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The A&P Professor

Education Podcasts

Explore human anatomy and physiology (A&P) teaching and learning with host Kevin Patton. An experienced professor, textbook author, and mentor, Kevin is a recognized leader in A&P teaching. The A&P Professor updates science content and provides practical teaching advice. Want some ideas to supercharge your A&P course? How about some support from a fellow A&P professor? This is the podcast for you!


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Explore human anatomy and physiology (A&P) teaching and learning with host Kevin Patton. An experienced professor, textbook author, and mentor, Kevin is a recognized leader in A&P teaching. The A&P Professor updates science content and provides practical teaching advice. Want some ideas to supercharge your A&P course? How about some support from a fellow A&P professor? This is the podcast for you!





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Examining the Anatomy & Physiology Exam: Chatting with Greg Crowther and Ben Wiggins | TAPP 149

In episode 149 of The A&P Professor podcast, host Kevin Patton chats with Greg Crowther and Ben Wiggins about their work with exams in the anatomy and physiology (A&P) course. They discuss the importance of exams in assessing student learning and the need for exams to be more connected to course objectives. They also mention the challenges of designing exams that are fair and inclusive for all students. Crowther and Wiggins are conducting a survey on A&P exams and encourage listeners to participate to contribute to the understanding of exam practices in the A&P community. The survey can be accessed at 0:00:00 | Introduction 0:00:48 | Introducing Ben & Greg 0:04:17 | The Most Important Thing 0:22:32 | Murray Jensen, HAPS Hero 0:23:46 | Our Motto: Be Prepared 0:41:18 | What's on TAPP at The Corner Pub 0:42:45 | The Next Big Leap: What Is It? 1:00:50 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Substack, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Percy Bysshe Shelley Introducing Ben & Greg 3 minutes Host Kevin Patton introduces guests Greg Crowther and Ben Wiggins. The Most Important Thing in a Course 18 minutes In this segment, Kevin Patton chats with Greg Crowther and Ben Wiggins, two educators passionate about improving exam practices in higher education. They explain their goal of making exams more equitable and less stressful for students and instructors. Kevin notes that Greg and Ben approached him to promote a survey about exam practices, which aims to gather insights from educators. Greg highlights his development of Test Question Templates (TQTs) to create clearer links between learning outcomes and assessment methods. Ben introduces the concept of public exams, which aim to reduce student anxiety by clearly defining the structure of exams in advance. Both educators emphasize the importance of rethinking traditional exam practices to create a fairer, more effective educational system. Murray Jensen, HAPS Hero 1 minute In this segment, Kevin announces that his friend, Murray Jensen, received the prestigious HAPS President's Medal at the annual Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) conference. This award honors Murray's extensive mentoring and support of A&P faculty globally. Known for his warm and cheerful personality, Murray is praised for his significant contributions and reliable presence in the A&P teaching community. Kevin congratulates Murray warmly. Our Motto: Be Prepared 17.5 minutes This segment continues the conversation by discussing the importance of transparency in exams, noting the high stress and significant impact of exam scores on students' futures. Ben highlights how clear, pre-released materials can help reduce student anxiety and better prepare them for exams. Greg adds that exams should balance high expectations with adequate support, akin to a "warm demander" approach. This method helps students focus on mastering material rather than merely memorizing it, ultimately aiming for fairer and more effective assessments. What's on TAPP at the Corner Pub 1.5 minutes Kevin Patton shares that podcasting experts once reviewed The A&P Professor podcast and provided valuable feedback that enhanced the listening experience. They likened the podcast to a friendly pub where A&P professors can gather, talk shop, and unwind. Kevin encourages listeners...


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Blueprints for Learning: Justin Shaffer on Structured A&P Course Design | TAPP 148

In Episode 148, Justin Shaffer joins host Kevin Patton to discuss high structure course design. Justin shares his success in building a scaffold for learning by using a variety of course structures to improve student engagement and success, such as pre-class and post-class activities, micro-case studies and clicker questions, brief active learning practices, and much more. 00:00 | Introduction 00:46 | Introducing Justin Shaffer 02:49 | High Structure and Low Structure 20:47 | Badge Break 21:43 | Transparency, Expectations, & Flexibility 34:06 | Secret Code: TAA Conference in Nashville 36:04 | Baby Steps or Go All In? 50:16 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Substack, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time. (Leonard Bernstein) Introducing Justin Shaffer 2 minutes Host Kevin Patton briefly introduced our guest, Dr. Justin Shaffer. Justin is an experienced educator who provides professional development and advice on pedagogy for educators in anatomy and physiology and other disciplines. He is particularly well known for his advice on how to implement high structure course design. ★ Recombinant Education (Justin's website) ★ Justin Shaffer (Justin's LinkedIn profile) ★ How to Use High Structure Course Design to Heighten Learning (Justin's conversation with host Bonni Stachowiak on the Teaching in Higher Education podcast) ★ High Structure STEM Classes (Justin's interview on the podcast, Tea for Teaching) High Structure and Low Structure 18 minutes Kevin Patton discusses with Justin Shaffer the concept of high-structure course design, which revolutionizes traditional teaching by providing a scaffolded learning process involving pre-class content acquisition, active in-class engagement, and post-class assessments. This method, inspired by the educational research of Scott Freeman and Mary Pat Wenderoth, has been successfully applied across multiple disciplines, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness in improving student learning outcomes and engagement. ★ Increased structure and active learning reduce the achievement gap in introductory biology (report in Science mentioned in this segment) ★ Getting Under the Hood: How and for Whom Does Increasing Course Structure Work? (paper in CBE-Life Sciences Education by Kelly Hogan and Sarah Eddy mentioned in this segment) ★ Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom (book by Kelley Hogan and Viji Sathy mentioned in this segment) ★ True Grit: Passion and persistence make an innovative course design work (paper in PLOS Biology by Casper, Eddy, and Freeman mentioned in this segment) ★ Student performance in and perceptions of a high structure undergraduate human anatomy course (Justin's paper on high structure anatomy in ASE) ★ High Structure Course Design for Chemical Engineering (Justin's paper on high structure chemical engineering in CEE) ★ Do I Really Have to Teach Reading? (source of the quote used in this segment, "My wish for you is that each year you look back at your career and laugh with embarrassment about the way used to teach. If you do...


