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Start with Small Steps

Education Podcasts

This podcast is for real people who want to make changes but don’t know how to start. If you feel like positive change is overwhelming or elusive, or building the life you want seems far away, I will help you create easy and practical steps toward success. If you don’t have time to sift through thousands of hours of podcasts, hundreds of books or centuries of advice, let me do it for you! I will help you start with small steps in categories like productivity, self-help, health, technology or best practices. Each episode of my podcast will be posted in a blog format on my webpage, so you’ll always have the resources and links.


United States


This podcast is for real people who want to make changes but don’t know how to start. If you feel like positive change is overwhelming or elusive, or building the life you want seems far away, I will help you create easy and practical steps toward success. If you don’t have time to sift through thousands of hours of podcasts, hundreds of books or centuries of advice, let me do it for you! I will help you start with small steps in categories like productivity, self-help, health, technology or best practices. Each episode of my podcast will be posted in a blog format on my webpage, so you’ll always have the resources and links.





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The MEEPS Method for Problem-Solving

The MEEPS Method for Problem-Solving Change is hard, but with the right strategy, it becomes manageable. The MEMPS method—Motivate, Equip, Nudge, Push, and Shove—offers a structured approach to tackling problems and achieving goals. Here’s how you can apply this method to your own life. The system takes into account the book by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, Nudge. Motivate The first step is to inspire excitement. Create a vision board, set clear goals, and involve your friends and family for support. Motivation is about fostering a desire for the end result, making the journey towards it exciting and desirable. Equip Preparation is crucial. Ensure you have everything you need before starting. For example, if you’re aiming to exercise more, have the right clothes, shoes, and a gym plan ready. Properly equipping yourself prevents loss of momentum and sets a solid foundation for success. Nudge Subtle reminders and small incentives help keep you on track. Whether it’s setting reminders on your phone or using apps like Streaks, gentle nudges maintain progress without overwhelming pressure. They serve as friendly prompts to keep you moving in the right direction. Push Sometimes, a firmer approach is necessary. Set clear, measurable benchmarks and involve others to hold you accountable. If mornings aren’t working for your exercise routine, adjust the plan. Direct actions, like placing alarm clocks away from your bed, ensure you take the necessary steps towards your goals. Shove This is the last resort. It involves significant consequences or commitments that make it almost impossible not to follow through. For instance, committing to give away money if you don’t achieve a goal can be a powerful motivator. While harsh, shoves ensure that critical goals are met. The MEMPS method is versatile and can be tailored to various goals, from health and fitness to professional development. By following these steps, you create a structured pathway to success, ensuring that every effort you make brings you closer to your desired outcome. Start with motivation, prepare yourself, nudge gently, push when needed, and reserve the shove for when it’s absolutely necessary. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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199 - Overcoming Costs and Creating Incentives

199 - Overcoming Costs and Creating Incentives This episode examines how costs, incentives, and biases influence our behavior and decision-making processes. Drawing from both economics and psychology, we discuss strategies to identify and manage these factors effectively, ensuring better outcomes in personal a nd professional scenarios. The Role of Incentives: We explore how incentives, whether financial, social, or intrinsic, significantly impact behavior. From bonuses at work to rewards for good grades, incentives motivate us by offering tangible or intangible benefits. Stephen Levitt’s work highlights how even small incentives can drive substantial changes in behavior. We discuss various examples and the importance of creating effective incentive structures. Understanding Costs: Costs are not limited to financial expenses; they also include time, stress, and opportunity costs. We delve into how evaluating these costs helps in making more informed decisions. Real-life examples illustrate the hidden costs we often overlook. Understanding the full spectrum of costs associated with our decisions is crucial for making better choices. Psychological Influences: Behavioral economics combines psychology and economics to understand decision-making biases. We discuss common biases, such as resistance to change and the preference for immediate rewards, and how they affect our choices. By recognizing these biases, we can develop strategies to overcome them and make more rational decisions. Managing Costs and Enhancing Incentives: To make better decisions, it’s essential to identify and manage costs effectively. We cover strategies for recognizing direct and indirect costs and mitigating them through informed planning. Additionally, we discuss the importance of clear goals and rewards, visible progress tracking, and regular reassessment of incentive programs to ensure they lead to desired behaviors without unintended negative consequences. Takeaways: Understanding and balancing costs and incentives is essential for making informed decisions and fostering positive behavior changes. By recognizing the true costs of our actions and strategically implementing incentives, we can improve our personal and professional lives. Join us as we explore these concepts and learn how to navigate costs and incentives for better decision-making. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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198 - Navigating the Challenges of People Pleasing

