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There is truth. We can learn it, live it, and be liberated by it. Join me and other truth seekers in a quest to have the truth make us free.


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There is truth. We can learn it, live it, and be liberated by it. Join me and other truth seekers in a quest to have the truth make us free.



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EP 136: Watch Out! This is coming to a town near you...

Get the "TRUTH SEEKERS STARTER KIT" for FREE: American’s are predominantly unaware of the strange program that’s rapidly growing in Canada. It’s legal, government funded and run euthanasia on a grander and grander scale each year. With forms of it already passed in 11 states, 8 of which have adopted a law within the last 10 years, the push for more and more permissive euthanasia laws is spreading across America. But there are deeply rooted ethical and moral issues at stake… Links and Resources: “No Other Options” article by Alexander Raikin: Death with Dignity organization: Compare to: “Canadian Euthanasia as Moral Progress” article by Richard Hanania: “The West’s Uncivilized Euthanasia Policy” article by Douglas Murray: “Canada’s Easy-Access Euthanasia Program (MAiD)” YouTube Interview with Benjamin Boyce: “MAiD in Canada” video documentary by City News: La Maison Simons, a fashion retailer from Quebec, commercial celebrating euthanasia: Man seeking MAiD because he’s afraid of being homeless: Same man changes his mind because of support after report: Death Cafes:


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EP 135: What went wrong? The true stories of Lewis and Nietzsche...

This presentation is one of dozens included in the Mission Driven Mom Academy Level 1: Love of God and Self. Learn More and Purchase the Mission Driven Mom Academy: These two men, with VERY similar backgrounds, life experiences, educations, and careers, began as atheists and ended up at VERY different places! One continues to bring people to God and the other leads them away. How did this happen? What made the difference? In this presentation from the Mission Driven Mom Academy I highlight the ONE key choice these two men made that changed everything for them--and can change everything for us! Get my FREE "Truth Seekers Starter Kit":


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EP 134: What If I Don't Believe?

Get your FREE "Truth Seekers Starter Kit": Have you heard any of the following statements lately: "I have to figure out what I believe." "I don't believe that." "I can't ask someone to act contrary to their beliefs." WHAT IF THEY WERE ALL WRONG? Join me in this podcast we explore what it means to "believe," why so many people are currently exploring their beliefs, and what we can do if we truly don't believe. Ready to explore the idea of God and improve your relationship with Him? Check out my book The Mission Driven Life:


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EP 133: How about some PATRIOTISM this 4th of July!

What were America's founders REALLY like?! Were they really misogynistic jerks who cared for no one but themselves? OR have we maybe gotten the story wrong? What if they were GOOD men and women, doing their best, striving to live the truth they had and make a better world for coming generations? What if modern history classes are DISTORTING the truth?! I thought you might enjoy a bit of TRUTH and PATRIOTISM this 4th of July! PASS IT ON if these truths resonate with you! Check out the full "Principles of Liberty" course here:


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Ep 132: How Values and Victimhood TRANSFORMED her Marriage!

Get Your FREE "Truth Seekers Starter Kit" here: In this brief interview, Carolyn shares how the principles of the MDM Academy transformed her life, her marriage, and her relationships. She discusses why the program appealed to her, the rich friendships she developed through the academy, and how principles are improving her life! If you've ever wondered about whether or not this program is for you or your family, this interview will answer your questions and inspire you to let principles transform YOUR life! David Emerald, the author of The Power of TED, interview coming soon! Learn more about the program here:


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EP 131: Is Science Destroying Femininity?

In the modern age of DISBELIEF, Andrew Klavan offers wisdom and insights on the 3 MODERN PROBLEMS of: Unbelief, Science, and Radical Politics. Join me, Lindsey, and Kim as we discuss his profound work The Truth and Beauty, looking especially at theme of FEMININITY and its connection to modern loss of faith. Check out other videos on book club tips and group discussion on my "Book Club Tips, Tools, and Discussions" Playlist! Get your FREE "Truth Seekers Starter Kit":


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Ep 130: A Brief History of the Sexual Revolution and What It Means For Our Children

Here's an image of the Spiral of Silence for reference with this podcast: Get your FREE "Truth Seekers Starter Kit" here: The more I learned about the history of the sexual revolution, the more I asked myself the question: "WHY?!" I get that people want to do whatever they want to do, but why do we keep pretending like ALL of the results of this revolution have been positive? And why do allow social norms to be loosened to the point of harm to us and future generations? In the end, our children are going to pay the biggest price! Join me as I go through the major events of the 20th and 21st century that led to where we are today, and give some insights as to WHY its being done, and WHAT we can do about it! Become part of THE movement to learn and live true principles which will empower you to become part of the SOLUTION!