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Pulse of Progress: Looking Back, Moving Forward | TAPP 147

In Episode 147, host Kevin Patton reviews the highlights and events of the previous year in the world of The A&P Professor. He then turns to last year's predictions for teaching human anatomy and physiology to see if he was on the right track. Finally, predictions for the coming year are revealed. And lots of other stuff—this episode is two hours long, after all! 0:00:00 | Introduction 0:00:50 | Debrief: Topics, Stats, Reflections 0:21:28 | A Long, Long, Long Episode 0:23:05 | Debrief: More Reviewing & Reflecting 0:38:59 | Did I Get My Predictions Right? 0:50:22 | Textbook & Academic Authors Association 0:57:47 | Looking Ahead with New (Old) Predictions 1:10:49 | Brain Break 1:12:58 | A Couple More Predictions 1:24:50 | What's on TAPP? 1:26:20 | More New Predictions 1:44:47 | Let's Share 1:45:41 | Even More New Predictions 1:58:20 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Substack, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Reflection is an essential part of learning. Debriefing after any experience is key to personal and professional growth. (Sharon Salzberg)) Debrief: Topics, Stats, Reflections 20.5 minutes This segment begins our debriefing process by reflecting on the audience size (which a nearly impossible to measure), and quickly reviewing who we talked to and what we talked about over the last season. It turns out that many important and useful topics came up this season, including two episodes that sort of summarize all I've learned about teaching A&P over my decades-long career. And then there's that one weird episode that I snuck in at the beginning of the year, as the entry of AI into teaching and learning was suddenly on everyone's mind—when I'd intended to be doing last year's debriefing instead . ★ Podcast List (searchable list of all episodes of this podcast, including titles, topics, and links to each episode page) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ A Long, Long, Long Episode 1.5 minutes A brief "brain break" to talk about the fact that this episode is particularly long—and why. And how to manage listening to long podcast episodes. ★ Using chapters on Apple Podcasts (explains how to navigate segments [chapters] on Apple Podcasts; generally applies to any podcast player) Debrief: More Reviewing & Reflecting 13 minutes Here, we talk about the value of feedback from listeners, particularly through the new and improved listener survey. ★ TAPP Listener Survey (a new and improved way to give feedback) ★ Want to be part of TAPP by being a guest? Go to and pick a convenient day and time. It's fun. Really. ★ Want to be a guest host or an occasional correspondent to the TAPP podcast? Think about it. It would be a blast, right? Contact me anytime to chat about it. Even if you don't know what you want to do, we can brainstorm together. ★ Temper Your Harsh Critic By Looking For A Podcast's Best Trick (this is a brief episode of Podcast Pontifications in which I was the guest host; it's aimed at podcasters, but the lesson I teach applies to teaching, too) ★ The TAPPapp (a free app to listen to episodes of this podcast—and get bonus content such as PDF transcripts) search for...


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Anatomy of Trust: Promoting Integrity in A&P Education | Winter Shorts | TAPP 146

Episode 146 of The A&P Professor podcast is one of our winter shorts, where I replay interesting segments from previous episodes. In this one, we discuss the importance of academic integrity in the Anatomy & Physiology course. We emphasize the need to incorporate discussions about integrity in the syllabus and course materials and share real-life examples of violations in the healthcare field. We highlight how dishonesty can have serious consequences and discuss strategies for prevention, such as using multiple test versions and unique topics for papers/projects. Providing examples of acceptable practices and discouraging unethical behavior foster a culture of integrity. We invite listeners to contribute their own strategies for promoting academic integrity. 00:00 | Introduction 01:07 | Academic Integrity in Anatomy & Physiology 29:39 | Modeling Professional Integrity 38:34 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Substack, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Guess what? this is one of our winter shorts! Yep, that's right, it's a shorter-than-usual episode in which I present one or two, or maybe three or four, classic, evergreen segments from previous episodes that are remastered, reconstituted, and recycled for your listening and learning pleasure. But mainly it's to give me a break for self-care over the holiday season. We'll be back to our regular programming in late January. Academic Integrity in Anatomy & Physiology 28.5 minutes One way to approach “the cheating issue” in our courses is to promote a culture of academic honesty from the start. But how do we do that? Kevin shares some practical tips you can use for a comprehensive approach to creating and maintaining a culture of professional and academic integrity in your A&P courses (or any courses, really). This segment was first heard in Episode 25. ★ Promoting Academic Integrity in Our Course | Episode 25 (the original broadcast of this segment) ★ What the Best College Teachers Do (the Ken Bain book mentioned in this episode) ★ Syllabus Episodes (includes the syllabus episode mentioned several times in this podcast) ★ Academic Integrity (A special topic page at The A&P Professor website; includes additional information and links to resources) ★ Why be honest? (about academic integrity; for students) ★ Kevin’s Academic Integrity statement (This is a statement I have used in my course syllabi. You are welcome to adapt it according to your own course and institution’s needs. It’s an example to get you thinking about actively promoting honesty.) ★ Kevin’ Academic Integrity Case Study handout/activity (This document is an example of an in-class activity that I use to promote discussion of academic integrity. It’s a handout used for small group discussions. You can adapt it to fit your needs, per the attribution/share-alike license enclosed in the document.) ★ Frank O’Neill @growgraymatter (Turn on your “Frank O’Neill filter.”) ★ Using copyrightable materials in teaching (Some good practical advice from the University of Minnesota Libraries. But ask your own librarians for help. And don’t forget, I’ve got an upcoming episode with an expert!) ★ Testing as Teaching (this seminar at The A&P Professor website shows you how I use Respondus...


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A Tongue Twister's Guide to Mastering Anatomy Pronunciation | Winter Shorts | TAPP 145

Episode 145 of The A&P Professor podcast is one of our winter shorts, where I replay interesting segments from previous episodes. In this one, you'll hear about the trials and tribulations of teaching and learning pronunciations of anatomy and physiology terminology. Including why the instructor is ALWAYS correct! 00:00 | Introduction 01:07 | Variations in Anatomy & Physiology Pronunciations 10:24 | Say Anatomy & Physiology Terms Out Loud 20:30 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Substack, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Guess what? this is one of our winter shorts! Yep, that's right, it's a shorter-than-usual episode in which I present one or two, or maybe three or four, classic, evergreen segments from previous episodes that are remastered, reconstituted, and recycled for your listening and learning pleasure. But mainly it's to give me a break for self-care over the holiday season. We'll be back to our regular programming in late January. Variations in Anatomy & Physiology Pronunciations 9.5 minutes Pronunciations in any language differ for a variety of reasons. This happens in A&P terminology, too. This segment was first heard in Episode 16. ★ How Do YOU Pronounce It? | Episode 16 (the original broadcast of this episode) ★ How do you pronounce it? (Kevin’s blog post on this topic)★ Dorland’s Medical Dictionary (a respected standard) ★ 4 ways to correctly pronounce anatomy terms (brief article with video from Kenhub) ★ Brief Atlas of the Human Body and Quick Guide to the Language of Science and Medicine for Anatomy & Physiology (packaged with the Patton Anatomy & Physiology text, but available separately, includes pronunciation guidance) ★ Kenneth S. Saladin (I mention Ken’s workshops on pronunciation) ★ Flashcards: Hidden Powers | Episode 58 and More Flashcards: Hidden Powers Unleashed | Episode 59 (using flashcards to learn pronunciation) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Say Anatomy & Physiology Terms Out Loud 10 minutes It sounds wacky, for sure, but students reading complex terms out loud before reading the textbook can helps speed up reading and improve comprehension. This segment was first heard in Episode 20. ★ Reading A&P Terms Out Loud Helps Reading Comprehension | Episode 20 (the original broadcast of this segment) ★ Reading Information Aloud to Yourself Improves Memory (article from Neuroscience News) ★ This time it’s personal: the memory benefit of hearing oneself (journal article in Memory) ★ Reading Terms in A&P (post in The A&P Professor blog; has additional links to resources) ★ Reading Scientific Terms (post in The A&P Student blog; you can provide this link to students) ★ Word Lists Help Students Build Their Mental Lexicon (post in the Patton Anatomy & Physiology blog) ★ Say It Out Loud 18 Times (post in o-log-y blog) People Production: Aileen Park (announcer), Andrés Rodriguez (theme composer, recording artist), Karen Turner (Executive Editor), Kevin Patton (writer, editor, producer, host). Not People Robotic (AI) audio leveling/processing and transcription is done by and and the...


