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The Parent Thing

Education Podcasts

A podcast on Early Childhood Development. Each week we talk about a different aspect of Childhood development


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A podcast on Early Childhood Development. Each week we talk about a different aspect of Childhood development



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Co-Parenting and Divorce: How to work together to give your children the support and safety they need

Hello again friend! One of my students broke my heart a few weeks ago. He told me that he was sad because Mom and Dad fight a lot and don't get along well. He continued to say how he covers his ears when they fight. The emotional toll on him is clear. Sadly, I can also tell- by his behavior- which of his parents has him for the week. Divorce and separation are never easy. This I know personally because I lived it with my parents too. If you are in this situation and struggle to communicate with the other parent, you have come to the right place! I spoke to Co-parenting and divorce coach, Viviane Veraguth this week. Some of the topics we discuss around divorce, separation, and co-parenting include: Books mentioned in the episode: Parenting apart- Christina McGhee My family's changing - Pat Thomas Mom's house, Dad's house- Isolina Ricci BIFF for co-parents- Bill Eddy Other communication tools mentioned in the episode: Our family wizard Talking Parents Next Steps: Connect with me for a FREE 30-minute connect call: Connect with Viviane:


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Boredom- Why keeping kiddos entertained is not always the best idea

This week I chat to Amber Cimiotti about how boredom is beneficial for kiddos. Some things we talk about include: • Boredom and instant gratification • What are some of the benefits of being bored? • What essential skills could be developed when a child is bored? • How do you balance a child being bored without having them get to a point of being destructive? • How do you balance making them play independently without them feeling ignored or neglected? • For kids who are given screens to alleviate boredom, how would you suggest introducing boredom? • What are some cues a parent could give children that say they are bored? The chat was so insightful! Cheers to more bored kiddos! Connect with Amber on Instagram and Facebook: @ciaoamberc


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Money Mindset- Rethinking how we teach our children to relate to money

Have you ever heard the phrases "Money is the route of all evil", Money doesn't grow on trees", Keeping up with the Jones'", I can't afford it" (and so many more when you were growing up)? How did that affect your relationship with money, wealth, and abundance? This week I speak to Lydia Elim, a money mindset coach. She helps grown-ups work through their unhealthy money mindsets, and we discuss how to create healthy money mindsets in our children. Some topics we explore include: • Examples of some unhealthy money mindsets that parents pass onto their children. • What healthy money mindsets can parents learn to pass on to their children instead? • Practical tips for parents to action to change their money mindsets. • Practical tips for parents to foster a healthy money mindset in their children. This episode is powerful. You can connect with Lydia on Instagram @lydiaelim you can also email her: Pop me an email to let me know what you thought about the episode this week, I would love to hear from you.


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Are you potty training or preparing for potty training? In this week's episode. I chat to Occupational Therapist, Amanda Mathers and we discuss all things potty training. We dive into: • Potty training readiness • Different potty-training methods- pros and cons. • Some practical ways to help a child get excited about potty training. (amongst other things) If you want to follow or contact Amanda, email her at, or find her on all social media platforms @yourpediatricOT.


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Neuro-Somatic Intelligence

This week I speak to CJ Smith from We talk about neuro-somatic intelligence and ways to keep our nervous systems regulated, and in turn, help our children to regulate theirs. This episode was such a joy and honor to record. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did


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What is OT?

In this episode, we discuss Occupational Therapy with Occupational Therapist Basheera Surty from


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The End of the Road to the Inner Child

We have come to the end of the road with Marion Makepeace. Tune in to the final episode of this incredible journey we took to discover more about the Inner child. If you would like to get into contact with Marion, please email her at


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The road to the Inner Child Pt 7

Week 7 in our chats with Marion Makepeace as we discuss and discover what creates people's factory settings and how the inner child comes to be.


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The Road to the Inner Child Pt 6

We continue our journey with Marion Makepeace as we discover some of the things children go through that lays the foundation for who the are, and what creates the inner child. If you would like to chat with Marion , please email me at, and I will put you in contact with her. Enjoy the episode!


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The Road to the Inner Child Pt 5

Part 5 in our Mini Series. Another power-packed episode with Marion Makepace. Enjoy!


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The Road to the Inner Child Pt 4

Part 4 in our series with Marion Makepeace. If you have not yet listened to the first three episodes, please listen to those before jumping into this one. There are so many valuable nuggets in this series!


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The Road to the Inner Child Pt 3

The 3rd week into our series with mental health and wellness coach, Marion Makepeace as we discuss the ways parenting creates an inner child in their children.


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The Road to the Inner Child Pt 2

Part 2 in our series with health and wellness coach Marion Makepeace. Theis week we get into how the role of the nurturing parent can go wrong and then create an unhealthy inner dialogue and belief.


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The Road to the Inner Child Pt 1

I asked health and wellness coach Marion Makepeace if we could have a talk about the inner child, and what was supposed to be one episode has turned into a series. I've enjoyed these talks so much. There is so much valuable information in this series. I hope you enjoy it too.


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Reading and reading Readiness

The Parent Thing is back!!! We chat with Korbalagae from Teach my Kinder about teaching children to read and how important reading actually is this week. You can access the Teach my Kinder website here :


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Resident Dates

In this week's episode, I introduce my new resident guest Claire Thompson. Tune in to find out more about what we will be discussing every month.


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In this week's episode, we talk to Petri Geldart, the owner of Edusense, about why sensory play is beneficial for children.


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The overworked, underpa(I)d babysitter

In this week's episode, we discuss the touchy topic of screentime.


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They See Me Rolling

In this week's episode, we talk about my nemesis: The baby walker/ Walking ring. Tune in to find out why it is an absolute no-no in my books.


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A Momma and Me

In this week's episode, I conduct my very first interview! I chat with a Momma about all things parenting!