198 - Navigating the Challenges of People Pleasing In this episode, we explore the often-overlooked downside of being too nice. Drawing from "Anxious to Please: Seven Revolutionary Practices for the Chronically Nice" by James Rapson and Craig English, we discuss how chronic people pleasing can impact mental health, relationships, and personal fulfillment. We offer practical strategies to help listeners find a balance between kindness and self-respect. The Hidden Costs of People Pleasing: Chronic people pleasing can lead to low self-esteem, depression, and strained relationships. It often involves second-guessing oneself and constantly seeking approval. Recognizing Over-Accommodation: Awareness is the first step towards change. It is crucial to identify situations where one is overly accommodating and reflect on the emotions and thoughts behind these behaviors. Steps to Reclaim Your Authenticity: Small Acts of Self-Assertion: Start with minor actions like suggesting a restaurant or declining additional work. Forgiveness and Patience: Changing ingrained habits takes time. Be kind to yourself throughout the process. The Desert Practice: Spending time alone helps one reconnect with one’s personal desires and needs. This practice encourages listening to one's own voice away from external influences. Developing a Personal Ethic: Adopt a mindset similar to a warrior who acts based on personal ethics rather than automatic niceness. This involves making conscious decisions aligned with personal values. Takeaways: Balance Kindness with Self-Respect: It's essential to be kind without compromising one’s own well-being. Awareness and small steps towards self-assertion can help achieve this balance. Practice Solitude: Regularly spending time alone helps you understand and prioritize your needs. Conscious Decision Making: Acting based on personal ethics rather than habitual niceness leads to a more authentic and fulfilling life. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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197 - Seven Key Questions to Be Self-Aware

197 - Seven Key Questions to Be Self-Aware Understanding our essential self is a journey, one that requires introspection and a willingness to ask challenging questions. We look into these questions, drawing from Dain Dunston's book, Being Essential: Seven Questions for Living and Leading with Radical Self-Awareness. This two-part series emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in navigating life's journey and achieving personal growth. 1 Where Are You? This foundational question urges listeners to evaluate their current life position, not just physically but emotionally and psychologically. It sets the stage for understanding one’s starting point in the journey of self-awareness. 2 Why Are You Here? Delving into the meaning behind our existence and actions, this question helps listeners identify their life’s purpose, providing a clear direction and making everyday challenges more manageable. 3 Who Are You Being? Examining the roles we play in life, this question distinguishes between our essential and synthetic selves, encouraging authentic living. 4 What Do You Want? Understanding our desires and goals is crucial. This question helps listeners align their actions with their true aspirations, creating a cohesive path forward. 5 What Wants to Happen? This metaphysical inquiry explores the broader direction of our lives, encouraging alignment with the larger movements of the world or our community. 6 What Don’t You Know? Acknowledging knowledge gaps and seeking to fill them is essential for growth. Confronting the unknowns that hinder progress is a key aspect of self-awareness. 7 How Does This Feel? Assessing our emotional responses to our journey helps us navigate its complexities. Mixed feelings are natural, and understanding them aids in personal development. Takeaways: • Reflecting on these seven questions can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself, promoting personal growth and a more fulfilling life. • Small steps towards self-awareness, as emphasized by Burroughs, can significantly impact overall well-being. Authenticity in our roles and understanding our true desires are essential components of a meaningful life journey. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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196 - Your Essential Being