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Dissecting the Kenhub Atlas: Insights from Editor Mike Pascoe | TAPP 144

Mike Pascoe joins host Kevin Patton in Episode 144 to chat about Mike's experience in editing the new Kenhub Atlas of Human Anatomy. We go behind the scenes to see how this new kind of anatomy atlas was developed. Let's see how those decisions get made and how the learning perspective gets incorporated into anatomy manuals. And we explore diverse representation in anatomy images and why we won't find any eponyms in this atlas. We also have a brief remembrance of our friend David Allard. 00:00 | Introduction 00:45 | Remembering David Allard 04:25 | Introducing Mike Pascoe 06:12 | A New Take on the Human Atlas 19:00 | Debriefing and Predictions Ahead 19:55 | Creating Books 34:25 | Your New Thing 35:44 | More Features of the New Atlas 47:27 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Substack, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates The light of the heart is hidden in a drop of blood. (Rumi) Remembering David Allard 3.5 minutes In this segment, Kevin reflects on the recent passing of a friend and colleague, David Allard of Texas A&M University-Texarkana, who was an exceptional educator and human being. Kevin finds inspiration from David's generosity and commitment to his students and peers. ★ Muscle: A Gripping Story by Roy Meals | TAPP 142 (mentioned in this segment) ★ The One Teaching Strategy That Will Fix Your Anatomy & Physiology Course | TAPP 143 (where I talk about generosity in teaching) ★ Longtime Texarkana College and Texas A&M University-Texarkana biology professor David Allard dies (from Texarkana Gazette) ★ Dr David Allard Memorial Service 11-30-23 ★ Two new species of sand-burrowing amphipods of the genus Haustorius Müller, 1775 (Amphipoda: Haustoriidae) from the northwestern Gulf of Mexico (journal article in Zootaxa by David Allard's former student Zachary Hancock, who named one of the new species after David [Haustorius allardi]) ★ Dr. David & Ellen Allard Endowment Scholarship (in case you want to make a donation in David's memory) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Introducing Mike Pascoe 2 minutes In this segment, we introduce the guest for the episode, Mike Pascoe, who is an associate professor of anatomy at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Mike is involved in developing and delivering anatomy curricula to various student groups and has a research interest in innovative learning approaches. He's the editor of a new learning resource, the Kenhub Atlas of Human Anatomy. ★ Here is a single link with everything about the new atlas in it: ★ Additional links: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ The A&P Professor Book Club (our own recommendation of the new atlas) A New Take on the Human Atlas 13 minutes Editor Mike Pascoe describes his new Kenhub Atlas of Human Anatomy. First, we look at the relationship of the innovative, disruptive Kenhub website and this new print manual. Mike mentions how Kenhub often ranks high in web searches and how they aim to make their atlas concise and lead readers to a larger library of materials using QR code scanning. The convenience and...


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The One Teaching Strategy That Will Fix Your Anatomy & Physiology Course | TAPP 143

In episode 143 of The A&P Professor podcast for anatomy and physiology faculty, host Kevin Patton uncovers the super-secret, single, ultimate teaching strategy you need to keep your course tuned up and effective. He also revisits the "out there" transducer model of the brain and suggests a connection with a recent discovery supporting quantum wave activity in brain cell microtubules. Yes, quantum waves in the microtubules. Kevin also clarifies and expands on those wacky "extra" courses he described in Episodes 140 and 141. 00:00 | Introduction 00:51 | Clarifying Kevin's Wacky Supplemental Courses 15:50 | Quantum Activity in Brain Microtubules? 28:15 | Could There Be More Than One Strategy? 34:29 | The TAPP Hotline 35:11 | There Really Is Only One Strategy 48:00 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Substack, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Clarifying Kevin's Wacky Supplemental Courses 15 minutes In this segment, Kevin clarifies nuances from Episodes 140 & 141. He dives into the evolution of his "wacky grading" approach and reflects on the significance of end-of-semester debriefings—then explores the impact of badges within a courses. Kevin also uncovers the value of persistence, confidence-building, and teacher generosity. ★ A Pre-A&P Course Improves Student Success in Anatomy & Physiology | TAPP 140 ★ Study Courses Supercharge Anatomy & Physiology Success | TAPP 141 ★ Ungrading With Standards-Based Grading | A Chat With Staci Johnson | TAPP 106 ★ Course Materials in AP 1 Supplement in Ep 141 ★ End-of-Term Reviews Help Keep Your Course on Track | Episode 17 (introduces the idea of debriefing at the end of the semester) ★ Still Moving Our Course to Remote| Episode 65 (about being present to students) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Quantum Activity in Brain Microtubules? 12.5 minutes In a previous episode, Kevin introduced the "transducer model" of the brain, comparing it to a mobile phone accessing external servers. In this segment, he briefly explains the "Orch OR" theory that proposes consciousness occurs as quantum waves in the microtubules of brain neurons. Quantum properties such as superposition could explain how the brain works as a transducer. Recent investigation counters the argument that quantum waves would break down in the warm, wet microtubules. ★ Thinking New Thoughts about the Human Brain | TAPP 139 ★ Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory (Section 5.1. Quantum computing in the brain from an article in the journal Physics of Life Reviews) ★ Sir Roger Penrose & Dr. Stuart Hameroff: CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE PHYSICS OF THE BRAIN (YouTube video; more than you ever wanted to know about this topic) ★ Your Very Own Consciousness Can Interact With the Whole Universe, Scientists Believe (recent report from Popular Mecanics) ★ Electronic Energy Migration in Microtubules (from the journal ACS Central Science) ★ Quantum Physics Could Finally Explain Consciousness, Scientists Say (a previous report from Popular Mechanics) Could There Be More Than One Strategy? 6 minutes A&P instructors often wonder if their courses need a revamp. While no universal...


