait animation. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of AniPortrait in terms of facial naturalness, pose diversity, and visual quality, thereby offering an enhanced perceptual experience. Moreover, our methodology exhibits considerable potential in terms of flexibility and controllability, which can be effectively applied in areas such as facial motion editing or face reenactment. We release code and model weights at 2024: Huawei Wei, Zejun Yang, Zhisheng Wang


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Fast Timing-Conditioned Latent Audio Diffusion

Generating long-form 44.1kHz stereo audio from text prompts can be computationally demanding. Further, most previous works do not tackle that music and sound effects naturally vary in their duration. Our research focuses on the efficient generation of long-form, variable-length stereo music and sounds at 44.1kHz using text prompts with a generative model. Stable Audio is based on latent diffusion, with its latent defined by a fully-convolutional variational autoencoder. It is conditioned on text prompts as well as timing embeddings, allowing for fine control over both the content and length of the generated music and sounds. Stable Audio is capable of rendering stereo signals of up to 95 sec at 44.1kHz in 8 sec on an A100 GPU. Despite its compute efficiency and fast inference, it is one of the best in two public text-to-music and -audio benchmarks and, differently from state-of-the-art models, can generate music with structure and stereo sounds. 2024: Zach Evans, CJ Carr, Josiah Taylor, Scott H. Hawley, Jordi Pons


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Gaussian Head Avatar: Ultra High-fidelity Head Avatar via Dynamic Gaussians

Creating high-fidelity 3D head avatars has always been a research hotspot, but there remains a great challenge under lightweight sparse view setups. In this paper, we propose Gaussian Head Avatar represented by controllable 3D Gaussians for high-fidelity head avatar modeling. We optimize the neutral 3D Gaussians and a fully learned MLP-based deformation field to capture complex expressions. The two parts benefit each other, thereby our method can model fine-grained dynamic details while ensuring expression accuracy. Furthermore, we devise a well-designed geometry-guided initialization strategy based on implicit SDF and Deep Marching Tetrahedra for the stability and convergence of the training procedure. Experiments show our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art sparse-view methods, achieving ultra high-fidelity rendering quality at 2K resolution even under exaggerated expressions. 2023: Yuelang Xu, Benwang Chen, Zhe Li, Hongwen Zhang, Lizhen Wang, Zerong Zheng, Yebin Liu


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ReFT: Representation Finetuning for Language Models

Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods seek to adapt large models via updates to a small number of weights. However, much prior interpretability work has shown that representations encode rich semantic information, suggesting that editing representations might be a more powerful alternative. Here, we pursue this hypothesis by developing a family of $\textbf{Representation Finetuning (ReFT)}$ methods. ReFT methods operate on a frozen base model and learn task-specific interventions on hidden representations. We define a strong instance of the ReFT family, Low-rank Linear Subspace ReFT (LoReFT). LoReFT is a drop-in replacement for existing PEFTs and learns interventions that are 10x-50x more parameter-efficient than prior state-of-the-art PEFTs. We showcase LoReFT on eight commonsense reasoning tasks, four arithmetic reasoning tasks, Alpaca-Eval v1.0, and GLUE. In all these evaluations, LoReFT delivers the best balance of efficiency and performance, and almost always outperforms state-of-the-art PEFTs. We release a generic ReFT training library publicly at 2024: Zhengxuan Wu, Aryaman Arora, Zheng Wang, Atticus Geiger, Daniel Jurafsky, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts


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Long-form factuality in large language models

Large language models (LLMs) often generate content that contains factual errors when responding to fact-seeking prompts on open-ended topics. To benchmark a model's long-form factuality in open domains, we first use GPT-4 to generate LongFact, a prompt set comprising thousands of questions spanning 38 topics. We then propose that LLM agents can be used as automated evaluators for long-form factuality through a method which we call Search-Augmented Factuality Evaluator (SAFE). SAFE utilizes an LLM to break down a long-form response into a set of individual facts and to evaluate the accuracy of each fact using a multi-step reasoning process comprising sending search queries to Google Search and determining whether a fact is supported by the search results. Furthermore, we propose extending F1 score as an aggregated metric for long-form factuality. To do so, we balance the percentage of supported facts in a response (precision) with the percentage of provided facts relative to a hyperparameter representing a user's preferred response length (recall). Empirically, we demonstrate that LLM agents can outperform crowdsourced human annotators - on a set of ~16k individual facts, SAFE agrees with crowdsourced human annotators 72% of the time, and on a random subset of 100 disagreement cases, SAFE wins 76% of the time. At the same time, SAFE is more than 20 times cheaper than human annotators. We also benchmark thirteen language models on LongFact across four model families (Gemini, GPT, Claude, and PaLM-2), finding that larger language models generally achieve better long-form factuality. LongFact, SAFE, and all experimental code are available at 2024: Jerry Wei, Chengrun Yang, Xinying Song, Yifeng Lu, Nathan Hu, Jie Huang, Dustin Tran, Daiyi Peng, Ruibo Liu, Da Huang, Cosmo Du, Quoc V. Le