196 - Your Essential Being In this episode, we explore the concept of radical self-awareness, a transformative practice that allows us to reconnect with our core identity. Inspired by Dane Dunstan's book "Being Essential: Seven Questions for Living and Leading with Radical Self-Awareness," we delve into how understanding our essential self can help us navigate life with clarity and purpose. Key Takeaways: Understanding Radical Self-Awareness: It's a practice that combines emotional intelligence, perceptiveness, and critical thinking. It involves recognizing our strengths, weaknesses, and motivations to lead our minds effectively. Overcoming External Labels: We often get boxed into outdated perceptions by those around us. Embracing our evolved selves requires breaking free from these labels and understanding our true identity. The Essential Child: Revisiting childhood passions and moments of pure joy can guide us in understanding what makes us feel alive. These core desires help align our lives with our authentic selves. Identifying Genuine Aspirations: Many pursue goals imposed by societal norms, leading to unfulfillment. Identifying what we genuinely want allows us to set meaningful goals and make authentic choices. Reflective Questions: Dunstan suggests using introspective questions to explore our essential self. Reflecting on where we feel most alive and what excites us provides insights into our true nature. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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195 - Shortcuts in Achieving Goals

195 - Shortcuts in Achieving Goals In our pursuit of goals, the question often arises: is it acceptable to use shortcuts? This topic is more nuanced than it appears, blending practical considerations with ethical ones. Let's explore the implications of using shortcuts to achieve goals and how they impact our learning, integrity, and success. Shortcuts are often perceived negatively, equated with cheating or avoiding hard work. However, not all shortcuts are created equal. Tools like AI, productivity apps, and medical interventions can provide a leg up without compromising our values. For instance, scheduling software helps organize tasks and bills, improving efficiency without undermining our skills. This raises an essential question: when do shortcuts hinder personal growth, and when do they facilitate it? Consider health and weight loss. Tools like Ozempic or gastric bypass surgery offer quick results but can bypass the critical learning process associated with lifestyle changes. This perspective is echoed by many who argue that reliance on such tools may lead to regaining weight once the shortcut is removed. The key issue here is whether these shortcuts help achieve long-term, sustainable health improvements or merely provide a temporary fix. Similarly, in education and work, tools like AI can aid learning and productivity. For example, using Grammarly to improve writing can be educational, offering insights into common mistakes. However, outsourcing tasks like writing a book or completing assignments can lead to dependency and a lack of skill development. Using apps like Merlin to learn bird calls can be instrumental in finding and learning more about birds. People who already know the birds can scorn the app, but instead, they should look at it as an educational tool if people use it correctly. For instance, I experience with weight loss—both through structured programs and gradual, self-directed efforts—demonstrates the importance of balancing immediate results with long-term habits. The same principle applies to financial management, where learning through experience often proves more valuable than quick fixes like debt bailouts. Yet, shortcuts are not inherently negative. They can be beneficial when they provide necessary support without completely replacing personal effort. AI tools for content creation, for instance, can enhance productivity while still requiring user input and creativity. Similarly, health apps and wearable technology can promote fitness by offering motivation and tracking progress. Ultimately, the decision to use shortcuts should be guided by their impact on learning and personal development. If a shortcut merely offers a temporary solution without fostering growth or understanding, it may be counterproductive. However, if it serves as a stepping stone towards greater efficiency and knowledge, it can be a valuable tool. In conclusion, shortcuts can be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on their application and the individual’s approach. Balancing the use of shortcuts with a commitment to personal growth and ethical considerations ensures that they serve as aids rather than crutches in achieving our goals. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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194 - Overcoming Tedious Tasks