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Muscle: A Gripping Story by Roy Meals | TAPP 142

Get pumped up for Episode 142, where we have the honor of hosting Dr. Roy Meals, the musculoskeletal maestro! 💪 We're gonna flex our curiosity muscles and explore every nook and cranny of his latest masterpiece, Muscle: The Gripping Story of Strength and Movement. This episode's so dynamic, you might need a protein shake afterward! 0:00:00 |0:01:130:04:080:13:530:24:490:38:48 ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Muscles are in a most intimate and peculiar sense the organs of the will. They have built all the roads, cities and machines in the world, written all the books, spoken all the words, and, in fact done everything that man has accomplished with matter. Character might be in a sense defined as a plexus of motor habits. (G. Stanley Hall) Re-Introducing Dr. Roy Meals 3 minutes This segment reacquaints us with Dr. Roy Meals, who previously joined us for a chat about his book about bones back in Episode 82. An orthopedic surgeon and clinical educator, has been turning his talents to creating interesting books about the skeletomuscular aspects of human anatomy and physiology. ★ Roy A. Meals (biography) ★ Bones: Inside and Out—A Chat with Dr. Roy Meals | TAPP 82 (previous episode with Roy Meals) ★ The A&P Professor Book Club | Bones: Inside and Out (read a review, link to booksellers, earn a credential!) ★ Doctors Demystify (Dr. Meals's online mini-courses) ★ Thanks to listener Dr. David Allard, who started me on the path to connecting with Dr. Meals. Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Muscle Strain & Why We Train 9.5 minutes Join Kevin Patton and Dr. Roy Meals in this segment as they reunite and discuss Roy's new book about muscles. They begin by unravelling the mysteries of muscle health and strength. In this captivating conversation, you'll learn why muscles don't actually "tear" and discover the multifaceted benefits of strength training. Get ready to challenge your preconceptions! ★ Muscle: The Gripping Story of Strength and Movement (the book we're discussing in this episode) ★ The A&P Professor Book Club | Musle: The Gripping Story of Strength and Movement (read a review, link to booksellers, earn a credential!) ★ The Silent Teacher Special | Episode 49 (where Kevin first discusses training to be a body donor) What Sword Swallowing Teaches Us About Muscle 11 minutes In this segment, Roy and Kevin delve into the unusual art of sword swallowing and how it relates to the role of smooth muscles in the body. Dr. Meals also highlights the underappreciated significance of smooth muscles and their prevalence throughout the body. The conversation touches on the cardiac muscle's incredible durability, as well as the remarkable adaptations of tails in various animals. ★ How to Survive Swallowing a Sword (brief video on what is meant by "sword swallowing") ★ Hadji Ali (clip from a Laurel & Hardy movie showing famed spouter [regurgitation artist], an example of something Roy brings up in this segment) Muscle Stories: Learning Should Be Fun 14 minutes Dr. Roy Meals and Kevin Patton discuss teaching strategies used in Dr. Meals' book on muscles, focusing on storytelling and making learning enjoyable....


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Study Courses Supercharge Anatomy & Physiology Success | TAPP 141

Get ready for a mind-bending 😲 rendezvous with Kevin Patton in Episode 141, where he continues to spill the beans on his top-secret recipe for student triumph. 🏆 Brace yourself for this next adventure on his whirlwind tour of revolutionizing A&P 1 education, as we dissect the art of identifying student pain points, personalizing preparation, and serving up the kind of mentorship they've been yearning for! 0:00:00 | Introduction 0:00:45 | One of Two Success Courses 0:09:48 | Setting Up the Supplement Course 0:18:44 | Structure of Class Sessions 0:40:17 | Grading 0:42:45 | Does an A&P Supplement Work? 0:54:21 | Parting Wisdom 1:14:46 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours. (Les Brown) One of Two Success Courses 9 minutes As we begin to unlock student success strategies with Kevin Patton in episode 141, he unveils his A&P One Supplement course, dedicated to honing essential learning skills. Delve into his reasoning behind offering a separate course, distinct from the Pre-A&P course discussed in episode 140, and distinct from the popular Supplemental Instruction (SI) , model, and gain insights into his innovative approach to enhancing A&P student performance. ★ A Pre-A&P Course Improves Student Success in Anatomy & Physiology | TAPP 140 (part one of this two-part series, explains the purpose of the two courses and give details about Pre-A&P) ★ Success Supplements (an on-demand seminar summarizing these two courses) ★ BIO 242 Anatomy and Physiology Supplement (college catalog description of course; scroll down to BIO 242) ★ Anatomy and Physiology 1 Supplement (an archived version of the syllabus used in 2012, the last time I taught the course) ★ Supplemental Instruction (Wikipedia's description of SI, a peer learning model that is NOT the same as the course described in this episode) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Setting Up the Supplement Course 9 minutes In this segment, we uncover the logistical puzzle of A&P supplement courses. Dive into the tug-of-war between limited lab availability and the need for hands-on learning—and explore creative solutions for fostering student engagement. ★ Anatomy and Physiology 1 Supplement (an archived version of the syllabus used in 2012, the last time I taught the course) ★ Course Materials for AP 1 Supplement (I didn't have time to list the materials we used in this episode; this is that section from the archived syllabus) ★ End-of-Term Reviews Help Keep Your Course on Track | Episode 17 (introduces the idea of debriefing at the end of the semester) Structure of Class Sessions 21.5 minutes In this segment, Kevin Patton details his A&P Supplement course structure. The class employs active learning, beginning with addressing students' trouble spots through discussion and question cards. Various study techniques like flashcards and concept mapping are explored. The need-for-speed game enhances tissue and specimen identification skills, while clickers facilitate group learning. Weekly check-ins ensure consistent study habits and enhance understanding. ★...