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Jamba: A Hybrid Transformer-Mamba Language Model

We present Jamba, a new base large language model based on a novel hybrid Transformer-Mamba mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture. Specifically, Jamba interleaves blocks of Transformer and Mamba layers, enjoying the benefits of both model families. MoE is added in some of these layers to increase model capacity while keeping active parameter usage manageable. This flexible architecture allows resource- and objective-specific configurations. In the particular configuration we have implemented, we end up with a powerful model that fits in a single 80GB GPU. Built at large scale, Jamba provides high throughput and small memory footprint compared to vanilla Transformers, and at the same time state-of-the-art performance on standard language model benchmarks and long-context evaluations. Remarkably, the model presents strong results for up to 256K tokens context length. We study various architectural decisions, such as how to combine Transformer and Mamba layers, and how to mix experts, and show that some of them are crucial in large scale modeling. We also describe several interesting properties of these architectures which the training and evaluation of Jamba have revealed, and plan to release checkpoints from various ablation runs, to encourage further exploration of this novel architecture. We make the weights of our implementation of Jamba publicly available under a permissive license. 2024: Opher Lieber, Barak Lenz, Hofit Bata, Gal Cohen, Jhonathan Osin, Itay Dalmedigos, Erez Safahi, S. Meirom, Yonatan Belinkov, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Omri Abend, Raz Alon, Tomer Asida, Amir Bergman, Roman Glozman, Michael Gokhman, Avashalom Manevich, Nir Ratner, N. Rozen, Erez Shwartz, Mor Zusman, Y. Shoham


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QA-LoRA: Quantization-Aware Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models

Recently years have witnessed a rapid development of large language models (LLMs). Despite the strong ability in many language-understanding tasks, the heavy computational burden largely restricts the application of LLMs especially when one needs to deploy them onto edge devices. In this paper, we propose a quantization-aware low-rank adaptation (QA-LoRA) algorithm. The motivation lies in the imbalanced degrees of freedom of quantization and adaptation, and the solution is to use group-wise operators which increase the degree of freedom of quantization meanwhile decreasing that of adaptation. QA-LoRA is easily implemented with a few lines of code, and it equips the original LoRA with two-fold abilities: (i) during fine-tuning, the LLM's weights are quantized (e.g., into INT4) to reduce time and memory usage; (ii) after fine-tuning, the LLM and auxiliary weights are naturally integrated into a quantized model without loss of accuracy. We apply QA-LoRA to the LLaMA and LLaMA2 model families and validate its effectiveness in different fine-tuning datasets and downstream scenarios. Code will be made available at 2023: Yuhui Xu, Lingxi Xie, Xiaotao Gu, Xin Chen, Heng Chang, Hengheng Zhang, Zhensu Chen, Xiaopeng Zhang, Qi Tian


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MegaBlocks: Efficient Sparse Training with Mixture-of-Experts

We present MegaBlocks, a system for efficient Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) training on GPUs. Our system is motivated by the limitations of current frameworks, which restrict the dynamic routing in MoE layers to satisfy the constraints of existing software and hardware. These formulations force a tradeoff between model quality and hardware efficiency, as users must choose between dropping tokens from the computation or wasting computation and memory on padding. To address these limitations, we reformulate MoE computation in terms of block-sparse operations and develop new block-sparse GPU kernels that efficiently handle the dynamism present in MoEs. Our approach never drops tokens and maps efficiently to modern hardware, enabling end-to-end training speedups of up to 40% over MoEs trained with the state-of-the-art Tutel library and 2.4x over DNNs trained with the highly-optimized Megatron-LM framework. 2022: Trevor Gale, D. Narayanan, C. Young, M. Zaharia