194 - Overcoming Tedious Tasks In today’s episode, we explore how to tackle the boring, tedious tasks that often derail our productivity. Drawing insights from Peter Hollens’ book, Self-Disciplined: for Tedious, Boring, and Difficult Things, we discuss practical strategies to make these tasks more manageable. 1. 52/17 Technique: Work for 52 minutes, then take a 17-minute break. This method, based on the Pomodoro Technique, helps maintain focus and reduces mental fatigue. 2. Parking Downhill: Start with simple tasks to build momentum. Ease into your workday with activities that require less cognitive effort, like checking emails. 3. Four Quarters Method: Divide your day into four segments—early morning, late morning, afternoon, and evening. This makes your day feel less daunting and allows you to align tasks with your energy levels. 4. 12-Week Plan: Focus on short-term, 12-week goals instead of annual resolutions. This creates a sense of urgency and allows for frequent reassessments and adjustments. 5. Pickle Jar Theory: Prioritize by starting with the most critical tasks (big rocks) and filling in with smaller tasks (pebbles and sand). This ensures your most important tasks get done first. 6. Daily Themes: Assign specific days to particular types of tasks. Consistency builds rhythm and reduces decision fatigue. 7. Energy Patterns: Schedule demanding tasks during your peak energy times. Understand whether you’re a morning or evening person and plan accordingly. 8. Automation and Templates: Automate repetitive tasks and use templates to streamline workflows, reducing mental load and freeing up time for more critical activities. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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193 - Formulas for Life

193 - Formulas for Life In this episode, we delve into Patrick King's book, Social Equation, which offers practical formulas to enhance social interactions. Discover how to build trust, improve workplace harmony, and foster romantic relationships through King's insightful equations. Building trust is fundamental to any strong relationship, and Patrick King offers a straightforward formula to achieve this: Trustworthiness = Consistency x Reliability / Number of Betrayals. This emphasizes the importance of being consistent and reliable while minimizing betrayals to maintain and build trust. In the workplace, harmony is crucial for productivity and job satisfaction. King’s formula for workplace harmony is Respect x Cooperation / Conflicts + Ego. By fostering respect and cooperation and reducing conflicts and ego clashes, a more harmonious and productive work environment can be created. For romantic relationships, King provides a more nuanced formula: Common Interest x Physical Attraction x Emotional Connection to the Power of Adaptability. This formula highlights the need for shared interests, physical and emotional attraction, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances to maintain a strong romantic bond. When it comes to effective learning, King suggests that it can be quantified as Curiosity x Engagement / Number of Distractions. Staying curious and engaged while minimizing distractions can significantly enhance learning efficiency. Friendships are built on four key components: proximity, frequency, duration, and intensity. King’s formula for friendship development is Proximity + Frequency + Duration + Intensity. Maintaining frequent and meaningful interactions is essential for deepening friendships. Mastering small talk can be daunting, but King provides a simple strategy: answer the question asked, provide two additional lines of detail, and then pass the conversation back. This approach helps keep conversations engaging and dynamic, turning small talk into deeper, more meaningful exchanges. Introducing people to each other can be a powerful networking tool. King’s formula for perfect introductions is Past + Future. Start by mentioning the present role of the person, then share something from their past that establishes credibility, and finally, suggest a future connection between the individuals. Takeaway Challenge: Create three personal formulas to tackle current problems. For example, a weight loss formula could be Burning Calories x Activity / Eating Calories + Sedentary Time. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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192 - The Enduring Wisdom of George Washington’s Rules