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Pre-A&P: A Refresher for Student Success in Anatomy & Physiology | TAPP 140

In episode 140, we introduce the development of the pre-A&P course and the A&P1 Supplement course. These courses address the challenges faced by A&P students and improve their readiness and comprehension. In this first of two episodes, we focus on the pre-A&P course. It focuses on filling subject knowledge gaps with 10 modules and cumulative tests. Student surveys and studies show its effectiveness in achieving higher grades in the A&P 1 course. Implementing these nontraditional courses requires collaboration and support from advisors and faculty members. Together, we aim to bridge the gap in subject preparation and learning skills for student success. 0:00:00 |0:00:490:22:370:39:510:52:381:09:511:21:10 ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation. (Arthur Ashe) Pre-A&P 21.5 minutes We delve into the reasons behind developing the Pre-A&P and A&P 1 Supplement courses. We identify two major challenges faced by incoming A&P students: lack of subject preparation and insufficient learning skills. To combat these obstacles, the Pre-A&P course was created as a self-paced online refresher. It covers fundamental science topics like cell biology, metabolism, genetics, and body organization—thus helping students fill knowledge gaps. The A&P1 Supplement course, focused on developing more effective learning skills, will be the subject of the next episode. ★ Pre-A&P: Foundations in Science (online course syllabus for Kevin's BIO 095 course) ★ Pre-A&P course description (from the college website) ★ The Prerequisite Problem | Wi-Fi Effects | Transplant Genomes | Episode 61 ★ Success Supplements (an on-demand seminar summarizing these two courses) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Course Design 17 minutes In this segment, Kevin discusses the 10 modules of his Pre-A&P course, which cover essential concepts for success in anatomy and physiology. The modules include foundational topics such as science basics, introductory and biological chemistry, cell structure and function, cell transport, metabolism, protein synthesis, genetics, tissues, and the human body. Students take cumulative tests for each module and must score 85% or higher to unlock the next module. Kevin emphasizes the importance of reviewing and retesting to reinforce learning and overcome challenges. ★ Pre-A&P Modules (Kevin's course module list) ★ Cumulative Testing Makes Learning Last | Episode 4 ★ Pre-Testing for a Powerful Learning Boost | Episode 3 ★ Pre-A&P Course Materials (Kevin's list of suggested textbooks & videos for students) ★ Test Item Analysis (a strategy and a tool to help students analyze their tests to find out exactly what went wrong) ★ Pre-A&P Success Pathway (an outline of the process from the BIO 095 syllabus) More About Module Tests 12.5 minutes This segment discusses the nature of module tests in the Pre-A&P course, explaining that they can be both formative and summative depending on students' progress. Kevin emphasizes that the tests serve...


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Thinking New Thoughts about the Human Brain | TAPP 139

In Episode 139, we explore a new discovery in nerve signaling in the brain called a dendritic action potential (dCaAP), we look at a whacky proposed model of brain function, and we share some ideas about how we can help our students understand the core concepts of chemical signaling and signal transduction in different contexts. Put on your thinking caps and jump into this fresh episode now. 00:00 | Introduction 00:50 | Dendritic Action Potentials 12:16 | Transducer Model of the Brain 21:43 | Chemical Signals & Signal Transduction 35:09 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates The adage that fact is stranger than fiction seems to be especially true for the workings of the brain. (V.S. Ramachandran) Dendritic Action Potentials 11.5 minutes In this segment, the focus is on a fascinating discovery about nerve signaling related to dendritic action potentials (dCaAPs). These unique potentials occur in layers two and three of the human cerebral cortex and play a role in complex brain functions. Unlike typical action potentials, dendritic action potentials are graded and produced by the influx of calcium ions. They enable processing and decision-making at a more complex level, expanding our understanding of the human brain's uniqueness. ★ Scientists Uncover a Never-Before-Seen Type of Signal Occurring in The Human Brain (plain English summary of the new discovery from Science Alert) ★ Dendritic action potentials and computation in human layer 2/3 cortical neurons (report in Science) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Transducer Model of the Brain 9.5 minutes Join us in this segment as we challenge conventional models of the brain and introduce the transducer model. Inspired by psychologist Robert Epstein, this thought-provoking model likens the brain to a two-way transducer, sending and retrieving information like a mobile phone accessing external servers. While it may sound far-fetched—even quite wacky—the transducer model encourages us to explore alternative perspectives and consider the possibility of information exchange beyond the confines of the brain. ★ Your Brain Is Not a Computer. It Is a Transducer. (essay by Robert Epstein about neural transduction theory in Discover Magazine) ★ Brain as Transducer: What if the brain is not a self-contained information processor? What if it is simply a transducer? (another essay by Robert Epstein in the transducer model) ★ Brain Waves Synchronize when People Interact (article from Scientific American) ★ Should We Extend Deadlines? | Models & Color Codes | TAPP 112 Chemical Signals & Signal Transduction 13.5 minutes Chemical signaling and signal transduction play a crucial role in various systems of the human body. Understanding the connections and similarities between nervous and endocrine signaling helps students grasp these core concepts more deeply. By highlighting structures, functional aspects, and regulatory effects, instructors can foster a comprehensive understanding of chemical signals and the transduction of those signals. Exploring these core concepts within a broader context enhances students' ability to connect and apply their...


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Dancing Organelles, AI Resources, Distracting Animations, Timed Tests & Micro-credentials | TAPP 138

In Episode 138 of The A&P Professor podcast for anatomy & physiology faculty, host Kevin Patton discusses some new thinking about organelle function, why decorative animations are not a good idea in our teaching slides, news about Wendy Riggs and the 2023 HAPS President's Medal, why I don't like timed tests, resources for AI in the curriculum, and why micro-credentials are our friends. With all that, how is that we left out any mention of carbaminohemoglobin? 00:00 | Introduction 00:50 | Wendy Riggs Wins Big 04:173 | Curricular Resources for AI 08:55 | Timed Online Tests 24:12 | Micro-credentials for Professional Development 31:53 | Dancing Organelles 40:13 | Distracting Animations 43:44 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Research is seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought. (Albert Szent-Györgyi) Wendy Riggs Wins Big 3.5 minutes At the 2023 HAPS Conference, Wendy Riggs, a College of the Redwoods educator, presented a workshop on alternative grading (mentioning 106 on ungrading 😊). Wendy was awarded the prestigious HAPS President's Medal 🏅 for her contributions to anatomy and physiology education. Check out her YouTube videos for A&P and biology topics. ★ 2023 President's Medal Was Presented By President Eric Sun to... (Wendy's award announcement) Ungrading With Standards-Based Grading | A Chat With Staci Johnson | TAPP 106 ★ Alternative Grading (a Slack group that discusses alternative grading) ★ Wendy Riggs YouTube channel ★ Visit HAPS Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ★ Curricular Resources about AI for Teaching 4.5 minutes CRAFT (Curricular Resources about AI for Teaching) offers resources from Stanford University to enhance understanding and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. They emphasize that knowledge of AI goes beyond coding and math, highlighting its influence on modern life. AI's reliance on human-generated data and the need for responsible design are explored. College faculty can subtly incorporate AI topics into their courses to prepare students for its real-world impact. ★ Curricular Resources about AI for Teaching (CRAFT) (A project from the Stanford Graduate School of Education) ★ Is AI the Beginning or End of Learning? | TAPP 131 Timed Online Tests 15 minutes The discussion revolves around timed online tests and their impact on student learning. While timed tests aim to prevent cheating, they may inadvertently disadvantage students with certain challenges or learning disabilities. Kevin Patton suggests considering untimed tests, promoting inclusivity and accommodating students who may need extra time. He shares experiences and strategies that have worked for his students. ★ Four Empirically Based Reasons Not to Administer Time-Limited Tests (article from Translational Issues in Psychological Science) ★ The Inclusive Anatomy & Physiology Course | Part 1 | TAPP 108 Micro-credentials for Professional Development 7.5 minutes Discover the world of micro-credentials at The A&P Professor. Claim your digital badges and certificates by...