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EP 129: Something you NEVER thought would help you love better!

Get your FREE "Truth Seekers Starter Kit": When God had to whittle down all His commandments to 10, it seems crazy that the Sabbath made it on the list. Scripture tells us He "rested" on the 7th day--but what did He actually do? What does that even mean? And if God is love, how do the Sabbath, and rest, and reverence, relate to His (and our) ability to love?! Join me as we explore insights that will (hopefully) inspire you to improve your life and your relationships through increasing your own rest! Learn more about drawing closer to God and loving Him more in my book The Mission Driven Life:


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EP 128: Does Pornography Hurt Us?

Get your FREE "Truth Seekers Starter Kit": When a woman sent in the question, "What can I do if my husband thinks that pornography isn't hurting him or me?" I knew my husband -- with a Marriage and Family Therapy degree, years of working with addicts, and himself a pornography addict--was the best one to answer! In this recording of a live Q&A, Blaine and I answer this question, along with advice for what young couples can do who are facing pornography issues. Blaine shares several specific reasons WHY pornography does in fact hurt the user, giving examples of how it has hurt him and others. Together, we share our experiences and solutions with the hope that a clear understanding of the damaging nature of pornography will provide motivation and direction to those who struggle--and those who love them. For tools on addiction and marriage, check out other podcasts on this channel and consider joining the MDM Academy: *Get on the mailing list so you can be informed when our MARRIAGE COURSE "3 Steps to a Happy Marriage" is re-released later this year!


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EP 127: What Is Real? How Plato and Aristotle help us reach our potential

Get your FREE "Truth Seekers Starter Kit: In a world that is arguing about "what is real", going back to our roots and looking at what Plato, Aristotle and other early philosophers taught can be incredibly enlightening. Their perspective on the physical and the metaphysical and how they fit together, can help us make sense of our world and ourselves! The best part is that once you understand the basic structure of reality taught by these men, you'll become more accepting of yourself, patient with yourself and others, and more excited about your future! Learn more about how to nurture yourself and move toward your potential by checking out The Mission Driven Mom Academy here:


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EP 126: How Can We Help Our Teens Take Responsibility For Themselves?

Alli Deeble has been teaching The Mission Driven Teen Academy for 3 years. All 58 youth she has taught have grown in significant ways, learned life-changing principles, are meeting their needs better, are inspired to move toward life mission, and have a strong sense of who they really are! In this podcast, she shares her experiences about how the program works, and why it's had such tremendous impact in her life and the lives of her students. She shares tips and tricks for teaching the program, and her immense enthusiasm to continue sharing this program with many youth to come. If you're considering doing The Mission Driven Teen Academy with your teen, your co-op, your school or anyone, or if you want hope that teens today can lead us into the future with truth and confidence, this podcast is for you! Check out The Mission Driven Teen Academy here:


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EP 125: How We Saved Our Marriage (and you can too)

Having just celebrated our 30th anniversary, it seemed appropriate to talk about what is probably the single most important thing that kept us married--through addiction, loss, betrayal, financial and health challenges and more. If you listen carefully, and take to heart what I share here, your life will never be the same. REMEMBER: you have the power right now to improve yourself, to heal relationships and to experience greater peace. I hope these principles become as useful and liberating to you as they have been to us. *Look for a follow-up podcast coming soon with my husbands insights and advice :) Check out my book The Mission Driven Life and my academies and courses here:


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EP 124: It's "Not Bad" - Morality In Our Everyday Lives

In studying forgiveness as a moral action, I dug deeper into the idea of morals and morality itself. What I often call "natural law" can also be called the "natural moral law" so I wanted to better understand the moral component of the natural law. I had some huge insights -- things I'd never thought of before that make my own inner battles with myself and my conscience take on a whole new dimension. Join me today as we dig into what it means to be moral, why we say something is "not wrong" and how that harms us, and the role of scripture in our moral, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional lives. Check Out My BOOK and Courses:


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EP 123: Is Sameness Another Word for Equality? Group Discussion of Emotional Coddling and Other Relevant Themes from The Giver

February Book Club pick is The Giver! This novel is rich with themes that are incredibly relevant today: Join us as we discuss these and other themes that help us make sense of the cultural unraveling we are watching right before our eyes! Discuss The Giver with us! Join the Audrey Rindlisbacher Library for a discussion community, resource guide and more: Follow my Audrey Rindlisbacher Author FB page for articles, videos, my thoughts, and other resources I discover as I study and prepare these podcasts and my books:


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EP 122: How Values Can Heal Our Nation (and You)

What holds any organization together, whether it's a family, business, or nation? SHARE VALUES. And the nature of those values, how they're taught and promoted, and whether or not people are held accountable to them, is the fabric that makes individual lives and organizes work, or fall apart. That is precisely what is happening to our culture today--the loss of shared values. Join me in this podcast to learn HOW incorporating shared values has been the foundation of every major civilization, WHY shared values work, WHAT they have to do with the natural law and virtue, and WHERE you can start today to apply these principles in your own life. Get Your "Truth Seekers Starter Kit": Grab your copy of my book "The Mission Driven Life: Discover and Fulfill Your Unique Contribution to the World": Become a Truth Seeker and expand your ability to recognize and live true principles by joining the Audrey Rindlisbacher Library:


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EP 121: Seeing "Your" Truth and "The" Truth

Through ideologies like "wokeness," LGBTQ+, postmodernism and others, we are fed a constant diet of the "your truth, my truth" paradigm. Although there is some truth to the idea that you and I see things very differently, we don't have to choose between the concept of "your" truth and "the" truth--when we properly understand what they really mean, and how they can work together. Join me in this podcast for images and stories that will help you discern between these concepts of truth and learn how the natural law can be seen more clearly! For more discussions of these ideas or to join my book club check out the Audrey Rindlisbacher library: To learn more about how you can more closely align your life with the natural law and true principles, check out my book The Mission Driven Life:


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EP 120: What Comes Before the Natural Law

Awakened one morning with quotes in my mind, I spent the day researching and making connections until I saw the central problem we face--what comes before the natural law. If we want to present God's laws and principles as the solution to today's problems, we need to first show others that there actually is a problem to solve. With beginning insights into where to go from here, in this podcast I introduce you to the quotes I found, the connections I made, and how we'll begin to unravel the problem and the solution of the natural moral law. Find out more about the natural law and true principles in the Audrey Rindlisbacher library here: Join my monthly book club and get your Reading and Discussion Guide, study skill and more: Listen to my podcast on Albert Schweitzer:


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EP 119: The Seeds of Feminism- The Impact of A Doll's House Discussed

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen, first published in 1879 was, at one point, the most frequently performed play in the world and has continued to be performed regularly throughout the 20th and into the 21st century. In addition to its popularity with the public, many scholars list Ibsen right after Shakespeare as the greatest playwright in history. Ibsen, like Shakespeare holds a mirror up to life by creating situations where his audience is forced to look at itself and its underlying assumptions. In A Doll's House, Ibsen introduces us to Dora, who occupies her husband's home like a doll in a dollhouse. She does everything the men around her have always told her to do, never bothering to truly think for herself. And when the most noble act she has ever performed comes to be seen by the man she is sacrificing for as irresponsible and dangerous, she is forced to look inside for the answers. Her internal struggle results in a discussion about the nature of womanhood and the value of the individual—as well as the seeds of feminism. As Nora explains her intellectual journey and the conclusions she has drawn, she resolves to leave her family in order to repair her own mind and soul. Controversial, insightful, thought-provoking and persuasive, this play not only set the stage for how we think and act today, it will force you to take a closer look at who you are and what you truly stand for. Watch My Book Review: Get the Reading and Discussion Guide and Author Bio in the Audrey Rindlisbacher Library:


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EP 118: I'm Sorry...Let's Start Over

I'm sorry I haven't been more clear about what the truth is and how it can set you free! This is a RESET for 2024, and from now on I'll be bringing you all the insights from my study of truth and natural law as I write another book that will demonstrate HOW the truth can truly set you free! Get the "TRUTH SEEKERS Starter Kit" for FREE: Get the tools you need to learn and live truth in the Audrey Rindlisbacher LIBRARY: Learn About My Book "The Mission Driven Life: Discover and Fulfill Your Unique Contribution to the World": My Instagram: My Facebook:


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EP 117: Charles Dickens' "Ghostly IDEA" discussed!

Join me, Lindsey and Kim for an enriching and inspiring discussion of my December Book Club pick A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens--you'll love it! For further discussion, and to access the principles list, study skills, and other tools, join my library: Get your FREE "Truth Seekers Starter Kit": Gain the tools for learning and living truth by subscribing to the Audrey Rindlisbacher Library: Check out MY BOOK "The Mission Driven Life": Enjoy book reviews, trainings, and highlights from the Audrey Rindlisbacher library on YouTube:
