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Powerful Questions

Education Podcasts

This podcast is all about powerful questions - questions that can generate something positive! Powerful questions hold the potential to connect people, help them gain new ideas and find their own strengths and resources. They can inspire you and others around you and they always generate insights and energy. In this podcast, I’ll explore the art and science of crafting and asking those powerful, generative questions. Each episode will be dedicated to one type of powerful question – a bite-sized introduction to the question, what makes it powerful and how you could use that question in your life and work.


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This podcast is all about powerful questions - questions that can generate something positive! Powerful questions hold the potential to connect people, help them gain new ideas and find their own strengths and resources. They can inspire you and others around you and they always generate insights and energy. In this podcast, I’ll explore the art and science of crafting and asking those powerful, generative questions. Each episode will be dedicated to one type of powerful question – a bite-sized introduction to the question, what makes it powerful and how you could use that question in your life and work.



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What do you love?

In this episode I chose to explore a very special powerful question - a question that not only will bring deeper awareness to you and others about a very important aspects of our lives but also has the potential to grow and expand it further. I hope you love it!


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What's the potential in this?

Building on the last episode, "What's the potential in this?" invites us to look even further or deeper when something unexpected or unplanned has happened and might initially seem like an unwelcome disruption. This question is also particularly helpful in bringing to life emergent change that might be otherwise deeply hidden in our conversations. Enjoy!


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What's the gift in this?

The question for this episode is super useful in developing our wellbeing and exercising our growth mindset. By asking "What is the gift in this?" when we face an unexpected or undesired change, we open a space for possibilities that we're very unlikely to see otherwise. I hope this question and its multiple versions can help you see these often-hidden gifts around you.


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Why is such a powerful question! Yet, is it generative too? How can you pose it to bring about positive outcomes and impact? In this episode, I explore the question and share a few ideas on how to pose it safely and how to release its power in a generative way.


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What's better now?

The question "What's better now?" offers another simple yet powerful way to expand our awareness in a useful way. It helps us notice, pay attention to and build on positive shifts that occur in our life or work - shifts that may otherwise be ignored or taken for granted. Greater awareness can be the start of many positive changes! Enjoy!


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What is the smallest step ?

The question at the heart of this episode is super useful for those facing big hairy goals or stretching aspirations. It shows how to achieve BIG things with small steps... TINY steps even! You might be already familiar with the Chinese proverb that translates to: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" This powerful question will help you get clear on how to start the journey, what could be the path and what possibilities could emerge along the way. Enjoy!


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What reources you ?

This episode continues on the path of discovering and focusing on our energy and its sources - in other words, what charges our "battery"? I chose to focus on this topic because it can be very helpful when we experience challenging times that drain our energy. I hope you feel more recharged after listening to it. Enjoy!


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When did you last feel...?

What would be possible for you if you had access to a magical "human battery charger"? A device that boosts your, or other people's, level of energy when needed? The powerful question in this episode can create the same magical impact! It can help you get unstuck or more energised about your goals or priorities. You can also use it to help others around you. Enjoy this boost of energy!


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What else?

The question “What else?” is such a short and simple question which packs in it a great generative potential. In this episode You’ll see just how powerful it can be. In fact, it is one of the most effective tools I know to directly access our deeper thoughts and creative ideas. Asking it multiple times allows us to go well beyond the most obvious thinking. I hope that after listening to this episode, you fall in love with this powerful question as much as I have!


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The miracle question... (+a bonus!)

Suppose a miracle happened and one of your dreams came true (or a challenge suddenly disappeared).... What would be different for you and how would you know it had happened? That's exactly what the miracle question invites you to consider! And if you think this is a waste of time because miracles never happen to you, I hope you think again about that after listening to this episode and realising all the powerful benefits in this miraculous question. Enjoy!


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What is your dream?

Do you have dreams? Or do you focus on getting on with each day as it comes? Dreams have an important role in our lives - the provide a sense of direction, they energise, and they help us through tough times. If you've never thought about your dreams or hopes (or haven't in a while...), this episode will hopefully inspire you to reconnect with them, explore them and hopefully begin to consider how to move forward with them. I hope you enjoy this injection of inspiration!


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What do you want?

"What do you want?" Is a powerful and useful question. It can add clarity where there is confusion (for yourself and with others). It can also help members in a team, understand each other better and create alignment. For most of us, "What do you want?" is not an easy question to answer... we typically respond to it with "I don't want..." which is one of the reasons for the confusion we hold about different topics we care about or projects we are involved with. However, it's worth spending time with this question with yourself or to pose it to other people you want to connect better with. I hope it helps you create more clarity for yourself and for the people around you.


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What is possible?

"What is possible?" is one of the most powerful and generative question I know of. It holds some magical powers! Using this question can open up and reveal possibilities we never considered and unblock us when we are stuck. It can be used for self-reflection, to support others and with groups (small or large). I hope you find it as magical as I do!


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What is available to you?

"What is available to you?" is such a powerful question that shines the light on the things most of us ignore or take for granted. When we're focused on achieving something, asking ourselves and others, what is readily available or easily accessible around us is really worth our time. It can help us make progress with our goals (or accelerate it). This question can further stretch your "muscle of noticing" and your abundance mindset. Furthermore, this question can be used for self-reflection, group coaching or even larger scale change. Enjoy!


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What pleased you today?

This episode takes a lighter choice of a powerful question. Rather than taking a deep dive, we stay on the surface of our daily lives and take a look at moments of pleasure or joy in our days. Each day, however mundane or difficult it may be, contains some micro moments, or clues, of joy or pleasure. Paying attention to those moments and tracking them can help create more of these experiences and on the way build our wellbeing and resilience. I hope you find listening to this episode useful (and joyful!)


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What is important to you?

This episode takes a deep dive into a powerful question some of us have asked ourselves before – “what is important to me?” Whether you have asked yourself this question before or not, this episode can help you consider and reflect on it with fresh eyes. I hope you will see how much further this question can go and how it can help you in your life and in your work. It is also an equally powerful question you can pose to others around you. Enjoy!


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What's working well?

How often do you take the opportunity to reflect on “What’s working well?” around you - in your life or at work? To truly take stock, explore deeply and make the most of that part of your reality? This powerful question is the focus of this episode in which I am sharing the value of shining the light on areas of our lives and work that are typically ignored or taken for granted. At best, they might be acknowledged but not truly valued, inquired into and actively used. I hope you enjoy this special “treasure hunt”!


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What gives life ?

In this episode, I bring forward the question "What gives life?" (along with many useful alternative versions). It is another favourite powerful question that can raise your awareness to often hidden or ignored ingredients of your lived experiences. This awareness can help you consciously and unconsciously enhance and enrich other areas of your personal or professional life as well as other people lives.


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What brought you HERE?

Continuing the focus on our life stories, in this episode I explore another powerful question that can help you gain useful insights about your own life experiences and the experiences of others. What brought you HERE, can help you understand better the choices you and others made in arriving HERE. Enjoy!


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Tell me about a time...

This powerful question might come as a surprise.... It is not phrased as a classic question and yet it packs inside so much... and it is my favourite! Stories hold so many insights, wisdom and energy. Learn how to tap into your stories and other people's stories by using this type of powerful question.