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Our Teaching Persona in Anatomy & Physiology Class | TAPP 137

In Episode 137, host Kevin Patton explores the significance of playfulness, transparency, and authenticity in the teaching persona. Drawing from personal experiences training animals, Kevin explains how play is integral to learning, highlighting the importance of incorporating a sense of fun and embracing failures in the classroom. He also emphasizes the value of transparency by sharing our own mistakes and weaknesses, asserting that being open about flaws fosters authenticity and builds trust with students. By acknowledging vulnerabilities and demonstrating a genuine willingness to learn, educators can create a supportive and engaging learning environment. This thought-provoking discussion reminds us of the power of play and authenticity in effective teaching. ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates To be playful and serious at the same time is possible, and it defines the ideal mental condition. (John Dewey) Our Teaching Persona 13.5 minutes Kevin Patton discusses the concept of the teaching persona, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and genuine connection with students. He highlights the significance of being true to oneself while adapting and enhancing certain aspects of personality to create an engaging and effective teaching persona. ★ Storytelling is the Heart of Teaching A&P | TAPP 12 (where Kevin talks about the "storytelling persona") ★ Playful & Serious Is the Perfect Combo for A&P | TAPP 13(where Kevin talks about benefits of having a playful persona when teaching) ★ End-of-Term Reviews Help Keep Your Course on Track | TAPP 17 (the first introduction of course debriefing in this podcast) ★ The Inclusive Anatomy & Physiology Course | Part 2 | TAPP 109 (has a segment on an inclusive classroom demeanor) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Taking Responsibility 7.5 minutes Kevin explores the idea of the teaching persona further, emphasizing the need for flexibility and adaptability, while challenging how rigorously we should expect students to be as responsible as we imagine they should be. He discusses the importance of being responsive to students' needs and finding a balance between personal authenticity and professional expectations. ★ Should We Extend Deadlines? | Models & Color Codes | TAPP 112 (addresses some aspects of student responsibility) ★ The Inclusive Anatomy & Physiology Course | Part 1 | TAPP 108 Gestures Impart Meaning 10.5 minutes Explore the captivating world of playfulness and the power of gestures in education with Kevin Patton. Discover how incorporating playful elements and purposeful gestures can ignite student engagement, facilitate comprehension, and foster a vibrant learning environment that encourages active participation and enhances communication between teachers and students. Unleash the transformative potential of play and gestures in your teaching practice. ★ 1 Change to How You Speak Makes What You Say 20 Percent More Memorable, Research Shows (Experiments prove that...


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Deep Elaboration & Other Stories of Teaching Anatomy & Physiology | TAPP 136

In Episode 136, host Kevin Patton looks at the effects of tattoos on sweat glands, we discuss aural diversity and how we can accommodate it, and we explore how to use the process of deep elaboration in our course to help challenged learners develop stronger and more useful memories. 00:00 | Introduction 00:47 | Tattoos May Impair Sweating 05:37 | Sponsored by AAA 06:41 | Aural Diversity. It's a Thing. 22:36 | Sponsored by HAPI 24:03 | Deep Elaboration 34:22 | Sponsored by HAPS 35:29 | Deeper Elaboration 47:53 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Author and lecturer Helen Keller, who was both blind and deaf, once stated, "Blindness separates people from things; deafness separates people from people. (Helen Keller) Tattoos May Impair Sweating 5 minutes It's interesting to see how tattoos can have an impact on our skin and sweat glands. Tattoos involve mechanical stress and potential damage to the skin, and new research suggests that they may negatively affect the sweat glands, impairing sweating in the area of the tattoo. This reduction in sweating is called anhidrosis, which can impact our ability to maintain body temperature and potentially lead to severe conditions such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke. While this is still a preliminary study and more research needs to be done, it's a great example of how discussing real-life applications of anatomy and physiology concepts, such as tattoos, can engage students and make the information more relatable and interesting. ★ Tattooed Skin Negatively Impacts Sweat Gland Function (summary article from Science Times) ★ Skin tattooing impairs sweating during passive whole body heating (research article from Journal of Applied Physiology) ★ Sweating and body odor (article from Mayo Clinic) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Sponsored by AAA 61 seconds A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at ★ Searchable transcript ★ Captioned audiogram Anatomical Sciences Education: Early View (articles you can read before they are published in an issue of ASE) Don't forget—HAPS members get a deep discount on AAA membership! Aural Diversity. It's a Thing. 16 minutes In this segment, host Kevin Patton talks about aural diversity, which refers to variations in hearing ability among people. He explains that understanding aural diversity is important for teachers because it helps them reach all of their students, who may have different hearing abilities. Kevin also notes that he has a hearing impairment himself, and that many other people do as well. He offers some strategies for communicating with people who have hearing impairments, such as repeating things louder, more slowly, and with exaggerated annunciation. Kevin emphasizes that it's important for people to be aware of aural diversity so that they can provide help and support to those who need it. ★ The world is built for people with perfect hearing — but 83% of people don't have it (segment on St. Louis Public Radio) ★...


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The Uncertainty Effect with Michelle Lazarus | TAPP 135

Dr. Michelle Lazarus, author of the new book, The Uncertainty Effect: How to Survive and Thrive through the Unexpected, joins host Kevin Patton for a lively discussion of of uncertainty in science, medicine, and academia. 00:00 | Introduction 00:50 | Dr. Michelle Lazarus 04:57 | Sponsored by AAA 05:31 | Why Is Uncertainty Important? 17:05 | Sponsored by HAPI 17:49 | The Uncertainty of Teaching A&P 27:07 | Sponsored by HAPS 28:05 | Uncertainty and Inclusion 36:38 | Uncertainty and Risk 38:48 | Book: The Uncertainty Effect 39:51 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the once-or-twice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong. (Richard Feynman) Dr. Michelle Lazarus 4 minutes Before we meet our guest, I explain why this episode is later than expected—and why everything these days is coming from me later than expected. Then I introduce our guest, Dr. Michelle Lazarus. ★ Michelle Lazarus (bio from Monash University) ★ The Uncertainty Effect: How to Survive and Thrive Through the Unexpected (book by Michelle Lazarus) Some related columns by Michelle Lazarus ★ The inescapable truth of uncertainty (from Monash Lens) ★ Automation, uncertainty, and the Robodebt scheme (from Monash Lens) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Sponsored by AAA 31 seconds A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at ★ Searchable transcript ★ Captioned audiogram Don't forget—HAPS members get a deep discount on AAA membership! Why Is Uncertainty Important? 11.5 minutes In this segment, we learn how Michelle Lazarus first became involved in studying uncertainty. We explore the kind of uncertainty our students will encounter in their clinical experiences, as well as the kind of uncertainty we face as academics. And we learn why we should avoid introducing a lot of uncertainty on the first day of class. ★ Medical Student Experiences of Uncertainty Tolerance Moderators: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study (article in Frontiers in Medicine by Georgina Stephens, et al., mentioned in this segment) ★ Embracing the tension between vulnerability and credibility: ‘intellectual candour’ in health professions education (article from Medical Education) Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program 40 seconds The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers, especially for those who already have a graduate/professional degree. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you be your best in both on-campus and remote teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program at Northeast College of Health Sciences. Check it out! ★ The Uncertainty of Teaching A&P 9.5 minutes How does the uniformity we introduce to minimize uncertainty actually make things more uncertain for...


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Anatomical Sciences Education with Jason Organ | TAPP 134

In Episode 134, Jason Organ, the new Editor-in-Chief of Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE). joins us for a chat about his vision for this popular journal for anatomy and physiology faculty. Ranging from specific goals to general—and insightful—observations about teaching A&P, you'll want to listen in to this thought-provoking discussion. 00:00 | Introduction 00:54 | Introducing Jason Organ & ASE 03:31 | Sponsored by AAA 03:56 | A New Vision for ASE 16:46 | Sponsored by HAPI 17:24 | Humanity in Teaching Human A&P 28:28 | Sponsored by HAPS 28:58 | Who Reads ASE? 35:42 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the thrice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates The education of young people in science is at least as important, maybe more so, than the research itself. (Glenn T. Seaborg) Introducing Jason Organ & ASE 2.5 minutes Let's meet our guest. Even if you know Jason Organ already, you may not know all of this about him! ★ New Editor-in-Chief Selected for Anatomical Sciences Education (announcement in Anatomy Now) ★ Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE) ★ Jason Organ, PhD - Indiana University School of Medicine (faculty page) ★ PLOS SciComm (Jason's blog at the Public Library of Science) ★ Science Night podcast (Episode 3 with Jason Organ) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Sponsored by AAA 22 seconds A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at ★ Searchable transcript ★ Captioned audiogram Anatomical Sciences Education is part of AAA membership. Don't forget—HAPS members get a deep discount on AAA membership! A New Vision for ASE 13 minutes Jason Organ talks about his vision for ASE moving forward. ★ Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE) ★ The Nazi Anatomists: A Conversation with Aaron Fried | Episode 30 (discusses some of the ethical issues surrounding Nazi anatomy) ★ The Clara cell: a “Third Reich eponym”? (article on the terminology issue discussed in this segment) Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program 34 seconds The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers, especially for those who already have a graduate/professional degree. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you be your best in both on-campus and remote teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program at Northeast College of Health Sciences. Check it out! ★ Humanity in Teaching Human A&P 11 minutes The problematic history of eponyms and progress in inclusiveness in anatomy get us started on a discussion of the value of an interdisciplary approach to teaching A&P. ★ What are the benefits of interdisciplinary study? (article from OpenLearn summarizing why students benefit from thinking across multiple disciplines) ★ Teaching vulval anatomy in the twenty-first century: The Australian experience (the recent ASE article mentioned in this segment)...


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Mindi Fried on Teaching & Learning with Aphantasia | TAPP 133

In Episode 133, Dr. Mindi Fried joins us to discuss her experience of aphantasia, the inability to picture thoughts and memories in the mind's eye, and how that affects how she teaches and learns anatomy and physiology. This is a chat that will increase our awareness of the huge and sometimes invisible diversity that exists among our students. 00:00 | Introduction 01:01 | What is Aphantasia? 05:45 | Sponsored by AAA 07:07 | Introducing Mindi Fried 09:03 | Sponsored by HAPI 09:48 | Mindi Fried on Aphantasia 29:25 | Sponsored by HAPS 30:20 | More with Mindi Fried 46:19 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the thrice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Lev Vygotsky, the great Russian psychologist, used to speak of “thinking in pure meanings.” I cannot decide whether this is nonsense or profound truth—it is the sort of reef I end up on when I think about thinking. (Oliver Sacks) What is Aphantasia? 4.5 minutes We play a brief clip from a previous episode to refresh ourselves on the meaning of terms such as phantasia, aphantasia, hyperphantasia, and the mind's eye. ★ Minding the Mind's Eye in Slides | Feedback on Abortion Misconceptions | TAPP 119 Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Sponsored by AAA 79 seconds A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at ★ Searchable transcript ★ Captioned audiogram Congratulations to Dr. Valerie O'Loughlin for her Outstanding Mentor Award from AAA. Don't forget—HAPS members get a deep discount on AAA membership! Introducing Mindi Fried 2 minutes You may already know Mindi! She's been active in the A&P teaching community for quite a while. ★ Kevin's Unofficial Guide to the HAPS Annual Conference | 2019 Edition | Episode 42 (Mindi made a guest appearance on this episode) ★ Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (This was mentioned in this segment) Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program 41 seconds The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers, especially for those who already have a graduate/professional degree. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you be your best in both on-campus and remote teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program at Northeast College of Health Sciences. Check it out! ★ Mindi Fried on Aphantasia 19.5 minutes Mindi Fried discovered that she has aphantasia during adulthood. She looks back on her time as as student to share her experience. ★ Memory Palaces with Chase DiMarco | Episode 64 (Mindi shares her reaction to this episode about visualizing memories) Sponsored by HAPS 51 seconds The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast. You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there. Watch for virtual town hall meetings and upcoming regional meetings! ★ Anatomy & Physiology Society ★ More with Mindi Fried 16...


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Review a Year. Preview a Year. | Debriefing & Predictions | TAPP 132