192 - The Enduring Wisdom of George Washington’s Rules In today’s episode, we delve into George Washington’s “110 Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior,” a set of guidelines that the first U.S. President copied from a French etiquette manual during his youth. These rules, which shaped his conduct and helped forge his character, offer timeless wisdom on politeness and decorum that is surprisingly relevant in our modern society. The Foundation of Civility: We start by exploring the significance of these rules in Washington’s life and how they influenced his reputation as a leader. These principles were not just about manners but about forging a character equipped for leadership and respectful interactions. A.J. Jacobs’ Experiment: We discuss how contemporary writer A.J. Jacobs adopted Washington’s rules in his life for a month, as detailed in his book “My Life as an Experiment.” Jacobs’ experiences reveal the practicality of these rules in modern settings, emphasizing concise communication (Rule 34) and showing respect in every interaction (Rule 1). Applying Old Wisdom to New World Challenges: We talk about how these historical guidelines can be applied to today’s digital communication challenges, encouraging more thoughtful and respectful engagements in both personal and professional contexts. Favorite Rules and Anecdotes: Our host shares their favorite civility rules and some humorous yet insightful anecdotes about trying to live by these guidelines in everyday life, including the complexities and unexpected outcomes of such an experiment. Call to Action: We invite listeners to reflect on how incorporating elements of Washington’s civility into daily interactions could improve their communication and relationships. We also encourage audience participation by asking listeners to submit their own modern-day rules of civility. Conclusion: Wrapping up, we consider the enduring impact of these rules on modern etiquette and the potential for rediscovering civility in our fast-paced, often impersonal world. Tune in to gain insights into how historical lessons can foster a more respectful and thoughtful society today. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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191 - Don't Join the Cynicism

191 - Don't Join the Cynicism In this episode, we look into the pervasive issue of cynicism in our modern society, exploring its causes and impactful strategies to foster a more positive outlook. Drawing inspiration from the wise words of George Carlin, we discuss how disillusionment leads to cynicism and how we can transform this mindset to improve our overall quality of life. Understanding Cynicism: We start by defining cynicism and its roots in disappointment, highlighting the fine line between healthy skepticism and harmful cynicism. Developing Discernment: Learn about the importance of discernment in combating cynicism, enabling us to remain critical yet open-hearted and trusting. Reframing Perspectives: We discuss shifting from a passive to an active stance, focusing on problem-solving rather than problem-dwelling. Limiting Negativity: Tips on reducing exposure to negative triggers, such as distressing news and toxic social media. Cultivating Gratitude: Emphasizing the power of gratitude to shift focus from what's missing to what's present. Community Engagement: The benefits of engaging in positive social activities and volunteer work to combat feelings of isolation and negativity. Personal Accountability: A challenge to listeners to identify personal sources of cynicism and actively seek to change their perspectives. Join us as we journey away from cynicism, taking deliberate steps toward a more optimistic and fulfilling life. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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190 - Hit the Point and Sell it

190 - Hit the Point and Sell it Welcome to today's episode where we dive into the art of brevity in communication, inspired by the book "Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less." Today, we'll explore why brevity is essential and how to achieve it effectively. Importance of Order: Start communications with the most crucial information. This ensures that even if the audience loses interest later, they've already received the key message. Bullet Points vs. Paragraphs: Learn why bullet points can be more effective than long text blocks for keeping your reader or listener engaged. Editing for Impact: We discuss strategies for eliminating unnecessary words and focusing on content that adds real value to the conversation. Powerful Language: The use of strong verbs and nouns can make your communication more impactful and easier to remember. Efficiency in Meetings: Tips on how to conduct shorter, more focused meetings that respect everyone's time and contribute to more productive team interactions. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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189 - Be Brief To Get Readers

189 - Be Brief To Get Readers In our fast-paced digital age, where every second counts, mastering the art of brevity has become crucial for effective communication. The concept, brilliantly explored in the book "Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less" by Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and Roy Schwartz, reveals how concise communication can significantly improve how we connect with others. The essence of brevity lies in the ability to be succinct without sacrificing the depth of the message. This is not about reducing the length of communication for the sake of it, but about enhancing clarity and engagement. The book teaches readers to cut through the noise of excessive information and focus on what truly matters. This is particularly valuable in a world where individuals average just 26 seconds on a piece of content. "Smart Brevity" advocates for a structured approach to concise communication. It starts with crafting a "muscular tease" — a compelling headline that grabs attention. The lede follows, a potent sentence encapsulating the core message. Providing context is next, explaining why the message is relevant. Lastly, if the reader's interest is piqued, additional details are offered succinctly. Adopting these strategies can transform mundane emails into impactful messages, long-winded articles into engaging reads, and tedious meetings into sessions of productive exchange. It encourages communicators to respect their audience's time by offering information that is not just easy to consume but also valuable. Implementing brevity in our daily communications doesn't mean oversimplifying complex ideas. Instead, it's about being thoughtful with our word choice, ensuring every word serves a purpose. By practicing the principles of "Smart Brevity," we not only make our communication more effective but also more likely to be read, understood, and appreciated in a world overloaded with words. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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188 - Sharing Creativity with Others