Episode 132 is the annual debriefing episode, which features a review of the last year and a look ahead to the coming year. And yes, I make my traditional psychic predictions for the new year, as well as review last year's predictions. 0:00:00 | Introduction 0:00:46 | The A&P Professor is Back! 0:04:02 | Looking Back at 2022 0:14:46 | More Looking Back at 2022 0:26:30 | What About Those Sponsor Messages? 0:30:31 | Last Year's Predictions: How Did We Do? 0:38:57 | Looking Ahead to 2023 1:05:01 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the thrice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) The A&P Professor is Back! 3 minutes It's the second episode of the sixth year of The A&P Professor podcast and, after a special episode on ChatGPT and AI in teaching and learning, we're now ready for our usual debrief of last year's episodes, reviewing our predictions of last year, and making new predictions for the coming year. ★ Directions in A&P Teaching | Where We've Been & Where We Are Going | Future Trends | TAPP 107 (last year's debriefing and predictions) ★ End-of-Term Reviews Help Keep Your Course on Track | Episode 17 (how debriefing works in my courses) ★ Is AI the Beginning or End of Learning? | TAPP 131 (the first episode of this sixth year) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 ★ Looking Back at 2022 11 minutes The first of two segments that review the topics discussed in the last year of this podcast. ★ Episode List (sortable/searchable list of all episodes of this podcast, each with a list of topics discussed) ★ (check out my Science & Education Updates newsletter) ★ The A&P Professor on Mastodon ★ ★ Handle: ★ ★ URL: ★ ★ Get started on Mastodon: ★ The A&P Professor on Reddit ★ ★ New subreddit: r/theAPprofessor ★ ★ URL: ★ ★ A Beginner’s Guide to Reddit: How to Get Started & Be Successful More Looking Back at 2022 12 minutes The second of two segments that review the topics discussed in the last year of this podcast. ★ Episode List (sortable/searchable list of all episodes of this podcast, each with a list of topics discussed) Sponsors 4 minutes Our annual thanksgiving to the sponsors who support this podcast! ★ The American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at ★ The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the HAPI degree—at ★ The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) at Last Year's Predictions: How Did We Do? 8.5 minutes Overall, we did okay with our predictions made last year! Find out how close (or far) we got. ★ Directions in A&P Teaching | Where We've Been & Where We Are Going | Future Trends | TAPP 107 (last year's debriefing and predictions) Looking Ahead to 2023 26 minutes In this segment, Kevin goes out on the proverbial limb to make his psychic predictions for the coming year. For entertainment purposes only. ★ The Plan to Dismantle DEI (an article from The Chronicle of Higher Education) ★ Is AI the Beginning or End of Learning? | TAPP 131 ★ The...


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Is AI the Beginning or End of Learning? | TAPP 131

In Episode 131, Kevin Patton discusses the use of ChatGPT and other chatbots and artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning. We learn what's going on, what to be concerned about, and what to look forward to. And how to keep breathing. 0:00:00 | Introduction 0:00:53 | What's a Chatbot and Why Should I Care? 0:08:44 | Sponsored by AAA 0:09:51 | Kevin Asks ChatGPT Some Questions 0:21:25 | Sponsored by HAPI 0:22:01 | Is ChatGPT Amazing? Is It Accurate? 0:37:23 | Sponsored by HAPS 0:38:11 | Arms Race or Tool Box? 0:46:55 | Calculators, Typewriters, and Grammarly 0:58:36 | Cool Tools and Alternative Assessments 1:06:20 | Worry? 1:13:47 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the thrice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks. (Stephen Hawking) What's a Chatbot and Why Should I Care? 8 minutes ChatGPT is a very hot topic of conversation among anatomy and physiology faculty. It's a chatbot. But was IS a chatbot? The use of chatbots by students can be concerning regarding learning and academic integrity. Why is that? Are we in an arms race? ★ The Human Microbial System | Episode 47 (with segment: Teachers vs robots in the age of AI) ★ What is a chatbot? (IBM's definition) ★ ChatGPT (what everyone's talking about) ★ Rising from the ashes: Higher education in the age of AI (article on the public reaction to ChatGPT) Please rate & review The A&P Professor—it helps others decide whether to give us a try! 😁 Sponsored by AAA 63 seconds A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at Searchable transcript Captioned audiogram Artificial intelligence and clinical anatomical education: Promises and perils (descriptive article by Michelle Lazarus et al. in Anatomical Sciences Education) Don't forget—HAPS members get a deep discount on AAA membership! Kevin Asks ChatGPT Some Questions 11.5 minutes Kevin asks questions of ChatGPT, and it generates some answers. Can you tell that it's not human? Listen and find out! Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program 32 seconds The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers, especially for those who already have a graduate/professional degree. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you be your best in both on-campus and remote teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program at Northeast College of Health Sciences. Check it out! Is ChatGPT Amazing? Is It Accurate? 15.5 minutes Okay, what is it? Did ChatGPT do a good job of answering Kevin's interview questions? Can you tell it's not human? How might this work if a student used ChatGPT to generate content for exam answers or assignments? ★ Mock Interview About Podcasts with Kevin Patton and ChatGPT ★ ★ I have not been able to post both the transcript and this mock interview as a separate...


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Winter Short: Storytelling, Featuring the Actin-Myosin Love Story | TAPP 130

Host Kevin Patton revisits some classic segments from past episodes. In the first segment, he explains why he thinks storytelling is the heart of effective teaching. Then. he tells a brief version of his actin-myosin love story—a playful analogy to help students learn about muscle contraction. 00:00 | Introduction 01:07 | Storytelling: The Heart of Teaching 15:36| Sponsored by AAA, HAPI, and HAPS 17:10 | Actin-Myosin Love Story 27:58 | Staying Connected ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: 🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate & review this podcast so that others can decide whether to give it a try: ❓ Please take the anonymous survey: ☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336) ✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor 📰 Get the thrice-weekly TAPP Science & Education Updates Guess what? This is another one of our winter shorts! Yep, that's right, it's a shorter-than-usual episode in which I present one or two, or maybe three or four, classic, evergreen segments from previous episodes that are remastered, reconstituted, and recycled for your listening and learning pleasure. But mainly it's to give me a break for self-care over the holiday season. We'll be back to our regular programming in late January. Storytelling is the Heart of Teaching 14.5 minutes Kevin explains why he thinks storytelling is the heart of effective teaching, especially in the A&P course. He outlines the "storytelling persona"; making sure there is a beginning, middle, and end to our stories, applying storytelling to both lectures and the entire course, using drama, conflict and resolution, and other techniques. ★ This segment was first heard in Storytelling is the Heart of Teaching A&;P | Episode 12 and The Storytelling Special | Episode 48 ★ Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling (website with many resources) ★ Crash Course in Storytelling (book on the basics of storytelling) ★ Long Story Short: The Only Storytelling Guide You'll Ever Need (book; the title says it all) ★ Anatomy & Physiology Syllabus: It's an Art | TAPP 120 (how the syllabus tells a story) ★ Teaching Slides: Smooth and Simple Animations Dramatize the Story of A&P | TAPP 89 ★ The Proper Order of Topics in A&P | Leaderboards | Student Frustration | TAPP 88 Sponsored by AAA, HAPI, and HAPS 90 seconds A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at Searchable transcript Captioned audiogram The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers, especially for those who already have a graduate/professional degree. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you be your best in both on-campus and remote teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program at Northeast College of Health Sciences. Check it out! The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast. You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there. Watch for virtual town hall meetings and upcoming regional meetings! Anatomy & Physiology Society The Actin-Myosin Love Story 11 minutes Kevin tells the story of actin and myosin a characters in the process of sliding filaments during contraction as an analogy to a classic love story. This playful story reflects the focus of many past episodes about the use of...