188 - Sharing Creativity with Others Welcome back to our exploration of creativity, where today we dive deep into the heart of innovation with Austin Kleon's influential work, "Steal Like an Artist." This episode unravels the fabric of creativity, guiding us through the art of borrowing ideas to forge our unique path. Join us as we dissect key insights and share personal anecdotes inspired by Kleon's philosophy. Unveiling Creativity: We kick off the episode by challenging the myth of originality. Discover how embracing influences and integrating diverse ideas can become the bedrock of creativity, offering a fresh perspective on Kleon's call to action: "Steal two or more ideas and start juxtaposing them." The Creator's Signature: Delve into the significance of personal voice. Learn why your experiences and interpretations are the threads that bind your creative works together, providing unity amidst diversity. Hobbies as Creative Catalysts: Hear about the liberating power of hobbies. We share stories on how engaging in activities just for the joy of it—be it watercolors or bird watching—can replenish our creative wells and inspire breakthroughs. Sharing is Caring: Reflecting on Kleon's advice to share generously, we discuss the transformative experience of making our work public. Whether it's hitting the publish button on a podcast or sharing a sketch online, we explore how feedback and community engagement fuel our creative journey. Conclusion: In closing, we emphasize the overarching theme of "Steal Like an Artist": Creativity is a communal table, and we're all invited to dine. It's about borrowing, reinventing, and contributing to the ongoing conversation of creation. Let's take small steps towards unveiling our creative selves, inspired by the wisdom of Austin Kleon. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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187 - The Art of Creative Borrowing Inspiration

187 - The Art of Creative Borrowing Inspiration Welcome to today’s episode, where we dive deep into Austin Kleon’s book, “Steal Like an Artist.” This book has resonated with creators worldwide, urging us to rethink our approach to creativity and inspiration. Kleon delivers a powerful message: innovation doesn’t spring from a vacuum but from the rich tapestry of existing work. Key takeaways from today’s discussion: -Creativity is a communal activity. By acknowledging our influences, we engage in a dialogue with the past, enriching our work. -The distinction between good and bad theft: Kleon outlines that creative borrowing involves transformation, not imitation. We should aim to absorb and reinterpret, not just replicate. -Building a personal “swipe file” of inspirations and influences can be a wellspring for future projects. This collection is a testament to our eclectic tastes and a toolbox for creativity. -The concept of the creative family tree: Identifying our influences helps us understand our place in the creative ecosystem, offering both inspiration and direction. Kleon’s insights are not just philosophical musings but practical strategies for everyday creativity. Whether you’re a writer, artist, or entrepreneur, “Steal Like an Artist” offers invaluable lessons on making the most of the world’s cultural offerings to enrich your own creations. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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186 - Embrace Adventure And Live Fully

186 - Embrace Adventure And Live Fully In this episode, we dive into the profound lessons from Bear Grylls’ “How to Be a Scout,” exploring how the principles of wilderness survival apply to our daily lives. Grylls introduces the STOP acronym—Stop, Take a moment, Observe, Plan—as a method to tackle life’s challenges head-on without succumbing to panic. We discuss how the priorities of Protection, Rescue, Water, and Food (P-R-W-L) in survival situations can be metaphorically applied to any crisis, emphasizing the importance of assessing and addressing our fundamental needs. Grylls’ advice on dreaming big, starting small, and the crucial ‘shakeout run’ before major endeavors resonates across various aspects of life, highlighting the value of preparation and learning from minor setbacks. Stepping out of the comfort zone into the fear zone is a pivotal theme, encouraging listeners to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Grylls champions the use of positive language and being true to oneself, emphasizing the impact of positivity on personal development and the importance of a growth mindset. Join us as we unpack these life lessons, drawing inspiration from Grylls’ adventures to navigate our journeys with courage, resourcefulness, and a spirit of adventure. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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185 - Unveiling Life's Blueprint Through Scouting

185 - Unveiling Life's Blueprint Through Scouting In the tapestry of life, few threads are woven as intricately and with as much care as the lessons learned through scouting. It's an odyssey that transcends the mere act of tying knots or pitching tents under the starlit sky. Instead, it lays down a blueprint for building character, fostering resilience, and nurturing a profound connection with the natural world. Bear Grylls, a name synonymous with adventure and survival, attributes his scouting experiences as foundational to his journey. This article explores the essence of scouting and how it shapes individuals into exemplary human beings, drawing insights from Grylls' narrative and personal anecdotes from those touched by this timeless institution. Scouting, at its core, is about preparation. "Be prepared," the scout motto, is more than a catchphrase; it's a philosophy that equips individuals with the skills to face life's unpredictabilities with confidence and grace. Grylls' adventures, both on and off the screen, echo this principle. From navigating treacherous landscapes to surviving extreme conditions, the ethos of scouting sunshine - or the ability to find light in the darkest of times - has been his guiding star. But scouting's curriculum extends beyond survival. It's a holistic education in leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. Scouts are taught to lead by example, to set clear objectives, and to work collaboratively towards common goals. These lessons in leadership and teamwork are invaluable, translating seamlessly into personal and professional spheres. Grylls himself is a testament to this, seamlessly stepping into roles that demand these very skills, whether it's leading expeditions or guiding celebrities through wild terrains on his shows. Perhaps the most profound lesson scouting imparts is the cultivation of values. Kindness, bravery, gratitude, determination - these are not just words to a scout; they are virtues to live by. Grylls emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and extending a hand of friendship and support to those around us. This ethos fosters a community of individuals who are not only prepared for life's adventures but are also compassionate and empathetic, making the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time. Moreover, scouting instills a deep respect for nature. The principle of leaving no trace teaches scouts to tread lightly on the earth, preserving its beauty for generations to come. This environmental stewardship, coupled with a hands-on education about the flora, fauna, and celestial bodies, nurtures a lifelong bond with the natural world. Grylls' respect and understanding of nature's laws are reflective of these early lessons, guiding his survival strategies and environmental advocacy. In conclusion, scouting is more than an extracurricular activity; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Bear Grylls' narrative is a vivid illustration of how scouting's lessons in preparation, leadership, values, and environmental consciousness can sculpt individuals into well-rounded, resilient, and compassionate beings. It's a call to action for all of us to embrace these principles, to be prepared not just for the wilderness but for the unpredictable journey of life itself. Whether it's facing challenges with optimism, leading with kindness, or safeguarding our planet, the blueprint for a fulfilling life can often be found in the simple yet profound lessons of scouting. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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184 - The Power of Curiosity and Connection"

184 - The Power of Curiosity and Connection In this episode, I share with you my thoughts on Brene Brown’s book “Braving the Wilderness”. I was particularly struck by the concept of ‘true belonging’, which Brown explores in her book. She argues that true belonging comes from standing in one’s truth, even when it’s uncomfortable or different from those around us. Brown also talks about ‘braving’ as an acronym, with each letter representing a different aspect of the process of learning to stand in one’s truth. I found it really helpful to break it down like that: setting boundaries, being reliable, holding myself accountable, not sharing information that isn’t mine to share (the ‘vault’), having integrity, being nonjudgmental, and being generous in my interpretations of others. But it’s not just about standing in our truth - it’s also about reaching out to others, even those we might not understand or agree with. I think it’s so important to ask questions, be curious, and truly listen to understand others, rather than simply picking a side in a conflict. It’s a crucial aspect of braving the wilderness and being able to stand in our truth. Of course, braving the wilderness isn’t always easy or comfortable. But I believe that kindness is key in all interactions. Despite the difficulties, it’s important to always bring kindness to our interactions with others. If you think of someone with whom you’re having difficulty understanding, ask them, “Tell me more.” Let’s bridge gaps and build connections! Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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183 - Know Yourself and Stand

183 - The Power of Your Authentic Self I talk about the book from Brené Brown called Braving the Wilderness about the importance of being brave and bringing everyone in, even those we disagree with. She explained that true belonging is about standing in our own opinion, presenting our authentic selves to the world, and having the courage to stand alone when necessary. She also mentioned that belonging is an innate human desire to be part of something larger than ourselves, which often leads us to try to acquire it by seeking approval and fitting in. However, true belonging can only happen when we have self-acceptance and present our authentic selves to the world. She said that true belonging is not something we can gain or someone can give us. It's something we carry in our hearts. Once we believe thoroughly in ourselves, true belonging becomes ours. She challenged us to think about a situation where we feel ourselves trying to gain admiration, appreciation, or a sense of belonging from someone else. She suggested that we can start small and show ourselves that we can stand as our true selves and be okay with it, without looking towards others for validation. In conclusion, Brene was inspiring by telling us to connect with others and to be kind. It reminded me of the importance of being authentic and standing in our own opinion, even if it means standing alone. Only when we have self-acceptance and believe in ourselves can we experience true belonging. I hope you take the challenge and think about a situation where you can be authentic and stand alone. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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182 - Turn Your Ship Around

182 - Turn Your Ship Around In this podcast episode, we're delving into the world of leadership, through the experience of a commanding officer plays in shaping the culture and morale of their ship. We will review the book It's Your Ship, Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff. We're exploring how the principle of "ownership" can transform a low-morale ship into a thriving, successful vessel. Captain Abershoff allows his crew to take ownership of their areas of responsibility, allowing them to make decisions and solve problems independently unless it would cause significant monetary loss or harm to the ship or crew. This way, the crew members feel more involved and responsible, which increases their overall morale and productivity. We're discussing how he fostered a sense of community and camaraderie among the crew is vital in improving their morale and productivity. He enabled small gestures, like improving the quality of food or organizing beach barbecues, to make a significant difference in boosting the crew members' spirits. The commanding officer also encourages personal growth among his crew by helping them improve in their areas of interest and promoting them based on their performance. But leadership also means knowing what your company, country, ship, its mission and your boss needs for you to do. You should be aware of their goals in order for the ship to fulfill those goals and to create trust between you and the leadership. Once you have built that trust, you will have more ability to make changes for your team. We're examining some of the challenges and potential pitfalls of this leadership style. While it successfully turned the ship around, it created some animosity among other ship commanders who felt threatened or uncomfortable with the unconventional approach. The commanding officer reflects that he could have been more diplomatic in dealing with his counterparts and built bridges instead of alienating them. In conclusion, a commanding officer, family leader or any leader can significantly influence their team's morale and productivity. Fostering a sense of ownership, community, personal growth, and fun can profoundly impact the team's performance. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at


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181 - Get out of the Rut of Overthinking

181 - Get out of the Rut of Overthinking In this episode, we explore the topic of overthinking and how it can negatively impact us. We discuss the book 'Overthinking' by Daniel Michaels, where the author suggests that overthinking is a safety mechanism that helps us make decisions. However, it can often lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Overthinking can have both mental and physical effects. It can cause us to perceive patterns that do not exist, leading to insomnia and undue stress. This can escalate to the point where we jump to conclusions that may not be true, such as thinking that people dislike us or are against us. I share strategies to break out of this cycle of overthinking, such as identifying and aligning with our values, journaling to get ideas out of our heads, and taking action. Finding hobbies or activities is important to help shift our focus away from stress. We also highlight some cognitive distortions associated with overthinking. Lastly, we emphasize that gratitude can help combat overthinking by fostering a positive outlook. Jill’s Links Email the podcast at
